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I call BS on this storyline vilifying Zac when a couple months ago everyone'd have been like "I hope somebody kills that bitch".

Ass-Backward Judgemental, Hypocritical town. 

No wonder some people buggered off in the end! (Sal, Don, Pippa, etc!)

And No, I'm not gonna pretend Mob mentality didn't exist when they lived there. It just wasn't... THAT bad.

This and EastEnders at the minute have me wanting to a brick through my TV.

:angry: Hulk mad.


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I can understand, kind of, people being against Billie and Hunter they were/are new to the bay, but Zac he's been there a good while now and he's a teacher. True opinion was divided on whether he was capable of what Billie accused him of, but that is always going to happen.  So holiday makers are cancelling their stay or leaving the park, understandable but locals should know better!   It's usually a minority of morons who have nothing better to do who stir up the rest of the normally rational townsfolk. The graffiti is one thing, though not excusable, but vandalising the house no that is a step way, way too far.  Do hope Leah or Alf are going to call in the police.  What's next someone in the family being attacked?  Leah did what Leah always does when she's upset under stress cooks up enough food to feed an army and keeps on working.  Irene's words were wise about letting the rest of the family in and it would have worked If she hadn't see the graffiti which VJ and Hunter did well to try and clean off and keep from her and Alf, but then of course she had to be the one to scrub it clean. Where did all these 'local's' come from that we saw in the Diner, were they all locals? 

Kyle is definitely morphing into Brax by getting involved with Isla and her problems, Ricky can warn him to keep away from her but she can't stop him.  I suppose someone she trusts is looking after her children while all this is going on.  I hope Kyle isn't being blinded by the fact Isla has kids, he always has a soft spot for women with children.  A minor miracle two days in a row a Braxton (or near Braxton) has walked into a police station voluntarily.  How handy Kyle had mentioned to Ricky about Isla, Dave and his henchmen the day before otherwise it could have been a lot longer before she realised something was amiss. Also handy Dylan knew something about Dave and his gang prompting the phone call to put in a trace on Dave's phone and start a search for Kyle and Isla, Dylan and Kat worked well together there. Funny how when most people get lost in the bush they can't get a signal on their mobile but luckily for Kyle and Isla Dave managed to so he could call his mate and the cops could trace it!  I'm guessing once he had knocked out Dave Kyle used his phone to call the cops. I like to think Isla is a good person and just got into way too deep with Dave.

Yes well done Nate for talking sense into Hannah, she does seem to have a rough time of it health wise. Chris only reacted the way he did, getting drunk because he felt rejected, her calling him a goofball manboy would have hurt.  He dealt with her dilemma as to have the op now or not very well, just two simple questions you have the mastectomy how would you feel or the removal of your ovaries how would you feel? He may have a wobble further down the line, he's only human after all.  Not only Maddy she can talk to there is Irene and Maz when she returns. I wonder if Hannah will let Andy know at some point?

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Go Alf!

Now if he had a gun like Ray's Prisoner's character in Old H&A fan's avatar... Those people would have ran for the hills! :lol:

In all seriousness, When Alf takes a stand, you know things get serious. I wonder if his flaming explosions ever took their toll on Ray's health as he puts so much into the character

These townspeople need to "Feel the leather of his belt!"

Morag's in the mix and it's about to get thick.

3/1 Carter tries to get rid of her like Josh West tried to.


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Leah develops a massive dose of Aesop Amnesia as she decides to talk to the scumbag journalist and assume she'll be fairly represented.Yeah, never talk to anyone who uses the phrase "The story will be printed either way", they obviously don't care about your opinion.The lynch mob that turned up as a result...appeared to consist of one person.I couldn't quite decide if it was just him trying to rile up the guests or if some or all of the others were meant to be silently supporting him, as the references to "you lot" implied.Still, I love Alf facing them all down, which wasn't what the promos implied: There are few people in Summer Bay who can stand their ground when Alf Stewart's disappointed in you.I'm disappointed that Skye is avoiding Oscar since I really like their interaction and hope it gets cleared up soon.After her glasses were on and off last week, they were nowhere to be seen this episode and still nothing's said.Is she wearing contacts?Did she only wear them for show?No wonder the show wasn't brave enough to have a blind regular if they aren't even brave enough to have one with glasses...Olivia continues to come across as more clingy than supportive (typically, her first words are "Why did you stop texting me?" as if she's not getting enough attention) and Hunter's "I don't know how I'd cope without you" sounds massively insincere, although they worked better in a group than one on one.

More info about Carter, seems his son's death was more recent than I'd assumed, and the fact Kat didn't know the birthday rules out the possibility of it being her son.So, Ash and Andy aren't getting to start their garage in the caravan park but Alf's found them an alternative.Um, he called that place a shed?Guess this is another case of Australians using different words than us Brits.

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Need to correct an error of mine in my last post I meant of course Nate not Zac  and Billie.

Brief mention Leah was called Mrs. Patterson on the ap Hunter/VJ saw on his phone. 

You really, really think people in soaps (and other dramas) would learn from past experiences never, never speak to any journalist that says ''we'll print it anyway so you may as well tell your side' so of course they do!!:rolleyes:  Then naturally it's been twisted or taken out of context. Alf (the terminator) Roberts was great with the mob, looked like an assortment of locals and campers and good to see the police had been called after the break in/vandalism.  Great they all pitched in to help, bit of a shock to hear Zac doesn't want to see anyone while he's on remand, hope he isn't assuming he'll go down and is making the 'break' now instead of further down the line.  As an aside after all that cooking by the youngsters doing a Greek Feast to cheer Leah up it's all left when Roo rings and they dash off back to the park, come back later and sit down to eat it when it must have gone cold!:huh:

The only reason I can think of for Skye avoiding Oscar is she doesn't want to get close and get hurt again as she thinks (maybe rightly or wrongly) he doesn't think of her in that way. Actually I thought Olivia had backed off from Hunter since she's been mates with Skye and that was a nice little moment between them.

Now Morag has got hold of the coroners report into Charlotte's death she can get going into building a case for his defence. Dylan got a bit edgy wondering what Morag and Kat were talking about and was I me or was she softening towards him when she was thanking him again for his help with Casey, then later when he mentioned his son would have been five. He also mentioned he didn't get the promotion to the task force that couldn't have been the 'something' between him and the judge could it?:unsure:

I suppose Alf does have other things on his mind than worrying about Ash and Andy setting up a garage on the caravan park site but he came good with the alternative.  I'd call it  a lock up (double one at that) more than a shed but hey a rose by any other name, Kat's in and Phoebe's been OK'd as licence holder so they are good to go, but hey what's this Dylan has  rocked up (in the trailer) that doesn't bode well. I did wonder if there may be something iffy hidden away amongst all that junk. Seems (also going by the trailer) Dylan's jealousy over Ash and Kat rears it's head again.

Not giving anything away by revealing Olivia sends for a do-it-yourself DNA kit, but just how is she going to get a viable sample of Clare's DNA, she can hardly ask her to give a cheek swab?


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Refusing to see Folk; That'd been a good callback to When Vinnie was in the nick for what Ralph did and ended up pushing Leah away.

Little reminder Alf's last name is Stewart, however, there was an Alf Roberts in Corrie (Audrey's late husband, Gail's stepfather)...



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I can't believe that a town would get so het up about the murder of someone who wasn't from the bay and who had been suspended from her job after an affair with a student when the town has experienced so many murders, and tolerates all the ex-convicts living there. . And especially when the suspect is a well regarded member of the community. This level of harassment just doesn't seem to sit right. 

I think they have played Dylan's character well. He is creepy enough that you can believe that he used to hit Kat. And the same time, he has enough charm for you to wonder whether perhaps he has changed. 

I can't care about Isla's character at all. This is only going to end up badly for Kyle (either dead or in jail). My only hope is that Isla was introduced so soon after Charlotte's death because she was somehow responsible (in the same way all the stalkers 10 years ago came into the show soon after the crimes started happening)

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6 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

Little reminder Alf's last name is Stewart, hopwever, there was an Alf Roberts in Corrie (Audrey's late husband, Gail's stepfather)...

Ah yep, I remember someone making that mistake back in the 90s while giving a talk in school assembly. Didn't help that they were both shopkeepers at the time. Also doesn't help that one of Corrie Alf's wives was called Irene (Renee) Roberts...

(HA) Alf's episode count this week:Three. Zac didn't appear, although at least we know where he is.

Hmm.Olivia's such an obnoxious brat that I really want her to be wrong about Claire, yet it's looking increasingly unlikely, what with Claire bluffing her way through a conversation with Roo.It doesn't help that Olivia making catty remarks about Claire leeching off Irene is a huge pot-kettle-black moment given that's exactly what she's doing.(Once again, Olivia sits there with her feet up while Skye goes to help Irene.)And her scaremongering about Irene giving Claire money seemed a bit wide of the mark: Irene's paid for Claire's plane fare to come and see her, she's not handed over thousands of dollars in cash.I'm really not sure about Olivia doing a DNA test on the quiet.Part of me thinks Irene should know, the other part thinks it's her decision and Olivia should stay out of it.The only good point was Morag's involvement.She's been very underused since she's been back, mostly reduced to hanging around the police station looking grumpy and wandering through the caravan park house to announce either a)she has a cunning plan or b)it didn't work. So it was good to see her get out and about, interact with a few of the newer characters and slip back into her role of resident legal adviser.

I share Phoebe's concerns about Kat, she's in severe danger of being dragged back into something unhealthy.So she got a promotion for, um, nearly getting herself killed and possibly getting her main suspect killed.Sarcasm aside, she is one of the more professional regular cops of the last decade or so (relatively speaking), so I'm quite pleased for her. When Dylan was listening to something on his laptop, my first thought was that he'd bugged the garage and was listening to Kat and the boys.He isn't quite that stalkerish but he's getting there.I'll take H&Alover's description of a lock-up: To me, a shed is a wooden building.

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