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I  lost my post twice yesterday so lets hope todays is better!!!!   

Seeing Dylan and Kat are definitely not an item he had no right to get all jealous over who she may or may not be seeing.  Wonder if that apart from his psychical and mental abuse towards her in the past.  He keeps saying he has changed but I've seen no evidence of it. Kat is a spot in one way as she knows or is friends with most of the suspects and as seen she keeps being asked to prove A,B or C is innocent when she can only do her job without any favouritism. Good for her though by double checking at the petrol station and finding the CCTV footage giving Ash an alibi and yes she was gloating when she was showing it to Dylan.  So who's next in line to be hauled in for questioning?  As for alibi's no-one who has been a suspect in any crime show that turns out to be innocent has had an alibi.  If they were guilty they would have had one in place.

Dylan certainly knew how to get Ash's attention, he picked on Billie though anything she may had said would have been inadmissible anyway.  It was six of one and half a dozen of another when Ash got took in. I suppose the one good thing to come out of it (though some will disagree) is that Phoebe and Ash are back together. Just as well he didn't know about Brax's sudden appearance so nothing to lie or keep a secret from her this time.  If Kyle hadn't turned up when he did would Brax really have just  disappeared into the ethos again.  Funny how after all the strife he gave Ash for not saying anything he was pretty laid back with Brax.  I agree with Red at least when he was in jail Brax would be seeing Casey once  a week, seeing him walking, talking but this way it's going to be years before he sees him again. Part of Ricky is always going to love Brax same as she would if he had died, they had a lot of history and been through a lot together and he is and will always be Casey's dad.

It was nice to see Alf apologise to Billie on behalf of the town and she did admit she didn't help herself when she first came to the bay. He mentioned again she saved lives, Nate, Matt and Oscar (twice) but still no mention of her saving Kat's life when she went over the cliff (that did happen didn't it)?

I said on here yesterday (before it got lost) Hannah's behaviour looked a bit forced when she and Andy hooked up and it seemed she wasn't the only one.  Very awkward talk between them after the event and now we know why they have independently decided to call it a day as the spark has gone (at least it had a natural ending with no blame on either side).  Andy deserves better than  her anyway and no Hannah don't you dare go back to Chris 'Oh suppose he was the one after all'!  Here's a radical idea love trying going man free for a while.

Chris does have a reason (of sorts) to be surly with the customers, but what is Olivia's problem?  He did say to Irene everyone expected him to be upbeat but there was more to him that a cheerful chappy.  Some points due to Olivia for trying to get Evie and co to talk to Hunter.

I thought Josh was on the ball by not just putting Evie being upset down to some girlie thing and going and telling Leah.  The cancer cluster thing raising it's head again entered my mind but would they do another one (especially on another young girl so soon)?  Good that Evie is aware but then as her mum died of cancer she would be more than most.  Not sure about her 'I'm not telling Oscar until I'm sure' decision.  I know she thinks she is protecting him because of their mum and lately Maddy, but he's going to be upset she didn't feel he could cope.

At least they have got the someone bursting into the loo/bathroom while someone of the opposite sex is in there of of the way quickly.  So it isn't just Irene's place that doesn't have  a latch/lock on the door, wonder if the same applies at the caravan park house, that has a lot more traffic!!  Do they not have a hardware store in the bay or Yabby Creek? It was a bit mean of Roo, maybe, moving Matt's 'work of art', he is outnumbered in the feminine décor stakes. Maddy and Matt's romance is still pretty new and Maddy can be a  relative of Tigger at times.

The fact Jett and Syke have finished does appear to leave the door open for Oscar and her to become a couple, though it's not obligatory, they are allowed to be just friends for now.  I did have the nasty thought that when she said Jett had ended it that it was the other way round, but John confirmed it had been Jett's idea. Sweet that John is OK with her staying with him still, but given the news he has just got that is going to be put on hold. So it's going to be Irene (going by the trailer) who will be taking her in, the Beach House is getting rather crowded, is Nate still there? Hunter is bunking in with Chris so will Skye be sharing with Olivia who honestly didn't loo that chuffed with her new house mate.




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Alf's episode count this week:Two. Josh was only in one, although he was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.

Evelyn's story is still up in the air at the moment, but it's nice to see her family rallying around her.I think she underestimated Oscar; as he showed with Maddy, he can be a rock in situations like this, and that last scene was wonderfully underplayed.What was on Oscar's mind when Hannah saw him though? Matt and Maddy? Skye? Nice that John found Skye somewhere to stay, I'm hoping Irene gives her back though, she's got form for grabbing teenagers and holding on to them.Olivia's attitude is ridiculous and adds to the feeling that she serves no function except being rude to everyone except Hunter and sometimes Irene.What is her problem with Skye? Does she not like people with glasses? Smart people? Any other girls (after all, she's been hanging out entirely with boys since she turned up)? The episode seemed to try and make VJ as one-dimensional as possible so we think he's somehow wrong for not liking Hunter (what we saw in the promo was basically his entire appearance in the episode) but...why is he? Especially when Hunter dismisses the whole thing with "I stuffed up."

I needed to turn my brain off a bit to enjoy the Roo/Matt/Maddy flatshare comedy but I just about got there.Matt definitely has a point.It's no use Roo cajoling him into the arrangement with a quirky speech about how fun it'll be and then trying to lay down the law.And ten dollars for bread? I always think a pound is a bit steep! Still, Roo telling them to buy their own food is reasonable in the circumstances, although is she actually telling them to do all the cleaning? And get a lock for the bathroom door, for pete's sake... I meant to say yesterday though, whatever else you say about it Matt and Maddy moving out of the caravan park means its status as a foster home ends with a whimper, as the two "foster children" move on leaving just Zac and Leah's blood relatives.And Alf.As with the way that the show casually cut the Fletchers' link to the house by moving Miles out, it's somewhat disappointing.

Chris' date actually went pretty well and he seemed quite relaxed, up until the point he started a five minute rant about Hannah.

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32 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I needed to turn my brain off a bit to enjoy the Roo/Matt/Maddy flatshare comedy but I just about got there.Matt definitely has a point.It's no use Roo cajoling him into the arrangement with a quirky speech about how fun it'll be and then trying to lay down the law.And ten dollars for bread? I always think a pound is a bit steep! Still, Roo telling them to buy their own food is reasonable in the circumstances, although is she actually telling them to do all the cleaning? And get a lock for the bathroom door, for pete's sake... I meant to say yesterday though, whatever else you say about it Matt and Maddy moving out of the caravan park means its status as a foster home ends with a whimper, as the two "foster children" move on leaving just Zac and Leah's blood relatives.And Alf.As with the way that the show casually cut the Fletchers' link to the house by moving Miles out, it's somewhat disappointing.

I suppose it depends how you look at it. The house has a history of taking people in who need a home in a time of need, which is what Alf did with Leah & Zac and the kids.

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2 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Alf's episode count this week:Two. Josh was only in one, although he was credited on Tuesday for no appearance.

Evelyn's story is still up in the air at the moment, but it's nice to see her family rallying around her.I think she underestimated Oscar; as he showed with Maddy, he can be a rock in situations like this, and that last scene was wonderfully underplayed.What was on Oscar's mind when Hannah saw him though? Matt and Maddy? Skye? Nice that John found Skye somewhere to stay, I'm hoping Irene gives her back though, she's got form for grabbing teenagers and holding on to them.Olivia's attitude is ridiculous and adds to the feeling that she serves no function except being rude to everyone except Hunter and sometimes Irene.What is her problem with Skye? Does she not like people with glasses? Smart people? Any other girls (after all, she's been hanging out entirely with boys since she turned up)? The episode seemed to try and make VJ as one-dimensional as possible so we think he's somehow wrong for not liking Hunter (what we saw in the promo was basically his entire appearance in the episode) but...why is he? Especially when Hunter dismisses the whole thing with "I stuffed up."

Agreed. Olivia is such an inconsistent character who seems to change depending on what the storyline needs for the day. It still annoys me that after her one instance of insecurity re: self-harming scars - she has no problems walking around the whole time in next to nothing. And now we have to put up with her being a doormat with Hunter (it still makes no sense for someone with a history of abuse to be so ridiculously trusting of another man without reticence especially when faced with multiple reasons to have trust issues). Ands yet, with everyone else she is an unreasonable brat. It seemed she took an instant dislike of Skye for no apparent reason - and her comments about Skye going home soon when John returns were harsh especially in the context of both her and Hunter being guests in Irene's house themselves. If she is put out by sharing her room, she only need remember that Chris is similarly put out by sharing with Hunter. 

I agree re: Hunter as well. I am so tired of this stuff being brushed aside so quickly (as with Kyle, Andy etc). I remember the likes of Kane who had to work really hard to get others to change their minds about him.

Hannah kinda annoyed me in the Evie storyline. It is ridiculous that Hannah should be allowed to be involved in a case where the patient is her relative. However, given that she knew about Evie's situation because of her medical profession rather than because of her relationship to Evie, I think it was actually unprofessional for her to say anything to Oscar without clearing it past Evie first. Technically, it was a breach of patient confidentiality, and it was just lucky for her that it worked out for the best. Nice scene between Evie and Oscar (I think the Maddy/Oscar breakup has worked out better for Oscar's characterisation than Maddy's)

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O-M-G Jett and Skye are over. :o Surprise, surprise - Never saw that coming.

Unbelievable, so Hannah now wants to get back with Chris - and I thought Evelyn was fickle.  I guess it must run in the family kind of like the cancer does.  Given that they've just had one teenage female recovering from the big C are they seriously going to put another character through that straight afterwards?  I'm not sure I like how heavily Hannah has featured this week as she is seriously been getting on my nerves.

I'm not sure I want the old Chris back.  I find him far less annoying when he's sulking.  He blew it with Destiny as she was clearly interested so I would imagine we are going to see a little more pining after Hannah.  Although I did quite enjoying him having another go at her.

Really, enjoying Olivia and I like the way she is quite protective of Hunter, dragging him away from VJ (not that I blame VJ of course he's got every right to be annoyed with Hunter).  I liked the way she rolled her eyes at Chris hugging Irene and then her and Hunter laughing at Chris showing them a picture of his date.  Can't really blame her for being annoyed at having to share a room with Skye.  Not sure I would want to if I was in her position.  I bet she was still annoyed from their encounter in the Diner when Skye didn't give Olivia her full attention.

I thought Matt opening the bathroom door on Roo was hilarious.  He seemed pretty traumatised by the experience.  No doubt he will be having sweet dreams.

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