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3 hours ago, Dan F said:

I've mentioned this elsewhere, but just for the benefit of the UK viewers in case they're thinking the same - H&A's explosion was scripted and filmed over a month before Neighbours did theirs.

Neighbours have a quicker turnaround between filming and broadcast than H&A have, so even though they wrote their version after H&A, they managed to get it on-screen first. Therefore H&A has copped a load of flack for apparently 'copying Neighbours'

Well Irene's lost child was born in August 1970, making them nearly 46 - and we know Irene met Mud when she was in her late teens and they were married within a week, so there probably wouldn't be a huge gap between them...(though perhaps a little more than the 2 years it appears to be)

Oh yes, I wasn't necessarily implying plagiarism.There does seem to be a curious gestalt consciousness among soap writers which means they all seem to have the same idea simultaneously, be it cancer or fake pregnancies or whatever.

Have we got a definitive age for Nathan?He seemed to be still at school in 1991 so I'd guess at him being a 1973 birth.

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39 minutes ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Oh yes, I wasn't necessarily implying plagiarism.There does seem to be a curious gestalt consciousness among soap writers which means they all seem to have the same idea simultaneously, be it cancer or fake pregnancies or whatever.

Have we got a definitive age for Nathan?He seemed to be still at school in 1991 so I'd guess at him being a 1973 birth.

Oh I know you weren't - plenty of others elsewhere have been though so thought I'd post it whilst I remembered :P

Nathan celebrated his 30th during his visit in 2002, though I can't recall if his age was stated in his earlier stint and whether it tallies up.

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3 hours ago, Blaxland 89 said:

Like the show is bothered about havinf a correct and consistent timeline. If they did VJ would be 14. Wouldn't surprise me if Nathan ever returned they'd age him down. 

Well he did return, but it was like he was a new man.

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Caught up thus far. I have had to blow the show off  for Euro 2016 (which lbh is more interesting than most soaps)

The explosion was a damp squib. Neighbours did their last two better. There I said it. There was almost no punch to it

As for Nathan. When he was released from Juvey he was at least 18-19. Probably did age him a bit as Alf said he hadn't seen him 10 years, in reality 8.

Weird seeing Kristian Schmid play a baddie. Most people over a certain age remember as Todd Landers, an all time Neighbours legend who made millions of girlies cry when they killed him off. Not that Todd was a goody-two-shoes by any stretch, just not as bad as this guy posing as Harrington's uncle!

And if Nathan did return, they'd need a third guy as Craig Ball played Gray Page all too recently to be forgotten and David Dixon isn't acting.

Back to Irene's kids. Fin has a daughter? (I see the Tina T and her real kids in the album) I thought she had two sons (Paul, the one Irene carried for a year leading to the baby snatch saga of '97 and Mark, her and Barry's own, ironically conceived sometime after that!)

Oy... If I wore glasess they'd be off while rubbed my temples and shook my head.

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Were they really Tina's own kids? Nice of her to give it/permission to them to use. They didn't mention that she was Fin's daughter so she could've been a foster daughter, or maybe she had a daughter as well - we haven't heard a lot about her in quite a while.

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On ‎21‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 11:56 PM, Dan F said:

This might jog the memory if you saw it at the time:

Nope, it's a blank slate I'm afraid! And, ahem, Hulk and c120701, if you scroll back a page you'll see I said all that at the time.To be honest, I'm more used to Kristian Schmid from the last good version of The Tomorrow People these days, which makes it doubly bizarre having him as a psycho after seeing him save the world from Christopher Lee, Jean Marsh and the fat bloke from the first Star Wars film.

Okay, today's episode. Positive first: I think the reveal of Charlotte's killer was done well (and that's another area where they triumphed over Neighbours, whose own reveal today was a complete damp squib).I hadn't guessed it was Josh, yet despite initially considering him a rank outsider it makes perfect sense, I think many of us had our suspicions about Josh's "Oh yeah, my eyesight just came back, I was about to tell you", so nice to see that paid off.Ironic that after all our theorising about Charlotte leaving the gun in her car she was the one who had it all along.While there's a degree of accidentalism, Josh's self-defence claim is somewhat mitigated by the fact he left Charlotte to die when she possibly wasn't past saving if she hadn't been left in a pool.But then...WTF? Josh has proved that he doesn't give a damn about Evie's feelings by letting Zac go to jail and get stabbed because of him, yet now he uses Oscar's death to try and wriggle out of a murder charge? His transformation into complete scum, as bad as his brother, is well and truly complete.(I'm guessing the flashbacks to what Charlotte had on Andy were for our benefit and Josh didn't actually tell Kat.)And then, incredibly, it works?! Any possibility of us respecting Kat as a professional police officer just died, as she turns a blind eye to an unlawful killing.Her justification that the case is closed is pathetic, she has a duty to report any information pertaining to a crime.Her justification that poor ickle Evie might be upset is even more pathetic."I'll be back for you once she's better!"Kat declares, trying to sound tough.Which is when?Next day?Next week?Six months?She needs to grow up and slap the cuffs on him.She doesn't even consider the possibility of quietly charging him and releasing him on bail so he can be there for Evie: Hey, if Kyle can be charged with a serious crime without anyone noticing, why not Josh?

Oh yeah, Hannah died.Well, it was trailed so extensively it would have been a bigger surprise if she hadn't.One of my pet hates:A soap has a huge disaster with a dozen or so people in danger and the only fatalities are from one family.To be honest, I'm not that bothered, she was never a favourite and I won't even miss her relationship with Chris because they were hardly in it.But I would query the decision to have her die in an accident so soon after the BRCA gene storyline, it kind of sends out the message that instead of putting herself through the trauma of unnecessary surgery to prevent something that wouldn't have happened anyway she should have enjoyed the time she had.It also turns Evelyn into a Doom Magnet of Ruby proportions, losing five close blood relatives in about four years.(Although Roo's statement that she's lost her entire family, seemingly there to encourage Kat to think Evie's more important than the law, is an exaggeration: Zac's as closely related to her as Hannah, Hunter's her cousin, Leah's her aunt by marriage, VJ's her, um, step-cousin.)Nate rings Kat straightaway just to make absolutely certain she doesn't do her job, yet Hannah's family only find out because Roo mentioned her in passing and no-one tells Chris until the next day? (Presumably, he still hasn't noticed Irene didn't make breakfast.)

Well, I sort of got my wish in that Maddy got precisely one line of reaction to Oscar's death before the scene became all about them not knowing Hannah's dead.(Kassandra Clementi, bless her, appeared to be subtexting like mad.)Another problem with Hannah dying as well: It's diluted the impact of Oscar's death.The ending had an impact that Ricky's plight really didn't, if there's no miracle cure coming then that is something truly shocking and life-changing, and the most interesting thing that's happened to Maddy in well over a year.


Shame that the trailers going Two! Won't! Make it! pretty much takes away any tension of her not surviving, since we've already had the two deaths.

Shame too that they spelt her name wrong on the patient board.

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