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On 8/11/2016 at 0:20 AM, Changelo shipper <3 said:

There aren't that many characters left now that'd remember Angiepants though, 6 I make it.

I make it 7: I was surprised it was that many when I had a think and realised just how long you'd have to have been on the show to remember Angelo.Phoebe's pretty much a veteran by Home and Away standards, Zac is a veteran by Home and Away standards and Angelo was gone long before he turned up.

On 8/11/2016 at 9:02 AM, Slade said:

I was hoping to get a follow-up with Irene and Mick.  Ah well, next episode maybe.

Well, Mick's had his 3 episodes this week so I guess we're looking at next week before we see him again.(If ever: Neither Irene nor Billie seem likely to want to play happy families and Irene walking away calling him a monster felt like her closing the book on him.)Then again, I actually thought we'd seen the last of Irene for the week but looked like she was in the promo for tomorrow.

On 8/11/2016 at 3:15 PM, H&Alover said:

I may be wrong but I thought Roo had introduced herself to Justin at the hospital yet later when she saw him at The Diner, I'm sure she said to him "Hi I'm Roo Alf's daughter". :unsure:

I actually thought that was a very realistic moment, that Roo didn't assume Justin would remember her just because they'd met for a minute or so that morning.

So, I guess we've got the answer as to why Hunter's court case took so long: They were waiting to have him get away with everything at the same time.("They're your first offences,"says Zac, as though nearly killing people in separate incidents nearly twelve months apart count as a one-off.)It really is Aden getting community service for attempted murder all over again...except in this case it's even worse, because they can't even be bothered to come up with an argument as to why he should be let off(apart from VJ's absurd "But you said you were sorry"), so instead the court case is glossed over and we're just told he escaped jail. It's reached the point when I can't even be bothered to be angry: It's been heading this way since at least the beginning of the year when he was made a regular, probably since Zac and Leah invited him to live with them and blamed all his bad behaviour on Charlotte (somehow), maybe even since his abrupt personality change when he suddenly felt bad about hurting Marilyn.The whole thing's summed up by the way everyone from Zac to Olivia to VJ to Kat (and even Josh pretty much) just shrugged off him stabbing Andy with an air of "Tsk, boys will be boys...", via the absurd sight of Billie greeting him with a smile here when it's not long since she was up in court on (some of) the same charges after being framed by him and it didn't look like they were going to go easy on her.That said...When Zac told him he'd been given a second chance and it was up to him not to waste it, I couldn't help feeling that that's exactly what Don Fisher would have said.So...okay.See how it goes.

Kind of ironic that this storyline is playing alongside Josh's "Everything's! Changed!" meltdown, because Evie is behaving exactly the same way as Zac, except somehow he's right and she's wrong.Must be a family trait.(By Hunter's standards, accessory to murder would probably get you an official ticking off and accidentally killing someone...six month suspended maybe?)I assume Mason was texting Lara even though we didn't see, and Matt seems to officially denote Maddy an ex. I'm with Mason on the bet, nothing Phoebe did qualifies as "getting her own back".Still, nice to see Brody not giving her an easy ride because she's a friend.I doubt it'll last.

Phoebe is being a good friend to Billie even though she disagrees with her choices: I'll give Billie the benefit of the doubt over her claim she'd report Mick if he wasn't going to jail anyway.Being able to put a name and a face to her child's biological father has made things a lot more real but she continues to live in denial and go back to her pretend baby father at the end.I believe her when she says she's happy for the first time ever, but it's a house of cards that sooner or later is going to topple down.

Alf's being grumpy.To be honest, it seems like he's recovering at the same rate as Josh (who went from being completely paralysed to being able to move and talk a bit to talking normally to being discharged in what felt like consecutive appearances), so he'll probably be back on his feet in a couple of weeks.Leah and Roo really didn't deserve him taking it out on them.And knocking stuff on the floor in anger twice isn't going to help.

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Yep, definitely 7 who would remember Angelo - Alf, Irene, Leah, Marilyn, John, Roo and VJ.

It shocked me when Maz returned to realise she's now the fourth longest serving current regular cast member - she probably has been for a while. John was around before her return but was still a guest at that point so he's 6th, behind Roo as he didn't become a regular until a while after he married Gina. 

Zac is the 8th longest serving character, but Charlie Clausen is only the 7th longest serving actor as Matt Little bumps VJ way down the list.

Speaking of Zac, I assume his sister has been forgotten about as he & Evie (and Hunter) are now the last MacGuires standing.

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Frustration can set in on even the most hardened person. Imagine being independent pretty much all your life and then being forced to be no stronger than a baby after a stroke.

Naturally, A person is bound to take it out on those close to them even though they don't deserve it.

Wait, Zac has/d a sister? The only sibling I'm aware of is the late Ethan.

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20 hours ago, H&Alover said:

People in the bay have been let out on bail before when they have been charged with murder.

It's not just one murder.  He fessed up to killing two people.  Also there's Oscar and Hannah and the fact he has previous.  When you factor in all those things he should not be given bail.  Not that I'm complaining of course as he's one of my favourite characters.  But objectively he should be on remand till his sentencing.

Hunter's another person that arguably should have been on remand.  And similarly like others in the past another person who could have killed multiple people and gets community service.  This is happening so frequently it's going way beyond the individual in question simply being lucky.  Perhaps there's a higher power at play.  Someone who wants to keep the cops in employment.  What really summed it up for me was VJs reaction.  He clearly couldn't believe Hunter got off so lightly.

The last episode I thought he was just up himself.  That episode for the most part I thought Brody was acting like a absolute jerk.  However I did enjoy him taking Phoebe down a peg even though she kind of got her own way in the end.  Quite like the betting going on with Matt and Mason.

Ash should have bought the checkout my dad t-shirt.  So she's made her choice, Billie's chosen VJ and gone for the family unit.  She's really going to suckup the fact that Mick's gotten away with it.  We'll see.

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You could expect Alf to be grumpy, it's  his nature even when he's in good health.  It did appear a few days had passed between him being totally paralysed  and getting some movement back, Roo told Leah the physios were pleased with his progress. As CaptainHulk said Alf had been a very independent person and to have suddenly rely on others must be really galling.  I know Roo was just trying to help but she really should know her dad better than try and help him feed himself. Also it being his right side that is affected must make it double awkward.

I think Phoebe's teaching/instructor job is/was part time so that may explain why she was at Angelo's.  To be fair to Brody he is the new boss and Phoebe shouldn't expect things to be the way they were when Kyle/Ricky/Brax was there, she can't keep disappearing at odd times and leave others to pick up her slack. He's got to do it his way and the current staff have to get used to it, though a staff meeting wouldn't go amiss so he can tell them all what he wants and  expects from them.  I can see Matt and Mason becoming friends. Tad tense when Josh turned up and asked if he could be put back on the rotor and Brody asked him where he'd been and he had to tell him about being in court as he was an accessory for Andy murdering someone. Knowing what we think we know about the Morgan family not surprising it didn't go down well. Still frosty between Josh and Mason as well.  Evie finally seems to have been snapped out of her self denial phrase when she actually acknowledged things were never going to be the same again.

Andy has actually only murdered one person (but the cops don't know that yet).  At the risk of being boring the explosion was an accident. 

I got the feeling Hunter was actually wanting to be sent to juvvie, I certainly got the impression he felt his community service was too soft a sentence, rather like Oscar when he got community service for running Tamara down and leaving  her for dead. Zac annoyed me by keep on saying everything would be OK, just because Hunter had apologised to the people he had hurt doesn't make it OK in the eyes of the law and it really, really did take an eternity for his case to come up.

I think Phoebe has done all she can to try and convince Billie to tell the cops about Mick, I may have brought her "I'm the happiest I've been" if she hadn't been in floods of tears at the time. The stress of keeping it quiet certainly isn't going to be good for her or the baby.



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18 hours ago, c120701 said:

Yep, definitely 7 who would remember Angelo - Alf, Irene, Leah, Marilyn, John, Roo and VJ.

It shocked me when Maz returned to realise she's now the fourth longest serving current regular cast member - she probably has been for a while. John was around before her return but was still a guest at that point so he's 6th, behind Roo as he didn't become a regular until a while after he married Gina. 

Zac is the 8th longest serving character, but Charlie Clausen is only the 7th longest serving actor as Matt Little bumps VJ way down the list.

Speaking of Zac, I assume his sister has been forgotten about as he & Evie (and Hunter) are now the last MacGuires standing.

In real terms, VJ's the fourth longest serving current regular character, even if the actor's down near the bottom of the list and if you're counting how long they've been regulars he's even below Kat.He's been on the show since 2001 without leaving or missing a year, he's been established as a recurring child character since at least 2007 when Felix Dean took over the role.John's fifth: He's been on the show without a significant break, appearing as much as the other characters despite his position on the cast list, since 2009, even if he didn't get credited as a regular until halfway through 2011 (long after he married Gina and indeed long after Roo came back).Marilyn's 6th and Roo's 7th, Marilyn was 5th before VJ's status change, I believe since Gina died in 2013.And...I don't remember Zac ever having a sister either?

3 hours ago, H&Alover said:

At the risk of being boring the explosion was an accident. 

I may have brought her "I'm the happiest I've been" if she hadn't been in floods of tears at the time.

Yes, it was an accident, that's why the charge is manslaughter instead of murder.It's still a crime.I think Billie was crying at the possibility of her happiness being taken away from her rather than anything else.

Alf's episode count this week:Three. Roo was in four.

Where to start?Oh, okay, Josh.Maybe I haven't given him enough credit, maybe there's a bit of Oscar in him after all: That's pretty much the same trick he pulled the last time Evelyn tried to force the person closest to her to let someone else go down for his crime.At least she came to her senses this time.So Josh does the right thing, finally.Andy really should have considered that the guilt would destroy him just as much as prison.(Not the guilt about killing Charlotte, he seems to be fine with that even if Evie isn't, the guilt about his brother going to jail when he could have prevented it.)Matt was slightly annoying, first with his lecture to Josh then with his hassling Mason.

Are they trying to make Hunter into a victim or something?Any credit the show earned by actually showing his community service instead of just pretending he got punished gets torpedoed by the desperate attempt to make his supervisor out to be da bad'un. Ooh, she's confiscated Hunter's phone, isn't she nasty?(Er, no, as she says he should have turned it off beforehand, and if he can't use it what's the difference?) Yes, she shouldn't have let Jordan collapse, but that did seem to be partly down to him not wanting to rock the boat by letting him see how much she was struggling.She could have shown more concern, but she was probably ticked off at having someone muscle in and take charge.Leah points out that she's meant to be controlling a group of criminals for being punished, then one line later she's convinced she's wrong. Hunter sarcastically agrees it's meant to be a punishment in a self-pitying mood, which feels like he's waiting for someone to jump in and say that a punishment shouldn't be unpleasant.

John's surprise lunch was a nice idea and the way it broke up after a few awkward words didn't really feel natural.What, did everyone want to give John and Marilyn room to argue?I guess it does make sense that the way things ended with Skye, so soon after Jett leaving, would make John have second thoughts...but as Marilyn pointed out, he did what a foster parent's meant to do, give her a home when she needed it, and she's safe and happy.I thought Irene's recent experiences were going to be brushed off with a throwaway detail like her locking the door (in the real world normal behaviour, in Home and Away a sign of distress), so I'm glad we got the chat with Leah and the scene of her looking at the blanket and contemplating what became of the child she made it for.And I'm glad the show didn't do something stupid like have her tear it up: It's still a link to what could have been that she'd want to keep.I continue to wait for any sign that she's been filled in on all the people who've been killed/maimed/jailed/moved to the city in her absence though.Is she still wondering why Hannah hasn't been to see Chris lately?

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