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16 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

Ah, okay.No memory of that at all.Given that Ash's stay literally lasted about two days, I guess Phoebe got lucky...

She really did as I wondered at the time why she didn't offer Hannah her room back, but I suppose they didn't want to change again. 

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Another weekend, another H&A marathon - eight episodes in a row. This time I've actually been looking forward to it because there's been so much going on - but while there have been lots of fantastic performances - including from Philippa Northeast, Tai Hara, Kassandra Clementi, Johnny Ruffo - it does feel a bit like watching EastEnders at the moment, with so much misery and death hitting the Bay all at once. There's so much to cover, I'm starting to feel my occasional but deep-seated need for subheadings. What the hell; I'll do subheadings.

Josh dunnit
This was one of the worst aspects for me. I liked the way the reveal initially happened (although should Kat really be paying that much attention to what Josh, someone whose interactions with her are pretty limited, is wearing on his wrist? Did I miss something about how this connection was made?). But for every scene he and Kat had from then on, I was just screaming: ARREST HIM NOW! Honestly, she must be the most irresponsible police officer the Bay's ever had. The number of separate opportunities she gave him to either abscond or kill her too must be getting close to double figures. To be honest, if he had put a bullet in her on the beach as they talked through the series of events, it would have served her right. But then she goes and tops that, by giving him two weeks' free pass before she arrests him? What?! As for Josh himself, he's clearly just become completely callous, which I suppose is an improvement in character terms from just being dull, but not a very plausible transformation nonetheless. I can just about buy him panicking over Charlotte and leaving her to drown, and even keeping quiet as Kat and Carter arrest everyone and his dog, then lets them go again. But any points he won by sticking around post-confession to support Evie and not absconding (and I'm not sure he won any, because possibly absconding would have been kinder), he lost by allowing her crazy shotgun wedding plan to go ahead, just days before he's due to be banged up for a very long time. Thank goodness Zac and Leah turned up at the last minute looking suitably horrified. Now can we get on and arrest him, please?

And another thing: do we surmise from the fact that we saw the flashback that Josh told Kat about Jake Pirovic? If so - and I think that was the idea, although we didn't actually hear him say it - then why now? If shooting Charlotte was really an accident, why would Josh need a motive for it? Just because Kat had a vague suspicion there was more to it? And then why hasn't Josh filled Andy in on what's happened, to prepare him for the worst? Presumably they will add that to his manslaughter charges for the explosion, but Kat made no indication she had any intention of following it up.

Andy and Tank
Considered together because their fight caused the damn thing. Much as Andy deserves to be in jail anyway because of Pirovic, about whom he never seemed to feel any remorse, I would normally very much feel for someone who had been charged with manslaughter after an incident like that. After all, people in H&A go round smacking each other all the time, as evidenced several other times in the last eight episodes - so just because this one happened to end in a gas explosion, doesn't make Andy irredeemable. But if they're going to send him to jail over this, I'll be wishing that they'd actually done him over the Pirovic thing instead, which was far more deserving of jail-time. And who knows, they may yet do both. There was an element of karma to it, anyhow, particularly with Hannah being one of those who died. As for Tank, I want to be interested in his redemption, but he just feels like one raging ball of testosterone too many in the Bay at the moment. I do want him to stay on, but I feel like he could do with being rested for a while now, until the explosion aftermath is all done and dusted.

Billie & VJ
Because we can't really call them BJ, can we? Hmm, I don't know about this. They obviously have chemistry, but even if I have to majorly suspend disbelief in order to accept it's true, VJ's still a kid in my eyes, and I don't think Billie's in the best place to be entering into a relationship with anyone right now, least of all a seventeen year old. (It will be interesting to see how this story's dealt with as compared to what's currently running over on Neighbours, with the genders reversed - my bet is VJ and Billie will be far more easily accepted by the townsfolk and viewers because the younger party is a boy.) I can already see what's coming a mile off - VJ's going to be drafted in as a father for the baby that's actually a product of the 'attack' on Billie. And yes, soap abortions rarely strike in the same place twice in such quick succession, and Phoebe miscarried last year - so there probably will be a baby at the end of all this. It did feel like their night together was going to get glossed over without any reference to it being VJ's first time, so I was actually glad of the little Hunter/VJ scene where that was established - it would have been a cop-out if there had been some kind of hook-up with another girl that we just happened not to see. As for the rapist, Carter's too obvious in my view - plus it seems the resolution of the hostage debacle (neither that nor the resulting 'Kash' romance gets a subheading today; my wrists are hurting) was a redemption of sorts for him; and I've been checking out Dom's arms in every scene they've appeared in, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a tattoo.  So I'd say the clever money's on Irene's creepy possible son. Speaking of whom...

Where the hell is Irene? Was that last text really from her, or is Mr Creepy pulling the strings?

So, farewell, Hannah. Yours felt like a particularly cruel fate after having been put through a double mastectomy recently, but such is the godlike sadism of the soap writer. Agree with other people that the most effective aspect of this has been other character's reactions (descending coffin moment at the funeral excepted, which was in danger of falling into Twin Peaks territory, without the irony). Killing Hannah in itself didn't hold much emotional mileage for me, but Chris's scenes ever since, for example, have been quite affecting, as was Phoebe's when she first found out. I'm quite happy for Hannah not to come back as a ghost; I can imagine her being perpetually plagued with indecision about which Bay bloke to haunt next.

Maddy's arm
These have been some of the best scenes over the last week, I feel, with Kassandra really performing well, and some strong supporting stuff from Georgie, Alec and Ray. I actually think Matt's done really well in a very tricky situation - normally this kind of thing would see him careering away on his skateboard and getting smashed in Mangrove River. But I think his maturer attitude here shows that they're not just a casual fling; Matt has loved Maddy for ages even before they got together, and they've been living together for (by soap standards) a while now. It's about 99.5% certain that having a permanent disability means Maddy will be leaving us soon, though I hope the show surprises me and keeps her on. There's no real reason why they couldn't - sure, the initial stories would have to focus on her arm, but it won't always be the end of the world to her that it feels like right now, and it would be nice to see a soap reflect her coming to terms with it fully in the long-term, rather than immediately ditching any character who no longer fits the kind of body image that the show seems determined to impress on us.

Ricky and Nate
I felt there was an opportunity missed here to draw some parallels between Maddy and Ricky, as characters who haven't previously had much to do with each other. But no, we just got the usual Ricky/Nate bickering; I get that things would be fraught anyway under the circumstances, but this really is a match made in hell. Oh, and one day soon I'd love someone in soap to actually say: 'Yeah, I think I'd really benefit from a chat with a counsellor,' rather than instantly railing against it and having to be proven wrong.

Dr Tori
I like her more than Nate already. I'm not sure if her reticence to talk about her brothers was just the usual "City-dweller adjusts to the Summer Bay grapevine" plot, or whether there's some dark secret there. Oh, who am I kidding? There's always some dark secret there.

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22 hours ago, c120701 said:

She really did as I wondered at the time why she didn't offer Hannah her room back, but I suppose they didn't want to change again. 

I remember the swopping, but no memory if they swapped back.

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Oops double entry!!!:blush:

I may be reading too much into it but Tori, yes short for Victoria, it did get mentioned in passing,  was rather evasive about her (three?) brothers when she talked about them to Alf and Nate and there was the matter of 'something' happening at her last hospital.  Atrus of course there's a dark secret!:wink:  I did agree with Nate she is being presumptuous going up for head of ED, and nothing to do with her being a woman, she's only been there five  minutes!

I don't think it was made clear if Josh did mention to Kat about Andy killing Pirovic and if he did Kat is being even more unprofessional by not nicking Andy.

I'm with you pembie, finding Oscar like they did did have more of an impact than if he had been discovered then died in someone's arms.

Glad I'm not alone in thinking Matt has been very mature about the whole thing. I can understand Maddy's concern though not an easy thing to take on and blokes a lot older then him would have doubts. Has Matt's trial for the sex video being postponed, dropped, forgotten about. I'm guessing as Carter was shown to be corrupt the charges against him for being Charlotte's killer were dropped.

Maddy and Matt have actually acted a lot more maturely than Ricky and Nate.  Ricky's idea to have sex so they didn't have to talk was totally mad, at least Nate was gentle about refusing her.

Whatever mess she made of her private life, and don't forget her being paralysed atrus, she was a good nurse though whether that would warrant the hospital board agreeing to have a ward named after her is another matter altogether. Didn't Gina have an award named after her as well,  her bench which was more for family and friends.

Considering how well loved Irene is supposed to be it is very odd no-one seems bothered that they haven't been able to get in touch to tell her the news about Hannah, Oscar and Maddy, even if she is supposed to be off with her lost son/daughter, just said child on 'her' text to Leah.




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I thought it was really important that Maddy had the scene at Oscar's grave today, and really powerful. It's a pity it just turned into yet another medical crisis. Really hope they find her in time, as I don't think I can handle another death. Meanwhile, Maddy's mother deftly underlines exactly why Maddy always comes to Roo instead of her: because unlike Tanya, Roo isn't forever making it about herself.

Nothing else really seemed to happen. Still like Tori more than Nate. And I dread it every time we see Nate and Ricky having a scene at home together, because you're always trying to second-guess how it will end in acrimony as one of them flies off the handle.

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57 minutes ago, Torpido123 said:

Mad dies amputation did seem to briefly change sides in the hotel room - possible poor continuity there methinks 

That got a ridiculous amount of media attention in Oz, when it was simply a shot of Maddy's reflection in a mirror.

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