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Yeah, I had to find a way to justify the Noah's bar reference to myself, so although he probably saw it in his return, maybe he was in contact with Martha from when she visited New York before moving to the bay, so knew a lot about Noah's through her, plus Alf owned it at one point so maybe Alf had spoken about it when he visited for Duncan's wedding (if he  owned it then).

Personally, I'd have preferred it if he mentioned wanting to go to the Beachside Diner as him turning up at the Pier Diner without any real reference just didn't fit.




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On 9/8/2016 at 10:39 PM, Brian said:

Why would you want to see Tori in a bikini Slade? She's not much to look at. Billie is the best chick in a bikini at the moment. Maddy was even better.

I think she's OK personally.  I agree with you about Maddy though although I think the best one at the moment is Kat.


On 9/9/2016 at 0:00 PM, Psychic Wombat said:

Yes, I thought it was refreshing to see Tori in a one piece instead of the pushing it in your face bikini's that Kat wears lol. All the female cast members seem to have it written in their contract that they have to strip off and wear a bikini at least once except Roo who has to wear a sheet.

This is no different to the male characters constantly parading around bare-chested - Brax, Heath, Casey, Ash, Andy, VJ, Hunter Kyle, Josh etc.  It's arguably even worse.

Good to see Roo acknowledge Alf's point of view and why he would have a genuine grievance with Duncan coming back all of a sudden and dropping the fact that he's got a child.  It did look very suspicious.  I'm also not happy about the quick turnaround given the history.  Even without the history you could look at the last week and see that they've made up far too easily.

I've decided that I quite like Jordan.  So whilst I'm glad he's decided to stay with John and Marilyn I did feel a bit sorry for his dad.  But I liked that even though Jordan's dad was very visibly disappointed he appeared to accept his son's decision because he wanted him to be happy although I hope he didn't have anything to do with John and Marilyn's place getting trashed.  I do quite like the friendship Jordan has with Olivia now.  He needs another male friend.  I don't like Hunter's attitude towards him and the only other person VJ obviously has to show loyalty towards his step brother.

I'm pretty fed up with Hunter and I especially didn't like the way he blanked Olivia so I'm glad she wants nothing more to do with him.  And then he had the nerve to get all jealous because she dared to spend time with other people.  I quite like Tabitha (she's another person I wouldn't mind seeing in a bikini) and whilst I think no doubt she's messed up like Olivia and will probably turn out to be a clingy psycho, I quite enjoyed the way Hunter politely tried to introduce himself to her (obviously as a way to get into her good books so she could put in a good word re Olivia) and she protectively told him to leave Olivia alone.  The funniest thing was the way he went crying to Olivia about it the next day and it just made her even more annoyed with him.

I have to admit, I'm quite enjoying seeing Billie's lie slowly eating her up.  It especially can't be helping with the effects of the pregnancy.  Given that's she's spending more time with Irene it does lead me to wonder how much longer (a) can she sustain this (b) before the truth is discovered by someone else.  I loved the irony of Irene giving Billie her child's blanket almost like a way to be passed down from generation to generation and then when she was with VJ on the beach he pointed out how odd that was given the fact he was a serial rapist.  And she clearly didn't want to hear it because she still wants to deny reality.

I'm really liking Evelyn's attitude since she got a payout from Hannah's life insurance and like the way she wanted to arrange the sleep-in.  I find Mason such a tool (and did he have to walk around shining a torch on some of the students during lights out when they were asleep?), so wasn't happy when he tried to kiss her previously.  After Thursday's episode my first thought was I really hope they don't end up together but sadly I think that's exactly what will happen.

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OK, another eight-episode marathon is complete. I won't go into painstaking detail, but...

I'm enjoying the Duncan/Alf story, even if I was slightly disappointed they didn't bring back the original actor to play him. (Well, not the original actor, but you know what I mean.) I'm still finding the degree of harshness Alf's treating him with to be a little out-of-character, but it's saved by the acting and in fairness, perhaps there's more to the story than we're currently aware of.

Is anyone else feeling that Community Service Lady doth protest too much that she is only looking for something casual? My strong feeling is that she's going to turn bunny-boiler on Nate like she did with Jordan on the beach a few weeks ago. Clearly they're setting Nate up for a slow-burner with Tori which is fine, I suppose - I certainly prefer their pairing to any of Nate's other relationships on the show so far.

Hunter can go do one as far as I'm concerned. Olivia's given him multiple chances to stop behaving like a meathead and he's thrown all of them back in her face. I get he's upset over his mum but then, let's just have him be upset, rather than this horrid borderline-abusive, possessive berk. It seems fairly clear to me (although perhaps I'm missing the signs) that Jordan isn't remotely interested in Olivia romantically; he's just happy to be making friends, and has a strong sense that Hunter is mistreating her, which he is.

Speaking of Jordan, his story has really been the highlight of the last few episodes for me. John and Marilyn have been floundering storyline-wise since Jett left, so I'm really pleased they're back on the fostering. The backstory of Jordan and his dad has been really heartbreaking and, while Jordan seems like he'd be a great character to make permanent, I do hope for his sake that he's able to build a new life with his dad eventually once he's got himself together. In the meantime, I'm really enjoying the foster family scenes; already they seem to have recaptured that John/Jett-type dynamic which is lovely.

In what world is it appropriate for Kat to be investigating (a) her own boyfriend and (b) a business she part-owns? It makes the official furore over her dating a colleague a few weeks ago look even more ridiculous than it already did, which was very ridiculous indeed.

I was hoping they'd keep Evie off the romance for a while, but nope, she's back on the carousel. The stuff with the inheritance was better, I suppose. Except why is everyone super-surprised that Justin had a spare $50K, but not that Hannah had ten times that stashed away? Last I was aware, most nurses weren't rolling in disposable income.

To be honest I shared VJ's reservations about Irene giving Billie her son's blanket. Even not knowing that he raped Billie, the implications of that are pretty creepy, and I'm surprised Irene would think of doing it given that everyone knows what she's just been through. It felt like a little bit of a contrivance to drive up the horror for Billie, which feels a bit cruel on the writers' parts.

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What do you know no sooner do I mention that Billie won't be able get away with wearing  a skimpy bikini very soon, her bump starts to show!

Hunter may well be what the kids term a tool but I'm with him as regards Tabitha I have the very strong feeling she has designs on Olivia herself.  All we know about her so far is she attends Olivia's counselling sessions. be interesting to see if she tries to keep Olivia to herself once they are in school.  She looked upset when Olivia said she would see her the next day. Naturally though Olivia won't believe anything negative he says about her. Hunter's remarking that Olivia wanted to jump Jordan's bones as well as being showing him as a jealous idiot if Jordan isn't yet 16 but illegal as well.

I got it wrong about Jordan not wanting to join in the sleep out.  He's made the right decision about staying with Maz and John for now, may give his dad the incentive to get a job and somewhere to live. Good idea of Evie's supplying the type of food they could expect to get on the streets if they were lucky that is. Rather amusing how Evie kept trying to talk to Mason about that non kiss and he kept avoiding her because he was so embarrassed, at least when she did finally managed to pin him down he was of the same mind that neither of them wanted a relationship, I can see them being good friends.

Hannah didn't have a wodge of cash stashed away it was her life insurance.

Billie certainly has a lot of food she suddenly can't face, she's going to waste away if she's not careful. That was so awkward when Irene made her that gift of her treasured blanket (well at the time it was) it was made for an innocent baby.  She doesn't have to use it. Billie could hardly blurt out that the child she made it for turned out to be the guy who raped her and is the father of her baby and hence her grandchild. Irene was unintentionally piling on the guilt by saying what good care Leah would take of her - though where did mother-in-law come from?

As for Kat investigating Ash, the business and dodgy money that is what all TV cops do get involved in an investigation that they shouldn't because they have a personal involvement, they are all warned off by their superiors but does that stop them, does it heck!

What has come over Leah and her fretting that she thinks Zac has gone off her sexually, her telling Roo she wanted to be under Zac  rather than him being under a pile of paper work seemed very un Leah, it certainly surprised Roo. :blush:



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Oh only me commenting then!!!

Obviously we don't know Aaron's whole past history but Jordan was very quick to assume it was him that had broken in and trashed John & Marilyn's place.  I do have the feeling it wasn't him and Jordan is going to feel guilty about it.

Kat, although mostly a good cop, does get very involved with cases, one of the drawbacks of knowing the locals I guess as in giving Josh all that time to hand himself in.  Now Ash and the garage and the dodgy money, though McCarthy's comment about why she invested her money in it in the first place was out of order, it was a clean garage when it opened.  Ash didn't really need to lay all that guilt on her about who else is going to get hurt, Matt (who isn't totally squeaky clean) and Phoebe who is.  If as it looked she has handed her badge in does that mean she's come clean about her involvement with Josh?

Leah and Zac's problem has been sorted with the penny dropping with him as to what she really meant about going to bed!:wink:

Interesting to see, albeit briefly, the old photos of the Morgans, shame it bought back sad memories for Evie setting her off a drunken spiral.  I'm glad Matt is at the Uni do to keep an eye on her, I like the caring, wiser side of him though of course he still has his fun side. Is he going to be a contender for her hand along with Mason?

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Still feel sorry for Matt. Lost Sasha, Charlotte, Maddy and now no one. Surely some uni girl would have taken a fancy to him at the disco, if he can't have Evie. Is she going to pair up with Mason? That would be a bit quick - better though than Bille/VJ dragging it out.

Liked the comment to Nate : "Friends without benefits - what's the point?" I have plenty of female friends without them. What do you think H&Alover? Will you be my friend?

Good acting by Kat, but what is she going to do now? Leave Summer Bay?


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11 hours ago, Brian said:

Liked the comment to Nate : "Friends without benefits - what's the point?" I have plenty of female friends without them. What do you think H&Alover? Will you be my friend?



I find it interesting that Kat has mentioned more than once how she's been compromised as a police officer almost like it was a very recent thing. I would say she compromised herself since she's been in the bay.  I even remember that glorious line she said to Nate "It's one thing for you to compromise yourself.  But how dare you compromise me!".  She allowed Kyle to talk her into covering for the Braxtons a while back.  She was compromised the way she conducted herself during the investigation of Denny's death i.e. breaking into Charlotte's flat and looking through her stuff.  And of course there's covering for Josh after he killed Charlotte and keeping quiet about the 'dirty' money Andy left Ash after he skipped bail.  Over the last few months I've found Kat so annoying that I've really wanted some comeback to all of this.  But now that she's resigned from the force surprisingly, I find myself feeling sorry for her after witnessing her panic attack.  Part of me was hoping that when Ash called Nate and Nate was talking to Kat alone she would have told him the truth - He is bound by patient confidentiality after all and if Ash can tell Billie why can't Kat tell someone else?  However I think it will probably be unwise as the fewer people who know the better.  Certainly from Kat's perspective the sad thing is is that she's finished with Ash anyway so it seems like it's all been for nothing.  Although you can argue she did it so save him and perhaps help other people such as Matt and Phoebe.  Although at least she's got half a business still.

It's a shame Nate's ended this casual thing with Danica.  Wasn't entirely sure about her but I quite like her - and good to see continuity with her following up how well John and Marilyn did with Jordan.  I found Marilyn extremely annoying when she was getting involved first when Nate bumped into Danica at the Diner and then when she saw him with Tori later on.  What business is it of hers who Nate sees?  I have to admit I found the scene when Tori and Kat were at Angelo's (can't remember what it's called now) really amusing.  I loved Tori's reaction when she found out Kat was one of Nate's conquests and Ricky and Sophie were too.  When you add the casual thing with Danica to the mix it does make you understand why she would now have serious reservations about getting involved with him.  Still given how difficult it will probably be for Nate now especially with Duncan being part of the equation (Not sure if Tori will be impressed him not paying enough child support to his ex wife) it will make it all the more sweeter when he does get her in the sack.

Once again enjoyed Alf having a go at Duncan.  More of that please.

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17 hours ago, Brian said:


Liked the comment to Nate : "Friends without benefits - what's the point?" I have plenty of female friends without them. What do you think H&Alover? Will you be my friend?



Oh  Brian, course I'll be your friend!:blush:

Before Alf jumped down Duncan's throat for not paying enough child support to his ex, he should have asked why, perhaps Duncan doesn't enough spare cash to be able to do it.  How long before Caroline and their son come looking for him.

Kat may have compromised herself on plenty of occasions but she's not a 'bent' cop in the usual sense of the word, she hasn't gained anything from any of what she has done, no bad guys willing to do her bidding, no back handers, freebies, no blackmailing of judges to sentence innocent people.  She made a huge error of judgement when she went after Charlotte but she was right about her killing Denny, btw didn't she have a panic attack when she was called out to Charlotte's place when someone took a pot shot at her? She's let her heart rule her head penalty I suppose of being a local cop and knowing and liking the people you serve. I can understand her not telling Nate, he may be her ex but she needs to tell someone not linked to her in anyway.  Did Nate really expect Ash to tell him what was really going on with Kat? I guess it was inevitable but sad that Ash and Kat broke up and although a cliché that Ash had a smash up, better that than him hitting someone.

I rather liked seeing Evie getting drunk and even though Matt couldn't bear to stick around and see her in that state she had Mason on her side who managed to get her back to the Morgan's place before too much damage was done, she'd obviously forgotten all about that drunken kiss she tried to plant on Mason as she didn't mention it the next morning.

Casual isn't Nate's thing is it, his face when she saw Tori and Duncan chatting must have made him think he doesn't stand a chance. I guess it's not surprising Tori didn't know about Nate being Kat's ex and also about Sophie.  It's Salt btw Slade.

Aaron seems to have got off lightly just by returning the stolen gear, but by all appearances he seems to have got himself sorted and Jordan has gone to the city with him.  Good to know it hasn't put off John and Marilyn fostering again, now unless Tabitha arrived in the bay with her family any bets on her being the next one being taken in by them?   Maz did have her interfering head on again, at least Irene told her to rein it in.

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