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I wasn't sure whether the gun was actually loaded until Isla was prepared to go for an all out war with the cops.  And I'm left asking myself if one of the hostages resisted whether she would have actually shot them.  It's a good thing Kyle talked her out of doing it as given the firepower the police were packing she would have been annihilated.  So he turned himself in as a decoy to buy her some time to escape.  Kat's face upon seeing Kyle was a picture.  She's going to know for sure Isla was behind it although if Kyle lies for her can Kat actually prove it.  I guess Kyle is thinking if he can get away with committing numerous crimes, Isla can too.  Although in this particular case it might actually be better for Isla if she does get in trouble with the police as how is she going to escape from the criminal lifestyle.

Well Lindsay continues to show how crazy she is, taking the keys to Alf's truck and driving whilst Hunter was hanging onto it  And Olivia employed the tactic that I love seeing in soaps.  Nothing beats the good old blackmail.  And I just loved her smug victorious expression afterwards...go girl.  I do think it's a shame though as I quite liked crazy Lindsay and would have been happy for her to stick around for a little whilst causing mischief.  There's also the fact that she's hot.  Even though Olivia had a point I think Zac was quite correct when he told her off.

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Well I must say I'm struggling to summon the energy to watch at the moment, let alone comment.

Sigh. Another day - another siege. Not that I paid any particular attention to it - the moment I heard Isla on the phone to someone called 'Spanno' my brain auto-tuned out of her scenes, and stayed that way until Kyle came face-to-face with Kat at the end of Friday's episode. It's a testament to Nic Westaway's acting that I don't completely hate this character by now, but really - enough is enough with the endless criminal heists. Either give him some inventive storylines or ship him out.

Meanwhile, Ricky and Nate also had me yawning with the been-here-a-thousand-times-before "you say big wedding, I say simple-but-elegant beach ceremony" shtick. That Nate asked Zac to be his best man - a character he's barely interacted with to my memory - just shows how few friends he has, and how he merely exists to treat medical ailments and have beige relationships. Couldn't we have met someone from his past or his family to spice things up a bit?

The Lindsay/Hunter/Olivia stuff was the most interesting of the last couple of days, and that's really not saying very much. Why was Hunter so keen to keep hanging out with Lindsay if he had no intention of it going anywhere? It's not like she's an even vaguely pleasant person. Not that Olivia and Hunter rank highly on that particular characteristic either. I agree that Skye is wasted as an adjunct to their antics, as is VJ.

And the preview seemed to be promising more of the same.

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You did answer your own question about Matt hitting Clint Red, him charging at him was rather a big clue he was going to get hit!  He had plenty of time to get out of the way or run. As for Billie and her false charges about Nate, wasn't she given a warning or a suspended sentance?  Lindsay seems to have walked away scot free, attempted theft of a car, causing injury to a person.  She must have been aware Hunter was hanging on the side seeing as he was shouting at her to stop.  At least when Olivia stole/borrowed Leah's car no-one got hurt. Lindsay certainly showed her true colours and Drew also revealed he and her other 'friends' were only with her as she had money.   Actually loved Olivia's 'get out of town' threat.

Kat was quick to put two and two together as to who was the hostage taker was (and on that note this golf club is rather like the National Park where the Braxtons had their marijuana farm) never heard of before and now will disappear back into the ethos. Kyle just cannot help himself in getting involved, but now he has got himself in deep doo-doo. The one thing in Isla's favour is she did let the hostages go.

We did recently see Nate's dad but apart from that he doesn't seem to have any other friends. I was relieved Roo didn't fall into Wedding Planner mode but instead gave Ricky good advice about talking to Nate about it and compromising over the wedding. Beach ceremony, reception at Angelo's.

:offtopic:Anyone know how I can delete my duplicate posts?


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58 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

:offtopic:Anyone know how I can delete my duplicate posts

Only mods can do it, usually one of us will notice (I've just deleted the one on the previous page), but if we don't then feel free to click the Report button

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I was totally with Ricky today; Kyle needs to be around for his family, not throwing his life away to defend the custody rights of a vaguely attractive woman he's known a month, who's proven on several occasions within that timeframe that she'd be an inadequate mother at best, and a downright lousy one at worst. I just can't invest in his decision whatsoever.

All of which complemented by more tedious Ricky/Nate wedding admin discussion, and not one, but two "tough Bay blokes hide the extent of their injuries" plot threads.

Happily, the 'next time' implied that VJ is finally getting a storyline, which is long overdue - so perhaps things are set to improve tomorrow.

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22 hours ago, Dan F said:

Only mods can do it, usually one of us will notice (I've just deleted the one on the previous page), but if we don't then feel free to click the Report button

They've gone so thank you Dan F.

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Kyle, you should have ridden out of town with Heath, Bianca and the kids while you had the chance!

I was expecting... "Worse" to have happened to Zac in the big house (ala What happened to Ailsa during her incarceration for killing her old man). 

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On ‎22‎/‎05‎/‎2016 at 3:31 PM, H&Alover said:

She must have been aware Hunter was hanging on the side seeing as he was shouting at her to stop.

Hunter was initially running alongside the car when he was shouting at her to stop.I don't think she could tell that he then decided to jump on the vehicle.

So...the police really are dumb enough to just grab Kyle and leave instead of doing a thorough search, even though they know there was at least one other person involved.Of course, Kyle is actually beating them in the dumb stakes, as both Ricky and atrus pointed out.Not only is it hard to see why Isla is worth throwing his life away for, it's hard to see how throwing his life away will help her anyway.Sadly, someone else trying to be Brax without the luck or intelligence.(At least Brax pleaded guilty to protect someone who was genuinely innocent and who was arguably dragged into it by him, not a virtual stranger who was the real criminal.)Ricky announces she wants to bring her wedding forward to a month's time. Given that last week it was in six weeks' time, that's bringing it forward by a fortnight at most.What's the point?

Hunter's "Yeah, whatever" attitude towards Alf and Zac again left me wondering why everyone in town seems so fond of this psycho and happy for him to date Olivia.He was being such a jerk (ironically when we were probably meant to see him as cute and romantic) that I really couldn't care less about him doing the patented soap "ignore the fact you're in pain so you get in as much trouble as possible" thing.If he doesn't start breathing again, no great loss.There seemed to be an attempt to make Olivia less abrasive, although the fact that it consisted of her going all girly over a jerk like Hunter meant she mostly just came across as an airhead.The only thing of interest was the sudden attempt to create a bond between Olivia and Chris.This should have been done a lot earlier, not wait until they've been living together for about six months.Chris saying she's like a sister to him would mean more if they hadn't only said two words to each other, and those two words consisted of Olivia being rude and Chris being grumpy.One of the biggest problems of the current show is off-screen friendships...which I'll come back to in a moment.

So how long has Kat known about what happened to Zac? Since it happened? Knowing that Dylan effectively did this to an innocent man (accidentally or otherwise) makes her support of him even more questionable.I'd like to say that at least Zac's being honest with Leah now, but the promo suggests he isn't.Which brings me to Nate and Zac.Thinking really hard about it, I buy Nate asking Zac to be best man.They lived together for quite a while, they were in it together when Leah was in a coma, Zac was the one Nate went to about Sophie...but the show has a frustrating habit of treating friendships like they only exist when they help the plot.So two characters meet and get on then don't interact again for months, or are really close for one storyline then it fades away until needed again, so even though they likely carry on being friends off screen, anyone who isn't taking notes of their history is going to go "When were they friends?"

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I have found myself losing interest in this show and Monday's episode was a prime example why. I just found most of the characters frustrating in their stupidity and struggled to care what happens to them.

I generally like Kyle. But I struggle to care about his fate here when his decision makes no sense. This is basically a worse version of Brax's exit story. At least, with Brax, the Ash/Brax relationship had been built up, and that Brax's action (by beating up Billie's boyfriend) had contributed to the issue. But I can't sympathise here when Isla has proven herself to be an inadequate mother, and her ex-partner, Charlie, seems to be a good father, and has seemingly given Isla a lot of chances to get her act together. Kyle promised Ricky that he would be there for Ricky and Casey, and yet, he is willing to break his promise to save someone whom he barely knows and has not given us any reason to think that she deserves any more chances. The only thing I can say, is that like Brax, Kyle has gotten away with a lot of stuff for which he probably should have gone to jail; so though he may be going to jail for something he didn't do, ultimately, perhaps, it is poetic stuff.

My problem with Olivia is that she is so inconsistenly written. She is either being extremely rude or  bitchy unless she is around Hunter around whom she is a complete pushover. Apparently, she has no issues at all with trusting him again despite her backstory suggesting she should have more issues than the average person. 

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Kat may have thought Leah knew about what really happened to Zac, which btw brings up another point it seemed by the way they were talking that Leah has forgiven Kat for her what she (Leah) saw as her betrayal. Why would the inmates treat Zac as 'the enemy' he wasn't/hadn't been a guard, true he was on the staff but as a teacher helping the inmates. Are we to guess from what we saw in the trailer (Zac confronting Greg) Tank/Warren is somehow involved, was he the one who helped Zac?

Always a bad sign when people go wandering off into the bush with no phone.  I think at the start Hunter didn't have any idea how bad his injury was, wasn't cracked rib(s) mentioned at the hospital? It was nice to see that part of the bay again, haven't seen that for a while.

Good point about the cops not doing a proper search of the club, but then they wouldn't be able to drag the storyline out would they? Yes Kyle promised Brax he'd look after Ricky and Casey but as he said she's getting married now so he'd feel like a spare part hanging around. He can get on with his life though obviously not in the way he is currently going about it.

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