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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Sorry about that. My typed message went all blue and I could not type any more. Any ideas why? I could only post it.

Anyway to continue, I like Mason and VJ as a pair of hot testosterone-fuelled teenage boys, who only think with their ****, if they think at all. Then they get into a mess that the script writers have to get them out of. That usually takes a few episodes! I like John and Zak as a pair of dads trying to cope with this behaviour and failing miserably. I like Matt staying there for the oldies after his life has fallen apart. Why doesn't he go round the world? I like  Andy doing what it takes to make a break for it with brother Josh, but sorry to see them leave..  I like never-upset Phoebe who take everything in her stride.

What a great soap it is!!!!    

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I feel like the Morgans have been thrown in at the deep end somewhat, and perhaps that a more extensive period of getting-to-know-you would have been appropriate before flinging us into the latest crime drama. I mean, we've got to know Tori a bit, but the others are still pretty much enigmas. And the fact that we know they're all new regulars means that it's hard to believe they're ever in genuine peril, however many villains are chasing them through the bush. The villains themselves were predictably one-note, meanwhile, with even Lara's apparent sudden crisis of conscience feeling contrived - what exactly was she expecting, being in cahoots with such unsavoury characters?

I'm not sure who's annoying me more - Hunter telling everyone he's fine and doesn't need to talk about it; or everyone else telling him he's not fine and needs to talk about it. Alf pretty much did the same spiel as everybody else on that score, and it felt like he only succeeded where the rest failed because - well, he's Alf. I especially disliked Hunter's hostility to Jordan, who doesn't seem remotely like he's cracking onto Olivia. I thought he had a pretty fair point about her deserving better. Not that I'm sure she deserves miles better, but certainly better than Hunter.

I'm glad VJ moved back in with Leah and that they resolved their differences somewhat. Billie was right to decide that she and VJ aren't ready to live together, and personally I think she should maintain that position until she feels able to tell him the truth about the baby.

Bit odd that Irene suddenly reversed her decision about having counselling, without any kind of on-screen justification for her change of heart. Glad that she's getting some help, though.

Don't really care about Nate and Community Service Lady.

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On 29/08/2016 at 5:52 PM, Brian said:

Been cruising in Norway for the past week and watched all 5 episodes in one go yesterday!!

Really?  I went to Norway last year.

On 29/08/2016 at 5:52 PM, Brian said:

Is Red Ranger leaving us

Like Arnold Schwarzenegger he'll be back although unlike what was mentioned in Total Recall not only in the rerun.

Looking at what happened with Jordan and Hunter again, that punch should barely have phased Hunter.  Also Hunter should have been able to knock his block off given the difference in size.  As long as Jordan is not too problematic I do think John having to deal with his issues this early on with him staying with them is a good thing as it least it will make John feel he has some purpose and help him to get over Skye.

I do agree with what Jordan said to Olivia in that she deserves better.  Hunter's attitude stinks and I'm so sick of him at the moment I was glad when he finished with Olivia and he was expecting her to apologise and beg him to take him back then she casually accepted the breakup.  My main concern with the breakup is that Hunter could potentially become worse.  As Alf said to Leah we are seeing more of the old Hunter.

I was so annoyed with Mason for stupidly running off to see Lara that part of me wanted something bad to happen to him.  So this was all Justin's fault.  Funny how Blaine kept calling him Jack.  Did he change his name or something?  Thought it was a bit ridiculous how all of them managed to escape without being shot.  I am curious about this book that's been mentioned.  It's obviously worth killing all of them for.  So with this particular storyline we have two characters who have been in the show before. Blaine who was Cam i.e. Martha's ex.  Then the guy who played Luke Cunningham who was Decker - who we actually see in the flesh for the first time.

So we missed a scene of Nate actually picking Danica up and it went from Chris telling him to go for it after she was looking at him on the beach straight to the date.  Given her hardcore stance during the community service I wasn't expecting her to eye him up like that though although she obviously likes her drink.  I'm a bit surprised he was just going to up and leave without even the common courtesy of telling her that he wanted to end the date especially given it's such a small town.    Whilst I hate to agree with Chris he did have a point.  Nate needs to try and get over Ricky and the best way to get over someone is to find someone else.  Although I'm not sure about Danica.  There's something about her that bothers me.

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So surprise surprise the Morgan storyline was resolved pretty quickly. I would like to say I was on the end of my seat, but it was pretty obvious that they weren't going to bring on the Morgans as regulars just to get rid of them after a few episodes. Of course it doesn't help that I still don't really like any of the male Morgans, and feel they are mainly there because they ran out of potential love interests for Phoebe. 

I am glad that Olivia has finally stood up to Hunter. I was so tired of the dichotomy of her brattiness to everyone else and yet doormat behaviour with Hunter. I haven't gotten the sense that Jordan was trying to hit on Olivia as opposed to clinging to someone who was being friendly to him. And Hunter didn't help the situation by refusing to refer to Olivia as his girlfriend when Jordan asked. The whole party created a lot of over the top drama - not the least, for VJ and Billie. I am glad that VJ had the decency to apologise to Leah for his behaviour even if decided to stick to his guns re living with Billie. 

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I really feel sorry for VJ now. He was a normal teenage schoolboy with a crush on a hot chick he kept seeing around. She did not encourage him, until she was emotionally upset and then needed some dad for her baby, which she chose to keep (unlike Olivia). VJ could have walked away when he found out she was pregnant, but acted very responsibly and stood by her. It doesn't work out well, due to his youthful impetuosity and he gets very upset. Alf gives him good advice - "decide what you want to do with your life and act like a man and do it, so that others can treat you like a grown up". He thinks about the 3 things in his life (baby, job, HSC), decides which is most important and which other one has to go. He tells the 2 important people in his life (mother, girlfriend) what he wants to do and what happens???? Mother tells him he is being silly; girl friend gives him up!!!!!! We chaps can't win with the women sometimes , can we?.   

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Yes Billie you are ruining VJs life.  And it's taken you this long to realise he's so young.  What about the fact that you are still deceiving him?  And because of your lies he's decided to throw his HSC and thus his future away.  Then when you broke his heart you still couldn't be honest with him and just fed him some pathetic excuse about him being immature despite the fact that he's prepared to give everything up for you.  Screw you Billie!

Kind of ironic Marilyn pressurised and guilt-tripped John into fostering another kid but when things got tough she was the first one who wanted out.  I do have to admit myself I had reservations about Jordan but I'm glad it's working out.  John seems quite good with him and it will be just the thing to help him get over Skye.  In a way Jordan is actually quite similar to Jett in that he also lost his mother although whilst Jett didn't pull out a knife, I do recall him mugging Marilyn before John took him in.

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