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On ‎6‎/‎9‎/‎2015 at 5:06 PM, c120701 said:

 Yeah, but back in the 90s, those kids really weren't entitled and whilst they were taken into good homes, they all came from bad ones and also had to work to earn any pocket money etc. Now, with the exception of Spencer & Maddie who are entitled, even those who come from troubled homes or who are orphans still have the latest phones, laptops, new clothes (no second hand uniforms here!), often without a part-time job.

Remember when people used to live in the Caravan Park and were forever in and out of the main house? It'd be nice to see that again, paying rent or interacting with the house's residents. It seems like the exterior returning has substituted the interior set at times. We rarely get scenes going from the outside to inside, which is what we've been looking forward to getting again since talk of a replica was mentioned and then the return of the original location.

So right much like life............Too much entitled people as you have said.............Would be nice to see characters trying to make it rather than you typical "professional" who becomes the focus.

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9 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I actually didn't see anything wrong with his outfit today, or indeed find it a radical departure from what he normally wears, yet even Alf was making fun of him.Leah's advice was decent though, and from the way he was dressed down at the party I guess he took it.

The final reveal that Charlotte called Kyle the night she died just had me going "Yeah, so?"

Oscar did look better than he did at the O mixer (thank god he didn't put on a fedora or try to grow a beard)  but I would have taken that shirt out back, put it on the BBQ and did whatever felt right next! :lol:

The final reveal is definitely no "Who Killed Gary?, "Who killed Angie?" or "Who killed Josh West?"

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So two couples back together - Josh and Evie and Chris and Hannah - though I'd put money on Josh and Evie lasting longer than Chris and Hannah.  Matt and Maddy both seem to have come to the decision that they aren't suited living together, nothing to do with it being too soon, Roo moved in pretty quick with James and nice mention by Matt of Maddy's habit of putting things back in the fridge and forgetting about them and letting them rot. Evie only said what everyone was thinking, Roo certainly did but was probably nervous about as she didn't want there to be a awkward feeling in the flat. It did the trick anyway.   As I said before Hannah seems to be a flitter, convinces herself she is 'in love' until her head is turned by the next bloke who comes along.  It has been pretty obvious Chris still loved Hannah and the look on his face when she and matt were playing gladiators proved it. I hope she makes a go of training to be a paramedic which was indeed Chris' suggestion. Btw her head wound must have been a superficial one because when she was sitting up in bed no sign of a bandage or a plaster.

I didn't like Oscar's 'new' look, what is it with the totally buttoned up shirt? :unsure:

Interesting reveal about Dylan's past that he had lost a son (single dad maybe) which was why he could relate to how Kat was feeling about losing her brother.  While that was tragic it didn't excuse him trying to control Kat, most people who lose someone that close usually push loved ones away.  While she sympathised she didn't feel it let him off the hook couldn't forgive him for it.  Professionally they work together and they certainly aren't going to give up on finding Charlotte's murderer. I'm wondering why Charlotte needed a secret phone and had Kyle's number on it and rang him half an hour before she died. Kyle was an ex - which could easily be found out and it didn't end well. Who knew the bait shop had CCTV?

Nate worked out why Ricky suddenly wanted to get married and was right to say there was no need, Kyle would have been of the same thought and after initial doubts has accepted Ricky needs to move on. Is there really any point of them moving into John's for just a fortnight, unless John is away longer than he is planning  to be.

Just when I thought tptb had forgotten all about Irene and her search for her long lost child an almost casual mention is made of it. She must have let Chris and Roo in on the secret in the interim period, would have been nice to see it on screen and got their reactions, especially Chris as he was particularly concerned.  Has her recent fall of the wagon been sorted too?

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Give me a moment to calm down. The treatment of Hunter continues to be ridiculous.That scene with Alf and Roo was simply awful, with them practically holding placards up to the audience saying "You should like Hunter now!" It's reminiscent of the way Alf and Irene kept giving speeches about how great the Braxtons are, Alf practically repeated his justification for being fine with Aden wandering around unpunished and unpresented word for word.So Hunter's mother died (not that he seems particularly bothered), boo hoo, that somehow makes it okay for him to have burned down someone's house six months previous? Why is VJ the lone voice in this? Do Alf and Roo not give a damn about Leah? Is Billie really so keen on second chances that she doesn't mind that he not only framed her but nearly killed her and caused her to spend three months in hospital? She says that she knows what it's like to be hated on...except that's not what happening to Hunter.VJ hates him, Leah and Oscar are a bit standoffish towards him, Ash has been bullied into forgetting about it, everyone else from Alf to Roo to Irene to Olivia is treating him like a cute and fluffy bunny that needs protecting from the nasty VJ. As VJ asks and doesn't get an answer for, why doesn't he push off back to his grandmother's instead of moving in with someone he doesn't really know so he can rub the fact that he's walking around free after destroying their lives in his victims' faces? "What is your problem?"Olivia shrieks at VJ, as if she somehow doesn't know the answer.(And has somehow forgotten that she treats people badly for far less reason.)Frankly, I was cheering every time VJ walloped Hunter, he did much the same to him when he first came in after all.Still, calming down again, it is reaching the point where VJ is hurting himself more than Hunter.But there surely must be a sensible medium between VJ starting fights all over the place and Alf smiling kindly at Hunter like he's his favourite grandson.(I miss the Alf who banned Josh from the house and reported him to the police just for being a reluctant accessory in Andy's crimes.Can we have him back instead of this naïve soft touch?)

I think I've figured out why Hunter was paired with Olivia: She's so obnoxious she makes him look likable in comparison.Yes, god forbid that a teenager might actually show some gratitude towards the person that gave them a home instead of acting entitled.Irene really should have done more to pull her into line rather than leaving it to Hunter.I guess she apologised in the end, although her reason for being a cow to Skye seemed to amount to "We're too different and we're too similar." Er, come again? Loved the way Skye just walked up to Billie and introduced herself.

Ah, Ash gets the annexe! Kind of ironic given that Phoebe wanted it for herself and Kyle last time it was vacant, although she's obviously not in a rush to cohabit with Ash again. Another nice callback to some ideas from last year with Ash and Andy deciding to open a garage together.The keystone cops spend most of the episode faffing around, with Dylan thinking if he can get Kyle angry then that'll prove something.They do come up with a piece of solid evidence in the end, although given the similar revelations (We can place Irene at the scene! We know Ash lied about his alibi!) chances are it will be dismissed quickly.

Matt and Maddy aren't even in the episode and we still get too much information about them doing the only thing they're good at...

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I was cheering when Dylan brought Kyle in for questioning and reminded him (and us) that he's a sociopathic potentially murdering scumbag.  It was wonderful to hear him call Kyle out on some of things I said about him in other threads.  And once again we see that temper of his that will no doubt cause serious damage to another victim at some point in the future.  Are we supposed to believe that Kyle just happened to not tell them about the call because he didn't think it was important.  He could have at least come up with a better excuse - Maybe he could have said he forgot.  Whilst I don't think he actually killed Charlotte he was obviously lying to some extent.  But it was good to see him get a grilling which he so richly deserves and looks set to continue to the next episode.  Purely for entertainment purposes I absolutely love it when Kyle loses it.

It's quite wonderful how most of the characters are veering towards team Hunter.  I really enjoyed the stuff with Alf and Roo.  Alf was absolutely right.  Hunter has improved a lot and I do believe after everything that's happened with the fire and his mother's death he has learned his lesson so definitely deserves a second chance.  I'm glad Billie pointed this out to VJ too.  Also really enjoyed the stuff with Skye.  I wasn't sure if Hunter would get on with her but thinking about it he's more than happy to accept anyone who doesn't hate him.

I thought it was fine for "lady muck" not to like Skye initially and annoying she may be I did think Olivia needed to tone down her attitude because aside from the fact that a lot of it was unprovoked, uncalled for (and coming across as picking on her) it's not a particularly pleasant environment to live in for either of them.  She can not like Skye and still be civilised so I was glad Hunter called her out on that and put his foot down and so Olivia's subsequently changed her attitude towards her.  Whilst I find Skye annoying I do think this living arrangement with Olivia and Hunter could actually work so I hope Hunter does stay at Irene's for the time being.

Right..VJ.  Mixed feelings about him.  As I like Hunter ,I didn't like the stuff VJ was doing.  However I can't really blame him.  There's a small part of me that liked the fire and intensity in his eyes when he was going for Hunter.  And I quite like this vengeful side of him.  When VJ threw the basketball at his head it did make me wonder whether that was also payback for Hunter damaging his fingers with a basketball all those months ago.  I thought Hunter did well not to react.  I can actually see both sides.  If someone burnt down my house and almost killed me and my family I would want payback to.  I don't actually agree with VJ that everyone thinks he's acting all pyscho and they're hating oh him though.  I just think that they know Hunter's fessed up, it's for the courts to deal with now and there's nothing anyone can do to change what he did.  So it's about moving forward.  Also I don't think they can't be arsed with all the agro.  Objectively VJs behaviour is counter-productive.  Not specifically towards Hunter but himself.

Whilst I like the idea of Ash and Andy (AA) opening a garage what person in their right mind would give two convicted criminals a bank loan?

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18 hours ago, c120701 said:

Did I miss Maddy, Oscar, Matt & Yvie getting their HSC results?

No, we did see Evie keep checking her lap top, echoes of Sasha doing the same thing, the next thing we hear is everyone has passed!

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