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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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If I remember correctly Emerson asked Kat at the beginning when they found Charlotte's body if she could be part of the investigation and be objective and she told him she could. So far she has done her job, it's  the others who keep asking her why she can't do anything to help as she knows whichever suspect Carter has been had in custody and they can't possibly be guilty. Good point though atrus about her being amongst the list of suspects unless her alibi of where she was has already been confirmed. Although they might not have been particularly close Leah usually makes friends with new females that arrive in the bay.

I was ready to shout ' Don't leave Morag, you're going to be  needed' but luckily Alf got there before me. True Matt is 18 so doesn't need an appropriate adult but he does need legal advice. Carter has done his homework on Matt but I don't think Matt threatened Charlotte with violence over the photos he took of them in bed, more like meaning to wreck her career.  Josh was the one more in the frame for that and we still don't know for sure when he got his sight back.So far I think it's twice someone has held something back because they thought it would be taken the wrong way.  Maddy has gone back up in my estimation over the way she has been with him and not doubted him at all. She did the right thing is calling Alf, Leah and Roo. Difficult to prove either way if Matt knew Charlotte had sold the tape and yes Coastal News were very remiss (at the very least)  in printing the story considering there is an on going murder investigation and printing Matt's name could jeopardise any chance of a fair trial should it ever get that far.  

Oh Phoebe does it really matter if Ash goes and sees his friend rather than go to the fund raiser, the nickname Donkey raises all kinds of questions why he is called that.:wink: One in particular springs to mind but I'll gloss over that.

Kyle is being Kyle he does like rescuing damsels in distress whether they want to be or not, Isla does seem to be going down the wrong road and she has two young children with her. He can be very persuasive though so maybe he can get her away from her latest trouble.  Would be much better if she came back of her accord. The reason the charge would be kidnapping is Harry has full custody of them.

:offtopic:Kind of, I suddenly realised there is a spooky connection - my youngest great, great niece and nephew (twins) born in March are called Harry and Isla!

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Re the last episode I don't know how Kyle got the locator setup on Isla's phone but his plan certainly seems to have reached fruition as he appears to have got inside her knickers again.  I don't think she's a 10 as Josh mentioned previously but I definately think she's really cute.

I really despise Phoebe ATM.  I don't agree with Kyle's obsession with doing the right thing by Isla but what the hell does it have to do with her anyway?  It seriously annoyed me how she followed them into Angelos, to gatecrash their date, purely to voice her objections.  And after everything that's happened she has the audacity to claim that Kyle is her best friend, harping on about it to Ash, being completely insensitive towards him and she wondered why he just drove off like that.  See this is my problem with her.  In her mind she is always right and everybody else is always wrong.  It's is not clear whether Ash slept with the bar maid as she appeared to get him really drunk.  So he may have been too drunk to have sex with her but what would she stand to gain by lying or making him think something happened.  Regardless, I actually hope he did do the dirty because (a) she was hot (b) it's a perfect opportunity for him to get out of his relationship with Phoebe as I do believe he deserves better than someone acting like a nagging housewife most of the time.

Mixed feelings about Hannah.  In one hand I find this storyline is starting to make me really dislike her.  Like she said I guess most people can't imagine what she is going through but the way she stood up and had a go at Irene was completely out of line and it just makes me less and less sympathetic towards her.  I just ended up shaking my head.  I don't like Chris but he went to an awful lot of trouble to arrange this event for her and she does this.  And as I said this time with Maddy last year I believe what I feared would happened with this storyline has happened.  It has dragged numerous characters in.  Characters that would be better spent focused on somebody else.  However I don't think Irene should have tried to pressurise/guilt trip her into going for to the event for Chris.  She obviously really wasn't up for it so part of me feels that whilst over the top her outburst was understandable.  And perhaps she should have been left to her own devices like Nate did earlier on in the episode.

It's really sad I find ATM apart from Olivia and Evelyn I seriously struggle to like any female character under the age of 30.  They veer from annoying, unlikeable, false to just plain boring.

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It was so obvious (to me at least) that Ash was being set up, the bar maid, whatever her name was, zoned in on him the moment he reached the bar and how convenient Donkey had a 'better offer' It beggars the question (again to me at least) who  Carter made that phone call to, Donkey himself or her.  Ash was far too drunk to do anything other than just crash out in her bed and those photos didn't look too dodgy.  The only reason I can think of is Carter is jealous of Ash and Kat's friendship and perhaps wants him to slip up somehow and therefore break his licence conditions and end up back inside.  Blackmailing Ash about the photos springs to mind. If Ash has any sense he'll tell Phoebe right away of what he can remember, no more secrets between them remember!  As for Ash getting annoyed at Phoebe's interest in Kyle and his involvement with Isla they aren't just friends they did go out for ages and she was pregnant with his children so he's got to wonder if she still feels something/anything for him.

I said Kyle could be very persuasive and he did get Isla to hand her girls over and return to the bay, though of course as we saw from the trailers she steps up her game and turns armed robber!

I felt sorry for Chris who put on a great Trivia night but could also understand Hannah's nervousness at being the centre of attention, though her feeling of everyone looking at her and thinking people were laughing was more to do with paranoia then anything else.  Irene had to be persuaded to go to hers. She was right in a way unlike Irene she did take the choice of  in her words - of mutilating a healthy body - whereas others didn't.  As I said before the fund raiser wasn't just for her but others in her particular position so her rant could be seen as a snub to them.

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Actually I remembered Donkey rang Ash so he must have been the person Carter rang and the barmaid (or should that be barperson in this PC age) is his girlfriend and in on it with him. Though of course that raises yet another question (sorry) why would Donkey who is supposed to be a friend of Ash want to set him like that unless he's under some kind of obligation to Carter.

Another thing, so far Carter seems to be zoning in on all  the males (Irene aside) in the bay for Charlotte's murder, why couldn't it have been a woman?

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RICKY: I did not see that coming.
BILLIE: I don't think anyone did.
ATRUS: [raises hand sheepishly]

Well, it's been a while since we last had a round of It's My Charity Fundraiser And I'll Throw A Massive Strop If I Want To, but this one ticked all the boxes - with Hannah originally not wanting to go (a sound decision which she ought to have stuck to), being browbeaten into it by her well-meaning acquaintances, and then having a particularly conveniently-timed meltdown/tantrum in the middle of Irene's speech - before resolving everything with another topless photoshoot, when earlier in the same day she couldn't even face leaving the house. I did think Hannah's chat with Irene on the beach was nice - although it reminded me that Irene's drinking relapse seems to have evaporated without a trace. Perhaps fair enough since she's starting to come to terms with her past, but there hasn't been much discussion of it since the whodunnit kicked off.

I must have missed this Donkey/Carter connection and I'm not sure why Carter would want to split up Ash and Phoebe, given that that would free him up to get with Kat. But once again it's probably because I'm not really paying proper attention to the show at the moment. But apart from Billie continuing to jar in her new role as moraliser-in-chief, I quite enjoyed the Ash/Phoebe storyline and hope this is the nail in the coffin for their relationship. Phoebe increasingly annoys me with the way she bosses Ash around and I wish they'd just put her back with Kyle, rather than trying to flog this dead horse. On the subject of Kyle, I'm glad he did the mature thing for once in his life and facilitated the return of Isla's kids to their father; it's the best thing for everyone in the long run, Isla included.

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Even though Hannah was unpleasant to Chris again, I found Irene annoying at the start of that episode.  As I mentioned in my last post, Hannah was out of line the way she spoke to her on Friday but I didn't like the way Irene went round to hers, demanded that she go for a walk with her just so she could use her rape to guilt trip Hannah into changing her attitude.  Although like Ricky the week before last it apparently worked.

Billie taking the moral high ground with Ash believing that he cheated on Phoebe is bordering on vomit inducing, particularly when she said "I thought you were one of the good guys".  This coming from someone who tried to steal someone else's boyfriend and when that didn't work tried to frame him for rape despite the fact that he saved her life.  Admittedly the stuff with Ash and Phoebe was actually quite amusing.  I just love that expression on Ash's face when he realises he's been caught out.  Whilst not up to the caliber of when Phoebe figured out Brax was alive I still enjoyed it and as a result him trying to talk his way out of it.  Regardless of whether he's cheated or not it will be worth it to see Phoebe suffer for a bit.

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I was surprised Billie was so willing to believe Ash had slept with Selena when he himself couldn't remember, and although we know it's irrelevant  she did have a point about she hoped he was careful - Heath and Jess anyone! Even if she was disapproving her idea of him retracing his steps lead to the solution.  So they ended up back at the annexe to the Braxton house, I'm guessing she drove back from the bar wherever it was (city), I don't think Yabby Creek is that far away.  Looking even more likely he was set up as surprise, surprise that night was her last  night.  As for that tat could it really have been a proper one if he only had it done the night before, don't know much about them but wouldn't it have looked a lot more fresh or redder?  Alf finding those photo booth pics of them was rather convenient, anyone could have picked it up.  Before it all blew up Phoebe did admit she had been a real cow and was sorry and once again Billie was right he had to tell Phoebe the truth, well as much as he could remember, before Selena shows her face as she surely will. For once Phoebe didn't throw an instant wobbly and just walked away.  Either she will finish with him or think about what drove him to it - if he did.

I'm not sure what's behind Carter's motives either - yet, but you can bet your bottom dollar he has one. It can't be because she would then pull out of the garage deal there is Andy to consider.

I think Irene excused Hannah's meltdown because she is the forgiving type and while not the same her rape and having to give up her baby did define how she lived the rest of her life, she was giving Hannah the choice of giving into self pity/hatred or moving on. Yes, odd her falling of the wagon has been wiped from everyone's memory. Chris has been a real brick once again, letting Hannah's mood swings wash over him.  I can't work out if Hannah has already had her reconstruction or not, she told Ricky the nurse had taken the drainage bags away so she won't be using them.  I don't know if it's a matter of personal or medical choice when it's done. Her idea of having periodical photos done through the various stages is different but she obviously feels it's going to work for her.

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Phoebe annoyed me once again at the beginning of that episode.  Being totally self obsessed, for the second time in less than a week interrupting someone's date.  This time oblivious to what she was actually doing.  It was quite fun seeing her like this, crying and shriveled up.  Where was her fighting spirit?  Where was the self-righteous indignation that we see so often?  I actually think it's a shame Ash didn't cheat on her.  That woman was hot and Ash didn't even get to tap it.  Oh well.  Perhaps he could try his luck now as she was clearly attracted to him initially.  I don't agree with Phoebe that her issues with Ash started when she found out Brax was alive.  I think it was way before that.  Perhaps around the time Kyle impregnated her.  I make that the third time Phoebe and Ash have broken up.  Hopefully it will be third time lucky.  Assuming her question wasn't rhetorical can't believe Hannah asked Ash why he cheated.  Given the amount of randoms she was bringing home and the fact that she cheated on someone she was apparently in love with, she of all people should know the answer to that.

I don't like Maddy and Matt together but I was impressed with Maddy speaking to Andy about an apprenticeship for him.  Had mixed feelings about the stuff with Matt.  I found that guy that was taunting him amusing at times (particularly his comments to Maddy) but he was being an absolute arsehole.  So it was hardly surprising that Matt decked him.  I don't think Matt deserved what Carter was doing though.  Once again playing mind games and trying to intimidate a suspect.  So he ordered a Pizza from Angelos just to put the frighteners on him.  He is really showing himself to be a thoroughly unpleasant individual.

Which brings me to Kat, someone who proved with Charlotte how astute she could be but is at the moment absolutely STUPID.  How can she get back with Carter after how he treated her?  It's not as if he's changed that much.  She's already witnessed signs of this herself, re he jealousy with Ash, his controlling nature, the attitude towards Zac and Morag warning her about him.  He's able to put on the charm when he wants to but you could argue his probably even worse because he's more cunning.  And she's prepared to put all that aside just to get in the sack with him.

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3 hours ago, Slade said:

Which brings me to Kat, someone who proved with Charlotte how astute she could be but is at the moment absolutely STUPID.  How can she get back with Carter after how he treated her?  It's not as if he's changed that much.  She's already witnessed signs of this herself, re he jealousy with Ash, his controlling nature, the attitude towards Zac and Morag warning her about him.  He's able to put on the charm when he wants to but you could argue his probably even worse because he's more cunning.  And she's prepared to put all that aside just to get in the sack with him.

Hear hear!! This is chiefly what I came here to talk about. Yes Kat did do well with putting the pieces together about Denny and the case with Charlotte even before that as well but now she's just woefully um... bleh, failing, bad insert appropriate more descriptive, more mature adjective here. On top of that I really despise the fact that Carter and Kat seem to have had this reunion (puke). For me it's not so much about the fact that he used to beat her up (although that probably should be a consideration. Although people can change I just wanna say. With Carter well... we haven't had any confirmation of this and like I said this is not my primary concern in this new... whatever it is that Kat and Carter are doing right now) it's that she's witnessed first hand how Carter's not so much about the evidence and walking around arresting her supposed friends off the back of nothing. Kat's just like "Hey! Let's sleep together in secret coz we wouldn't wanna be outed but in spite of my promotion (YUCK) I think you're doing a bang up job!!" WHAT???? 

Bit crazy that he's put up the diagram of suspects and everything on his wall at the motel. Don't know why Zac's still on there. Is it likely to say something along the lines of "cleared"? Just take his picture down. Much easier to see who has and hasn't been cleared that way. Carter's just such a desperado and he's clueless so all the official lines of police investigation seem to have gone out the window with him. Great. No NOT GREAT!!!! You can't just walk around arresting people or interrogating them coz you see one little speck of opportunity (LOUSY) or motive (LOOOOOSE AS). That counts as NOT good policing.

Okay so I've been sitting on the promotion thing ever since it happened. Kat told Dylan she thought they didn't have enough evidence to arrest Zac (perfectly correct) but did she do a single thing about it? NO! And now she's got promoted: WRONG!!!! 

And she just seems perfectly happy to carry on and arrest whoever Carter tells her to. WHAT? She supposedly knows Matt. Doesn't she know he wouldn't just sit there letting Zac rot away in prison for a crime he committed. I really her promotion gets revoked when we find out who really did it and Carter gets laughed the heck off the force once and for all!!

Actually come to think about it Kat got promoted because TPTB thought her and Carter had found whodunnit right? But now Zac's been found innocent shouldn't Kat's promotion be stripped anyway? Does it not work entirely that way?

Can't say as I'm upset about Phoebe and Ash calling it quits. Quite the opposite. I don't have a massive problem with Phoebe as a character, quite like her in fact, but never liked the pairing of Ash and Phoebe. That was right what Phoebe said, I was thinking along similar lines - that as individuals they both believed Ash did cheat so that's not good. Oh well. :D 

Speaking of Phoebe interrupted Chis and Hannah's dinner date. On the one hand I'm like "Bit rude". On the other hand I'm like "Oh well". Still don't like Chris and Hannah as a couple. Yes he's really stepped up. I can recognise that. But I still don't think Chris and Hannah are that great a pairing and the way I feel about Chris just... nothing really.

You know the scene with the young adults and that jerk guy on the beach, now as I just said they're all young adults now so why did they have to stop and indulge and encourage that big imbecile?? Shoulda just carried on walking when he approached them. 

I have mixed feelings about Matt getting an apprenticeship at Ash and Andy's (Ashdy's :lol: They still looking for a name?!!) Garage. Don't the young people/folks in general find it oh soooooooo easy to find a job in soap opera. Let me tell this that this is far far away from pretty much every experience of job searching I've ever had. They could have someone looking and searching and searching for a job and it's taking aaaaaaaaaages. They're writers. They're creative types. They'd give the character other things to do in the meantime.

Anyway rant over. Kat: WAKE UP!!!!!! Start doing your job PROPERLY again. 


So he ordered a Pizza from Angelos just to put the frighteners on him.  He is really showing himself to be a thoroughly unpleasant individual.

OH YEAH THAT!! Really low blow. Such a desperado. Woefully woefully unprofessional. That's police harassment right? BOOOOOO!!! And he lied to Kat about it too. Seriouly when is Carter leaving?? Or when is he gonna start doing his job just dang professionally. So pathetic.

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