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2 hours ago, atrus said:

I thought it was really important that Maddy had the scene at Oscar's grave today, and really powerful. It's a pity it just turned into yet another medical crisis. Really hope they find her in time, as I don't think I can handle another death. Meanwhile, Maddy's mother deftly underlines exactly why Maddy always comes to Roo instead of her: because unlike Tanya, Roo isn't forever making it about herself.

No, that's Maddy's job, although I can see where she gets it from.

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I'm working on the assumption that the flashbacks were for our benefit, showing us what really happened, rather than what Josh was telling Kat.In fact, we could tell that from the fact that Josh told Kat Kyle and Andy went looking for Charlotte because she killed Denny, whereas the flashback reminds us that it was because they were worried about her spilling their secrets.So no, I don't think Kat knows about Jake's murder.

If a gun was pointed to my head, I would admit that Matt is doing his best to be caring and supportive of Maddy.But mature?No, I'm not seeing any sign of that.He's hopelessly out of his depth, trying to deal with the issue by yelling at everyone and making comments that are well-intentioned but just demonstrate his lack of understanding.I think the scene that underlined Matt's immaturity was when everyone else was discussing how to get Maddy to agree to the amputation and Matt goes "You can't make her do it!", completely failing to understand the seriousness of the situation despite having it clearly explained to him.

That scene of Maddy at Oscar's graveside was everything I wanted, a perfect summation of who Oscar was and how much he meant to Maddy...and as such, I think it's grossly unfair to accuse Maddy of forever making things about herself.He is the person she'd want by her side in this: Sorry, Matt/Maddy fans, but to me he'll always be her soul mate.(She even still carried a photo of them around!Which I really hope Matt gives back to her after he basically committed grave robbery.)Shame the rest of it was so dreadful.There doesn't seem to be any reason for Maddy's MRSA except to create needless extra drama and a sense of urgency.Maybe they'll shock us and have a third death but at the moment it's hard to feel any tension.Also, the search for her has to be spectacularly incompetent, sending a bunch of guys in orange coats to search a random stretch of bush instead of asking the motel if they've got any one-armed guests.And if someone saw Maddy at the graveyard, why didn't they approach her?(Okay, maybe they didn't find out she was missing until later.)Tanya turns up to do the same thing she always does, with the truce she and Maddy called last time she was in town frustratingly ignored.While that was clearly a mirror and anyone who thought otherwise wasn't paying attention, I'm confused about how much of her arm Maddy's lost.I thought it was barely more than her shoulder left but when she stretches out both arms here they looked nearly as long as each other, as if it was a below-the-elbow amputation.Oh, and she's snapped back to her original age: Roo says she's 19, which ties in with her being 16 three years ago, but it's only eight months since she turned 18.

I actually didn't mind Chris convincing the hospital to name the ward after Hannah, possibly because I like Chris, possibly because we finally got the Maddy/Oscar memorial I wanted. I've no objection to Tori applying for and getting the job, it's about who has the experience, qualifications and abilities, not who's worked at the hospital the longest.Curiously, it seemed like Nate was the one being frosty towards Ricky here.The fact that they didn't even really argue, just walked on eggshells around each other, made it all the more uncomfortable.

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15 hours ago, Dan F said:

That got a ridiculous amount of media attention in Oz, when it was simply a shot of Maddy's reflection in a mirror.

I realised that while watching it, very clever that actually, shame those journo's didn't or perhaps they wanted to hype it up.

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1 minute ago, H&Alover said:

I realised that while watching it, very clever that actually, shame those journo's didn't or perhaps they wanted to hype it up.

Well you'd think given the amount of time they spent taking screencaps and writing reports on it, that they'd have noticed Maddy walking across the shot in the foreground at the end. Seven even released a statement about it.

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Why would anyone assume Maddy had gone to the motel, I'll skip over how she managed to get from the hospital to there, to the cemetery and back seeing the state she was in. It was  a below elbow amputation though the hospital saying her arm had to be amputated could explain your confusion Red. The MSRA did appear to come out of the blue but  of course TPTB had to rack up  the tension. Now she has finally realised how sick she is hopefully she'll be able to call for help.  Why do people always blame the staff at any hospital for patients going missing, they're not under guard.  I noticed Roo saying she was 19.  Very tender moment with Maddy at Oscar's grave.  Matt seemed to already know Maddy had a photo of Oscar in her wallet he said as much to Alf and yes I hope he does give it back to her.

How is it Roo's fault Tanya wasn't told Maddy's gone missing and also that she wasn't told about Maddy's amputation, she ought to know how stubborn she is, same as when she had cancer, Maddy didn't chose to tell her until she wanted her to know.  Roo tried both times to encourage her to tell her mum.

I understand Nate was disappointed not to get the job but he was cold towards Ricky who was being sympathetic.

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I actually found myself sympathising with Tanya near the start.Okay, she was being needlessly hostile but I thought Alf and John's attitude towards her was out of line and couldn't help thinking that if it was Roo or Matt accusing them of not doing enough then they'd have been a lot more understanding.That said, I am glad Alf gave Tanya a few home truths afterwards.Maddy ran away from Tanya long before she met Roo.The ending of Maddy's storyline was utterly risible.They've spent the best part of a day searching random places, then it takes Evelyn to point out she has more than one bank account?It would have been less contrived if Maddy had reached the phone: It occurred to me during that scene that she was having to crawl one-handed, wish more had been made of that.We didn't get a good look at it but they may have corrected her name on the board.I actually found myself open to the idea of Maddy going to live with Tanya, sadly I wouldn't regret her leaving as much as I once would have done.Does Matt expect to move in as well, as his comment about coming as a package suggested?I'm probably not meant to read anything into Maddy not replying when Matt says he loves her, but I do wonder why, after Maddy has run away because everyone was smothering her and not listening to her, Matt insisting on staying in her room when she's repeatedly asked him to go home was treated as "cute".

I'm glad we got that little hint of Skye missing Oscar, because otherwise must admit I have not been impressed with her over the last couple of weeks and that continued here.As someone said on another forum about another show, either Tank's her friend or not.And if he's her friend, then she shouldn't turn her back on him so easily over something that was an accident.Even Hunter showed more compassion than her, which almost made me respect him until I remembered he was the one that announced Tank's supposed guilt to everyone in the first place.(Olivia continues to convince herself that Hunter and Tank are different just because she's sleeping with Hunter.Or not, given her reaction to his latest attempt to sleaze on her.Is she worried about a repeat of her abortion?)When Skye went to the hospital, I thought Hunter's comment had pricked her conscience but no, she only went round to have another go and didn't change her mind until she found out it wasn't Tank's fault.At least she admitted she'd been a bad friend, shame Tank let her off the hook so quickly.I don't think it was her place to blurt it out to Josh and Evelyn but then I don't think it was Leah's place to keep it from them either, and I guess Skye felt she had to make up for telling everyone Tank was to blame.Why do so many people seem to think that letting Evie get happy again and then tearing her world apart a second time is a good idea?

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I have gotten to say - having initially been excited about Skye as a character, I now find her insufferable. It frustrates me that she cares more about Tank's potential involvement than she does about the fact that Oscar is dead, the guy she was supposedly in love with. And her self-righteousness in regards to the accident really frustrates me. Even though Andy may have been more responsible, Tank was hardly blameless. Either way, it was after all, an accident, despite the horrendous consequences. She is the one who decided she wanted to give Tank the benefit of the doubt, so maybe she needs to start doing so. And there was no need for her to blurt it all to Evie rather than taking the time to talk it through with someone.  It just felt quite selfish - designed to make her feel better rather than for the benefit of Evie. I just feel she has graduated to Olivia's illogical school of self-righteousness. 

I found Olivia equally insufferable. Hunter quite correctly pointed out that everyone makes mistakes, and alludes to his house-fire ways. I rolled my eyes at her twisted rationale that somehow that was OK (despite being deliberate) whereas Tank is a psycho (despite the fact that she wasn't even around when he was causing all the trouble). 

I feel for Andy. I have never been his biggest fan, and I still resent the fact that he showed no remorse over Pirovic. So maybe it is poetic justice that he is now going to go to prison (I presume he will get sentenced) for this - kinda like Kyle and Braxton getting imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit after getting away with so many others. However, it is horrible for him to know that his actions were responsible for killing the only woman in the Bay that he had loved. 

Clearly, Maddy is going to accept Tanya's rehab office - can't see H&A having the patience to have her deal with her amputation for more than a few weeks before shipping her off. Will she see Spencer again, I wonder! 

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Caught up on Tuesday and Wednesday; and please do add me to the 'finding Skye annoying' list this week. It sort of feels like nothing that's going on is any of her business, but she keeps storming in and shouting about it anyway, just because she's got nothing else to do at the moment. And her shouting isn't very nuanced, regardless of which side of the argument she's on at any given moment.

I'm also disappointed that Leah's character continues to be twisted for plot convenience. I didn't buy that she'd be keeping the secret about Andy being responsible; it seemed clear to me that they might as well get all the heartbreak for Evie over with sooner rather than later (likewise with Kat holding off on arresting Josh), and of course it was bound to leak out via some other avenue and make things even worse for her. And sure enough, Skye opened her mouth within screen-minutes of learning the truth, despite Tank expressly telling her not to. I agree Evie needed to know, but that wasn't the way it should have happened.

(And for that matter, why wasn't the local media covering the fact that Andy has been charged with manslaughter days ago? If Kat somehow secured a blackout just as a favour to her mates, it's yet more evidence of her complete inability to do her job impartially.)

I was also surprised that Leah got over the revelation about VJ and Billie within the space of a single episode. Given that she's always been an overprotective mother, that felt like a more true-to-character source of conflict for her, and could probably have lasted for a good while longer. And actually I'd argue that being against VJ dating a girl six years his senior probably isn't even overprotective. I think one of the main reasons Billie/VJ doesn't feel as inappropriate as it otherwise might, is because Matt looks like no 17-year-old boy ever, while Tessa is quite young-looking, I think. But I can't imagine myself being very pleased about it either, in Leah's shoes.

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The scene with Leah & VJ where she'd accepted Billie but was then  telling VJ to be safe was hilarious. Ada plays the neurotic Greek mother so well, I assume it's based on her own family - I can see my Irish family in it too, they're much the same, right down to the feeding people.

I do wonder though, are we just to accept that Leah & Zac are quite comfortable living in Alf's house with no plan of finding somewhere to rent. As much as I love them there, they either need to move Alf out or them out. 

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