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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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The text message Hunter got implied he'd slept with Lindsay but I'm still not 100% sure.  She seems quite delusional.  How long has it been since he's seen her a couple of months?  Irrespective of whether he slept with her or not if he's been ignoring her texts then it's obvious he's not interested in her although I am quite intrigued with her character so I hope she sticks around for a little while.  She does actually look like someone I used to work with.

Whilst I still think Olivia did the right thing with the knowledge she had, man I felt really bad for Irene and Claire.  I realised then that Claire actually wasn't a con artist and genuinely wanted Irene to be her mum.  Once the truth was out I did actually want Claire to stick around as she and Irene did have a good relationship but I guess it just wasn't meant to be.  As much as I hated seeing them say goodbye to each other I do think it's better that this happened now rather than later on down the line when they really loved each other.

Well Oscar was continuing to work his magic.  Copping of with a cute Brunette very shortly after meeting her and then leaving with a hot blonde.  Seeing him in action I think of that song by Sade.  That was very, very petty Skye putting a dampener on Oscar pulling that cute blonde girl (and probably sleeping with her) just because she was jealous, couldn't handle it and wanted to ruin it for him.  I think that demonstrated why IMO he shouldn't be going out with her.

Can't really blame Matt for leaving Uni.  It's not for everyone and not everyone wants to spend 3/4 more years in education and be lumbered with debt (Not sure how it compares in Aus with the UK).

And then we have the amazing, angelic, truly wonderful Billie helping VJ out when he was drunk and throwing up.  Really is there no end to her talents?

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Caught up again. I don't know what it is at the moment - there isn't any specific reason I'm not enjoying the show, it's just not engaging my attention like it usually does. As expected, the Zac situation seems to be culminating in him being about to be released, repeating the pattern again. And I'm fed up of Leah and everybody else treating Kat as if she's somehow not doing her job properly because she hasn't just unlocked all the wrongly-accused locals' cells and let them out. Yes, she's unwise getting involved with Carter, but that's a separate matter to whether it's unprofessional per se for her to have a relationship with a colleague - it's not a conflict of interest in the way that, say, investigating all your mates is. The Hannah stuff I struggled to stay interested in; as strong as I think Cassie Howarth has been, I just find the character too difficult to buy because of the fickle way she's written. I still think she should have waited before deciding on the mastectomy, and weighed up the options when she wasn't feeling so emotional about it all.

Somehow Friday's episode did grab me a little more than the others, though. I did enjoy VJ's line today: "It's always the same. The cool people always become the fun police." Yes, this is Billie all over at the moment, and sort of the ethos of H&A more generally. As also demonstrated by Maddy and Matt lapsing into the usual tired old study-haranguing that teenage couples start to do once they've been together for a few weeks.

The Irene/Claire stuff was lovely and I was really hoping she'd stay - the actors had a great chemistry and I could have imagined her fitting in really well. I was glad that she turned out not to be an evil conwoman, and really sad that she felt she had to go. They said they'd keep in touch, but I'm guessing this is the last we see of her. It got me thinking about whether blood really is thicker than water, and whether they couldn't just have carried on as they were. I think the clinical fact that they weren't related ended up taking precedence over the emotional knowledge of how much they'd bonded, which I reckon needn't have been the case. And because soap lightning never strikes in the same place twice, no doubt when her real daughter shows up they'll now have nothing in common, and/or she'll end up being evil.

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Even Irene had a pop at Olivia for discovering the truth, though I still think Olivia did it with the best of intentions. I'm another one willing to accept I was wrong about Claire being a con woman. Yeah pretty inevitable the 'we'll keep in touch' won't happen. I'm rather puzzled as to where the Alf and Irene scene at the pier came from, seemed a bit random. Understandable Irene wouldn't want to risk getting hurt again, but she may change her mind later, once you have started on that road, had to suddenly put the brakes on.

So Lindsay was the person who picked up Hunter in the bay so why has it taken her so long to turn up.  I had the feeling once he had told her, twice, on the phone he had a girlfriend he hadn't heard anything more from her. I'm not sure whether to believe her 'we only kissed' comment to Olivia.  Maybe just me but she did seem to have money behind her, posh car, staying at a hotel, being sniffy about the caravan park as if it was beneath her. The fact Lindsay picked Hunter up in the bay itself also raises doubts again about Hunter possibly being the one who killed Charlotte depending when she picked him up.

It helped the new VJ is a lot taller than the old one, made it a lot easier for him to slip into Angelo's, mind you he did well not to be spotted by the others and at least he didn't try and buy any drinks not with Matt serving he's not that daft to sell to an underage kid. He just swigged unfinished ones!  Billie dealt with him very well and steered him outside without any fuss.  I dare say she'd been there herself in the past and knows of what she is speaking.  Plus Kyle is a friend and you don't risk putting your friend's livelihood at risk  Hopefully he'll be able to hide his hangover from Leah, but she's a mum so no dummy in that respect.

VJ of course went there to be support for Skye chasing Oscar.  It hurts when the guy you fancy who isn't into you flirting with other girls. She did get it right about the  reason he's doing it is because he's not over Maddy. Evie of course had to be the one to actually spell it out to Oscar that Skye has a crush on him and I liked Oscar and Skye's talk and he just wants them to be friends.

I agree Slade uni isn't for everyone but Matt is being very hasty wanting to quit only after being there for a couple of weeks, he should at least give it to the end of term.

Talking of time spans that garage of Andy and Ash seems to have been fitted out in double quick time, only last week it was stuffed full of junk, now it's got an inspection pit, hydraulic lift, office, equipment.



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On ‎08‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 4:12 PM, H&Alover said:

The fact Lindsay picked Hunter up in the bay itself also raises doubts again about Hunter possibly being the one who killed Charlotte depending when she picked him up.

As mentioned before, we saw Lindsay pick Hunter up (even if we didn't actually see Lindsay) after Charlotte was killed.

Again, I'm left feeling people get forgiven way too easily sometimes, as Olivia's actions get brushed aside with "You had good intentions." I'm inclined to believe Hunter's story about Lindsay, although frankly I wish he'd go off with her: She might be crazy but I'm still rooting for her more than Olivia. I don't know whether it's the writing or the acting or the fact that he's a proven sociopath but I never find Hunter's raving about how important Olivia is to him remotely convincing. I like Skye but it does feel like the show doesn't have a clue what to do with her since the storyline with her mother ended.It doesn't help that John's away and there's been no real attempt to build a relationship between her and Irene (I don't think they've even had a scene on their own).The prospect of a romance with Oscar seems to have been shut down and shoehorning her into Hunter and Olivia's relationship drama isn't doing her any favours.

Chris made the wrong call in telling Hannah's friends and family to stay away, and ironically it's exactly what Andy did when she was first paralysed.And I think he was wrong to leave the house, rather than just the room, when she snapped at him.But in his case, good intentions do carry him a long way and the scene of them examining her new body together was oddly touching.Ricky's visit helped: Oddly, I'm finding myself liking Ricky a lot more at the moment where once I objected to her involving herself in things.Maybe it's my natural reluctance to jump on a backlash bandwagon.Chris' fundraiser idea was a bit over the top when Hannah would probably have been happy with a family dinner at the farmhouse, but he did the right thing in talking to her about it first.

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