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Out of everyone involved in this Charlotte cover up, Kat is the one I am finding hard to sympathise with. Josh and Andy are significantly flawed here, but at least, they seem to be getting punished for their wrong doings.And I do think there is something commendable how they continue to try to protect each other (even at the expense of other moral considerations). Evie is being considerably selfish, but at least given Andy's involvement in Oscar's and Hannah's death ,means that I can understand why she is happy enough to let him take the fall. And at least she is being honest about being selfish. Whereas Kat is ridiculously sanctimonious despite the fact that she was unprofessional in her dealings with Josh. I want to shake her everytime she blames Ash for any of this mess. She was the one who decided not to report Josh, and therefore she made herself an accessory to murder. Whatever Ash has done, the forementioned would always be true. Therefore, she alone has compromised herself. In addition, it was unacceptable for her to confide Josh's guilt to Ash,. It is hardly a secret you should be burdening on someone else, knowing that either way they would feel compelled to react (either to ensure that person goes to jail, or to ensure that they don't).  In Ash's case, given his background, it was obvious that he was always going to lean towards the latter. . I seriously hope that Kat loses her job, or gets suspended. 

I too see similarities between VJ/Billie and Oscar/Maddy. The slightly awkward guy crushing on a girl perceived as out of his league. Girl originally not interested, but then suddenly develops an interest once she finds herself going through some personal stuff. And yet, while watching the couple, I still feel like the boy is in the friendzone, However, at least Oscar's relationship with Maddy never had the ramifications on his potential future, in the way that VJ's relationship with Billie does. Ah well, sooner or later, the truth will come out. Let's just hope that VJ won't have burnt all bridges by then. 

Having managed to keep Irene hidden for so long, I am not sure why Mick is revealing himself now, 

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I am really not liking Evie at the moment and can't help feeling her 'blackmailing' Kat is going to backfire big time.  Josh had nearly come to his senses about confessing to Charlotte's murder/manslaughter and had thought of a way to keep Kat out of it. I think Kat's heart was ruling her head at the time she found out who killed Charlotte. Andy's murder of Pirovic was murder so he is prepared to do his time for that but he shouldn't haven't to do extra time for something he didn't do. He doesn't know the full details of what actually happened between Charlotte and Josh that night, there is bound to be something concrete that will blow his account of went down apart so far it's all circumstantial, not just that link either.  Wouldn't be too sure about the fact Josh was a minor when Andy confessed about Pirovic,  Brax was a minor when he 'killed' Johnny but because he'd kept quite so long he did time in the big house.  The whole thing is certainly getting a lot messier as if Zac hasn't got enough to worry about. When are we going to see this new detective?

I hope I'm not being snobby but Billie isn't in the same class as VJ intellectually even though she is older in their case he's out of her league in that respect.  But she is being (or trying to be) a calming influence on him by getting him to study and it he is likely to take more notice of her than Zac (or even his mum).

As if Kat hasn't got her hands full with all that she now has Irene's kidnapping on her plate. Knew as soon as Chris told Olivia there was nothing to worry about re Irene not being in contact that those messages would come along.  I also echoed his question 'why now?' It can't be for money (or could it), torturing her family because he feels he should have been part of it a long time ago. It was a tad handy that the second message with a whole lot more information as in showing the background of where she was being held just as Kat turned up to report to Chris and Olivia.  Chris has nothing to blame himself for, he didn't force Irene to use the website.  Had TPTB realised they had given too much away the weeks before hence nothing on Friday, or is it because Oz is now taking  a break due to the Olympics?

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On 8/7/2016 at 11:40 AM, CaptainHulk said:

Let's just hope we don't see VJ put on the SBH uniform again in January.

Given that they've now gone back to VJ being in Year 12, I sincerely doubt it. If they're going to run with this storyline with Billie and him playing father to her child (knowing the full story or otherwise), I think they realise that they need to get him out of school at the end of the year.But I could be completely wrong: They could have him find out the truth, them split up and him curse that he messed up his future for nothing and do the dreaded repeat.

I'd like to say it's good to see Marilyn back but...I'm not altogether sure it is.I find when she turns up it reminds me of how irritating she can be: I don't know if it's that I need to get time to get used to her again or if they write her as OTT when she turns up to remind people what she's like then have her settle down again.I pretty much rolled my eyes at her waking Alf up and I'm surprised more wasn't made of him subconsciously responding to her more than Roo.And really, even more's gone on in her absence than Irene's but she suddenly runs back when Alf gets ill? I really think the show messed up by not allowing her and Skye to meet.

So, we finally get confirmation that Mick has Irene and that he believes himself to be her son.Irene's not convinced though: Another case of mistaken identity or denial on her part? And can I blame Olivia for scaring Claire off?I guess Olivia's not the self-sacrificial type: I'm probably being a bit hard on her but when Mick says "Come with me or I'll hurt Irene" and she responds by running off, she's basically saying "Okay, do that then." It feels like she could have still used the GPS to lead people to them whilst going along with him and making sure Irene was all right.Of course, Mick fails villain school by not taking the phone off her and sitting her in the back so it's as easy to escape as possible.Obviously McCarthy either re-thought sacking Murray or realised he'd got the wrong officer, since he's back at work helping Kat out here.

ETA: Can I cautiously suggest that promos seem to have gone for the moment?

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Good stuff cutting loose in today's episode.

I loved how Irene's predicament dominated the A plot while Alf's did with the B. I'm feeling a renewed sense of Vigour with the current product.

If Palmer had come to hospital with Cymbals; Alf probably would have woke up, socked him one and called him "A Flamin' Goose!".:D

Kristian Schmid is legit convincing as the Nutbar Mick. He's crazier than three dogs w/ Rabies! Still it's a break from his last few characters who were good guys. 

Good to see Mazza back. Missed her somewhat. She's much needed ray of sunshine after a big fat gloomy cloud.

I actually expected Olivia to kick Mick in his stones and scream for help (probably would have seemed more realistic)

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4 hours ago, Red Ranger 1 said:

ETA: Can I cautiously suggest that promos seem to have gone for the moment?

Yeah, I've noticed that when watching back on My5. Long overdue. The promos should only really be if it's a MAJOR storyline, otherwise, they take away some of the anticipation of the next ep/impact of the cliffhanger.


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On 06/08/2016 at 11:39 AM, Psychic Wombat said:

If he'd been caught withholding information when he was 16 then he might have gone to juvie so if he's done for it now it could still go to gaol.

I would expect them to sentence him based on his age at the time of the offense.


On 06/08/2016 at 11:39 AM, Psychic Wombat said:

Yes, Vinnie J is head over heels in infatuation with Billie who's playing him like a fiddle. I think the only reason she won't disclose the rape is to save Marty from killing the perpetrator. It will end badly, it's a slow motion car crash!

Based on what happened before with Brax, I'm not sure how Ash would react although as Billie didn't bother to report it we won't know just yet.  She can't do it at the moment anyway because that would mean she will be unable to continue using VJ to cover up what happened and have a father and his family help to look after her rugrat.  She will only reveal what happened about the rape if she's forced to i.e. if it comes out about the level of deception towards someone she claims to be falling in love with.  Even then because she kept quiet she can't actually prove who did it because there's going to be no DNA.  All there was was the tattoo of the assailant assuming of course that she saw and remembered it.  Given the way the guy attacked her it wouldn't surprise me if this wasn't the first time he's done something like this and I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't the last.  You could argue because of her failure to go to the police she is now indirectly responsible for any other woman he attacks in the future.

I was quite impressed by Olivia, thinking quickly when Mick asked her to get into the car.  Recognising the fact that even though he threatened that she would never see Irene again if he was going to do something to Irene her not getting in the car wouldn't have made any difference.  I did wonder when she threw her phone under the front passenger seat whether she would have had enough time to think of putting it on silent but I guess not.  So I wasn't surprised when Hunter called her and Mick figured out it was likely that the cops were tracking him.

Found it odd when Marilyn referred to Alf as 'darling'.  Funny how she has the magic touch and awoken him from his state of unconsciousness.  Well considering that he had a heart attack and a stroke his BP of 120/80 is actually pretty good.  Although I would imagine he's almost certainly on medication.

Well I'm happy for John at least his wife's back now.  As I mentioned before after what happened with Skye, I felt bad for him.

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I said in my last post that maybe its because of Australia having a break is the reason we aren't seeing any trailers, but thinking about it after they still run trailers when they take their summer/winter break.  I do have a faint recall they have done this before? 

I thought Olivia was referring to Mick, not that she knows his name, when she was giving Kat a description of him.  Slim, or thin as she called him, dark about 40.  Pretty clever thinking on her part slinging her phone under the seat, he surely would have taken it off her if she had gone with him. Plus as Slade said there would have been no guarantee he wouldn't haven't hurt her. Putting it on silent wouldn't have been her first thought.  With her running off like that he would have assumed she'd taken it with her. With all this going on with Irene hunter seems to have taken a back seat in her world, wasn't he due for his court appearance or has that ben put back until both charges against him can be brought? Kat was back in full cop mode, getting people organised, quite rightly ordering Olivia and Chris to stay where they are, as if anyone ever does that though. 

As for Mick himself, he believes he's Irene's son and after her experience with Clair it's not surprising she's in denial.  It's coming across to me he didn't have a good upbringing, either spent his childhood in care or whoever fostered/adopted didn't treat him well.  They may told him he was abandoned by his mother when we know she didn't have a say in the matter, so it's no wonder he hates the fact she cares more about Olivia who isn't her family.

On the bright side Marilyn is back!!!:D  I can quite believe her rambling away would wake Alf up and he has been very lucky that his speech or memory hasn't been affected by his stroke, that would have been devastating for him.  I thought it was quiet touching when he squeezed her hand. Typical Maz  calling Nate Dr. Nate! To be fair there wouldn't have been anything she could do for those who died, but hearing her Mr. Stewart was laid low by a stroke was  a different matter, she could be there for him and Roo. As Nate explained to Roo he'd been taken off the ventilator and it was just a matter of him waking up in his own time.  It hasn't been said but I'm guessing Roo told Morag and Celia.

Loved how John reacted when she appeared when he was talking away to himself as to where the vegetable peeler was and she told him and he reacted just as if she had been away for a few hours, then the look on his face when he saw her!!!   Seeing as John, I guess it must have been him, had kept her up to date on all the other news in the bay I wonder if he mentioned Skye and her brief stay, I think she and Marilyn would have got on well, they seemed to have a lot in common, both bubbly, touchy people. 

Billie said she didn't see her rapists face, she may have 'seen' the tattoo but it probably didn't register with her at the time. She may remember it when and if she sees it again. Her description would have very vague and yes Slade I don't think she had been his first, he knew enough to wait until she was alone, could be he drifts around and takes his opportunity when he can and doesn't hang around after.

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I'm sure I'd say the same if it was a character I didn't like but I'm not sure Billie can be blamed for her attacker going on to hurt others.She couldn't give the police much in the way of a description (although she is apparently carrying a sample of his DNA around...) and her initial fear was that they wouldn't believe her anyway because she lied about Nate (which isn't impossible, given their general lack of competence and failure to follow up on any concerns about Irene until they had photographic evidence shoved at them).Anyway, if the promo (yes, they're back, knew I spoke too soon) isn't misdirection, they were already after him and failing to find him.I suppose if they had a record of his tattoo or DNA she could have tipped him off to the fact he was in the area...

Anyway, getting ahead! Irene running straight into Chris and Olivia was a heck of a coincidence, and the slow-mo that followed killed the moment more than enhanced it, but it's a relief to have her back with us all the same so I guess I'll forgive it.I'm now wondering when Mick had a chance to get a DNA test done and whether he somehow took a saliva sample or something while Irene was his captive, although given that he seems to have watched and researched her for some time I guess he could have swiped a sample at any point.Chris and Olivia meant well and they're right that this isn't Irene's fault but dismissing it with "He's not your son" is never going to work: She's spent most of her life wondering about that child and hoping they were happy, now she's got one of the worst answers possible and she's going to be left wondering if she could have done more at the time or looked for him sooner and somehow prevented this.So...is anyone going to fill her in on who's died, been arrested, been permanently maimed and/or left in her absence?Or are we meant to gloss over that? Marilyn's been filled in, shame her trip hasn't cured her of her self-absorbed streak, expecting John to go along with her wishes and then throwing a sulk because he moved the dustpan and brush.Hmm, no real answer to Chris' question as to why Mick suddenly tipped them off after successfully hiding it for weeks.I guess he was planning to snatch Olivia and wanted her to know he had Irene when he approached her?

I'm struggling to work out why Alf doesn't want Justin (or anyone) running the bait shop but Roo shouldn't have gone behind his back and told Justin to take charge anyway.If she was concerned about it being closed, she should have spoken to Alf and got his approval.Again, Justin ruins any ground he might have made up in terms of likability with his Brax-like controlling attitudes towards his family, now extending to insisting they don't have any friends because "Trust no-one but each other." Might be a good reason but for the moment he just seems like an ass.(Incidentally, if they're not  in witness protection, does that mean the guy Tori said was an estate agent was...an estate agent?)So...was it the photo of Casey that Nate received on his phone and seemed disturbed by?I assumed it was Irene's DNA results, you kind of need to concentrate hard and fill in a lot of blanks to realise that he hasn't just had that photo on his phone for ages.(If Ricky sent it, what's she playing at?Was she intending for Nate to still have regular contact?)

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