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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm sorry.  Did Kyle accuse Josh of losing it?  Because it's not like Kyle's ever lost it, the desert, Sean, Trystan...hmmm.

Skye continues to bore me to death.  I can't quite decide if the whole mundane attitude when her mother was in the psych ward was because she simply didn't care enough or whether it was the acting.  Because that scene should have been a lot more emotional/powerful than what we had from her perspective IMO.  I get the impression that we're meant to like her because she's "different".  Well that's not good enough for me.  Oscar seemed to be pretty much acting as some bodyguard.  Although Skye seems to be using that as an excuse to try and hit on him.  I'm very surprised John hasn't pegged what is going on.  He should actually be concerned given that his son is going out with her.

Didn't like Oscar's talk with Josh.  Granted Josh has been immature since he regained his sight but Oscar seems to have forgotten the fact that Evie wanted nothing more to do with Josh when they split up and she kissed Andy.  Josh's attitude was actually quite understandable as far as I'm concerned when he slept with that girl.

It's funny because whilst I don't like Maddy and Matt as a couple since she's split up from Oscar Maddy's become so redundant that I find I'm indifferent to her ATM.  Interesting how Matt seemed to suggest to Roo that she wouldn't agree to moving in with Roo if it was just her.  Can't say Oscar would have received that type of treatment.  Have to say Roo is really desperate for Maddy to live with her.  Kind of agreed with Alf that she had rocks in her head.  She will not be able to have her independence because she will be too busy watching over both of them.

I just knew after the preview yesterday and when Ricky asked Nate to marry him today the mystery person would be Brax.  I think it actually would have been better if Ricky didn't know Brax was alive at all.  Her shock at seeing him would have been far more effective.

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39 minutes ago, Slade said:

I'm sorry.  Did Kyle accuse Josh of losing it?  Because it's not like Kyle's ever lost it, the desert, Sean, Trystan...hmmm.

Skye continues to bore me to death.  I can't quite decide if the whole mundane attitude when her mother was in the psych ward was because she simply didn't care enough or whether it was the acting.  Because that scene should have been a lot more emotional/powerful than what we had from her perspective IMO.  I get the impression that we're meant to like her because she's "different".  Well that's not good enough for me.  Oscar seemed to be pretty much acting as some bodyguard.  Although Skye seems to be using that as an excuse to try and hit on him.  I'm very surprised John hasn't pegged what is going on.  He should actually be concerned given that his son is going out with her.

Didn't like Oscar's talk with Josh.  Granted Josh has been immature since he regained his sight but Oscar seems to have forgotten the fact that Evie wanted nothing more to do with Josh when they split up and she kissed Andy.  Josh's attitude was actually quite understandable as far as I'm concerned when he slept with that girl.

It's funny because whilst I don't like Maddy and Matt as a couple since she's split up from Oscar Maddy's become so redundant that I find I'm indifferent to her ATM.  Interesting how Matt seemed to suggest to Roo that she wouldn't agree to moving in with Roo if it was just her.  Can't say Oscar would have received that type of treatment.  Have to say Roo is really desperate for Maddy to live with her.  Kind of agreed with Alf that she had rocks in her head.  She will not be able to have her independence because she will be too busy watching over both of them.

I just knew after the preview yesterday and when Ricky asked Nate to marry him today the mystery person would be Brax.  I think it actually would have been better if Ricky didn't know Brax was alive at all.  Her shock at seeing him would have been far more effective.

Ha! Good point re Kyle! 

I agree about Skye. Jet who?! They seem to have forgotten all about him. 

Now I know we are on opposite sides when it comes to Evie but don't forget she and Josh almost reconciled when he rescued her and then she spent months at his bedside declaring her undying love before kissing Andy. Even if Josh's current rejection is justified (and I agree that it is although he's he's overreacting quite a bit) she would still be upset about it. I know you want her and Andy get together but I'm afraid that was nothing more than a shallow plot device to give them both something to act oddly about on the night of the murder. I don't think anything more will come of it and we we soon be back on board the Jevie train. I'll be happy but I know you will be screaming at the screen! Sorry.

Yes, what is it with Roo? Usually (in the UK at least) Uni. is the time to move AWAY from your parents and start forging a life on your own.

Couldnt agree more about Brax. If Ricky was in the dark about him and we hadn't heard mention of him for months then that might have been a dramatic moment. As it was I was surprised Ricky didn't just ask him to go back in and flush!

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10yrs of this thread! Woooo!

And that'll be anothers 10yrs of us all cheering, complaining, making innuendos and everything in between! When this thread started, the Hunter/Holden clan were the dominating family, now it's the mangled Braxton/Sharpe/Barrett/Ashford clan or to save time, Braxton plus!


29 minutes ago, Little bean said:

Couldnt agree more about Brax. If Ricky was in the dark about him and we hadn't heard mention of him for months then that might have been a dramatic moment. As it was I was surprised Ricky didn't just ask him to go back in and flush!


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Andy and Evie's kiss was just a sympathy snog, others have been there and will be in the future.   Josh did screw up, and poor little Casey was still screaming his head off when Ricky got back, but you would think some noise would have penetrated through the walls  before that. Looks like they caught the viral meningitis in time and Nate is the only doctor on duty again!   I hope Ricky's proposal wasn't a knee jerk reaction to Nate being there for her (and Case) when Brax wasn't.  In fact it was all his fault Case got sick and she wasn't there as she was off looking for him. We may have all got a very good idea of who was hiding in the loo (but Ricky couldn't have known he'd actually return to the bay, he is on the run after all and yet another case of no-one in the bay bothering to lock their door. Having said that about him being on the run, did my eyes deceive me or did we see Brax and Ricky out by the beach in the trailer?  Been no mention of Gunno coming gunning (sorry) for Brax, Ricky, Casey, Kyle since the parallel universe spin off episode.

It seems Carol has slipped into a catatonic state, but she did smile at Skye when she left the room, though we never saw Skye talking to a doctor about it.  Either this hospital was a good distance away or she and Oscar spent  a long time there as it was dark when they got back.  Oscar did briefly mention Jett when he was telling Syke she has him and John and would have lots of other friends.  There did  seem to be  a 'look' from Skye at Oscar, but that could just be because Jett isn't there. 

Glad it's not just me that thinks Roo is coming across as desperate to have Maddy (and by extension) Matt stay with her.  She's been staying at James' flat all on her own so why the sudden need to have Maddy close again. I thought Matt's suggestion that Maddy move in with Roo and he stay at the van was a good one.

When Charlotte was looking for a place to rent didn't Irene suggest the flat which would suggest she does own it unless we have all missed something.   Talking of Irene has her alcoholism/abuse/counselling storyline been dropped as it's as if those episodes where she was drinking, telling Leah about the abuse/her child, deciding to look for him/her have been forgotten or never happened. Unless of course she is having counselling, going to AA meetings on the quiet.:unsure:

As it seems they have all got in at Northern Districts uni none of them will be actually moving away. Oscar was the only one who might have if he'd got his scholarship but that has fell through. I liked seeing him drunk and  a jolly drunk too.

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On 2 April 2016 at 1:29 AM, Red Ranger 1 said:

Fair point but the eviction notice clearly was from an agent and Charlotte referred to "complaints from a local business".If Irene owns the flat, why would she need to go by such a roundabout route? I guess the owners must have given Irene a key to keep an eye on the place in case of emergency.Matt, Mady and Roo clearly weren't going through Irene and Leah to rent it, Maddy talked about going to Yabbie Creek to hand in the application.

Well I assumed Irene & Leah employed an agent to rent the flat,  which is why we hadn't heard about it until Charlotte moved in, so the rental agreement would be with the agent, not Irene/Leah. A landlord also can't evict someone for not liking them, whereas if the businesses (Bait Shop/Diner) made complaints they'd have a legitimate reason, even if it was a backhanded way around it.

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23 hours ago, c120701 said:

Well I assumed Irene & Leah employed an agent to rent the flat,  which is why we hadn't heard about it until Charlotte moved in, so the rental agreement would be with the agent, not Irene/Leah. A landlord also can't evict someone for not liking them, whereas if the businesses (Bait Shop/Diner) made complaints they'd have a legitimate reason, even if it was a backhanded way around it.

It's possible, although if they do own it that makes the question of what they've been doing with it for the past eight years even more awkward.(Just a few weeks before its introduction Leah's house burned down.Why not just move the family in there instead of needing Alf and Roo to take them in?)As I recall, originally Irene and Leah owned half of the downstairs each before combining them.And I remember a period when they owned the previous Diner and Alf owned the flat above it...could it be something similar here?

So...Home and Away's first two-hander, um, wasn't.Weirdly, they keep it up for about 20 of the 22 minutes, I was expecting the credits to come up on the shot of Ricky sinking to the ground crying...and then we get a scene at the hospital with Baby Casey (with two babies credited) and a bunch of extras.So it's no more a two-hander than that episode of Coronation Street which keeps getting promoted as the first two-hander even though it's got four regular characters with speaking roles in it.

Which is a bit of a shame because they actually did it really well and there was no point where I wanted or expected them to cut away to someone else.The only weakness was the way Ricky had to keep storming out of the room so they could move location, especially the second time she stormed into the main house.I actually wish they'd been brave enough to keep them in one room.(As it is, Brax is apparently going to have to spend the night wandering the streets of a town where nearly everyone knows him and thinks he's dead.)

At the risk of going into realms that are the purview of the Character Discussion section, it felt like a character study of Brax where the results were less than pretty.About halfway through, I kind of gave up sympathising and decided that, yep, he's a selfish jerk.To be honest, I'm not sure why he came back.His offer for Ricky and Casey to come with him seemed to be made on the spur of the moment, making it look like he decided to divebomb their lives because he was bored."Was it ever going to end any other way?"asks Ricky and I suspect it wasn't, that if it hadn't been this it would have been something else.Yet Brax still seems to think it was worth it and that he did the right thing.He still thinks he's the hero who's going to get the girl and the happy ending, even as he admits that it's just the best of a bunch of bad choices.Not that I agreed with everything Ricky said.Her vision of Nate is a bit idealised and is she still grumbling about him putting Ash before her?But I'm glad she finally pointed out that she's trying to make a better life while Brax never changes.

In plot terms, nice to get a few details of what Brax is up to but there's a lot of loose ends.How did he know Ricky knows he's alive?Did Ash's messages get through despite him not responding?(He has a line about changing his contact details which doesn't help.)And the references to Heath and Cheryl really do raise the question of whether they think he's dead or alive.

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As ever with Brax and Ricky, some great acting, and it's laudable that they've tried to get some of the in-depth character stuff to the surface - but overall I'm just not that interested in the escapades of this family. So I primarily spent this episode listening for references to Gunno, to try and work out whether the events of the special actually happened. They cleverly avoided it, partly by filling out the runtime with a lot of musical interludes, and stomping from room to room.

Speaking of interludes - I keep meaning to ask since the Casey baby monitor incident - I've never really understood the Braxton house layout, and how Andy and Josh factor into it. Do they factor into it? Are there two pretty similar-looking houses side-by-side, or do they share a living room? I need to learn to pay more attention.

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