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1 hour ago, Jeremai said:

What's all this about Madge Wilkins running the world's best fish and chip shop since Duncan was little?! Has this been mentioned before or is this a whole new side to Madge's character? ;)

She gets around a bit does Madge, though I'm certain we've never heard about her owning a chippy!

Surprised she had the time over the years whilst babysitting and covering other people's shifts....

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20 hours ago, c120701 said:

Doctor/Patient confidentiality doesn't always apply to crimes does it(?), unlike the seal of the Confessional. I know Doctors can report injuries that don't correspond with the explanation & if someone was driving over the limit.

But if someone has a type of counseling session like Nate was effectively doing with Kat (or he would have been doing if she agreed to be completely honest) then he would have to keep quiet.  There's also the issue of the severity of the crime.  If someone was in danger then possibly but if it's just stolen money then perhaps not.  I did actually think of Ari and the snakes shortly after I made my comment.


16 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Kat may have compromised herself on plenty of occasions but she's not a 'bent' cop in the usual sense of the word, she hasn't gained anything from any of what she has done, no bad guys willing to do her bidding, no back handers, freebies, no blackmailing of judges to sentence innocent people.  She made a huge error of judgement when she went after Charlotte but she was right about her killing Denny, btw didn't she have a panic attack when she was called out to Charlotte's place when someone took a pot shot at her? She's let her heart rule her head penalty I suppose of being a local cop and knowing and liking the people you serve.

I never suggested that Kat gained anything from compromising herself (although she hasn't lost her share in the garage yet).  I think we can all see the effect this has had on her.  And she did what she did for selfless reasons however that doesn't negate the severity of what she did.  If someone steals money and gives it to charity does that justify stealing it in the first place?  What she did not only made a mockery  of being a police officer but it was also highly illegal.  Even though I don't think she would necessarily deserve this by rights she should be detained at her majesty's pleasure.

Tabitha is obviously quite attached to Olivia.  Not sure whether it's because she fancies her or she feels there's a very strong bond between them as friends.  I know they go to the same school so bumping into each other is unavoidable but if they both go to the same group counseling session is it really a good idea them spending so much time together outside?  Should one person with problems become dependent on another person with problems?  It's funny how Hunter managed to wing his way back into Olivia's good books by putting on the puppy dogs eyes and making her feel bad for ignoring him (even though he did the same thing to her a few episodes ago).  But I am quite enjoying the way Tabitha is trying to sabotage his attempts to get back with Olivia just so she can have her all to herself.  I don't think Tabitha's been overly smart about it but it's surprising how gullible Olivia is believing that Hunter didn't want to get back with her because of her scars.  Also VJ and Billie will be able to verify that Hunter in fact had a go at Tabitha and not Olivia.  I do think Hunter is right to be concerned but purely for entertainment purposes I would like to see just how far Tabitha is prepared to go.  Did I mention that I think she has a cute face?

I'm surprised that Alf was prepared to involve himself with Duncan and his ex wife given the fuss he made about Roo involving herself with him and Duncan.  Duncan and Tori seem to be getting quite close now.  So I'm looking forward to seeing Nate no doubt get jealous assuming Duncan and Tori do end up together.

Phoebe and Justin are also quite close although the relationship seems more of a physical thing.  In spite of that I did actually quite enjoy their banter so it will be interesting to see where this one goes too.

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5 minutes ago, CaptainHulk said:

Please don't let Tabitha turn into Stabbatha! ??

So, according to Duncan, Madge Wilkins is still in the bay and the old bat runs the chippy. Nice continuity!

She did own an unseen general store supposedly near Yabbie Creek road c.2003, didn't she?

She ran (or at least worked at) a general store in Summer Bay in 2005 that we saw when Ric wanted to buy condoms - though she'd just popped out and Colleen turned up to take over the till

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24 minutes ago, Dan F said:

She ran (or at least worked at) a general store in Summer Bay in 2005 that we saw when Ric wanted to buy condoms - though she'd just popped out and Colleen turned up to take over the till

lol. I can just see Ric turning scarlet and doing the quickest 180 turn since Tony Hawk out the door!?

23 hours ago, c120701 said:

I wish Duncan had asked Alf how much he'd supported Quinn or Owen.

Given how much of a bastard Owen was to Ric, He and Alf would have probably gotten into it pretty badly, and odds are he probably would have died mid-argument (that Stewart temper is lethal and would be Ric's undoing a number of times) rather than during his fight with Ric.

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Alf's episode count this week:Two. Roo was in four.

Okay, new plan: I'm going to post my musings at the end of each week and try not to get dragged into any debates.Or get too vitriolic.Or write too many essays.Given the number of topics I've got to cover, I might be about to break one of those already.

The Barretts continue to wreck lives without even being there, to the point that I'm still not sure whether we're meant to be cheering that they got away or hating them for their selfishness.Kat leaving the police was the right move, it's reached the point where she's lost all credibility as a police officer:I'm hoping they don't do a Jack and reinstate her a month or two down the line.I'm sorry to see her and Ash finish but things were kind of at breaking point.The thing that disappoints me most is Ash and Justin, two characters set up to be an antidote to Brax, handling things exactly how Brax would have done.Meanwhile, Matt now seems very dodgy, approving of prison breaks and money laundering.Still, that teen group is proving how strong it is with a decent friendship even though there's only two of them left, with Mason slotting in well.It seems likely Evelyn will end up with either Matt or Mason, and with two near kisses the latter seems most likely.Not sure if I'm really buying her as a student teacher though, it's a bit Kate Ramsay.And shame that her nasty side spilled out again with Zac.I'm liking the use of Buddy but Home and Away doesn't have a good track record with pets and his sporadic appearances are already a bit confusing:Where was he when the Morgans were at the safe house?

I both do and don't understand the Morgans' attitude towards Justin.Yes, he lied, but to be honest it was so trivial in the grand scheme of things that I just shrugged it off, and given how tight the family seemed I'm surprised no-one else did the same, much as they shrugged off Mason nearly getting them all killed.I don't mind Justin and Phoebe together, although being paired with her doesn't tend to do people much good. Still I actually disliked Brody a bit with the way he warned Justin off although fair dos, it's what Justin's been doing to Tori and Mason.I'd rather Nate and Tori than Duncan and Tori, but I haven't found the new Duncan particularly objectionable even if he's a bit too bland for me to actually say I like him.And Tori's assessment of Nate isn't entirely wrong, it's nice to see his treatment of Kat and Sophie coming back to bite him.(Does Chris know about him and Hannah?)Alf's been pretty unreasonable for the most part: If he believed this Caroline was trouble (which isn't what was said at the time but okay), why suddenly take her side over Duncan's without giving him a fair hearing?If Caroline's squandering the maintenance, is Duncan really supposed to go on paying her more and more?Nice reference to Madge Wilkins, although she must be pushing 80 by now.

So, a quick exit for Jordan.I was sorry to see him go and not entirely satisfied with the way it played out.I wouldn't say Aaron was irredeemable or that Jordan should have nothing to do with him but the fact he reverted to his bad old ways within hours of arriving in Summer Bay isn't a good sign, and Jordan deciding to go and live with him when he doesn't even have a place to stay seemed very premature.I guess the idea was to show how transient fostering is, that foster kids are part of your family for a short while and then move on...but John just learnt that lesson with Skye so it seems a bit overkill.

It's becoming increasingly obvious that we're meant to see Tabitha as a wrong 'un keeping the golden couple apart, especially with the way Irene arbitrarily decided she doesn't like her, rather rudely sending her away just because she didn't agree with her that Hunter is lovely and Olivia should keep going back to him.While Tabitha crossed a line with her lies, telling the truth should have been enough to show Olivia what a jerk Hunter the Horrible is: Even VJ and Billie were unimpressed by his behaviour.It's slightly annoying that it's being written as though Tabitha's to blame for Hunter and Olivia's problems when she's only been around a week and they were already broken up before that.(As an aside, despite their not appearing much this week I like the idea of VJ and Billie sharing a caravan, it was about time VJ was allowed the same freedoms as Hunter.)

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Well, with Matt you can take the guy outta Mangrove River but...

(Yes, I'm aware that sounds Colleen-esque):D

Huntlivia? Golden? Try BRASS.  :lol: That said, Tabitha needs to get on her bike. Even without the guard dog crap, I just can't connect with her.

Duncan and Alf's relationship since 1998 has never been easy.  At the minute, He'd take the side of a Coked-out Derro (Not saying Caroline is one) over his own son. They seemingly made headway in 2005 after Duncan was cleared of causing Chloe's death, however that seemed to go to pot around the time of the wedding in 2009. I don't see Duncan 4.0 as bland per se, Just More mature (Folk can change a LOT in a decade). Had they rehired Brendan (who gave the character life), it would have been more of a predictable pattern but I guess they couldn't get him/didn't want him (leave open to interepretation). Benedict, while not setting the world on fire, is doing an adequate job.

I'm loving the promos for Crash Landing. I'm avoiding the Aussie facebook feed for spoilers (lord jesus, why did I follow that) Mind, you the UK page is just as bad if not worse (fine if you watch Aussie pace, but keep it to yourself FFS!)

I wish Maz and Palmer had more luck. And Jett needs to come home to visit more often, he should at least be graduating this year!

Maybe we need to start a "Cast Madge Wilkins" movement. We got Milco in the end, didn't we? (though there was no campaign).



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