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Hannah suddenly having second thoughts must be perfectly natural, but she still had the chance to change her mind until she was given the anaesthetic.  I do think Chris used the wrong phrase by saying the worst was over, no, the hardest bit was over, but the worse could be still to come.  The physical effects will ease. but it's the psychological side that will be the hardest for her and those around her. Chris just needs to be there for her but not press her too much, I liked he had more research and told her it was OK for her to have lots of mixed emotions.   I'm guessing there were other photos we didn't see that showed more of Hannah if you know what I mean.  I suppose Evie and Oscar could have popped in , but the text messages were a good idea. It looked like Andy only found out by accident by running into Evie and Oscar in the Diner.

Funny it's only since they got the business that Ash and Phoebe are arguing, true she is only a figurehead and she has no money of her own invested in it, maybe she just wants him to do well. 

Methinks Morag could be doing more harm than good in keep having a dig at Dylan every time she sees him, would be very interesting to know what their history is, perhaps it's as Red said he was the one Kat covered up for, but daddy got him out of it, she's making it very personal which is not like usually like her.   Dylan having 'another' look at the evidence on Zac did make me wonder if he was going to fix it so his case was more solid than it actually is.

Dylan still looks like he has it in for Ash and despite Phoebe's antagonism Ash has to be at least civil to him, he's a paying customer.  She may be getting ahead of herself but her idea of offering a full wash and wax on a customers car and providing an espresso machine if they want to wait while their car is being fixed is a good idea. I noticed an inspection pit has suddenly appeared also they've had invoices printed even if the garage hasn't got a name.

Kat is protesting too much methinks regarding Dylan her smiles when she was getting and sending him text messages goes against what she was telling Phoebe about definitely not getting back with him.  Is she just sticking up for him professionally? I can't see Leah's problem with that kiss either, she can't think Kat and Dylan are in cahoots over fitting Zac up, surely she knows Kat better than that.

So Isla has done a runner with her daughters, how much money did Kyle give her to get groceries? Not unusual for them to have their dad's name if Harry and Isla weren't married. He does seem to have been there, done that before, but obviously Kyle wouldn't be in the mood to listen.   They did seem to love her and Harry is a good dad by all appearances.

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I thought much the same as you, H&Alover, that Hannah's X-rated photos were probably in the ones we didn't see.

Given that it was included in the promo at the end of Tuesday's episode, I suspect Leah's rant at Kat was meant to close yesterday; certainly the scene of Kat alone on the pier felt like an episode opener and seemed a bit out of place dropped in a couple of minutes into the episode.Still, Morag's pulled her finger out at last.I'd be tempted to suggest that Carter would try and shoot her evidence down, but he seems to have given up and settled on looking for another suspect.Has he now decided that staying where he can ingratiate himself with Kat is the priority?Doesn't sound good what he's got in mind for Ash.He's already tried to pin the murder on him and failed, maybe he's going to fit him up for something else?I loved the portrayal of VJ here, it's in character for him to be doing his best to support Leah.

I know I'm probably looking for reasons to hate Maddy and Matt together, but they make it so easy.The relationship isn't doing Maddy any favours at all, and it's not doing much for Matt either.Even when they're not arguing per se, Maddy's having to act like a schoolmarmish babysitter trying to get Matt to do some work instead of laze around on the beach all day.And then he basically tricks her into spending a sleazy afternoon with him by pretending to have studied.I should probably sympathise with Matt, who's clearly struggling at uni, but I can't muster the will to care when he's dragging Maddy down like this.

Meanwhile, I'm yet again thinking that they've done the impossible and paired Hunter with someone who's even more of a self-absorbed brat than him.Again, I'm probably looking for reasons to hate Olivia and again I don't have to look very far.I don't buy the crocodile tears act at the end, she's probably jumping for joy that she's been proved right.I would love it if Irene decides to continue having a relationship with Claire (after all, this is Summer Bay, where family is about more than blood) and Olivia's achieved nothing except causing them unnecessary hurt.Hunter's reaction was inevitable given that he didn't want him and Zac to have a DNA test: Okay, not quite the same situation because they had Charlotte there to confirm it (not that she's an entirely reliable witness), but he wouldn't have appreciated some snotty-nosed brat sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong.

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So Zach, on his wedding night, after Charlotte almost ruined his wedding and after finding she murdered his niece, goes awol......in order to check his Facebook feed? I'm forcing myself to stretch the writers' credibility by assuming that Evie posted a picture of Denny with a nice memorial tribute to her......and not an amusing cat meme.

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4 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I'm guessing there were other photos we didn't see that showed more of Hannah if you know what I mean.

Yep, I know what you mean.  I guess that was what I missed.

I was cheering when Leah gave Kat a serve.  I often find Leah funny when she goes into one of her rants.  It reminds me of all the times she used to tell VJ off when he was a kid.  Well I guess it's a good thing Zac has now got an alibi.  Firstly it gets him off and I like him.  Secondly it means Carter gets to stick around for a little while longer.  Not only will he be able to manipulate Kat some more but it will be worth it as it will wind Phoebe up which is a plus.  I was actually hoping that Carter had put his issues with Ash aside but whatever he's got planned doesn't look good.  Shame as i don't mind Ash.

I find I look forward to the episodes with the cute little princess.  Glad she had the same logic as me as justification for doing the DNA test.  And I think she was right to tell Irene.  Better for her to find out now than get more involved with Claire only to have her heart ripped out later on.  Didn't really like Hunter's attitude towards Olivia even though he did have a point.  Kind of feels it goes way beyond the DNA test and perhaps he just finds her a pain in the backside now.

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44 minutes ago, Homeandawayfan. said:

Olivia likes a bit of John, Paul, Ringo and George then.

Poor Irene, another let down, she must be Summer Bay's unluckiest resident.

Well longer you stay living in Summer Bay more unlucky you get!.

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She may have gone about it the wrong way but I think Olivia was doing it for the right reasons, she does care for Irene (which I noticed she called her twice) and sometimes people do get a feeling that someone isn't who they say they are.  She seemed genuinely upset when she obviously read there wasn't any chance of Irene being Claire's mum. Claire just pitching up never felt right to me, the usual thing and what is advised by adoption agencies and others is to write (or email) these days to the person you think may be your parent avoids disappointment and possible heartbreak on both sides.  Granted her and Irene do seem to have a lot in common, finish each sentences, same likes etc.  but that can happen between two people who become friends. For all we know Claire wanted Irene to be her mum as much as Irene wanted her to be her daughter.  Hunter in deed would have more of a personal reason to get uptight about the DNA test. Like you Homeandaway fan I spotted Olivia's t-shirt!:lol: 

Leah's rant at Kat seemed to have brought her to her senses regarding Dylan and her consequent telling him the kiss was a mistake and wouldn't be happening again seemed genuine, let's hope she means it. Morag (or rather her team) did well with that information that Zac couldn't have killed Charlotte as the message he sent Evie was sent from the caravan park, also revealed Morag is not at all tech savvy. Little bean Zac went to talk to Charlotte and looks like he  sent it on his way back.  Does that mean the cops missed it that vital piece of information when checking Zac's alibi? Put paid to whatever Dylan may have been planning. Sadly for Kat it does mean he will be sticking around giving him more time to work on her.  He really does have it in for Ash, it can't really be because she is friendly and has a laugh and joke with him, that phone call he made doesn't bode well and proves he hasn't changed.  If I'm right in remembering from what Kat has said in the past that's how he played it the last time, controlling who she could see, the mental abuse then the physical.

I think Leah is right to be concerned about Zac coming home, I know he's only been inside a few weeks but it's going to be hard for him to readjust back into normal family life again.

Matt has always found it hard to knuckle down to studying, he was written off at an early age and it takes a while to prove to yourself let alone others that you can do it. Plus he's working as many hours as he can to be able to pay the rent.  Maddy has never had a problem with studying but nagging Matt is only likely to make him dig his heels in more.  It's their first year at uni and I don't suppose most students take it that seriously, it's usually the second year they get properly stuck in. Of course Roo would be informed that he hadn't submitted his assignments, she's a substitute parent after all and he lives with her.

Surprise, surprise (or not) atrus Lindsey turns up tonight!  Be good to know how she tracked him down unless she read about him in the paper after  Charlotte's murder.





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Alf's episode count this week:Four.

I continue to find Olivia detestable. Maybe it's as much my problem as hers and I've no idea she'll try and claim she did the right thing and make self-righteous pronouncements about "the truth".But it appears she was wrong, Claire isn't a con woman, she was genuine, and out of arrogance at best and selfishness at worst, Olivia has robbed Irene of something that made her happy.It's deeply frustrating that after we've been waiting for Olivia to find out Hunter cheated on her, it's used to let her off the hook by making him the one in the wrong.I should probably dislike Lindsay, but given who she's causing trouble for, go girl go.

Oscar's behaviour is becoming ridiculous.I get the feeling he's been messed up by what happened with Maddy: He gave his all to the relationship and thought they'd be together for good and she just cast him aside (which makes her and Matt needling him very hard to take), so now he's scared to commit again and risk getting hurt and is having meaningless hook-ups.A shame, because he could be turning his back on something good.That said, I think he handled things well with Skye once he found out what the deal was, and hopefully their friendship survives intact.I loved the banter between VJ and Skye.I hope Billie was wrong when she said they were both in Year 11 though: VJ was in Year 11 last year, and it's doubly blatant here because we know when he started school.Please tell me they're not having characters drop back a year without explanation to keep them in school longer.

Talking of which, what was the point of keeping Matt in school last year, when he'd already passed his HSC and was looking to get better marks to get into uni, if he's going to decide after a couple of weeks or so that he can't be bothered?

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