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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Not only am I finding it hard to have any sympathy for Hannah but I actually initially quite enjoyed the fact that she was suffering (Chris too as a result of her misery when she told him to get out).  Regardless I don't want to have to endure this storyline any longer than I have to so I was actually glad he was there when she wanted to see what she looked like without her breasts for the first time.  I do actually quite like Ricky but she annoys me sometimes when she involves herself in other people's affairs although I accept she was only trying to help.  And she did appear to do so.  Was rolling my eyes at the fundraiser idea.  Where have I seen that before?  Cough, cough..Maddy.

I really enjoyed the scene where Skye tried getting Rid of Hunter when he came round to Irene's to see Olivia, Hunter figured out Skye was lying about Olivia not being home, let him in and Olivia shouted at her.  Skye's always had a soft spot for him I guess.  Maybe it's because he was nice to her when she first came whereas Olivia wasn't.  Regardless I thought Olivia was the one who had the puppy dog eyes.  I'm quite enjoying seeing Lindsay get all obsessed and glaring on at him when he was talking to Alf (I did actually enjoy that scene and I like that Hunter can go to Alf for advice).  After Friday's episode I couldn't tell whether she'd slept with Hunter.  And after yesterday's I still can't tell.  The scene where Olivia called Lindsay a skank, I felt Lindsay was trying to wind her up (and also at the end where she had her arm around Hunter at the Diner) but because of her delusional semi psycho nature she could have been telling the truth.  Knowing what teenage couples are like in this show Olivia probably won't stay mad at Hunter for too long and will end up taking him back.  I am actually quite intrigued by Lindsay's back story.  We know she has a car (not sure if it is expensive or not) she can afford to stay at the Sands and seems to have a lot of spare time on her hands.  Well enough spare time to follow Hunter around.  Perhaps she has rich parents and so doesn't need to work assuming she's not in education.

Quite enjoyed the chat with Irene and Roo.  Totally understand Irene not wanting to pursue the quest to find her child.  Glad she doesn't seem to blame Olivia.

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Chris did overreact by leaving the house when Hannah told him to get out, and he got good advice from Irene and Ricky, but he could have knocked before just bursting into the bedroom and startling her like he did.  He's really stepped up to the plate and grown up a lot, I liked how he asked Nate as to what he could do to help Hannah get through it. I can see why he stopped everyone coming round her first day home but he does need to let them visit, like Andy before him he can't do it alone.  Like you Red I found that very moving him being with her when she revealed her, temporary, new body and telling her she was beautiful was just the right thing to say. A lot of guys couldn't face it.  Ricky didn't overstay her visit and an interesting chat about Hannah maybe wanting babies in the future but feeling sad about not being able to breastfeed.  I realise Ricky was trying  to be helpful saying she didn't breastfeed Casey for long but as Hannah said she had the choice.Never been there myself  thank goodness, but women who have a single mastectomy struggle so a double one must be twice as hard movement wise, things we take for granted, stretching, putting on clothes, putting and taking off your bra etc.  The fund raising is a good idea it's not just helping Hannah it's to provide money for the people who help Hannah and others like her which must be badly needed. It gives the rest of the bay who aren't close to her feel they are doing something because one day, though hopefully not, it could be one of them.

More hints Lindsay or her parents having money, Hunter mentioned to Olivia they were sitting by her pool(!) talking before their kiss.  Methinks she is a girl who is used to getting what she wants  - in this case Hunter, I noticed she didn't make a move on Hunter as in flinging her arm round him until she saw Olivia about to come into the Diner. Wasn't sure but could she really have heard what Hunter was saying to Alf?  Olivia was unwise to call her a skank, just made an enemy there girl. Skye is a pretty bad liar and not surprising Hunter saw right through it. I'm not liking her hair scrapped back into a bun, made her look all school marmish,  it suits her a lot better loose.  Seeing how well they got I'm thinking VJ and Skye would make a good couple.

It seemed to me that Roo wasn't up to date in the Irene/Claire storyline as Irene had to explain it, Roo has in a way been there herself with Martha so can understand how Irene is feeling. Irene had the choice of either staying angry at Olivia or forgiving her and they do have to share a house.  

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1 hour ago, H&Alover said:

g. Irene had the choice of either staying angry at Olivia or forgiving her and they do have to share a house.  

Not necessarily have to, Reenie could pack Olivia back home to James! (Some people are probably wishing she WOULD!) :lol:


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I spent most of the episode wishing people would leave Zac alone.Possibly his reluctance was because of his injury, but VJ and Hunter were very annoying in the way they expected Zac to play basketball with them and I'd probably have snapped at them as well.Then VJ twice asks the massively insensitive "So what's it like in jail?", as if Zac's been to a holiday camp.(I'd be remiss not to query Hunter quipping that VJ will end up there.Surely he's in more danger of that at the moment?Or have the arson charges really been forgotten about?) Then Leah thinks it's all about her instead of thinking that Zac might have been affected by his stay in prison.She tells Alf she asked him what was wrong but all I heard was "Wah, why don't you love me anymore?"

Did we see Olivia in the bathroom last season?Because otherwise I don't think we've seen that room since about 2007.Nice to have it back even if they still don't know what locks are: Skye can just walk in on Olivia naked.Nice reference to her self-harming (although again, how does Skye know about that? was there a memo?) and that scene actually made me feel for her a bit.Mind you, I can't quite get over the absurdity that Hunter burning down a house and nearly killing a bunch of people didn't make her question if he was the guy she thought he was but him kissing another girl does.I kind of get it, that she trusted him with a lot of private things (although she seemed to do that just because she fancied him rather than because he'd actually done anything trustworthy), but it still makes her seem rather self-absorbed again.I've no doubt Lindsay's scheming will be exposed eventually, but for the moment I'm glad to have a break from Hunter and Olivia fawning over each other,

I had very mixed feelings about Skye today.I loved her being a supportive friend to Olivia and her being the responsible square one at the party, stopping VJ and Olivia from drinking and going around picking up litter, was both endearing and funny.Not sure about her standing up to Lindsay, it was a lame comeback but perhaps the point is that she said something. But her dragging VJ away from the party when he was enjoying himself chatting to the girls just made her look like a killjoy.And I hated the way she spoke to Oscar in the Diner.Okay, he didn't do himself any favours by inexplicably claiming he'd told Josh and Evelyn about Skye's crush when in fact it was Evelyn who loudly announced it to the whole crowd including him.But all he's done is not like Skye romantically so I don't see how he deserves being on the receiving end of what was presumably meant to be female empowerment but instead came across as misguided misandry.

Someone needs to realise that constantly using Josh and Evelyn's shipping name isn't remotely cute.The show really is determined to turn them into a golden couple.Well, I'll say this: They're less annoying than Matt/Maddy and Hunter/Olivia.

And another promo that gave away way too much.

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I'm amazed Zac didn't go completely Feral ala Dan post-brain surgery (There I go stacking him against another of Leah's dearly departed hubbies, and this isn't intentional).

I'd be grateful to see my family again after time in the joint (albeit Remand, not downplaying it) but I'd definitely want time to be alone...


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I liked the little scene between VJ and Leah, which again emphasised the bond between them, but I found him annoying again with the way he put pressure on Zac, who was clearly uncomfortable.At least Zac and Leah talked.I'm not sure how honest Zac was: That looked like a stab wound, but it doesn't seem impossible that his story about being pushed down some stairs and falling on something was true.And their first "bedroom scene"! Only took a year and a half. I don't think Kat entirely deserved that serve Leah gave her, although I may change my mind if she continues to blindly defend Carter.Her having sex in her office with a fellow officer hugely dented her image as a professional police officer, even if she did say it couldn't happen there again afterwards.

Another episode that didn't really do Matt and Maddy any favours.Matt's reason for giving up on uni straightaway thereby rendering his repeating his HSC completely pointless is basically "I thought it'd be more fun", which again adds to the feeling that Maddy's trying to have a mature relationship with someone who doesn't know the meaning of the word.On the other hand, there really is nothing wrong with working in a bar, Maddy's response did make her seem like a snob, and her only apologising to Matt because she expected him to do the same didn't say much for her either.I was never happy with the way Matt walked away scot free from something he and Charlotte did together while she copped all the blame, so part of me enjoys seeing it come back to bite him.Shame Maddy's been drawn into it but hey, she knew what he was like when she hooked up with him, she's only got herself to blame.I'd be more inclined to think Matt killed Charlotte than Zac did, even if I did have him on my Rank Outsiders list at the time, but Carter's barking up the wrong tree with regards motive, it seems Matt genuinely didn't know anything about Charlotte selling the sex tape.

So, that's me done until I get home, see you all again some time late next week!

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OK yes everyone was pleased Zac was home, but they all came on far too strong,  he needed to readjust to being free. Yes he was only on remand but traumatic all the same. Leah had to keep pushing it but I'm glad he eventually opened up to her though the 'cut' wound may well have been caused by a knife than a broken glass as he claimed.  I'm glad Zac talked Leah out of pressing wrongful arrest charges against the police they were doing their job and acting on the evidence before them.   VJ's asking him about what it was like inside may have seen insensitive but not much good pussyfooting around it.  Good question Red about Hunter's arson charges is he ever going to be bought to book for that? Interesting Zac isn't over keen so see Hunter, especially since VJ told him he'd split from Olivia.

I'm also getting fed up with Leah laying all the blame at Kat's door, she was only doing her job and what Leah doesn't know is Kat was defending Zac when Carter was so certain it was him. Of course then Kat has to go and have a bunk up with Carter and are we meant to infer she won't be having sex with him in the office but somewhere is on the cards? He certainly knows how to play her.

That was a nice scene between Skye and Olivia and at least she did knock before going into the lockless bathroom, I'm guessing Olivia has told Skye about her self harming off screen.  Hunter was the first person she told about her self harming so his playing away must have seemed like a betrayal.  From what she said she thought, wrongly or rightly, they were still a coupe when he snogged Lindsay so in effect he cheated.  Lindsay really is determined to split them up so she can have him just luck that Olivia along with VJ and Skye turned up to the beach party with her rich kid friends otherwise she wouldn't have been able to take that photo of that bloke 'kissing' Olivia. Skye did come all over mumsy dragging VJ away but he could have been 'persuaded' to have a crafty drink. Her declaration the guy she loved wasn't interested put paid to my idea she and VJ may hook up.  I wondered why Oscar didn't defend himself when Skye accused him of telling everyone she had a crush on him when we all know it was Evie.

Roo, I would have thought you'd know by now you can't tell Matt to do something he doesn't want to, it's only likely to make him dig his heels ,in even more.  He wouldn't be the first person to think uni would be different from high school and to be fair the first year is generally more relaxed but there is actual studying involved too. Answered one question there seems to be a kind of grant system which the students have to pay back. I'm glad I wasn't the only one to think Maddy did come across as a snob.  But she was supportive of Matt over the sex tape (pleased he opened up to her about it all and didn't do the strong silent thing) and didn't lay any blame on him or get all jealous over his and Charlotte's relationship. True he was a willing participant in the affair but she was the gown up - yes I know Matt is 18 - but she was the elder half and he was her student at the time. I'm happy to believe he has only just found out about her selling it although he knew about it. Carter and Kat have no choice but to question Matt about his moves and alibi on the night of the murder, do we know where he was?  There is still Andy of course who we saw washing his face and hands that night.

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The problem with the ongoing 'Kat gets blamed for doing her job' saga is that it's predicated on the spurious premise that she'd even be allowed anywhere near this case, let alone to interview her friends and acquaintances - so I'm struggling to take any of it particularly seriously. (Have we actually established whether Kat herself has an alibi, given everything that went down between her and Charlotte?) But accepting said premise, it seems to me that Kat isn't really doing anything wrong - whereas Leah et al seem to remain convinced that it's somehow her duty to ensure regular characters remain above the law. Have Leah and Kat been particularly close prior to this? Because my memory of their enduring friendship that apparently means so much to Kat seems to have failed me.

Like others, I felt Zac should have been allowed some respite from everyone crowding him/leaping on him/making prison quips - but despite his obvious traumas, it's good that he's free and apparently in the clear. Just in time for the next suspect to be hauled in.

Even in death, Charlotte manages to wreak mayhem. She's not the only one to blame here, though; frankly I think the Coastal News is on pretty dodgy ground running that story. 18 or not, a teacher sleeping with a high school pupil is still deplorable, and therefore they shouldn't be printing Matt's name in my view. As with previous Matt/Charlotte ick, there continues to be a slightly voyeuristic air in some of the writing, with Matt making grim quips about his on-screen performance, and Maddy rather pruriently querying exactly what aspect of their shenanigans had made the video such a hit. For me, Matt remains the victim in this because of the degree to which Charlotte manipulated him, regardless of the exact legal situation - and as such, a lot of this felt in pretty poor taste.

Other observations: the Chris/Hannah stuff earlier in the week was quite effective; Phoebe was intolerable on Thursday; Olivia definitely managed to garner some sympathy with that bathroom scene, continuing door lock issues notwithstanding; it nevertheless seems to me that, if anything can be seen as a mitigating factor in bad behaviour, it's the fact that your mother's just been murdered (not that Hunter's ever needed excuses to behave poorly); and Skye is rapidly becoming my favourite of the new teen contingent, followed closely by VJ. I do wish they'd give him something to do, though.

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So for the second time within a week Skye ruins someone else's fun (dragging VJ from those girls when he was having a good time) just because she isn't getting any action.

There's every indication that Lindsay's not going to give up on Hunter without a fight given the lengths she appears to be going to i.e. paying that guy to hit on Olivia so she could make it look like Olivia's moved on to ensure Hunter doesn't get back with her.

Really enjoyed Leah giving Kat another serve.  There's an argument as to whether it was justified i.e. Kat was doing her job and she was trying to clear the air but for someone who is apparently supposed to be astute, she should have been able to tell that Leah was still annoyed and wasn't in any mood to reconcile.  So she did kind of ask for it.  Besides, I've disliked Kat and found her annoying ever since the way she pursued Charlotte via unofficial channels after Trystan's death (Yes I was on the side of the cold blooded murderer).  So for that reason I'm glad she's getting some comeback.  And I was also glad when Kat tried to talk to Leah again Leah didn't back down with regards to not continuing their friendship although I think Leah will come round eventually because I just don't think she's the type of person to hold grudges.  Whilst Dylan is playing a blinder in the way he's manipulating Kat (telling her he was leaving thereby allow Kat to throw herself at him) I think Kat is being absolutely stupid.  I'm sure their quick romp was worth it but he's going to end up hurting her again.  I just know it.

Matt's young but if I had been in his position I would have tried to have a lawyer present during questioning given how Carter was with Zac.  Good to see consistency i.e. having Roo and Leah there at the police station as current and former guardian's.  Sorry Roo is just a housemate.  Once again couldn't believe how stupid Andy was.  Knowing the sensitivity of the situation just talking about Matt threatening Charlotte like that in a public place without checking who was around him.  Although to be fair he was trying to keep his voice down.

Rolling my eyes when Phoebe and Ash were acting like a pair of old women again.  And quite liked the way Andy and Billie basically had enough of their bickering and walked off.

And we have Kyle well into his latest pet project - Isla.  Again ignoring the advice of Ricky and deciding to go at it alone re tracking her and her kids down.  Although for the sake of her daughters and their father let's hope he is able to talk her into bringing them back.

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