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So the fallout from Billie using VJ to cover up her rape continues.  It's now affecting his HSC as expected.  I hated the way Ash tried to pressurise and intimidate him.  A schoolkid has to sacrifice his future to pay money for somebody else's offspring not to mention the fact that he'd rather read a book on babies than on his actual schoolwork.  No way is this fair.  So I was glad when Zac put his foot down and asked Billie to leave.  Just a shame she refused to acknowledge this earlier on.  Too busy playing lovey dovey.  Whilst I didn't like the way Ash was with VJ I'm glad he reminded Billie about hooking up with him.

I think Hunter should be locked up after stabbing Andy with the scissors.  He's lucky they're only charging him with assault.  Although like Billie I suppose there's an argument for the fact that at least the writers haven't completely done away with his past behaviour and what he is doing is in character.

I initially thought that Evelyn's attitude towards Josh was that he kept going on about Andy and she wasn't interested in hearing what was happening to him largely because she hasn't forgiven him for Oscar and Hannah's deaths.  But it was really that she was afraid of Josh.  I guess that didn't occur to me because after getting over the initial shock of Josh fessing up to killing Charlotte she looked like she was firmly standing by him (purely for selfish reasons of course although I can't blame her).  Will be interesting to see how Josh attempts to get out of being arrested in his role for covering up Pirovic's murder.




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Going back to Alf's rescue we did see him being lifted into something before the hospital scenes. I am of the same mind as you Brian and CaptainHulk Roo should have been ushered out of the room instead of distracting the people trying to help her dad. Now I guess as he, Roo and Matt have had their three days any news about him will be filtered by Zac or John.

Aren't many places for mechanics to work in the bay itself, he'd probably have to go to Yabby Creek and as in many soaps it's written into their contracts they have to have jobs where they live so he's going have to wait until Ash gets over himself and offer him a job at the garage.

Zac certainly has his hands full, his step son bunking off studying and wanting to work more shifts to help pay for the baby, which is very commendable, but I know which way Leah would lean, she'd want him to focus on passing his HSC first.  I thought VJ was a clever bloke but does he really think watching the film of the book he's meant to be writing an essay on is going to fool his teachers? There's going to be differences so they'll cotton on pretty quick he's not read the book. I think Billie was quite touched to see the book (it was a heavy tome wasn't it) he'd bought/borrowed, it does show he is taking it seriously.  Only problem he could go into overdrive and start giving Billie all sorts of advice which doesn't have to all be taken on board. Good to see Ash having a normal talk to him about the whole situation , he's only looking out for Billie after all and VJ is just a kid, not a grown man with a full time, wage paying job.

As if the minor hassle, which it is really, with VJ he now has his son up on a charge of assault along with his up and coming trial for arson, didn't that take an eternity to happen.  Denny's trial, when he confessed,  was months ago! It would have been a quick one as he had confessed so it would have just been a  matter of what the sentence would be.   I'm assuming he must still be a minor - 16 or even 17 by now - so would be youth offenders. Now of course he'll have this added on. I know there are those who will disagree but Hunter really has come a long way, mainly since he's got out from under the influence of Charlotte, Zac, Leah and VJ have given him the stability he didn't have before. I have noticed a distinct absence of Olivia since this latest crisis. I don't think  myself  he intended to stab Andy when he got to the police station, didn't take a weapon with him,  maybe just to have a verbal go at him or swing a random punch even, the scissors were a handy choice.  Whatever I don't think Murray (or whoever it was) had a chance to stop him it happened so fast.  It certainly was a turn around from his going all no comment, literally,  to admitting what he had done. I bet that will happen quicker than you can blink, did I really hear Kat say it could happen at the station.  I think Hunter needed to say what he did to Andy, he would have needed to say it to whoever had done it.

What did McCarthy  see in that report about Pitrovic that got him all fired up (about Josh as it turns out)?  Sometimes it needs a fresh pair of eyes and brain to see things differently or more clearer. As far as we know the only people who knew about the murder (a proper murder this time) was Andy who then told Josh and Charlotte who just happened to overhear them arguing about it.

The strain is beginning to show between Evie and Josh, who I think is being much more realistic than she is, whatever way he decides to go (keep quiet/hand himself in) it will always be there. He certainly scared her but it did make her think about the whole thing and their future, Evie hasn't seen that side of him before. What happened to Charlotte may have been accidental  aka manslaughter he didn't go looking for her intending to kill her.

I did wonder how Kat found Evie and Josh so easily seeing as they were out in the woods and could have been anywhere, the only two things I could think of was either Zac pointed them in the right direction as it was him who suggested the place.  But would the cops ask Zac where they were?  The only other thing I could think of was Josh called them when he insisted Evie went off collecting wood, he found out about Andy and told them where they were as he had something to tell them. It seemed to have shocked him somewhat when he was arrested for being an accessory to Jake's murder!  Did I miss the part where Andy dobbed in Josh for his part in Pitrovic's murder so far as I can see he's done all he can to keep him out of it.

I know we've done the fight, explosion scenario to death but it was an accident, if Andy and Tank had had their fight anywhere else all that would have resulted from it would have been a few bruises, dented egos, both would have walked away and no-one would have been any the wiser.

It was kind of  a Vinnie moment with VJ and John except it would have been Vinnie and Alf.:D  In fact didn't we see a  scene like that between them in The Early Years a few years back?

So after a whole week since we saw that clip of Irene being held hostage we actually get to the story itself.:rolleyes:  Or I bet  as is usual it'll be right at the end of the episode.

17 hours ago, Brian said:

  "Grow a vagina" Billie - or whatever the equivalent of "balls" is.         

Same here CaptainHulk.:D  A new phrase has been created.  To be fair though Billie's situation is a little different.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three. Andy was in two but didn't have any dialogue on Thursday.Leah was absent completely (must be that time of year), while Irene technically appeared in the video on Friday (and we even heard her voice) but wasn't credited.

Until Charlotte's brief discovery, and now when it's effectively common knowledge, the only people that knew Andy killed Jake were Josh and Kyle.Whilst he didn't directly land him in it, the minute Andy confessed there was a risk that people would realise that meant Josh gave him a false alibi, and so it's proved.Kat continues to be magnificently ineffectual and seems to be cowed by what's probably an empty threat from Evelyn.I mean, I'm not saying she didn't mean it, but she wouldn't actually do it, she's too selfish to throw herself on Josh's funeral pyre.She might sacrifice anyone to keep him with her, but she's not going to take both Kat and herself down with him if he's going to jail anyway.Actually, Kat really should realise that we're at the point where Josh confessing would actually make things worse: They'd have two confessions for the same crime, no way of proving which one did it (the watch part just places Josh at the scene and they've already done that with Irene) and a chance both could be acquitted through lack of evidence. So if Evelyn didn't know Ash knows Josh killed Charlotte, why call him for help?Because he's dodgy?She seemed oddly vague about how old Josh was when Jake was killed given that she was around at the time (even if they were on a break).Incidentally, anyone else irritated by the promos and recaps making it looks like Josh saying "You think he deserved it!" to Evie is about Andy being stabbed when...it's not?

Even more than last episode, Zac felt like he was delivering lines that were written for Leah, I could hear her saying every word, especially in the chat with Billie.Apart from the obvious, Billie does seem to be a good influence on VJ, doing her best to get him to focus on his studies without cutting him off completely.I'm back and forth on her use of the L word until I remembered that she didn't actually say she loves him, she said she's starting to fall in love with him.I'll buy that: She's not there, she's slightly uncomfortable about how committed he is when she's lying to him, but she cares about him, she likes him and she wants to be with him.And, attacks of guilt not withstanding, he does seem to make her happy.Compare with her instant obsessions with Kyle and Nate, it's actually quite healthy.

At least we got some reaction from Olivia to what Hunter did, but you would think someone would be a bit wary of him and give him a wide berth rather than a load of stoic "I'm worried he's going to spiral out of control again" comments.That photo would have been shocking if we hadn't seen it in about three promos already.(Incidentally, no promo today!Are they keeping something secret?)At least we get the double whammy of that creepy video.Chris asks the obvious question: If Irene's captor (Mick?) has been keeping what's happened to her secret for this long, why broadcast it now?Hopefully we'll get an answer.So, seems Irene committed one of the classic soap errors: Presumably she managed to briefly get hold of her phone and called...Olivia? What, she forgot the number for 000?

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Never thought I'd hear the day when Chris would ask if Andy was alright especially given that in addition to being responsible for Hannah and Oscar's deaths he's fessed up to killing two more people.  As much as I dislike him I do think he has a good relationship with Olivia.  Once again almost gobsmacked with her.  Hunter stabs someone with a pair of scissors and she treating it almost in a matter-of-fact like fashion despite the times where she basically referred to Tank as a psycho for what he did.  Maybe she thinks it's understandable because Hunter believes Andy killed his mother.

Phew.  For a moment I thought Josh was going to actually fess up to killing Charlotte.  Which would mean Andy has thrown his life away for nothing.  I do think Josh could have been a little bit smarter about this.  He should have had a solicitor represent him.  Also Ash is right.  He was 16 when this happened so given what characters like Kyle, Billie have avoided jail time I see no reason why the same thing won't happen to him.  He can easily get out of it by arguing that he didn't know that Andy killed Pirovic, just that his brother asked him to provide an alibi but wouldn't tell him what is was for.  He can feign ignorance in court.  Absolutely loving Evelyn's selfishness, her determination to protect Josh and her "I've got nothing to lose" attitude.  I enjoyed the scene with Ash and once again admire his loyalty.  I'm always a fan of blackmail particularly when it's against characters that have annoyed me so I loved Evie blackmailing Kat.  It was actually quite wonderful in that episode seeing Kat in the interview powerless to say anything about Pirovic's murder, having to turn off video camera so she could pressurise Josh into fessing up, asking the other officer to leave so hopefully Evelyn could do the same and seeing the state she was in near the end of that episode with the realisation of how deep she is in.  I'm not sure Kat losing her career is a deterrent to stopping her from letting the cat out the bag (no pun intended).  What if she loses her job?  What is she decides to change careers?  Josh's only saving grace is the fact that Kat is likely to serve jail time herself.  Given Evelyn's current state similarly Kat's only hope is to go along with it.

This is worse than I thought.  VJ is head over heels.  Oh dear.  This is really going to all end in tears.  He's not even going to have the benefit of at least having his HSC.  The way he's going at the moment he is going to completely flunk it.  I said this was reminiscent of the Maddy/Oscar thing a while back and again that episode reaffirmed that.  Like Maddy decided that she loved Oscar when she was sick, Billie hears VJ say he's in love with her and she decides that she's is falling in love with him.  I don't believe her and feel she is just telling him what he wants to hear.  In addition to that she seems to be pulling out all the stops - cooking for him now.  I'm impressed.  Have to keep him sweet.  Her line to Zac - "I feel like the brakes got cut" - kind of reminded me of Ruby.  Another character that I didn't like.

And no preview on My5 for the next episode.  I wonder if that's because they didn't want to give anything away about Irene.



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Don't see how Billie's situation is any different from Ash's, H&Alover. Both are withholding information from someone, where it could have a great effect on their lives and cause problems for them. But both Ash and Billie are too scared to do so, because they will be seen in a bad klight. Billie had no right telling Ash to man up. Still, it makes good viewing

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You're right Slade, I think Josh should have had a lawyer with him in the police interview room with the way the questioning was going. If he'd been caught withholding information when he was 16 then he might have gone to juvie so if he's done for it now it could still go to gaol. As for killing Charlotte he has motive so I think it will be difficult to plead self defence as there were no witnesses. I'm expecting him to confess eventually despite psycho Evelyn's best efforts. Poor Josh escapes death, learns to walk and talk again in record time only for all this to happen.

Yes, Vinnie J is head over heels in infatuation with Billie who's playing him like a fiddle. I think the only reason she won't disclose the rape is to save Marty from killing the perpetrator. It will end badly, it's a slow motion car crash!

Hmm, I think Irene has a lot to learn about selfies :blink:  

OK, shall we run a book on when Nate and Tori are going to hook up...? I think by Friday. I wasn't sure about Tori at first, she seemed a bit smug, but I'm beginning to warm to her now her character is being more defined. I hope she escapes Dr Coopers clutches actually.

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3 hours ago, c120701 said:

I realise that Oscar has only just died, but why is Hunter still living in a caravan? I suppose it could be because they've considering Billie & the baby moving into VJ's room instead.

Moving into the house would get in the way of his "alone time" with Olivia.VJ has to face the Spanish Inquisition when he has Billie stay over, Hunter's been having Olivia in his caravan for months and got her pregnant and no-one really noticed.

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Dammit, Josh. Just confess!

As Big a knob as Andy is, even he doesn't deserve 20yrs tacked on for that bitch! 

More Vinnie parallels; He played the fool around HSC time, too and well... tanked it but wasn't nearly as cocky as his son. Let's just hope we don't see VJ put on the SBH uniform again in January.



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