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Why did everyone assume Tank took Skye to the party when it was the other way round?  No-one seemed to want to listen to her and for what it's worth he did leave straight away.  Josh I can understand being the most upset, he was put in a coma by Tank and could have been left both brain damaged and blind.  Tank's attack on him was deliberate but I repeat, again, Hunter had no idea anyone was in the house when she set fire to it though his attack on Josh was. Evie, btw, wasn't kidnapped by Tank, she went willingly, but he did try and stop her leaving later on. She once again is acting the most mature, she is determined not to let Tank (or should he now be called Wayne) to interfere with her future life. Out of the two Tank has been more of a trouble maker, Maddy's birthday party anyone, the attack on Josh.  I'm not entirely convinced he has completely changed.  Him keep saying 'stay away from me' to Skye feels to me it could be a ruse to get her to want to be with him.  All her pals telling her to stay away from him is as, they should all know, going to want to her to do the exact opposite. She's a sensible  girl, but I wouldn't have said she was that street wise. I think Greg is in denial about the whole thing, said in my previous post why leave Wayne alone for a whole week just as he has been released into your care! My mind boggled somewhat when Skye asked Irene if people didn't deserve a second chance and she replied leopards didn't change their spots, er excuse me, you came to the bay as an alcoholic, negligent mother and you were given a second chance.

I'm the complete opposite over Olivia and Hunter, I think they have both acted very maturely over the whole abortion issue with the for and against discussion. He could have walked and stayed away, but he hasn't, he's been there for her, after the initial wobble.  It was different with Chloe and Lachlan, he was older and a doctor so was able to support Chloe and as it turned out Olivia.  I did find the counselling session very brief, no questions about Olivia's medical history, which I guess if the self harming had been brought up may have resulted in further counselling. I 'saw' her name was Olivia Fraser-Richards at the clinic. Olivia asked all the right questions about how she would feel, emotionally, after. They didn't hang back with the graphic details of what the procedure involved though. So adults don't have 'except for that one time' then only teenagers,  what about Phoebe and Kyle, they were usually careful, 'except for that one time' and she wasn't even sure who the dad was. Olivia has had only been with Hunter so she had no doubt. 

Did maker me wonder though what would have happened if Charlotte had still been around, she definitely would have wanted the abortion, couldn't  have her little  boy's future ruined, never mind they had decided all by themselves.

Not a lot Leah and Zac can do about Josh getting engaged, they are 18 so adults, if only just.  Will Leah listen to Zac's advice and let them alone or do her usual thing of having the occasional little digs. 

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On ‎12‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 4:46 PM, H&Alover said:

Hunter had no idea anyone was in the house when she set fire to it

Says who?Not only was it deliberate but unlike Tank attacking Josh it was also pre-meditated.

On ‎11‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 10:15 PM, Slade said:

Having done jury service in the past (and looking the decisions of other people on the jury) any person aware of this would choose a jury over a judge.  Ordinary people don't have the experience people who work within the justice system do and some make decisions based on emotion or how they perceive the person as opposed to the evidence in front of them using logic and reasoning.

Yes, I did jury service too.My experience taught me that a jury can convict someone on no real evidence, if they've got a strong enough personality in the deliberation room convinced that the police wouldn't have made a mistake.

It was nice to see Skye put her foot down with Tank when he wanted to take it further, showing that she has still got a mind of her own.But after reading other people's comments, I do think that, while I didn't mind it, the kiss did muddy the waters slightly as to her motivation for giving Tank a chance, so I'm glad that they seem to have backed off a bit, realised they don't really like each other like that and gone back to being friends.(Still, if Skye's that quick to plant one on someone she doesn't really like to make herself feel better, why all the fuss about VJ kissing her?)While I did want to shake them at times, a lot of what VJ and Evelyn said was hard to argue with.But coming down hard didn't work with Evie, and Tank does deserve the benefit of the doubt, so best just to hope Skye's smart enough to recognise the truth.(And yes, Evie is a pushover: As noted at the time, that was the second time she's let herself be brainwashed over her family's warnings.)

Skye continues to be a better friend to Olivia than she deserves, although I'll acknowledge that Olivia didn't actually do anything annoying here.Irene on the other hand frustrated me in the way she casually sends Saint Hunter to check on her.(Man, I wish Lachie or James was around to clout him one.)Even if he did possibly stop Olivia doing something stupid. (I don't recall there being any mention of forgetting birth control with Phoebe, H&Alover?)

Now that's more like it! I guess being in the station rather than alone in a motel room with him gave Kat courage, but I loved the utter disdain she showed towards Carter, which seemed to spread to the rest of the station.Good to see her doing some sensible digging, even if we aren't told how she finds out the dirt Carter had on the judge.(And that's the guy that sent Kyle down! If this comes out, wouldn't that give him an opening to appeal against the sentence, even if he did do too good a job of framing himself to overturn the verdict? Or are we not meant to think of that?)She was a bit too pushy with McCarthy, who was rightly cautious but also on the ball.Carter trying desperately to worm his way in with the top brass only to find the old boys' network has failed him, and being reduced to paranoid ramblings about people only being against him because they want Kat, was deeply satisfying, even if it seems like we haven't heard the last of him.

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I was relieved that Skye and Tank proved to be a flash-in-the-pan thing - not least because their portmanteau-couple-name would be 'Skank', and no-one wants that. But also because it was already feeling like a repeat of the Tank/Evie story, and because I'm rapidly approaching the ferry terminal for the Skye/VJ ship. As with Billie, I'm not entirely sure how old Tank is, but I'm thinking he's out of his teens? In fact, that's an idea - perhaps they could pair Tank and Billie. They could be partners in redemption.

Oh no, Olivia - I'm still finding her very hard to warm to, but I like her enough to be upset by the prospect of her hurting herself. Looks like we may be about to get another of those rare occasions where everyone's actually thankful for Irene's continued failure to get a bolt for the bathroom door...

Carter's now becoming so unhinged that I'm getting to the stage where I'm wondering if he was the one who shot Charlotte, as part of some twisted plan to weasel himself back into Kat's life. OK, so that wouldn't make a huge amount of sense, but just about as much sense as most of the people he's arrested so far having done it.

I hope that judge is going to be struck off as well as Carter? I found it odd that Kat managed to extract a written confession from him; proof that he's been seeing prostitutes is no proof that he's been swinging cases, so for my money he seemed way too willing to admit all, with no apparent benefit to himself.

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Kyle and Phoebe had been a couple for a long while (and she never got pregnant so either they were using protection every time or she's on the pill) yet as soon as they split up she finds she is so it does beg the question did she and Kyle have that 'one time' moment when she forgot to take it and she slept with Ash the very next day without taking it. Dom/Don the photographer has been in touch but is she really ready to move on, she said she was fine about Ash staying there to keep an eye on Kat but her face said otherwise.

I found Evie's second talk to Skye put across a much more convincing argument for staying away from Tank/Wayne than her first or VJ's rant about staying away from him. He may have changed but that didn't stop him inviting Skye over to his as his dad was away.  Evie when a lot younger, not forgetting Oscar and their dad (who was an adult, though admittedly vulnerable at the time), had all been brain washed in the past let's not forget by an expert so maybe she's more susceptible than most people would be. May just be me but Tank admitting to Skye he was still in love with Evie came across as a reason to cause trouble between Evie and Josh, because as we saw in the trailer once again it is Josh starting the trouble while Tank/Wayne is staying within the terms of his parole by staying way or at least giving that impression.  He can say to his parole,officer "I was avoiding them, they keep bothering me" with a straight face.

Why shouldn't Irene send Hunter round to check on Olivia, he would have been the father of their baby and he's been acting a lot more maturely than a lot of so called adult men might have.  I'll excuse Zac as he didn't know Charlotte was pregnant but by his own admission when he found out about Hunter said he would have been useless as a dad.

Kat's accusing the judge of sleeping with other women was I reckon a stab in the dark, she just struck lucky.  It was as she said to Leah Morag had the feeling Carter had something on the judge and told him so at Zac's hearing, it was just a matter of finding out what. Said judge probably thought he may get off more lightly confessing now rather than waiting for an enquiry to start. I don't think the fact he ruled on Kyle's case will come into it, Carter had no involvement in it, it was a local case, it'll only be, I would imagine, anything both of them had dealings with, Carter investigating, judge presiding over.  Certainly very frosty in Yabby Creek cop shop what with everyone giving Carter the cold shoulder, he would have needed a lot of hot coffee to thaw that atmosphere out. he really is deluded thinking over time Kat would forgive him, deserves everything he is going to get, how far is daddy willing to got to protect him or will he cut him loose to avoid bringing dishonour on himself. McCarthy was right to be cautious about taking it higher until he had more concrete evidence against Carter and the judge.  You can be sure Carter won't take it lying down, his hanging around the farm house shows that. Is he aware Ash is staying there.


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I was cheering Skye at the top of my voice today. Maybe she’s wrong to give Tank a chance, maybe not, but I’d rather be wrong doing what she’s doing than right joining the town bullies. For a few scenes, I was hoping Oscar might be willing to back off and let the situation play out but he’s soon back being sanctimonious. It’s a shame because, as with the last time he did this with Tank, I’m finding it very hard to like him, especially when there’s not really anything else to his character at the moment. (Incidentally, while the twins’ father went in even deeper than Evelyn, Oscar was never onboard with the cult and wanted to get out.) Evelyn has abandoned any attempt at being even-handed: Yes, Skye was stupid to say what she did but she was equally stupid to push Josh’s buttons. Josh has lost what few likable traits he had, again, as if someone decided with Kyle gone there’s a vacancy for a character who thinks he can solve everything by getting violent without any real provocation, and in Josh’s case be completely charmless into the bargain. Oh, and Andy acting like the town sheriff, when I’m still wondering why the heck they let him stick around when he started off putting Casey in a wheelchair and went downhill from there.

Olivia meanwhile is possible the biggest hypocrite of all and a rubbish friend into the bargain. Shame Skye apologised to her. Not only was Olivia dumb enough to get pregnant, she was dumb enough to get pregnant by scum like Hunter (and that is why I object to Irene treating him like a trusted minder). And Olivia knows he’s even worse than everyone else thinks: She’s the only other person left alive who knows he put Marilyn in a coma. Yet she brushes aside the fact that it’s apparently okay for her to hang around with (and sleep with and get pregnant by) a supposedly reformed criminal. Skye put aside what Hunter had done to VJ and his family and judged Hunter for herself, rightly or wrongly, yet Olivia condemns Tank because of a bit of small-town gossip, without even meeting him. Right now, I can’t find the energy to care if she cuts herself.

On the plus side, the Kat/Carter storyline continues to come to a climax nicely, assuming that’s what it is doing and they’re not going to drag it out or make him a regular and hope we forget about his court case. I’d have preferred for Kat to have an empowering moment that didn’t involve violence but I guess it was kind of self-defence and Carter lying on the floor before her was a satisfying image. I’m open to the idea of her and Ash but I’d rather it wasn’t this soon after Carter.

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The actor who plays Dylan is excellent. He genuinely feels menacing in every scene and you feel like you don't know what he's going to do next. I can hardly think of anyone else who has felt like this in a drama since Trevor from EastEnders nearly 15 years ago.

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5 hours ago, Edward Skylover said:

The actor who plays Dylan is excellent. He genuinely feels menacing in every scene and you feel like you don't know what he's going to do next. I can hardly think of anyone else who has felt like this in a drama since Trevor from EastEnders nearly 15 years ago.

Trevor is a tough pair of shoes to fill, but he does play it extremely well





I do think though that Pete Callan from Family Affairs reminds me a lot of Carter, facially



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I was disappointed with the stuff with Dylan.  I was hoping for him to get some serious payback and really make Kat suffer but it turned out to be an anticlimax.  Can't say I'm particularly keen on Ash and Kat kissing although given how Phoebe didn't like the fact that Ash was sleeping at their house just to watch over her (and couldn't say anything because of how Dylan was treating Kat) this may actually turn out to be a good thing.

It was very hypocritical for Olivia to have a go at Skye regarding Tank given how she has supported Hunter.  I don't mind everybody else trying to convince Skye to stop spending time with him because they've got a valid reason.  But it would be better if she supported her in terms of character development.  May have been a way to potentially have some girl bonding.  I did find Skye's "I know in my heart that he's changed" line interesting.  How does she know Tank has changed?  I think that pretty much typifies her reasoning.  This is all purely because she fancies him.  Also when she insisted that they continue hanging out because she needed a friend.  If it was really that she would have taken Oscar up on his offer earlier on in the episode (even though he was only doing it to try and keep her away from Tank).  The let's be friends thing is one of the oldest tricks in the book.  So I assume that Skye's playing the long game and will stick with him in the hope that he falls out of love with Evelyn.  She may even try and accelerate this by being a little more physical with him - He didn't seem to mind the hand holding.

Not sure what to make of Andy confronting Tank at the gym.  Tank was just trying to mind his own business but if someone had put my brother in a coma and the doctors wanted me to turn off the life support I wouldn't be too happy with the guy that did it.

Still no problem with Josh.  If I was in his position I wouldn't calm down any time soon.  Although I do think he needs to accept that Tank isn't going anywhere.

I quite like how the writers are portraying Evelyn.  She felt Tank deserved another chance because he saved Zac's life and said he was sorry but now is deeply concerned for Skye obviously due to her own experience.  And understandably so.  There's really nothing she can do about it other than perhaps telling Irene to keep an eye on her and hope Tank has changed.

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I can see why Skye wouldn't hang out with Oscar instead of Tank.On the face of it, certainly as far as she's concerned, Tank wants to hang out with her as much as she wants to hang out with him, if only because she's the only person not treating him like a pariah.That's going to make her feel good about herself in a way that Oscar deigning to spend time with her as a kind of community service to keep Tank away after ignoring her for months wouldn't.

Today! Well, I like John and I liked his and Skye's relationship before he went away but I'm slightly apprehensive, since I can't see him being any more welcoming towards Tank than Irene is. We all said that Nate and Ricky treating John's house like their new home was a stupid idea when it was only a temporary arrangement and sure enough, they're back at square one.Did they even try and find something permanent?Ricky kind of had a point when she was thrown at Casey thinking Nate's his dad, it's not like Brax is dead even if chances of Casey seeing him in the near future are pretty remote.But she lost the point when she threw a tantrum about him talking to Irene: You can bet if she gossiped to Roo or Phoebe that would be different.Nice to get a reference to Kyle and learn he's not been abandoned.

So, Ash and Kat backed off from their kiss, although their flustered behaviour around each other suggests that they're kidding themselves.(And I wouldn't see Phoebe as a consideration.)Billie quickly picked up on it, and seemed harsher with Ash than Kat.Ash confronting Carter might not have been smart but it's doubtful whether it made things worse. I guess we'll have to wait and see.Billie seemed terrified at the end and I wouldn't put it past Carter to either attack her himself or pay someone else to do it, his listening in seemed like it was significant.

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