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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yes I agree Red about Billie and VJ. But Billie should not have lied to Ash. She could have refused to answer his question   Will she lie to VJ as well when he asks. The truth will have to come out at some point. The longer it is left, the harder it will be for Billie and for VJ to cope with.  When will it happen?  I give it 3 weeks with Phoebe accidentally letting  it out. Any other ideas?

Lots of passionate kissing from these older adults - Phoebe/Dom, Ash/Kat, and not so passionate Ricky/Nate, but they are married. Where are the teenage hearthrobs pashing - Maddy/Matt, Josh/Evie? But Hunter/Olivia and Skye/Tank are trying.  Will they get there?     

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That was the forth episode in a row with Phoebe in it.  OK so again she wasn't that bad but given that she's going out with Dom,  I don't see why Ash and Kat can't be together under the same roof just to spare her feelings because she can't handle them together.

So rather than tell the truth about the rape Billie lies to Ash and puts the pregnancy on VJ.  It wouldn't surprise me if she planned this i.e. sleeping with him and going out with him going on past behaviour just to try and cover it up.

Again finding Tori annoying.  She seems quite inquisitive given the way she was talking to Nate although doesn't really talk much about herself.

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Some might say that's a pretty big "without": I always felt that the Braxtons without the crime would have been quite likable and watchable.

Billie slept with VJ before she knew she was pregnant, so I don't think it's just about having a handy scapegoat for the pregnancy.I like to think it's not about that at all but I guess it's all interpretation.I feel a lot for her but she's just storing up trouble for herself and it's going to be the worse for her when it inevitably comes out.I hate to say but I really didn't like Ash here, he had no right grabbing VJ the way he did (Billie is, after all, the older and more experienced partner, and I doubt he'd want Leah doing that to her), and not for the first time came across as a bit of a bully.Leah handled the initial reaction badly (I don't remember Hunter getting that much of an earbashing for knocking up Olivia, although Zac mentioning it was a nice touch) but was ultimately supportive and Zac showed again what a good father figure he can be.Ironic that Leah's actually right, but not in the way she thought.I love the way VJ's stepping up and Billie does seem very vulnerable.Following on from her reaction last episode, it seems she's still a very lonely person and this baby gives her a chance to love and be loved that she's been rather short of up till now.(I was going to compare this to Olivia's abortion, in that she didn't feel able to raise a child in a relationship but Billie wants a child conceived in the worst way possible...but actually it's suddenly reminding me of Rosie.)I do wish VJ was the father because this is only going to go badly, I hope they come out the other side okay.

Got absolutely no interest in the increasingly farcical Barrett storyline.I wish Andy would hurry up and go to jail if he's going (please, go), rather than wallowing in self-pity.Josh seems to have increasingly lost touch with reality: He actually thinks he and Evelyn can just carry on after his brother's killed her family?(Actually, Evelyn's so shallow and self-centred she'd probably give it a go rather than losing him.)I wonder if the writers realise just how sinister Josh's "You don't know what I'd do for you" was, given that he's killed for Andy.But then I'm not sure Josh remembers that.I'd hope Kat would have something to say about Josh skipping town (unless he's forgotten too) and I hope he realises that, but he acted as though he was sticking around for Andy.

I couldn't really get a grip on Roo's storyline either and it doesn't help that they're still being vague as to whether the lack of safety checks had anything to do with the accident or not.Alf gave her some good advice but the ending was just weird.It felt like we were meant to go "Oh no!" but...why would we?The doctor prescribed her the medication for her anxiety, she tried to manage without it, had another nightmare so took it.Isn't that what she's meant to do?

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Surprised you say Red that "Billie slept with VJ. before she knew she was pregnant". Are you sure? I thought not. Because if so, then either VJ or the rapist could be the father. So that does not make it so bad for Billie, although she did lie to Leah when she asked Billie if she was sure. So if & when the truth comes out, will there be a DNA test? I feel more sorry for VJ now. He is being very brave (or just smitten with first love) saying he is committed.  

Agree with you Red about Josh, Evie and Andy. That is going to go spectacularly wrong and will probably lead to Josh and Evie breaking up. I admire Josh for sticking by Andy, although I can't see how he has forgiven him so quickly. Is it because of his own guilt with shooting Charlotte? They are a crazy mixed-up pair of brothers, just as I thought Josh was settling down.

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22 hours ago, Slade said:

That was the forth episode in a row with Phoebe in it.

Make that five.

I did actually think Andy was a bit harsh with Phoebe when he told her to leave him alone but I'm glad she could understand the level of guilt he's feeling at the moment.  I'm not too keen on the show making him out to be a victim so I was glad Ash asked Andy to continue working at the garage and not to throw in the towel just yet.  Like Brian I do like the way Josh's is sticking by his brother.  That's one thing I've actually always liked about him regardless of his reasons.

You know, I'm actually glad Billie is continuing to keep up the pretense of VJ being the dad.  It will make it all the more sweeter when the truth comes out and it's revealed exactly what sort of person she is.  At least this is more consistent with her past behaviour rather than simply being angelic most of the time.  Prepared to ruin the life of a 16 year old just because she can't be honest about the fact that she wants to keep her rapist's baby.  I think she's smart enough to know that absolving VJ of any responsibility meant that he would do the exact opposite.  Given that Leah likes to go into one of her self righteous rants I'm really looking forward to seeing her reaction when she finds out VJ isn't the father of the baby, especially given that she asked Billie and was told a blatant lie.

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Yes Billie could have not have told Ash who is the dad is (or rather isn't) but he would have put two and two together once he knew her and VJ had slept together. He's been there, kind of, when he could have been the dad of Phoebe's babies. I guess in her mind she'd much rather have a decent, if young bloke, as the dad than a rapist and she did know before she slept with VJ she was pregnant, she was about 10 days according to the doctor. I'd say Ash's reaction is just what an older brothers would be never mind that Billie is in her 20's. When he finds out the truth, which he and everyone else surely will, he's going to blame himself for not looking out for her. Good he is sticking by her and supporting her.   Before all that of course there was that dinner with everyone being nice to her, she most have felt awkward knowing what she knew., then VJ drops the 'l' word on her!

Leah acted in the way any mother, especially one with Greek heritage would, blew an absolute gasket,  unfortunately all it did was to result in VJ telling her to shut up and storm off. Hunter and Olivia's situation was different both are very young whereas as Leah said Billie is a grown woman so ought to  been more responsible.  She mentioned about Billie being on the pill, but it doesn't suit every woman and even if she is it's not foolproof.  She told Phoebe who of course knows about the rape she had her period after it happened, which and I'm no medical expert, could be possible if she wasn't lying that is.

Zac did a much better job than Leah talking to VJ, but he's not his mum and at least he persuaded him to go and see Billie and they talked.

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3 minutes ago, Brian said:

I'm confused now. Red says Billie slept with VJ before she knew she was pregnant. H&Alover says she did know - 10 days pregnant. Who is right?

Red's right, Billie slept with VJ and found out she was 10 days pregnant in the following episode.

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