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I can't help it... I think I am a Ash/Kat shipper. I love the fact that it has been a slow build story that has grown from a lovely friendship. Does not feel forced at all, which is rare on this show these days.

I hope it does blossom into something more. And no, I don't care if it hurts Phoebe because it didn't take her all that long to jump from Kyle to Ash.

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How would Skye know Tank has changed she didn't know him before and I'm still not totally trusting him.  To give him  his due though he did go to walk away when he came across Josh at the beach.  As I've said before the more people tell Skye to stay away from him the more she'll stick with him, step back and just be there for her.

Kat flooring Carter and her calling him pathetic really took the wind out of his sails, severely denting his male pride being overpowered by a girlie.  I thought Ash was making a mistake approaching him, but he was very calm Ash that is then walked away. Carter's later knocking seven bells of hell out of the punch bag was a lot better than him using Kat as a substitute one. Funnily I thought the same as Billie a touch of sympathy for him, he knows he's made some huge mistakes just needs to get help.  Didn't help matters he later heard Billie tell Ash she felt he was pathetic, twice in one day is not good for any man's ego. During Billie's attack I thought I saw a tat on the guy's arm, the type cons have, and I'm sure Carter doesn't have one.

Methinks both Kat and Ash doth protest too much about the kiss being a mistake and it'll never happen  again.:rolleyes: The reason methinks Kat changed her mind about Ash staying  over again. Yes Phoebe and Ash aren't together but Kat and Phoebe live together and it really would be rubbing it in if they started something up now. If you all remember Ash thought Kat was hot when he first saw her way back when she first arrived, that was before he found out she was a cop and Brax warned him about getting involved with a cop.  It is too soon for either of them to get involved she needs time on her own.

I was going to use the old argument about why does no-one in the bay lock their door, (I was worried Kat would leave the door open at the farm house but she didn't) but of course John would have had a key. Him catching Nate in a state of undress certainly brought  a much needed laugh out loud moment to lighten things up. Yes, Ricky and Nate staying at John's was only temporary but a bit of warning he was coming back would have been good.

Tricky thing with Casey calling Nate dada, to his very young mind he's male, he's there, it's far too soon to worry about it, there is no way to explain Nate isn't his dada. True Brax isn't dead but other  mums have split from their babies fathers for whatever reason and got together with another man who is willing to bring up the child and the mum has told the child when  they are old enough to understand. I wouldn't have said what they had was an argument and he didn't tell Irene that much about it and yes Red if Ricky had mentioned it to Roo or Phoebe of course that would have been different thing.

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Well, I guess anyone that's missed the messed-up-but-vulnerable Billie has got their wish.Tessa puts in a fantastic performance here as someone who's been put through hell and is trying desperately to hold it together and carry on as normal.And after a few weeks when he's done nothing but grumble about Tank, it was lovely to see Oscar back to his old self, a pillar of strength despite being out of his depth and the friend that everyone would want.(Shame the promo suggests he'll be back to being annoying tomorrow.)I wonder if this is an attempt to appease fans who haven't forgiven Billie for her lies last year, as she gets a massive case of disproportionate retribution, on the receiving end of a sexual assault for real and worried that her past misdeeds mean she won't be believed.I really felt for her having to deal with Phoebe at her most irritating, even though Phoebe didn't know.Leah fails to twig that VJ's discovered girls and that's not how he wants his mother to act in front of them...

Of course, Phoebe is then irritating for the rest of the episode as well.Her constant acting as though Dom's only there for her was frustrating, so I'm glad Chris wound her up about it. Matt's clowning wasn't as funny as he seemed to think it was.John's impression of Alf was more amusing than accurate but at least he cut to the heart of the matter.(Mind you, were those lines actually written for Alf before the writers knew about his break?)

Ricky and Nate make up from one argument only to have another.What's happened to the money Ricky got from the sale of the gym, which she even mentions?Wouldn't that cover her share of the deposit?Wasn't that the whole idea?As I recall, Ricky got the text from Brax the night before the wedding: Mistake or deliberate lie?She really needs to stop storming out, even if Nate did overreact slightly.

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5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

How would Skye know Tank has changed she didn't know him before and I'm still not totally trusting him.  To give him  his due though he did go to walk away when he came across Josh at the beach.  As I've said before the more people tell Skye to stay away from him the more she'll stick with him, step back and just be there for her.



The "let's gang up on Tank" brigade are really grating, especially Andy and even Josh considering the things they did on their debut, but I sincerely hope that they show Tank struggling with his mental issues and fighting his old self, rather than this being another miraculous cure. The guy was seriously messed up in the head and 6 months inside would NOT be enough to completely "change" that, if Tank is all of a sudden an angel and the lynch mob is designed to make us sympathise with him then that is lazy writing, but let's see where it goes.


Zack especially is coming across as incredibly naive, he worked with prisoners and he should know more than anyone that NOBODY changes overnight like that, he may WANT to change, but that's easier said than done, realistically he would still have a lot of issues

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So we've had cancer storylines with Maddy/Hannah, kidnappings with Phoebe and Hunter so I guess it's rape time!  Haven't had any of those in a little while so let's throw one in for good measure.  I think this is poetic justice given what Billie did to Nate previously and this kind of reminds me of 90210 when Naomi falsely accused her teacher of sexually assaulting her then at the end of the season he goes on to rape her for real.  I even remember what he said to her just before her raped her when she threatened to report him - "Who's going to believe you? You're the girl who cried wolf".  Exactly what Billie herself said to Oscar.  And how fitting when Oscar talked her into going to the hospital she decided not to have the examination/STI test because funnily enough the person whose life she tried to ruin (who saved her's previously) was the one doctor on duty.  Yes it would have been an awkward conversation although she's only enabling her attacker to get away with it because without evidence it's a case of her word against his.  I'm assuming from the tattoo we saw just before the attack that the perpetrator was Carter.  If it was him I'm curious as to a motive.  Did he think she was fair game because he overheard her say she felt sorry for him?  Does he think Kat's too strong because she stood up to him and Billie is weak because she expressed sympathy? Did he not like the fact that she mentioned his dead child? Or did he do it to punish Ash?  Regardless when Ash does find out that person is going to be sooooooooo dead.  Ash might even end up going back to prison.  If she didn't appreciate how making a false rape claim affects real victims before she certainly will now.  Well Billie, karma's a bitch!

The Nate/Ricky stuff I found hilarious.  This sham of a marriage won't have a hope in hell of lasting the distance, if they're having these problems this early on.  Firstly there was Ricky's disappointed reaction when she realised that Casey's first words were to call Nate dad, obviously wanted that to be for Brax and then there was the argument that ensued when Nate saw the texts from and to Brax on her phone.  And the fact that she probably wouldn't have told him about it.  Nate's unhappy expressions I find really quite funny.  Really don't understand why she married him TBH.  Not fair on her and it's certainly not fair on him.

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Certainly didn't see that coming for Billie, and H&A have gone back to being all twee calling it an 'attack'. Tessa did play a blinder, no words needed the shattered look was enough to get the message across. So stop crowing those who thinks she has now got all she deserved.  Then trying to act as normal so not to arouse any questions from Phoebe. While I could see Carter bribing/coercing someone into beating Billie up I can't see even the most hardened crim being persuaded to rape her. My money is on him, he either took a dislike to her saying he was pathetic and or because she pitied him.  Kat would be much more able to fight back, not that Billie is a weakling.  I'm with you Red, yes she falsely accused Nate, but as Oscar pointed out that was different and she's not a serial accuser.  He may have not been the most obvious person for her to open up to but he was the right choice, he listened to her without interrupting, unlike if she had told Hannah, Kat or Phoebe. He gave her sound advice and offered to go with her to the hospital because he is right she does need to get checked out, though I'm surmising she has had a wash/bath/shower and her clothes (?) since the night before. There ought to be some DNA evidence in the gym but with all the traffic they get through the gym be pretty hard to narrow it down to one particular person. Seeing Nate not unsurprisingly changed her mind, though he didn't have to be the one who examined her, she could have asked for a woman doctor who wouldn't be able to tell anyone anything without her permission.  I hope she does get checked out, she can always say she had unprotected sex with someone and needs know if she may have caught something. The problem there of course there would be the signs of forced entry.

Josh has more 'right' than anyone to keep picking on Tank though he'd be better heeding Evie's advice to stay away from him, it'll only be him getting into trouble.

Pretty obvious to me Dom was there for Phoebe, but he is coming on far too strong.  Of course The Sands being double booked is the perfect lead in for it being held at the caravan park so what happens tonight can happen. I'm guessing as Skye has done her three days is the reason we haven't seen her and John reunited at least not on screen.

Ricky wasn't very bright not deleting Brax and hers text message on her phone, only surprise being Ricky gave him the OK to go through her phone rather than him finding it by accident.  It was in fact, as we know, getting that message decide she loved Nate and wanted to marry him. Nate isn't that dissimilar than Brax would be in wanting to be the one responsible  paying for the deposit and mortgage for a house very macho, even if in these times a couple take joint responsibility. So she doesn't earn as much as he does she can still make a contribution. She did mention the sale of the gym, but some/half of that would have gone to Kyle.

Well it all happens tonight and the usual 'warning' that two don't survive.  Will it be regulars or as usually happens two people who we don't know that well and who just happen to drift in just in time to get fatally injured?

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8 hours ago, Slade said:



8 hours ago, Slade said:

 I'm assuming from the tattoo we saw just before the attack that the perpetrator was Carter.


The tattoo of the rapist does not match that of Carters, even though they do have tattoos in the same location, Carters isn't a cross, also a smart move to cover your face but roll up your sleeves to reveal your tattoo while you rape someone

It's either somebody who has been paid off by the man himself, or maybe they will muddy the waters a bit by having Carter somehow find the rapist?

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I really liked the explosion view from the house, but the actual caravan explosion looked so fake, especially as someone who can remember the brilliance of Jack/Sally's caravan explosion 20+ years ago when the show had a smaller budget.

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Sadly, I can well believe that Carter would find someone willing to rape Billie for money.The tattoo is obviously significant, although didn't they do this with Bianca?Was it firmly established that Billie saw it?Skye has actually only been in two episodes this week so I was expecting her to appear today, especially with Tank involved, but she was a no show.

Episode counts this week: Roo was in four, although she wasn't credited on Wednesday.

When we saw that first promo of someone seeing Olivia's scars on Wednesday, I assumed it would be Hunter so my interest was piqued when I realised it was Chris.(Is Olivia's self-harming public knowledge now?First Skye knew about it, now Chris possibly does as well.)But my interests nose dived when Irene proves completely incapable of handling it and needs Saint Hunter to take over.Next week I suppose he'll walk on water and cure cancer.And why does he go into the caravan park house to "crash" when he sleeps in a caravan?I guess this was mostly to keep them away from the fundraiser, which is a shame because they'd be near the top of the list of characters I'd like to lock in a soon-to-explode caravan.

I had a bit what-the-heck moment when Ricky tells Irene she got a text from Brax before the wedding: Admittedly she doesn't state outright that Brax is alive (which, at last check, Irene really shouldn't know) but the line was so jarring that I'm left thinking Bonnie Sveen forgot what it was meant to be and delivered an approximation.Ah well, at least Irene got to tell her how childish she's being.Irene being spied on should interest me but with all the drama going on elsewhere it kind of got lost in the mix.

Did Phoebe forget to get dressed?I genuinely thought that was a dressing gown when I first saw it and her apparently having her hair in curlers didn't help.You can tell something's going to happen from all the asking-for-trouble dialogue like "Things couldn't have gone better", "It's really going well" and "We must do this more often." (And why all the big deal about the MacGuires never having hung out before, when, yeah, they have?Zac and Leah's wedding if nothing else.)Josh and Oscar harassing Tank didn't bother me as much as I expected, mainly because we saw practically the whole scene in promos, but I had to roll my eyes at the Josh speak of "We ran into Tank" (read "We deliberately went over to Tank and started having a go") and his sheer pettiness of not wanting the hospital to raise more funds by keeping Tank away.Since we're specifically told the AVO doesn't stop him being in the same place as them, he wasn't doing anything wrong and Barrett again shows what complete scum he is.And as usual, innocent people pay the price of his violence.He didn't even do a good job of stopping Tank going to the fundraiser, just beat him up and then drove off leaving him a few feet away from it and just assuming he meant it when he said he wouldn't go in.To be honest, I found that explosion-in-the-trees shot somewhat laughable: If that was meant to be Leah and Zac's POV as implied, then it seems the house is now about two miles away from the caravan park, rather than it being right next to the house like it used to be.And if the caravan that blew up was the same one Ricky was inside, she should be in a lot worse shape than the promo showed.Like, you know, burnt to a crisp.Gave away a bit too much but at least it didn't reveal any specifics.They left that to Inside Soap.Again.(Sorry, that's another thread.)

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