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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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So. The funeral was okay but having the two of them there diluted it slightly.Ironically, given that the opposite was criticised earlier, I think Oscar came off better than Hannah.Zac's eulogy was touching but it seemed like he struggled to find anything to say about Hannah.Still, more moving than Evelyn sobbing as the coffins descended around her on remarkable platforms, which was just silly.Not as silly as Chris not being there; I'm guessing Maddy's still meant to be in hospital and Matt's with her, and probably Ricky too? Skye once again seemed more upset about Tank being to blame than the fact the boy she was supposedly in love with has died.Hunter and Olivia reflecting it could have been them left me thinking "If only..." Alf barking to Greg that Tank caused it (based on second hand information) was annoying, Hunter, of all people, loudly announcing it to the wake as if he thinks he's got the moral high ground was bordering on insulting.I might accept Zac getting angry about Tank accidentally causing an explosion and staggering away leaving Oscar to die while injured and in shock, if he wasn't perfectly fine and dandy with Hunter deliberately starting a fire and running away leaving Oscar to die while perfectly fine himself.

Timing issues with the rape now a couple of weeks ago and VJ and Billie having slept together last week.Actually, if you squint a bit and ignore things like Olivia only just announcing Irene's missing and Ash's vague reference to "that business yesterday", there may have been a few days pass between the previous episode and this one.So, Billie's now got Phoebe as confidante, and despite pulling away from the kiss the thing between her and VJ definitely doesn't seem one-sided.Leah gets a text from "Irene": Genuine or another fake one from Mick? I'd love it if they actually are getting on and she really has just gone away with him for a few days...

Josh is becoming more and more unlikable, hypocritical and cowardly, not least in that last scene with Evelyn.Does he really think he's still going to marry her?

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On 6/24/2016 at 7:47 PM, CaptainHulk said:

Do you live in London, because My Internet played the fool too due to the s***ty weather we've been having as of late (Though it wasn't a 24hr thing like last week)

My internet access was OK.  I could stream from BBC iPlayer, ITV and Youtube without any issues.  The problem was specifically with My5.  Even tried using 3G on my phone.  Made no difference.  I could access the site but it wouldn't load any of the available programs.  The fact that the other sites were Ok but My5 wasn't leads me to believe the issue was with My5 - Some of these companies will often host their own main site but deliver the media content via a third party so it could have been an issue with the third party site.  If they are using it that is.

I was disappointed with the stuff with Dylan on Friday's episode.  Couldn't Carter have made Kat suffer for a little bit at least?

Have only just watched yesterday's episode as I was watching the football yesterday (and had to endure quite an abysmal England performance against Iceland - A country with a population of around 300000 people).  So according to Zac's eulogy he thinks that Hannah was the type of person who followed her heart.  Was she following her heart when she was sleeping with all those guys?  Or when she cheated on Andy after he looked after her when she was paralyzed?  I personally think she would have hurt Chris eventually anyway after she had the breast reconstruction.  So losing her might be a good thing as far as he's concerned.  Because at least if she hurt him he wouldn't have to see her all the time.

The stuff with Kat and Josh is quite amusing.  How long is Josh planning on dragging this out for?  You never know if he is able to do it for long enough he might be able to potentially blackmail her for not reporting him when she first found out.

So VJ is already smitten with Billie after sleeping with her.  No surprise there.

Am feeling sorry for Tank.  Don't blame him at all for what happened.  Andy attacked him.  Can't really blame Zac though as he doesn't know the truth so from his perspective he helps to get Tank parole and Tank's responsible for killing Oscar and Hannah.  Didn't mind him having a go at Kat.

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Iceland wasn't under the same expectations to win as England was so maybe that helped them more. I guess the  thought behind the joint funerals was seeing as they both died at it the explosion and as a result of it they should be buried together and this way the family and friends wouldn't have to go through it twice. It was a good turn out and while you couldn't expect Maddy to be there I would have thought Matt would have to represent her. Nate was there both for him and Ricky. Seems Australia follow the American way of having platforms to lower the coffins. Maybe it was because Oscar was younger than Hannah and had only just started living his life was the reason behind Zac being able to concentrate more on him.  Seeing as Hannah is dead she's not going to be able to hurt Chris is she?

Was Hunter still there when it happened or had he already staggered off after being battered by Andy?  It could explain his explanation of being unaware of what had happened or am I remembering wrong? For some reason of his own he's keeping Andy's name out of it. Everyone probably believes he went there when he had been warned to stay away and knocked over the canisters deliberately.  Usual reaction about why Kat didn't say anything, erm, this time she was being professional and couldn't until they (the police) knew more. No-one knows the full story, only us, Tank and Andy who pitches up at the cop shop. Very understandable reaction by Zac towards Tank though.  Oscar survived Hunter's setting fire to the house, this time he didn't.

Kat hasn't forgotten her little chat with Josh and neither has he.  Mad idea, though understandable, by Evie for her and Josh not to waste any more time and get married tomorrow!   As she said life is too short.  I'm guessing Alf saw the news of an impending marriage on the net but they can't legally be stopped both are 18.

It seemed to me to be a week further on from the rape/explosion by what Billie told Phoebe, but why when asked by Phoebe if she had told anyone else Billie said no, it would have none no harm for her to say she'd told Oscar.

Olivia still seems to be the only one worried about Irene then lo and behold Leah gets a text from her about finding her kid.  I guess he could have forced her to send it, someone needs to text her back and see what happens.

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I don't care if Never hear about that game again or the Sodding Brexit, tbf. :angry:

Screw June 2016. 

The Funeral was nicely done. Found it hard to swallow everything else (Finding it esp hard to care about VJ/Billie), My Main Interest satm is seeing if the Barrett Bros get what for.

Did enjoy Alf's "Hogan's Ghost!" though, he hasn't let one out in a while!:D

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5 hours ago, Slade said:

Have only just watched yesterday's episode as I was watching the football yesterday (and had to endure quite an abysmal England performance against Iceland - A country with a population of around 300000 people).  

So VJ is already smitten with Billie after sleeping with her.  No surprise there.

Hart fumbles the winning goal again. Shoulda taken Ruddy.He couldn't have done worse.To be fair, VJ was already smitten with Billie and that was hardly going to put him off.

I'm still wondering what the heck Josh thinks he's doing.He knows he's going to be arrested so he...decides to rush Evie into a wedding, albeit one she suggested?Does he want to give her a wedding while he can?Is he trying to tie her to him before he gets put away for maybe 10 years or more?Does he really think she'll wait, as his comments near the end suggest?Also have to wonder at Evelyn saying she "always" expected Oscar to walk her down the aisle.Er, their father's only been dead a little over two years, wasn't there a time when she expected him to do it?

I still find VJ and Billie incredibly sweet, maybe because it's a rarity in being a relationship where I actually like both parties.I didn't even mind Hunter that much, even if having him intuit from VJ's grin that he's had sex so VJ doesn't need to brag was a bit of a stretch.(Good job Ash isn't as perceptive.)Confirmation if needed that it was his first time, and despite Hunter's digs Billie's comments suggest he was quite adept.That was definitely not a date as friends and Billie's expression definitely suggests she likes him.And I think he could be just what she needs, the perfect person to remind her that there are nice guys out there after encounters with at least one not-so-nice one.Shame that the situation is so messy, especially with the pregnancy.The flashback definitely seemed to indicate that Billie saw the tattoo.

So, despite saying he'd do so a week ago, Barrett still hadn't told the police what happened and seemed quite prepared for Tank to take the blame until Greg pricked his conscience. Tank's guilt is believable but as undeserved as Zac's.I'm glad Andy admitted he started the fight and it wasn't Tank's fault: Technically Tank did shove him first, but Andy clearly followed him there looking for a fight so there was a degree of self-defence about it.

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Well I'm glad Andy fessed up even though it took Greg convincing him to do so.  He's done the right thing.  Tank doesn't deserve to go to jail for this.

Really struggling to understand Josh's thinking.  Even if he did marry Evie how would that have helped her knowing that her husband left someone to die and let her uncle go to prison for it.  That would hurt her even more especially thinking she's going to spend the rest of her life with him and then losing him.  Does he even have a plan for how he's going to deal with Kat?  Or is he just not thinking that far ahead?

So Andy and Josh are potentially going to be in a lot of trouble.  Are the writers really going to send both of them to jail?  I wonder what Kat is going to make of both Barrett brothers on charges for killing someone.

Have to say this storyline with Bille and VJ feels like inconsistent writing.  We have Billie someone who up to a few months ago was a psycho now miraculously cured in a short space of time.  She gets raped, finds out she's pregnant, one of her closest friends dies and there's no indication of her reverting back how she was previously.  No relapse.  Putting that aside although Billie likes him to me she is using VJ as some sort of way to  get over or block the rape.  Perhaps even a way to forget about the pregnancy.  For different reasons this whole thing is very reminiscent of Maddy and Oscar - Even happened in the same house, what are the odds of it being the same room and therefore the same bed.  The more I see of Billie and VJ the more concerned for him I am.   What started out as him simply having a crush on her, after sleeping with her has turned into being smitten and an infatuation and I would imagine it won't be long before he's in love with her.  I don't think Leah's going to be too happy about this, especially given her conversation with Billie on Monday where she did not even think Billie would even like VJ.  There must be quite an age gap between them which I suspect is Leah's reason for thinking Billie couldn't possibly be interested.  In spite of that I did actually quite enjoy the scenes with VJ and Hunter as a result.  Liked the way Hunter teased VJ about Billie being out of his league although at least VJ has something to brag about now.

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I found myself struggling to maintain interest in that episode, which isn't a good sign.The speed with which Barrett was charged and bailed without anyone noticing except Ash (seemingly even Josh doesn't know) underlines how ridiculous Kat not arresting Josh is.And then Alf, Leah and Roo basically do the same, deciding to keep it quiet because...well, to make things more interesting, or more likely because too many people have used up their three episodes so the storyline needs to be on hold until next week.Are they really going to let everyone go on blaming Tank?(Slightly frustrating that they're all making excuses for Barrett one scene after Alf's "flamin' Tank".)Is Leah not bothering about Zac blaming himself? Well, I guess Tank's presence in town was still a factor so he probably still will.Wonder if Josh will notice that he set things in motion twice, first by letting Zac go to jail which led to Tank being paroled, then for basically sending Andy after Tank with his whining about him going to the fundraiser.Probably not, responsibility doesn't seem to be his thing.Given the number of times Andy's shafted her over the years, including trying to kill her when they first met, I doubt Maddy would be surprised or particularly bothered.More coward punching, even if people did tell Chris off afterwards.I guess his absence from the funeral did pave the way for his private farewell, so swings and roundabouts.Mention of Spencer! Which is then immediately forgotten.Oh, and Andy smashing stuff up is getting very old.

Phoebe and Dom...I'm sorry, were we meant to care? I'm struggling to work out why they decided to dissipate all tension by hinting that Dom has a secret wife or girlfriend and then giving us the real explanation in the same episode.

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1 hour ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

I found myself struggling to maintain interest in that episode, which isn't a good sign.The speed with which Barrett was charged and bailed without anyone noticing except Ash (seemingly even Josh doesn't know) underlines how ridiculous Kat not arresting Josh is.And then Alf, Leah and Roo basically do the same, deciding to keep it quiet because...well, to make things more interesting, or more likely because too many people have used up their three episodes so the storyline needs to be on hold until next week.Are they really going to let everyone go on blaming Tank?(Slightly frustrating that they're all making excuses for Barrett one scene after Alf's "flamin' Tank".)Is Leah not bothering about Zac blaming himself? Well, I guess Tank's presence in town was still a factor so he probably still will.Wonder if Josh will notice that he set things in motion twice, first by letting Zac go to jail which led to Tank being paroled, then for basically sending Andy after Tank with his whining about him going to the fundraiser.Probably not, responsibility doesn't seem to be his thing.Given the number of times Andy's shafted her over the years, including trying to kill her when they first met, I doubt Maddy would be surprised or particularly bothered.More coward punching, even if people did tell Chris off afterwards.I guess his absence from the funeral did pave the way for his private farewell, so swings and roundabouts.Mention of Spencer! Which is then immediately forgotten.Oh, and Andy smashing stuff up is getting very old.

Phoebe and Dom...I'm sorry, were we meant to care? I'm struggling to work out why they decided to dissipate all tension by hinting that Dom has a secret wife or girlfriend and then giving us the real explanation in the same episode.

Red! Things must really be bad. You've hung on in there longer then most of us old fans. I gave up a while ago but sounds as if the show has moved to a new low. 

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Have to say I'm actually quite enjoying seeing Chris suffer.  Under normal circumstances I would have wanted Andy to knock seven bells out of him but I guess it's worth seeing Chris dishing out the punishment as it adds to his torment.  Andy will go down in history as the person who took the love of Chris's life from him.

Not sure I really like this side of Andy.  I don't mind him feeling guilty but the scene at the end her he smashed his laptop up was almost a carbon copy of Kyle smashing the cot after Phoebe miscarried up a few months ago.  Like I mentioned about Billie and VJ in my last post, the same house and virtually the same spot.  It's funny because Kat clearly felt sorry for Andy.  Now what?  This is perfect ammunition for Josh to guilt trip her further into not turning him in.  As Evie is going to be devastated when she finds out her fiance's brother was responsible for her own brother's death.

When I saw the preview I was kind of hoping that Dom had slept with Phoebe then afterwards she found out he was really married.  Well's there's still a chance anyway.  It didn't sound like whoever he was talking to on the phone was his daughter IMO.

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