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At the risk of raking over old ground, whenever someone tries to defend Hunter by saying "Well, it's Charlotte's fault for lying to him about Zac not wanting to know him", I just think "Well, what if Charlotte had been telling the truth?What if Zac hadn't wanted anything to do with Hunter?Would it have been okay for Hunter to set fire to his house then?" Also, the Diner theft, which is what led to Marilyn's coma and Denny's death, happened after Hunter found out the truth, so you can't blame Charlotte's lies for that one.It's reached the point where Hunter's constant moping about going "This is all my fault" is feeling less like genuine remorse and more like a cue for someone to go "Oh, of course it's not your fault."Evelyn and Oscar's non-reaction to his moving back in was a joke, one of many times that believable human reaction has been sidestepped to get Hunter into the position the plot requires. And then he sits and sulks and leaves everyone else to do the tidying up.

Carter is proving himself a thoroughly nasty piece of work: Don't know what it says that we want the policeman punished more than the murderer but it has reached that point.He's quite prepared to sacrifice Zac and his family in order to improve his own image, and once again the fact that we know what's made him what he is doesn't make him any more sympathetic.When Alf said Morag's "a damn good barrister", he'd obviously forgotten that he went to jail himself on her watch. Twice. The script seems to be suggesting she didn't have a chance anyway but really, Morag was rubbish here, over-confident and arrogant.She seemed to have even less of a case than the prosecution, relying on throwing snide remarks at the opposition and sweeping statements.I think she made a bad call keeping the kids away: It meant she threw away the opportunity to say "Those are the people relying on Zac, he'll stay around for their sake." Still, once again it feels like a case of "Only the innocent go to jail in Summer Bay."

Andy and Ash's storyline is interesting, although the message that bad choices in your youth will affect the rest of your life sits uneasily alongside the usual "actions without consequences" storyline, where you can burn down someone's house/stake your stepbrother out in the desert/run two teenagers off the road and leave them for dead (delete as applicable) without anything happening to you.Phoebe sticking her nose in with Nate and Ricky left me rolling my eyes and she's lucky it didn't backfire.Nate should probably have explained to Ricky earlier.She seemed...less than delighted.Bit odd since she's already moved in with him, was she thinking they'd rent and buying together feels too permanent?

CURS: Why did we have to sit through all that stuff with VJ, Hunter and Olivia again? Olivia wasn't seen or mentioned and VJ's clearly joined the Not Hunter's Fault brigade by now.

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Carter is definitely coming across as contemptible by now, seemingly more interested in being smug that he got one over on Morag than his warped sense of justice.I can't decide if he's convinced himself that Zac's guilty or if he just doesn't care, but I loved Kat walking away from his twisted celebration.They'd be better off with Emerson handling things: He might be completely incapable of catching a murderer but at least he doesn't lock up the good guys.I loved even more the scene between Leah and Zac.The lazy cliché would have been for Zac to fly off the handle at Leah's doubts and refuse to have anything to do with her.Instead, he responds honestly and sympathetically and leaves her in no doubt that he's innocent.

The boring couples are back, unfortunately.Josh and Evelyn went from being mostly dull and resorting to firing off their own couple portmanteau to raise interest, to actually having some decent light banter at the bar, although I still don't buy them as a together-forever type.Matt was typically childish with the way he dropped Maddy in it with Roo purely for his own amusement, but objectively I think Maddy was in the wrong.Seeing her in that dress, it's great for a night out but it's not something you'd wear to a uni lecture (in fact the outfit she was wearing to start with seemed more appropriate!) so it seemed an unnecessary extravagance.At first I thought Roo's reference to Maddy's previous over spending was nice continuity but not really relevant, but it did always feel as though that was an attempt to feel good about herself so maybe it's not too far of the mark.

At least we were spared Olivia acting as Hunter's stalker in favour of the more welcome interaction between Oscar and Skye...although it looks like the brakes have been put on that one by Oscar's liaison with his uni classmate.A bit of a shame, although it's nice that Leah's prediction of Oscar flourishing in a uni environment seems to be true, while those who held court in high school like Matt and Maddy are floundering in the adult world.Also loved the interaction between Oscar and Evelyn, and also between Olivia and Skye: Olivia does work better when she's just being a friend to someone rather than firing off obnoxious one-liners or following Hunter around like a puppy.Odd that no-one commented on Skye not wearing her glasses though, was she meant to have contacts in?

On a vaguely related note, when Roo asked Morag how she's coping with living alone, I sat up in the hope that we might finally get an explanation for what's happened to Ruby (last reported to be staying with Morag while on bail)...then sat back down again when Morag instead started bleating about Ross, who died five years ago and who Roo never met anyway.Honestly, it's times like this that feel the writer's just flung in a random continuity reference to make it look like they've done research.

Okay, seriously, did they put an ad in the paper announcing Irene had a child taken from her in a forced adoption or something?At the end of last season, we were supposed to believe that no-one even knows she's an alcoholic apart from a couple of old-timers and Chris, now her most intimate and personal secret that she's kept to herself for nearly fifty years is being discussed casually by everyone? Ah well, progress at last it seems with the arrival of Claire...

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I thought Josh looked a bit shifty and uncomfortable when Leah Alf and Morag got back from the court...... (Could just be me looking for things that aren't there in order to support my theories though :wink:)

Hmmm, Claire. I'd love to think Irene's search is over but something tells me that, in true soap tradition, you are a con artist. Cynical? Moi? 

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I swear when Andy saw Kat on the beach he only wanted to talk to her as an excuse to stare at her cleavage and not because of his business proposal.

Seems as though people have completely forgiven Hunter for the fire.  Hopefully his court case/sentencing will be a formality

I am LOVING this side of Oscar.  I was a bit worried when he invited Skye out and it was just Matt and Maddy initially as I thought he was using her as some sort of way to show to them that he's moved on.  But I loved the way he spoke to that blonde from his uni and was coping off with her shortly after.  He's now a smooth operator and has moved on to bigger and better.  At this rate it will be a different girl every week.  Well as Skye's young I can see her thinking she has a chance but Oscar is at the point where he should be having the time of his life.  I really hope they don't ruin that by pairing him with her.

Again did actually enjoy the scenes with Skye and Olivia.

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18 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

On a vaguely related note, when Roo asked Morag how she's coping with living alone, I sat up in the hope that we might finally get an explanation for what's happened to Ruby (last reported to be staying with Morag while on bail)...then sat back down again when Morag instead started bleating about Ross, who died five years ago and who Roo never met anyway.Honestly, it's times like this that feel the writer's just flung in a random continuity reference to make it look like they've done research..


Yeah, as much as I disliked Ruby by the end It would have been nice to address her fate, something that was never done with Hyde, Jesse or Wiill, I'm willing to bet she got a 2yr suspended but until "Morgue", as Lance called her, talks, we're getting Nada.

Mind you the other Carter (who has yet to be confirmed as a father or relative) was kind of like that only more "Lawfully Evil". If he wasn't busting Joel's stones, he was on Jesse's case even if he so much as dropped a candy wrapper :lol:! (Slight Overexaggeration but not a million miles away from the truth).

And Red you have a point; Just because you were "THE GUY" in High School, there's no guarantee it's gonna be like that in real life.


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Hunter does need to confess it was him that stole the safe which caused Maz's amnesia and  in fact he was wiling at the time to hand himself in but once again Charlotte wouldn't let him  saying that it would ruin his life.  I thought Evie and Oscar were told he'd moved back into his van not the house itself.

Although I understood Leah's distress she really started to annoy me by the way she kept on yelling at Morag to do something about it.  Did Morag imagine it or was there a 'look' between the judge and Carter? What flight risk anyway, he knows he is innocent so why would he? The 'kids' are 18 so could gone if they had decided to. That was a bit tense when Zac asked her if she believed him and she replied 'Of course' which usually implies there's a  maybe involved.  Has the fact Zac owed Charlotte money come up yet because that won't look good.

There is a history between Morag and Carter but I hope this doesn't effect her doing her job properly and making it a personal vendetta and forgetting what she is employed to do and finding evidence that Zac didn't do it. I'd say the same for Carte but he doesn't seem that bothered. All he has is circumstantial evidence. So Carter was demoted and 'banished' as Morag so delicately put it so is trying to redeem himself but by charging an innocent man? 

Like you little bean I was watching Andy when Alf said Zac had been remanded, he didn't look particularly guilty and Zac is a friend. 

Not sure how much Kat can do unofficially seeing as far as the police are concerned (well Carter at least) they have their man.

Poor Skye she completely misunderstood Oscar's 'It's a date' about the meeting up at Angelo's. For someone, who I don't think has had much experience of the dating game, she handled it well and just walked quietly away, she certainly bounces back well and didn't have a melt down when telling Olivia about it and even made light about it. I spotted she wasn't wearing her glasses at Angelo's, I think they suit her. Oscar a lady killer, even Matt looked stunned and he's dropped the naff gear!  Had to smile when Evie said 'I think she's looking at me' and Oscar said 'I think you'll find it's me'. Talking of Matt wouldn't have guessed he'd be the more sensible one when it comes to saving. That dress was more suitable for a night out than uni, unless you were hoping to impress your lecturer in the wrong way. Good reference to Maddy's past spending sprees and Roo laid down the law as any flatmate would. Maddy 'It's the last time' Roo 'It is the last time'.

I know in England you can't have a licence to run a pub if you have a criminal record, but in Australia  you can't have one  to run a motor shop, how's that work? I loved those looks between Ash and Andy when they both must have had the same thought at the same time. Hope they get a proper contract written up so if things do go pear shaped Phoebe isn't left holding the cam shaft.

I think when they came back from the break Irene had confided in Chris and others about the baby and all that has been pout on social media (I think) is that she is looking for her child born on whenever it was and they were adopted.  Her saying to Morag it was a forced adoption was the first we'd heard that. Bit rash to put her home address on the ad, that attracts all kind of nutters (yet to discover as we've only just met her) if Claire is one. Don't suppose it will do any good to yell 'DNA test' at the screen will it.  I can see Irene would be desperate to believe Claire is her daughter but the aforementioned does have to be done for both their sakes.

Now going back to Carter the bizarre notion came to me it may be him who killed Charlotte, their paths could have easily have crossed in the past, she had moved around a lot, finding her wouldn't be hard he's a cop.  Either she cheated on him, ran off after an affair or tried to blackmail him, she was good at that.  It would explain her 'What are you doing here' remark and why he is keen to get Zac convicted for it, seeing as he is an ex and father of her son.  He was also convinced it was Kyle another ex, but seems to have forgotten about Andy who was another one. Now he's got Zac locked up he (and the police) won't be looking for anyone else.

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6 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

Mind you the other Carter (who has yet to be confirmed as a father or relative) was kind of like that only more "Lawfully Evil". If he wasn't busting Joel's stones, he was on Jesse's case even if he so much as dropped a candy wrapper :lol:! (Slight Overexaggeration but not a million miles away from the truth).

Hmm, I'd have said Mike Carter was more Lawful Neutral: He didn't play favourites but he was definitely in the firm but fair camp and showed a human side at times, such as commiserating with Joel over his troubles with Natalie and going easy on Gypsy when she turned herself in for joyriding.

4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Her saying to Morag it was a forced adoption was the first we'd heard that.

Well, she said she wanted to bring up the baby herself but they were taken away without her even seeing them, so I'd have said that was evident even if the actual words weren't used.

So, we can add Olivia to the list of people who seem to have found out Irene had a child taken away off screen, unless that was the first she'd heard of it, I guess.Does make a bit more sense, since she already knew about the rape.(Interestingly she doesn't mention that detail to Roo...is that part still under wraps?)Hmm, Claire.As has been pointed out elsewhere, she does have a strong likeness to Irene and she seems nice enough.She did seem to hesitate over the DNA test but I'm hoping that she's not an out and out con woman, perhaps it's more a case of her desperately wanting Irene to be her mother but knowing there's a chance her bubble could be burst.Olivia again takes an instant dislike to someone who hasn't done anything to prompt it, although to be fair she did seem to do her best to make Claire feel welcome and was upset at the prospect of potentially ruining things for Irene.Irene describes Damian as her eldest when he's actually her youngest.Given that that's a strange thing to say to potentially her eldest, I suspect it's a case of Lynne fluffing the line rather than the writer getting it wrong.

I started off like Josh's interjections, then found myself wondering at what point Josh became front of house rather than just a pizza delivery boy (even if he did turn eighteen a while back), then wondered if it was meant to be Ash, then listened to him delivering some very Ash-like lines and became convinced the part was reallocated because they needed to squeeze Josh into a second episode somehow.(Incidentally, the last person Kyle was with was Charlotte, a lot more recent than Phoebe.I didn't think it was a secret but I can see why he wouldn't want to remind people.)Isla is, as Josh sounding like Ash said, a ten, but has proved pretty unlikable by the end.So we finally get a name for Kyle's poker buddy...

Chrisannah Mark 2 is inordinately sweet so okay, I'm on board.I loved that scene on the beach, deliciously awkward, making up for the rather staid reunion scene last week.I'd completely forgotten Billie and Hannah live together so found her involvement a bit odd when they've never had much to do with each other that I recall (Hannah did thank her for saving Oscar from the fire before she got blamed though), but I liked it all the same.

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Seems a lot of people were let in on certain parts of Irene's story during the break.  Olivia didn't seem that surprised about Claire being (maybe) Irene's daughter more surprised her turning up like she did. So Irene didn't put her home address that would have been stupid, but Claire's explanation that Irene had mentioned Summer Bay and she'd just did her research was a bit vague, did she ask around as strangers seem to have done in the past to find someone? I initially thought Olivia would be put out about the fuss Irene was making of Claire but her comment about getting  a DNA test makes perfect sense, Claire can't have been the only child born at the same hospital on the same date.  It's in both their interests to be sure. To be fair to Olivia she was pressured to say how she (Claire) was conceived, but t least she didn't say it was by Irene's uncle, (I can't remember if he was a blood uncle or an uncle by marriage). She (Olvia) did feel guilty about it  and tried to find Irene to warn  her. I noticed Irene said Damien was her eldest, did seem a slip of the tongue by her.  Going by the trailer Irene manages to catch up with her.

 I wondered what was going with that awkward re-union with Hannah and Chris on the beach, I had the awful thought he'd decided he didn't want to be with her.  Billie seemed to have morphed into Phoebe by interfering first urging Hannah to go and see Chris then doing the same with Chris who at least made the first move turning up at the farm house just as Hannah was going to find him.

As the TV mags put it ' Kyle's past catches up with him'  and it did in the shape of Isla.  Not for the first time we get a character lurking about making secret phone calls. Wasn't clear at the end if she is on Kyle's side and is genuinely warning him about Dave (?). Has it really taken him  this long to track Kyle down and was Kyle that naïve to believe that just because he didn't dub him the debt would be forgotten - $75,000 dollars isn't a trivial amount. Seeing how brief his and Charlotte's relationship was perhaps it didn't count as one.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three. Roo was in all five, although she wasn't credited on Monday. Maddy and Matt were only in one.

I really don't know what to make of this Claire storyline. As Skye commented, Olivia has crossed the line into being a brat, once again scowling at Claire all the time when on the face of it she hasn't done anything to deserve it. Her pitbull behaviour was so annoying that I really want her to be wrong. At the moment, all I'll say is that Irene is getting too involved too quickly and seeing what she wants to see, when she really needs to take a step back and make sure this isn't all a mistake. Even Roo seemed concerned.But I'll be disappointed if Claire gets written off as a simple con artist.

Nice to see some interaction between Kyle and Billie, I don't think they've had anything since she's been back and they were close once upon a time. She made a good confidante to him, even if she wasn't able to offer much help.The sale of the gym makes sense even aside from Kyle's debts.Wonder who'll buy it this time, is Alf looking to branch out?But Kyle really needs to stop if he's planning to take, ahem, extreme measures.

I'm afraid the Chris/Hannah scenes didn't quite gel, they were trying a bit too hard to be "cute".Chris' Plan A, for them to spend the night in the garden in an unenclosed space where the rest of the household could see them, seems...problematic.But looks like there could be some serious stuff ahead.

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