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10 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:


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Frankly, Hunter's worse than Tank.Tank did a robbery in which no-one was hurt, was a bit mean to Evie (who did more damage to him than the other way round) and nearly killed one person who's now fully recovered. Hunter did a robbery that left someone in a coma, was a bit mean to VJ (who did about as much damage to him as the other way around) and nearly killed four people who are now fully recovered. Tank was messed up because he witnessed his mother being murdered.Hunter was messed up because he wanted more attention from his dad.Yet which of them is in jail?



We are on totally the same page when it comes to Hunter Red Ranger. I'm not convinced though, that he's worse than Tank. I don't think Evie did any damage to him myself. Not sure what you think she did? But that aside, we don't know if there were any lasting effects from Tank's crimes. Any victim of even a small crime knows that the psychological effects can be long lasting. We certainly haven't been shown anything though, yet!  (I'm still not convinced that Josh is now fine and doesn't have some behavioural issues that may or may not connect him to Charlittes murder) but anyway......

Who is worse? I've had fun with this! Memories of helping my law student flat mate revise for his exams during my uni days came flooding back so I've taken to google to try to work out how the law might view them (in the UK at Least). Just call me Morag!!

Lets assume that Josh, Marylin and/or Oscar/Matt died. As far as I can work out. Tank deliberately hit Josh intending to cause him harm, so he would be convicted of murder. Hunter did not set out to hurt anyone specifically but people would have died as a direct result of criminal activity, meaning he would be convicted of unlawful act manslaughter. I think. 

So I think in the eyes of the law Tank is worse. To me he has the edge too, but they are both pretty much as bad as each other and BOTH should be in prison...


And, ahem, STAY THERE. I'm talking to you Tank!


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I think it may well be the other way round.Tank hit Josh but arguably didn't mean to do him serious harm and almost certainly didn't mean to kill him, so if he'd died I think it would only have been manslaughter (in order for a murder conviction they'd have to prove intent, difficult in a coward punch case).Hunter set fire to a house with people inside it, deliberately endangering their lives, so if any of them had died it may well have been murder (although there's a good chance it would have been downgraded).Marilyn is a bit more vague since she wasn't hurt as a direct result of his actions, it would be Action Occasioning Death at worst.As I recall, Evie hit Tank hard enough to leave him incapacitated long enough for her to unlock the door and escape, whereas the most he seemed to do to her physically was drag her around a bit.

On related subjects: Bit weird that Olivia's suddenly at school after four months bludging off Irene, why didn't she go last year? And how much of the speech Ash was preparing was true?(All of it, I guess, which means I must be misremembering details of his back story, I'd got it in my head he trained as a mechanic in jail.)

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22 hours ago, H&Alover said:

No, we did see Evie keep checking her lap top, echoes of Sasha doing the same thing, the next thing we hear is everyone has passed!

Sorry, was this in Wednesday's episode? Think I must have missed it.  Thanks.

22 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

Good because I don't think I could stand another year of this lot at school! The next natural phase of their lives has begun.

Well the next lot are already in - VJ, Hunter, Skye, Olivia (Saved by the bell the new class).

I enjoyed seeing the weak side of Kyle exposed when he was almost resigned to fate where he claimed he didn't murder Charlotte to Dylan and Kat.  Ironically I do think that actually aided him as I think it made Dylan realise he was telling the truth hence he agreed with Kat to let Kyle go.

"Beneath all that awful business lurks a really good boy", "Everyone makes mistakes it doesn't make him a bad guy", "but he's suffered enough".  For me those lines summed it up - Forgiveness and almost full acceptance.  Wonderful! :D  Although they could have at least made it a little harder for him.  I would have liked to see Leah not allow him to move in until he has redeemed himself.  Not to mention the fact that I quite liked him living at Irene's.

I'm not going to disagree with the comments about Phoebe being a music teacher but I did actually enjoy parts of the actual lesson.  I found it amusing when she was singing the lyrics that most of the students wrote, especially the part from VJ about Hunter being a psycho.  Again whilst he was acting like a jerk I can't blame VJ for starting a fight with him.  Not sure what to make of the fight though.  We see VJ push Hunter, grab him they start wrestling for a bit, Hunter's nose is bleeding and Zac breaks them up.  It didn't look like anything was cut so why couldn't they have just shown VJ punch him?  One thing that did bother me about Phoebe in that particular episode was not the fact that she didn't break the fight up (To be fair to her she looked quite shocked and as she's new at this I can see her being apprehensive of breaking up to teenagers in a full on scrap).  It was her attitude afterwards.  Using the Braxton/Bro excuse i.e. they will just sort themselves out.  What is she going to do next time when it's two sworn enemies?  I'm a little intrigued about her unorthodox approach.  As someone who loves to get on her high-horse I would have thought it would be right up he street telling students off.

I did actually quite enjoy the stuff with Skye and Olivia.  I think these two could work as friends.

It's no surprise that the bank rejected Ash and Andy's request for a loan.  Can't believe Kat would want to get involved with them.  A police officer going into business with two ex criminals.

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9 hours ago, Slade said:

Well the next lot are already in - VJ, Hunter, Skye, Olivia (Saved by the bell the new class).

It's no surprise that the bank rejected Ash and Andy's request for a loan.  Can't believe Kat would want to get involved with them.  A police officer going into business with two ex criminals.

Always thought SBTB:TNC sucked. A ****-poor copy of the original. It only got 7 Seasons because they chopped one in half! But I get your meaning. 

Andy's hardly an ex-crim, he's a goddamn murderer after all...

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Charlotte and Charlotte alone was responsible for the two murders (OK one could have been pleaded down to manslaughter) and all to cover up  what Hunter had done.  I don't think he has been forgiven as much as Leah and eventually VJ have accepted he is really sorry for the arson (and btw may be nit picking but he had no idea anyone was in the house, they were all meant to be out) if anyone had died it could have led to involuntary manslaughter. Just because he has been allowed back home doesn't necessarily  follow it will all be plain sailing. No-one  knows yet about his stealing the safe which was another pop at Leah. Charlotte was willing to cover up for all sorts of things Hunter so not a giant leap that Zac would want to give him another chance and let him back into the fold.  If it had been VJ and he's done a few things in his time, Leah would be just the same. Though all of that pales into insignificance of course  by Zac being arrested on suspicion of murder.

It seems, to me at least, that every character Dylan has pulled in for questioning has in his eyes been guilty only for him having to release them through lack of evidence though so far it's only been Ash who had a bona fide alibi.  Thinking about it after, excluding that hiding the phone was a daft thing for Kyle to do, we know it couldn't have been him, as  we heard Charlotte say 'What are you doing here?' and she was expecting Kyle. They meet by the pier no CCTV evidence of that strangely enough.  Zac showing up on the CCTV is so far the only physical evidence fuzzy though it was (to me at least) of anyone meeting  up with her, once again by the pier, but she was killed by the pool I can't see her being willing to go for a ' nice stroll' with Zac after what happened earlier. I couldn't see the urgency for bringing Zac in so quickly either, he had no idea of what Kat and Dylan had just found so there wasn't any danger of him doing a runner, maybe TPTB just did it for dramatic effect, nabbing him in front of his son. The good news is though Morag is back hurrah:lol: thanks to Alf calling her in!!!

I'm really liking the friendship between Olivia and Skye, surprised the heck out of Irene seeing them so chummy, I did have the awful feeling Hunter may have run off when he wasn't around and Olivia said he was in the bathroom and then when she went to get him he'd be gone. Olivia and Skye make a formidable twosome they way they both ganged up on Hunter and VJ certainly did the trick where all the grown-ups failed to do. Olivia won't be happy if Hunter moves  back in with Zac, Leah and co.

I don't think Phoebe is employed as a teacher as such, more of a tutor.  Zac was out of order to blame her for the fight, she didn't see it coming, though in retrospect she could have sat VJ and Hunter apart after their jibes at each other, of course no fights ever start in the actual classrooms do they and with professional teachers to hand, cough, cough Zac! :rolleyes:

It was inevitable Ash and Andy wouldn't get a loan, they did scrub up well though.  I'm guessing Kat meant she was lending them money rather than giving them it, Dylan was giving that look again.  She nearly went soft on him earlier when she took that call from her mum and he was recalling meeting her mum back when they were a couple., excuse me being thick but what language was Kat speaking , Italian?  Ah but CaptainHulk no-one but us and Josh know Andy's a murderer.


I think we all  know who that woman is (or is supposed to be). :wink:


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51 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

Though all of that pales into insignificance by Zac being arrested on suspicion of murder.

I agree! But I agree because I think he's innocent. Also I don't think the police are doing their jobs properly by arresting Zac in Angelo's. They were arresting him were they? If that's true it makes it six million times worse and they're 1,000% incompetent and unprofessional. They don't have one single piece of evidence at all that Zac's the one whodunnit. He was heading IN THE DIRECTION of the PIER. That's not even where it happened though. I re watched that bit of the 2015 finale today so I know that for a fact Charlotte was shot at the Rock Pool. I just also re watched the bit when the police found Charlotte's body - in or by oh the Rock Pool! So why do they have to go and talk to Zac and take him away that night when he's out in a restaurant with his family??? I repeat: INCOMPETENT!!!! :angry2: :angry: :angry:


What? Is it just Zac's turn to be questioned now? But there are better ways of going about it. I mean come on the audience knows for a fact that Zac was out and about looking for Oscar and Evie on the night of Charlotte's death. Like I mean if the police are gonna come and talk to Zac and they're gonna be so serious they should at least be across all the facts first. No but it's not even about that: Zac's outside, he's taking a walk, he's not even in the right location. What's the rush??? I think this is sloppy storytelling. :angry2: :angry: :angry: :angry2: 

I'll close by saying this: I mean I know that the police have to talk to all the possible suspects of which there are many - just stating a fact; but I feel that when they come round to talking to Zac it could've been handled a lot better: Ooh Zac's outside at around the time the murder was committed: Shocker!! Tenuous. Very very very tenuous. Really sloppy policing.

I'll leave it there. I really hope the police realise the error of their ways in tomorrow's ep. and let Zac go with a big apology.

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The thing with the whole Hunter thing, is that I am not opposed to Hunter being redeemed. I just wish that like Andy or Kyle before him, that his crimes weren't quickly brushed over to achieve this. While VJ was acting like a dick, it made me frustrated that everyone kept pretending that VJ was being completely unreasonable here. The execution may not have been the best, but the emotion behind it was not unreasonable. Hunter was responsible for burning down the only home VJ has ever known, the only connection he still had to his biological father. I can understand the likes of Olivia and Skye glossing over this, as they have only know New Hunter. But for the likes of Alf to act as if VJ and Hunter were arguing over who ate the last cookie rather than a serious crime that was committed, makes me want to roll my eyes. 

They seem to be rushing through all the suspects pretty quickly making me think this mystery will be solved by next week. Out of all the potential suspects, Zac is the only I really hope is not the true murderer. 

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4 hours ago, Changelo shipper <3 said:

I agree! But I agree because I think he's innocent. Also I don't think the police are doing their jobs properly by arresting Zac in Angelo's. They were arresting him were they? If that's true it makes it six million times worse and they're 1,000% incompetent and unprofessional. They don't have one single piece of evidence at all that Zac's the one whodunnit. He was heading IN THE DIRECTION of the PIER. That's not even where it happened though. I re watched that bit of the 2015 finale today so I know that for a fact Charlotte was shot at the Rock Pool. I just also re watched the bit when the police found Charlotte's body - in or by oh the Rock Pool! So why do they have to go and talk to Zac and take him away that night when he's out in a restaurant with his family??? I repeat: INCOMPETENT!!!! :angry2: :angry: :angry:


What? Is it just Zac's turn to be questioned now? But there are better ways of going about it. I mean come on the audience knows for a fact that Zac was out and about looking for Oscar and Evie on the night of Charlotte's death. Like I mean if the police are gonna come and talk to Zac and they're gonna be so serious they should at least be across all the facts first. No but it's not even about that: Zac's outside, he's taking a walk, he's not even in the right location. What's the rush??? I think this is sloppy storytelling. :angry2: :angry: :angry: :angry2: 

I'll close by saying this: I mean I know that the police have to talk to all the possible suspects of which there are many - just stating a fact; but I feel that when they come round to talking to Zac it could've been handled a lot better: Ooh Zac's outside at around the time the murder was committed: Shocker!! Tenuous. Very very very tenuous. Really sloppy policing.

I'll leave it there. I really hope the police realise the error of their ways in tomorrow's ep. and let Zac go with a big apology.

I thought she was shot at the Pier, but then her body washed up at the rock pool. Of course, it would have done well to get all the way there given the positions of the two real life locations.

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2 hours ago, Angelica said:

The thing with the whole Hunter thing, is that I am not opposed to Hunter being redeemed. I just wish that like Andy or Kyle before him, that his crimes weren't quickly brushed over to achieve this. While VJ was acting like a dick, it made me frustrated that everyone kept pretending that VJ was being completely unreasonable here. The execution may not have been the best, but the emotion behind it was not unreasonable. Hunter was responsible for burning down the only home VJ has ever known, the only connection he still had to his biological father. I can understand the likes of Olivia and Skye glossing over this, as they have only know New Hunter. But for the likes of Alf to act as if VJ and Hunter were arguing over who ate the last cookie rather than a serious crime that was committed, makes me want to roll my eyes.

Yes. Very interesting Angelica. I never thought of it that way! Doesn't mean that was the right way for VJ to be dealing with it though. Far faaaar from it.

I also agree strongly with your opinion about Zac! I think it'd be wrong of TPTB to make Zac the killer (we don't know if it's murder yet don't forget). Like I said Zac would never sit down calmly with Hunter and tell him of his Mum's death all the while knowing that he's the reason why Charlotte's dead. Just no! That's one reason. Well I'm sure I don't have to go into more details with you guys in this thread. :wink:


6 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Zac showing up on the CCTV is so far the only physical evidence fuzzy though it was (to me at least) of anyone meeting  up with her, once again by the pier, but she was killed by the pool I can't see her being willing to go for a ' nice stroll' with Zac after what happened earlier.

Yep! Yep! ITA with everything you just said there! Yeah by the pier... ... ... *shrugs* *shrugs again* Yeah I suppose what you say makes sense but that thought didn't occur to me. For me I was just like 'So Zac's by the pier'. That's it. Yeah the CCTV footage was veeeery fuzzy. Like I said I had to go back and double check it was Zac and not Kyle. The facts are that: Charlotte's body was found and we know she was shot by the Rock Pool. The police were looking for evidence of Kyle being at the pier for crying out loud. Seriously it just all doesn't tie up. It's just all very chop and change police work but that's really not how the police should work!! :o :angry: 

I think Kat's being seriously unprofessional. The police were talking to Kyle and he says he met Charlotte at the pier. Then Kat sees Zac and not Kyle on the CCTV footage so of course that means they should go and talk to Zac and not Kyle again. Seriously????? Hasn't anyone ever told Kat that if someone's alibi can't be corroborated that means it's a phoney?? This whole thing is a bad, bad, baaaad joke. Also Dylan has been saying to Kat this whole time that she sees all these people as her friends instead of suspects and now she's just treating Zac the complete opposite way. It's very inconsistent.


6 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I couldn't see the urgency for bringing Zac in so quickly either, he had no idea of what Kat and Dylan had just found so there wasn't any danger of him doing a runner, maybe TPTB just did it for dramatic effect, nabbing him in front of his son.

Oh glad I wasn't the only one H&Alover! Oh that's another way of looking at it that they didn't want him leaving. I don't think there's much of a chance of Zac leaving Summer Bay though. I mean he just got married to Leah for one thing and Hunter's his son so he wants to stick around for Hunter and VJ too of course and there's also Oscar and Evie as well. Yeah he ain't going nowhere even if he is guilty which as I've said I think there's a strong strong possibility he's not.

Yeah maybe it was just for dramatic effect but I still think there was a better way TPTB could've dealt with it than that. Like bringing the heat onto "Suspect Zac". A much better way.

I do appreciate being able to come here and vent and share my thoughts and frustrations with you guys! We have interesting discussions etc!

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