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I recently started seeing similarities between Evie and Sally, particularly their "Why do bad things always happen to me?" look and how the continually lost their loved ones (parents/guardian/twin - even though Sal had blocked it out & Miles wasn't dead) but what I've come to realise is that Evie is the ante-Sally. Whilst Sally could have rare moments where she'd feel it was her turn to be selfish for once, she was in the whole a selfless person, thinking of others before herself, Evie is continually selfish, rarely thinking of others. 

Maybe we're actually now watching a mirror universe Summer Bay, but somehow only anyone under the age of 35 is affected.

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On 26/07/2016 at 8:07 PM, atrus said:

Actually, yes he was more like Andy - although Andy himself felt like a NeoBrax, not necessarily in terms of personality but in terms of the kinds of storylines he was clearly going to be deployed in from the outset.

Personally I'm accepting the timeline from the special which tells us that Gunno is dead, mainly because I've seen nothing on-screen since to suggest that it didn't happen, with all references to Gunno in the main show quietly dropped. I know there was talk of it being an alternate timeline, but I don't actually think it ever contradicted the main one - and there were a couple of hints in the main show that something more had gone on than Ricky was letting on.

But still, yes - Brax's threadbare explanation for his 'freedom' was totally unsatisfactory in pretty much every respect.



Heath and Gunno had a fight at the top of a cliff face and Gunno fell but the last shot of the Eye to Eye episode you see that his still alive so Gunno isn't dead and really should be still after Brax :lol: Maybe when Heath returns we will find out whatever happened :lol:


Brax should have died in his jail break and Ricky should of gone back to London to take up her photography that Brax stopped her from doing. Brax was a twit :lol:

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Twit w/ an 'A' in the middle! :D

Anyhow, I'm somewhat liking the Morgans. Not HIGH on them or anything but they could be promising. Just don't let Justin or Brody be Mason's Dad (I'm kind of sick of that kind of Family Relationship Switcharoo story in soap TBH).:angry:

You do NOT Insult The Poulos family recipe! Brody learned that the hard way. 

And I'm not going to be happy if Justin turns into Heath V2.

Mason seems alright but needs more characters closer to his age to play off, The Uni contingent of the cast have disbanded or

are about to

I just hope Tori isn't overshadowed by them and is independent outside of them and the hospital.

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Funny that CaptainHulk every time I see Justin I keep seeing Heath!  So far neither of the older Morgan brothers Justin and Brody seem criminally minded though Justin is a mechanic but a hot head. Brodie is a chef and Mason studying to be a doctor.   Interesting to hear they have moved numerous times, 334 at least :wink:. I was going to 'say' on the run from whomever killed their parents but that would mean a change of name each time, unless they have. Despite their initial bad start I can see Ash and Justin ending up friends, he's going to need someone to help him run the garage once Andy goes inside. The families appearance could be down to them being of mixed race, I thought it looked odd that the brothers were all dark whereas Tori is a lot fairer.  I thought Brodie was saying the burgers were rubbish, but then he did knock Leah's moussaka, big mistake!

The only reason I could think of for Brax suddenly being a free man is he either read or saw on the news that Sam had confessed, handed himself in to the police then went to a court somewhere to get his sentence squashed/overturned or whatever.  Amazing coincidence Nate then happened to ring him then. I'm also of the mind Gunno is dead, he was never mentioned after Trystan got killed, he never sent another hitman. On the subject of Johnny being killed, Brax didn't, he only knocked him out Adam then killed him and  let Brax think he'd done the deed for  20 odd years to keep him in his debt, Brax was only 17 at the time and a lot more easier to manipulate than he was than I later years.  I thought it odd Brax never said goodbye to Ash or thank him again for keeping his secret, they'd been prison buddies and been through some pretty tough times together. It was obvious Ricky had already made her mind up when she was telling Phoebe about her doubts of moving away by the grin on her face, I was waiting for the 'but' which never came. I did love the scene on the beach where Nate was saying goodbye to Casey, lovely photography, he's going to miss that little lad as will I, he's just developing his own little character. As an aside just what is going to happen to Angelo's now Ricky has gone, gym has already been sold,  Brodie could be the chef for whoever takes over or maybe even buy it.

After seeing what Nate and Ricky have been through Phoebe made the right call about Dom giving his and Tess' marriage another chance, he does still love her (Tess) and there is Bella to think of who is older than Casey so more aware of what is happening.  Then of course we have her post break up drunken bunk up with Justin which they are both going to regret in the morning along with the usual 'no-one must know about this' comment. 

Evie is suffering from selective amnesia again more than happy to let an innocent man (this time anyway) go to prison so she won't be alone.  She was willing to let another innocent man (Zac) go to prison for something he didn't do as in running over Tamara.  He of course wasn't even sure he didn't do it seeing as he was drunk.  I think maybe Andy is taking the wrap for Charlotte's murder (though it was an accident Josh - or anyone else for that matter had no idea she had a gun) to make up for the explosion, another accident and threw in the fact he killed Pitrovic to make his reason for killing her more plausible.  McCarthy wouldn't had haven't any idea who he was but Kat did. Trouble is if or more likely imo when Josh does confess it's going to be his word against Andy's, that'll make for interesting police interviews, though of course Josh will know things about what actually happened that Andy won't.

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When I saw the preview I couldn't understand why Andy would fess up to killing Pirovic and thought it was monumentally stupid given that it was unlikely he would go down for it.  But watching the confession makes sense now.  He had to make his supposed murder of Charlotte seem plausible so gave the officers a clear motive i.e. he tried to cover up his previous murder.  Andy has been one of my favourite characters for quite some time now so I am gutted it's come to this although I suppose it's inevitable it would come out eventually.  As far as I'm concerned his fate is sealed.  With Oscar and Hannah's deaths and Pirovic's murder he's probably not getting out this side of seventy so he's pretty much done for.  That's why I stand firmly with Evelyn on this one.  There is no point in both Andy and Josh going down.  Josh has a chance at a normal life and possibly a future with Evelyn.  I think Andy knows this which is why he decided to take the wrap.  So he's certainly gone up in my estimation.  But Josh must keep quiet.  Don't let Andy go to jail for nothing.  Don't throw away a chance at a life with Evelyn.  I think it's absolutely brilliant how Kat is powerless to do anything.  If she turns Josh in, not only will she lose her job/career but she will almost certainly face corruption charges and go to jail herself.  I did find it quite funny when Kat blamed Ash.  He didn't force her to keep quiet about Josh's role.  If she'd turned Josh in when she had the chance she wouldn't be in this situation.

Still not liking any of Tori's brothers.  The chef was particularly annoying when he slated Leah's food although I do think it was unprofessional Leah throwing him out like that.

Seems as though they've already started to replace Andy.  Justin not only looks like him but is also a mechanic.  I suspect Ash will be forced to work with him eventually.  I do find it interesting that Ash and Kat are now not getting on with a chance of them breaking up, whereas Phoebe has a couple of conversations with Justin and she's in the sack with him.  I really hope they're not setting up another love triangle with Phoebe and Ash.

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A huge relief to get a break from the Barrett drama and it's surfeit of unlikable characters. I continue to like Brody, his blasé reaction to Phoebe was great, although not so much the fact that he instantly started rabbiting on about how great she is. Justin, having lost some of his hot-headedness, is shaping up to be a bit dull.Does Phoebe often pull up a chair and sit behind the counter in the Diner without asking?Hmm, yeah, knowing her she probably does.It's good to see Chris being used as everyone's friend, moving effortlessly between Phoebe and John. The social worker turning up to chat to John felt very pointless, the information could have been conveyed over the phone where she might have had better access to the information he wanted instead of just shrugging her shoulders a lot.So Skye seems to be going through official channels to an extent but Tank's parole still seems to be glossed over: There's a throwaway line about John and Greg not calling the police but there needs to be more than that, for the reasons H&Alover gave last week.Ah well, Skye's in the promo so hopefully we'll get the answers soon.Nice to get confirmation of my suggestion that Skye could have moved in with Greg without John's permission.

You know I've been worried that Olivia was getting a bit too tolerable over the last few weeks, so nice to get confirmation that she's still an obnoxious brat.Her behaviour here was appalling: Obviously she saw Billie as someone in her way and wanted to make things as difficult for her as possible, just like she did with Skye and indeed just like she did with VJ when she decided she preferred Hunter.Does she actually think they should sit at a table in Angelo's not ordering anything, as her snooty reaction to Billie suggesting they order before talking suggested?And then her judgemental attitude towards Billie getting pregnant. Yeah, because getting knocked up at sixteen by the psycho whose crimes you're covering up is so much better.I really hope VJ and Hunter give her both barrels but she'll probably just sit there sneering and insisting she's right.Billie indicates that the teens are in their final year of school, so I guess we're meant to ignore all those references to them still being in Year 11 earlier in the year (which admittedly were slightly ambiguous). Someone probably realised it was a silly idea.

Nice to see Roo still in contact with Maddy.Bit of odd editing as we cut from VJ and co at Angelo's to Roo and Bernice at Angelo's with no real indication that they're in the same place at the same time (and VJ and co are still there later, just to make it more confusing).So, confirmation that Roo's been taken more than the correct dose of pills.Given that he couldn't hear the ominous background music, I'm not sure why Matt felt the need to check on Roo rather than just assume she was sleeping.But his behaviour subsequently was spot on: Someone with knowledge of addiction would see through Roo's trick in an instant and keep watching, as Matt did.

5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I'm also of the mind Gunno is dead, he was never mentioned after Trystan got killed, he never sent another hitman.

Ah but that's what he wants you to think! He realised that no-one in Summer Bay knew where Brax was so he's been lying low, biding his time, letting everyone forget about him. And now that Brax has come out into the open...

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Phoebe probably called out her own name that night lol. (She's overdue "The Reason You Suck" speech)

As I said before I don't want Justin to be a Heath clone, ready to smash somebody from the word go.

Matt probably saw Gray face down with peed pants enough times.

But with Brax gone, what's the worth of Gunno if he's still alive? Unless he's come to take out Ash or something.

Olivia needs to be packed off to whichever Fraser relative is still around.Maybe that other Uncle or the Aunt who were airbrushed out of continuity.

Diezepam... God, what is it with that and people connected to Alf? We know Tulip O'Hare O'D on that in '87 with Penn finding her, now we got Roo with this mess.


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Red Ranger - Brax did not arrange for Johnny Barrett to be buried in a shallow grave,  he didn't even know what happened to him he just surmised he was dead when he went to Adam for help.  That's the whole reason.Adam was contacted later as Josh wanted to know where his father was buried and Brax had no idea- so that was an inaccuracy. 

Anyway am no longer watching or interested in the bay now, I had the happy ending I wanted and leave you to concoct whatever story pleases you.

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Yes, Olivia really doesn't approve of Billie and VJ, I was half expecting her to turn her blade on her in the restaurant! Olivia age 5.

I'm surprised people aren't asking where Irene actually is? She's been gone for ages, someone must be covering her shifts at the diner but everyone seems blase about it - very weird.

I'm guessing Tori's brothers are on the run from something, as most folk who wind up at the bay are on the lamb from something. They must have to stay together for some reason too as I don't see why they would all live together like the Australian Greek Waltons. And why did they leave Brisbane, I'm sure Nate will find out for us when he and Tori hook up. 

Glad to see Brax and Erica get a happy ending, Nate wrecks another marriage - nearly felt sorry for him, but at least he has his canoe. I wonder who is in charge of the Restaurant now Brax, Kyle and Erica has gone? Marty has his hands full with the garage, so I'm guessing it will close.

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If it had been someone else I probably would have felt uncomfortable given that Olivia was being rude and unpleasant to Billie for no reason but given that Billie is on the path to ruining VJs life she deserves it.

Part of me wondered if Phoebe was flirting with Brody but rather than get decent follow up to the one night stand, Justin now seems to have reverted to being comparable to watching paint dry.

Felt a bit sorry for John as he seemed genuinely hurt that presumably Skye excluding him means she no longer wants him to be her guardian.

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