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10 hours ago, Edward Skylover said:

I really like the Morgans but I find it hard to accept the characters having different ethnicities when they're meant to be siblings...?

(a) Same mother, different dads (b) same dad's different mums (c) combination of (a) and (b).  Perfectly plausible.

So is Phoebe trying to sh*g Justin or Brody or both maybe.  She's back to being annoying again sticking her oar into the Morgan's business.  When Tori told her to back off although I was pleased I thought she was way too polite.

I actually quite enjoyed the stuff with Nate today.  So Danica's just a **** buddy whereas I assume he wants a relationship with Tori.  I personally saw Nate and Tori's scenes as a date.

So Leah actually thinks that Billie loves VJ.  Interesting especially given that Billie was going to very cowardly run off without even the decency to tell VJ to his face that he isn't the father of her baby.  And I'm back to the point I've made before, if Billie really loved VJ would she be lying to him like this.  But this is good.  Whilst I think VJ would ultimately be better off without her, I do like the fact Zac and Leah both tried to talk her into getting back together and now them allowing her and VJ to rent the caravan this means they've wholeheartedly accepted her.  Excellent.  It will just make it all the more sweeter when the truth comes out.

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I don't think "it will be all the sweeter" when the truth comes out Slade. I will feel extremely sorry for VJ then - his first serious relationship ruined by a terrible lie. It will take a lot to help him over that. Still wondering how much longer the scriptwriters can keep this going. Enough's enough, I think now.

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Modern writers love Misery Congas.

While I wouldn't kick Danica out of bed, it seems like she has zero purpose but to be a plot device.

I'm guessing Justin was the product of an affair ala Steve Parker on Neighbours (Steve Bastoni's Italian looks were foolin' no-one!) and we're waiting for it to be explained away.

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18 hours ago, Brian said:

I don't think "it will be all the sweeter" when the truth comes out Slade. I will feel extremely sorry for VJ then - his first serious relationship ruined by a terrible lie. It will take a lot to help him over that.

I feel sorry for VJ as well Brian.  I meant it will be all the more sweeter in terms of the backlash Billie will get for the way she's treated VJ.

Phoebe was once again being absolutely annoying and her persistence to get involved in the Morgan's business shows exactly at times why I loathe her.  I wasn't happy that Tori apologised because Phoebe deserved to be told to get lost in the previous episode.  Although I was pleased that the reconciliation failed as it means that Phoebe's initial self-satisfaction that her interfering worked was short lived.

I hope I'm wrong but I don't think this plan with Justin investing the money Andy gave Ash into the business is going to work.  I do have to admit he has some front asking for half the business although fair enough given that he's probably taking the biggest risk.  And it's not as if Ash has any choice.  Justin's probably the least annoying of the Morgan brothers as far as I'm concerned but once again we see him stuffing his face talking with his mouth full.  And the way he talks at times he comes across as not all that bright.

So Nate's going to continue using Danica for sex now that he think's Tori isn't interested (Although Tori has given up on Nate because she feels the same).  I actually don't have an issue with what Nate's doing as such because at least Danica knows the relationship isn't serious.  Although she might decide she doesn't want to do casual anymore.  Can't believe Chris of all people is claiming to be the guru with relationship advice.  Because his past relationships have all been so successful.

I'm very disappointed they changed the actor who played Duncan.  His return is not really a surprise given how much they've been mentioning him as of late but if they did bring him back I was hoping to see little badboy Duncan.  I quite liked him.  Found him quite amusing at times.  Loved the way Alf just walked off when he saw him leaving Roo embarrassed.  That will teach her to stop meddling like Phoebe.  Although at least she's got more of a reason.

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So the landlord of Braxton Manor (is it Tony Holden or one of the Hunters?) is selling. They must have been getting some backhanders off the Braxtons (so hopefully we don't know them) to turn a blind eye to everything that went on there, so maybe that's why they're now selling. With Nate back at Irene's and Ash likely back at the Caravan Park does that mean we've seen the end of the show's third eldest house set? It won't be missed as much as Leah's place.

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1 hour ago, c120701 said:

So the landlord of Braxton Manor (is it Tony Holden or one of the Hunters?) is selling. They must have been getting some backhanders off the Braxtons (so hopefully we don't know them) to turn a blind eye to everything that went on there, so maybe that's why they're now selling. With Nate back at Irene's and Ash likely back at the Caravan Park does that mean we've seen the end of the show's third eldest house set? It won't be missed as much as Leah's place.

I thought it was Roo. Where did I get that from?!

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Roo rented the place from Tony Holden when she returned to the bay and sublet the other bedrooms to Angelo & someone else I can't remember, I think Nicole ended up there too.  Casey moved in whilst Roo was there and then as Angelo & Nicole ran off from the Braxtons, they took over the house, but Roo's name was still on the lease so she'd turn up for a bit complaining about their behaviour as it was coming back on her. At some point the Braxtons took over the lease from Roo & the landlord just became known as the landlord.

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I've had to catch up too having been away, binge watched on Sunday. 

Slade was Billie bashing again Brian.  Her deciding to leave a note may have seemed like a cop out but easier than having to lie to people face to face about it being a one night stand perhaps which even if that were true still doesn't mean she cheated on VJ.  I think she does love him, wouldn't be so torn otherwise.  His deciding that uni isn't for him is fine, it wasn't for Matt, but he finished his HSC after  a lot of struggle.  How long do they last anyway a week or two.

I can accept the new Duncan, though at first glance I nearly mistook him for Stephen, it has been 11 years after all so obviously he would have changed, so easier than an almost overnight change in 'old' and 'new' VJ. Seeing Irene and Marilyn greet him made me realise they must be the only townsfolk who would remember him, unless someone else knows different! He did decide off his own bat to come and see Alf, Roo just set the wheels in motion. The fact Caroline was now his ex wife was skimmed over but the fact he has a five year old son was a shock!  Couldn't really understand Alf getting his pants in a palaver though - they hadn't spoken for  20 years, did he just expect Duncan to drop a line saying 'hey you're a granddad'.  Alf did get one thing right Duncan is stubborn, wonder where he gets that from! 

Jordan has had a hard life for a 15 (nearly 16) year old, echoes of Jett in a way.  His keeping the knife was likely more habit than anything else having lived on the streets  I'm glad Marilyn and John talked to him about him not wanting to celebrate his birthday rather than plunging on with springing a surprise do on him. Now his dad has turned up, hope it's because he's been released than that he's done a runner from prison. 

I'm still not taking to Danica though her - so far- just wanting a casual relationship with Nate is the better thing for him at the moment than leaping into a deeper one with Tori.  They both obviously like each other, her having to still keep her secret won't make things easy.

I know the rest of the family can't forgive Justin for the fact the bullet that killed their mum was meant for him, but he's had to carry that guilt fro seven years.  His agreeing to pretend the £50,00 was his was  a risk but once Kat got to hear about it it set her cop antenna twitching. Technically I suppose Ash was telling the truth when he said the garage wasn't being used as a chop shop, at least not now.  Did the cops really expect to  find receipts for the jobs Andy did? Matt chose to involve himself by hiding the money. Btw when they had the family talk where was Mason?  So that guy was acting on his own with the syndicate knowing but does this really mean the Morgan's are off the hook?

Phoebe was back to her annoying self but she did mean well but couldn't/wouldn't take the hint to back off.  Another unspoken question answered Zac has asked her to resume her music lessons. 

Did we all blink and miss Irene agreeing to have counselling, anyway good that she is, any bets that the counsellor will suggest her meeting Mick at some point in the near future?

I suppose Hunter and Olivia's break up was inevitable considering his recent behaviour, but he had been a good boyfriend to her before, understood her cutting, stood by her through the pregnancy and termination, waited until she was ready to resume their relationship. She probably felt she owed him after all that but she finally realised enough was enough and it was hurting both of them being together. It wasn't just Jordan who thought she deserved better, Chris told her the same thing.

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