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Hello again Brian. 

I think the issue Nate was referring to was fact they haven't talked about  the fact she can't now have any more children, they do need to address it, either just between them or with a counsellor, otherwise it'll just fester between them.

I don't know if Billie has consciously got together with VJ so he could be the 'father' to her child, but I think there are genuine feelings there.  Quite a change seeing two young guys talking about their feelings and VJ giving advice seeing as he is now the love king of the bay.  Mind you how experienced is Hunter supposed to be, he was 16 when he came to the bay and unless he's had an unmentioned birthday still is so unless he was an early starter, unlikely with Charlotte as a mum, he's as the same as VJ in the sexual adventures stakes.

Probably both about Olivia not wanting sex with Hunter, still too early, scared of getting pregnant again, even with her being on the pill, him taking precautions as well and her self harming again which she did tell him about instead of keeping it to herself.  He should encourage her to talk to someone, a proper someone,  about it.  It's way too big for him to handle.

Oh but it is a sisterhood code that is supposed to be unbroken as in you don't cop off with your friends ex, especially if you live in the same house.  After the initial very frosty breakfast scene, Phoebe's protest she was fine was so transparently untrue, she did seem to accept what had happened had happened.  I did like Kat's reference to her response to Nate coping off, twice, with Ricky was to get drunk.  Looks like Kat will spending a lot of time at the Braxton house then.  I was thinking the same thing about Kat and Ash ripping each others clothes off with the front door wide open before shuffling off to the bedroom, suppose Casey had seen them, would have traumatised him for life.

Maybe Tori was trying to make her mark, always tricky when you are new in town and have got a top job into the bargain.  No we, well I, don't believe the man with  the envelope was an estate agent, even for the bay that is a stretch that they would go to all that bother.



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Given that that episode seemed to focus almost exclusively on characters I don't like...that actually wasn't bad.I mean, I'm at the point with most characters where I choose to tolerate them if possible rather than try to like them, because if I do try and like them I'm going to be disappointed.But Olivia's scenes with Chris made me wish more than ever that we'd seen this brother/sister relationship build up on screen and he'd been involved in her storyline from the start, rather than her being a brat towards him, Irene being mardy and over-protective and Saint Hunter trying to make out he's the perfect boyfriend.That said, we did get a bit too much of the latter.Sorry, but I still find Hunter intensely creepy, he talks to Olivia with the same expression and same tone of voice as when he was threatening Leah.Chris' efforts were actually pretty effective, a group counselling session with people her own age that she can relate to isn't a bad idea at all.

Meanwhile, can't fault Phoebe here.While she was wrong to lecture Dom on parenting in the first place, it did prompt him to handle things with Bella in the right manner.What followed was desperately contrived unfortunately.Why would Bella go to Phoebe's place, where she's never been before, to apologise, without telling Dom?She says she got the address from Dom's phone but, um, when? How? Why? And do people really list other people's addresses on their phones, rather than just their phone number?

I think both options are valid for Ricky and Nate.Sometimes, talking isn't going to make any difference and just ploughing ahead and getting on with life is the best way forward.But they did manage to talk and state their opinion, before going back to the sex as a means of reconciliation that Ricky in particular is a bit too fond of.(How many times did we see identical scenarios with Brax?)Except then we get another contrived moment which promises an argument next episode.Oh joy.Tori pops up for a token cameo just because she's a regular.Okay, there seems to be something building slowly but at the moment she feels spectacularly superfluous.

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Hi. Thanks for your welcome Slade. Nice to read all your comments again. Phoebe is the one I can't fathom at the moment. taking on a guy with a problem daughter - no, that's not her lifestyle at all. Where has the feisty young singer gone.? I still think that she was best with Kyle - but we won't be seeing that again. Or will we? Why has no one gone to see him in prison yet? Phoebe said she loved him at their last chat. Then I didn't like her with Ash either - no chemistry there and even less with Tom.

Kat seems to be the nymphomaniac at the moment, flinging herself on everyone with such passion. Strange for a local cop - good job we can see why she is a cop with her blue uniform. Is she really going to turn Josh in at some future date? Mind you, I don't believe his story about suddenly getting his eyesight back and then reverting to fake blindness. He's not that clever. Poor Evie if that happens - hasn't she been through enough?

Roll on Billie and PJ tomorrow. That should be good!!!! 

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Photo stunt aside, I still don't care for that brat. It was a naughty thing to do. As Dom said "You don't accidentally delete every photo". I suppose helping her case, she DID apologize.

Today's ep had me zoning out too.  

Ricky and Nate were... How they say... Boring af.

In Kat's defence... She is a remarkably hot woman, just with REALLY s***ty taste in Men. I bet she's got two sets of cuffs, One for work, other for play! (Yes folks, Dirty Hulk is back! Though he never really went away... :D)

Harrington/Olivia was the only thing I paid attention to. Am I the only one half expecting her to kiss him in a moment of madness? (Not shipping that but more a "God, WTF am I doing?") As I speak, someone's probably gonna cook it up on fanfiction.net


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10 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

Photo stunt aside, I still don't care for that brat. It was a naughty thing to do. As Dom said "You don't accidentally delete every photo". I suppose helping her case, she DID apologize.

I agree it wasn't a particularly nice thing to do but I enjoyed it purely because of how it annoyed Phoebe.

So whilst intensely disliking her on Thu/Fri day thought she was actually OK yesterday.  Thought she handled Bella very well.  And I actually quite enjoyed the scene between those two.  I still felt Phoebe had a smug sense of satisfaction that she won i.e. she got her apology and was right about Dom not coming down hard enough so I didn't like that.  I also didn't like the subtle dig she had at Ash regarding going out with Kat when she saw him on the beach.


10 hours ago, CaptainHulk said:

In Kat's defence... She is a remarkably hot woman, just with REALLY s***ty taste in Men. I bet she's got two sets of cuffs, One for work, other for play! (Yes folks, Dirty Hulk is back! Though he never really went away... :D)

Yes I guess you could argue based on her previous and current partners - An abusive ex cop, a guy who wasn't that into her (and was in love with someone else the whole time they were together) and an ex crim - although I'm giving Ash the benefit of the doubt.  Although I guess that really depends on what you define as s**t.  Certainly you could argue objectively Nate and Ash are good looking (maybe even Dylan too I don't know) so if she's shallow it makes sense for her to go out with them.

Starting to find Tori annoying.  The way she just rocked up at the house Nate/Ricky were looking to buy and announced she would be standing down to let them have it.  I dunno it felt quite condescending.  And it annoyed me when Ricky and Nate decided not to buy it as it felt she won again even though I can understand it wouldn't have been suitable for them.  It will be interesting to see how Tori is around these brothers of hers.

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On ‎10‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:00 PM, CaptainHulk said:

She knew what she was doing. If I had done that at that age or even younger, I'd have been in a s*** ton of trouble.

I wasn't saying she didn't know what she was doing, but she didn't know those other photos were on there.

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They were good scenes with Olivia and Chris, still no lock on the  bathroom door issue aside.  He was very gentle with her, do we assume she told him about the termination,  and had, as Olivia said, no reason to apologise for not being with it lately.  I can see why Hunter felt miffed she could talk to Chris and not him, but as I said in my last post he is too young to handle something like this.  He's also too close to the problem and as Olivia also told him she wants to keep their relationship as it is, boyfriend/girlfriend without the extra pressure of her unloading on him.  Give him his due, he did have good suggestions about talking to Leah or Zac or her counsellor, who she stopped seeing.  Chris also suggested the same thing, but if it is not working for Olivia or the counsellor isn't the right one not much point in her seeing her. Chris  has really started getting very wise, change of counsellor, group sessions OK they may not work out but it's something to try. Hannah would be proud of him, nice little scene of him sitting on his bed looking at the photos of him and Hannah. Brief mention of Irene but no-one it still seems is  bothered that she hasn't made any contact since that last text.

Phoebe did give good advice to Ricky, they couldn't keep ignoring the elephant in the room, Ricky not being able to have any more children is not something you can brush under the carpet, shame their subsequent talk and making up was then undone by Ricky leaving that message on Phoebe's phone which of course Nate had to pick up and not be able not to read it.  Even Phoebe wouldn't be able to think of something that fast. Was a tricky moment at the house when Tori turned up, on the whole I think it would be too big for Ricky and Nate, cringed for the estate lady when she mentioned there would be a room that could be a nursery.

So Phoebe and Dom make their apologies to each other again, he has another fraught conversation with Bella who then goes missing, Phoebe gets told by Dom to butt out when she offers her help to look for  her as it is nothing to do with her and her fault anyway. We did learn one thing the bus from the bay goes to Yabby Creek.  I've no idea what can be added to people's mobiles so perhaps you can add addresses, but yes Red when did Bella get that info. Phoebe handled it well, reassuring her she wouldn't be in trouble with the police or her dad.   Phoebe does have experience with problem kids, she did meet Darcy, who had her moments.

In true soap tradition Ash finds out Billie is pregnant by overhearing her telling Tori.

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Nate overreacted to Ricky's comment in my opinion, and going into work and being grumpy with Tori didn't help.They talked it over and got back on even keel but even they admit they'll just argue again.So Ricky's disappeared until, I assume, next week.Nice use of Leah, on which more later.

The tense lunch didn't really work for me, although I did laugh out loud when Kat's trying to convince Phoebe that it's hard for Ash seeing her with someone else and then they promptly hear him and Dom getting on like a house on fire.When Dom asked Kat what was happening at work...well, I guess she couldn't have answered "At the moment I'm covering for a 19-year-old murderer who killed his ex-teacher because she found out his brother killed someone two years ago."

Messed-up-but-vulnerable Billie is well and truly back in the building.I liked VJ's little moment of playing the concerned boyfriend when he realised she was sick.(And I assume/hope Billie was lying when she told Phoebe she'd been out drinking, it sounds like, however much a state of denial she's in, the coherent part of her wants this baby...which I'll discuss in detail another time.)Her expression during the family meal was quite saddening in a way: She told VJ the other week that she envied his family and now she's seeing a life that's she probably never had.Maybe that's why she wants to be a mother?Leah is dealing with this a lot better than I expected and being genuinely supportive to VJ.I'd really like Billie to tell him the truth and him to be supportive but her lie at the end makes that more difficult.I don't think it was planned, and I think the way she ran out on VJ after the L word shows that, while she needs him, she knows she's not being fair on him letting him invest in this relationship without knowing the full story.It's a shame, because if it wasn't for the complication of the baby I think they'd be the most suited couple on the show at the moment.(Well, okay, apart from a few older couples, notably Zac and Leah.)

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