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So true to form Chris shows exactly why I hate him.  Opening his big mouth and rather than simply doing his job (and serving Tori in the diner) sticks his oar in re Nate and even suggests that they should be more than friends.  Doing all this without discussing it with Nate first.  Brody said one of the few things I agree with i.e. what a moron Chris is.  And once again that way he constantly grins thinking that he's smart and that the sun shines out of his backside makes me want to punch him.  I can't believe someone as intelligent as Nate would even consider taking dating advice from a guy like Chris.  All his relationships have been a disaster.  Nate's have too but with the exception of Ricky at least they have been of his own doing.  The scene when he went round to Tori's after he got drunk was cringeworthy.  Calling her amazing 3 times just wreaked of desperation, came across as disingenuous and probably only reaffirmed to her that he was saying it just to try and seduce her.  He's actually made things a lot worse for himself and he will realise this after he sobers up.

Loving Tabitha's manipulation of Olivia.  She's doing a good job thus far of turning Olivia against her ex boyfriend.  Tabitha does seemed to have formed an attachment quite quickly and is already claiming that they are best friends.  Olivia didn't seem to object to it though.  With Skye gone I'm kind of hoping for a mutual dependency sort of thing as I enjoy these two in scenes together.  Whist I like Hunter (although I've found him quite annoying as of late even though he's behaviour is understandable), I'm not really a fan of him and Olivia as a couple so I'm perfectly fine for Tabitha to completely ruin things.  The scene on the beach was hilarious.  I loved the way Hunter went to talk to Olivia about missing class and she totally laid into him and he and VJ were completely bemused.  It's also quite funny that VJ thinks Tabitha's harmless although Irene picking up on her behaviour and claiming that she's intense isn't a good sign as it implies that she is right and Tabitha will turn out to be a total "wack job" as Hunter put it.  Which means she's probably not going to be around for very long.  Not sure Olivia should be talking to Irene about the stuff Tabitha's mentioned in the group counseling although it's good to get a bit of info about her backstory i.e. her parents only had her to save her older sister.

I wondered whether Phoebe and Justin were actually an item but I'm assuming at the moment this is just a Nate/Danica sort of thing under the same roof.  Brody's attitude towards Phoebe when he realised they had slept together again did make me think that he was jealous.  I also believe that's what motivated him to go round to the garage to confront Justin and tell him to stay away from her.  I thought Brody had ostracised Justin effectively so this does strongly suggest he has a thing for her.  You do have to ask yourself why go out of his way for Phoebe like that if he doesn't care about her and especially to warn off someone that he's not talking to.

So the guy who was working with Lara resurfaces.  Next week looks interesting...

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This week felt very Morgan heavy, which is not desirable when the only likeable Morgan is Tori. It also made me realise how redudant some of the other female characters are - in particular Evie and Phoebe, who both socialised only exclusively with Morgan boys this week making you wonder how they survived before they turned up. I do think that Brody was acting out of jealousy when he warned Justin off Phoebe (why no man can resist Phoebe still astounds me). 

Tabitha does have airs of the whole "Single White Female". Hunter better watch out. 

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Good to have you back Red.

Had problems with this forum running very slowly   and takes an age to get in. 

C20701 asked why Duncan didn't ask Alf why he didn't pay support for Owen, it's because Alf didn't know about Owen until he was an adult, The Gov had kept his birth a secret from Alf, it was only when she was dying that she told him. Though I can't answer for Quinn.

A moment of panic for Tabby when Hunter and VJ approached her and Liv on the beach, not surprising she hustled them away before it got round to the subject of Hunter's supposed slagging off of Liv  about her self harming, VJ would have soon put her right.  He did admit she was a 'bit odd' and Irene has picked up on her as she called it intensity so not just Hunter feeling jealous.  Tabby certainly didn't like Irene suggesting she go home, is she going to 'suggest' to Olivia Irene isn't on her side too.  At least we got a snippet of her history and Olivia isn't bound by the same restrictions as a counsellor would be as she is a fellow counsellee, if that is even a word, but you know what I mean. I may be second guessing here but could the fact she is latching onto Olivia because now she has done what she was born for, helping her older sister, she isn't as wanted by her parents the way she should be.

Slade I never said you suggested Kat had gained anything from compromising herself, I was referring to the fact she called herself a bent cop.

Good to see sexual equality is alive and well in the bay with both Phoebe and Justin checking out the others butt!:lol:  I guess they didn't indulge when they got home as Phoebe confessed to Brody they had only slept together for the second time which had been that morning. Brody does indeed fancy Phoebe hence him warning both of them off the other, but seeing as Phoebe and Justin are keeping it casual (for now) isn't that what the family 'plan' is - nothing serious to keep people outside the family safe. Not that has worked with the reappearance of Spike, how did he get Justin's mobile number anyhow?

Jordan's stay was certainly a short one, but it did have an proper ending unlike Skye's and John doesn't seem to have been put off this time and has accepted that sometimes stays are short and nothing to do with what he (and Marilyn) may or may have not done.

I wondered about the omission of Hannah being omitted from Nate's list of ladies, both by Kat and Chris.  Typical Chris suggesting a big gesture and not a good idea for Nate to go round to Tori's drunk. Somehow though I can't quite see Tori and Duncan as a couple they don't really fit to me.

Would Madge Wilkins only be 80 if she was around when Duncan were a lad, he's in his mid/late 20's now.


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On 6/17/2016 at 8:57 PM, pembie said:

I always found Ricky hard to like :lol:

Its interesting  I been reading the comments on Facebook  pages and I though the fans were cruel toward Neighbours they now bashing H&A characters . My advice is maybe in a  decade they find a Kylie, Melissa, or Kate lmaybe not as good yet people should give characters a chance. i agree with the bad writing and coming up with a disaster every year do something fun would be my advice


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Yes, Nate getting advice from imbecile Chris does makes you wonder. It seems Nate is beginning to be depicted as a reformed character when it comes to romance thus paving his way for a relationship with Tori - which I still assert is on the cards as she's the only single female available to him. I think dating a workmate or your boss is another disaster waiting to happen, he's already dated a nurse and look what happened there!

Feel sorry for Kat investing money in Marty's garage and then having to compromise her job on two occasions because of situations Marty's friends had got themselves into. Not sure why she got an unprofessional reference from her former sergeant though, surely her personal life shouldn't form part of a job reference? Never mind, now she can pursue a career in swim wear modelling :-)



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3 hours ago, Psychic Wombat said:

Yes, Nate getting advice from imbecile Chris does makes you wonder. It seems Nate is beginning to be depicted as a reformed character when it comes to romance thus paving his way for a relationship with Tori - which I still assert is on the cards as she's the only single female available to him. I think dating a workmate or your boss is another disaster waiting to happen, he's already dated a nurse and look what happened there!

Feel sorry for Kat investing money in Marty's garage and then having to compromise her job on two occasions because of situations Marty's friends had got themselves into. Not sure why she got an unprofessional reference from her former sergeant though, surely her personal life shouldn't form part of a job reference? Never mind, now she can pursue a career in swim wear modelling :-)



True getting involved with co workers never ends good

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Well Spike showing up has certainly shaken things up!  I guess Justin had no choice really but to tell Phoebe why he couldn't call the local plod. At least we know Phoebe has no connection with The Syndicate.  I knew they had the book, well at a clue as to where it was,  without knowing it. Their dad had no way of knowing the family would have had to go into WP so most of their belongings including the toy dog which held the secret would have had to go into storage. Spike isn't the brightest of criminals, he actually believes his getting hold of it will get him in with the gang and allowing Justin two more days to find it. OK Chris may be getting paranoid over Justin supposedly stealing his recipe for Chris burgers and calling them Brody burgers, what naff names, but Brody thinking he trashed the van was way off, that is not Chris' style, but Justin and Phoebe who just happened to there know the truth.

You're right samdanfan Kat's personal life shouldn't have resulted in McCarthy giving her a bad reference, though it does bring into call her judgement, but the uni guy was right if the students had found out as they certainly would have, they have an uncanny way of finding these things out, it would have made it very hard for her to have been taken seriously by them. Ash is an ex con and although it was a legit garage when she gave Ash the money for it and it was used as a chop behind his back, it still doesn't look good.  Uni man did mention she no experience of teaching but as she said she had trained up other officers and she would have experience bringing that to the lectures.

The fact Nate's wife turning up and being unstable while he was dating Hannah had a lot to with that relationship going pear-shaped.

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On 18/09/2016 at 1:49 PM, Angelica said:

why no man can resist Phoebe still astounds me

I find it's often females that ask that but from a male perspective I can see exactly why these guys will sleep with her especially if it's handed to them on a plate.  I think most straight single guys given the opportunity will sleep with an attractive girl that practically through herself at them.  I don't think she's out of this world but I do think she's attractive so honestly if I was in their situation I would probably do the same thing.  So not resisting her I can understand.  What I find hard to believe is Kyle/Ash were able to stick out a relationship for as long as they did.  Perhaps Dom recognised this which was one of the reasons why he decided to give things another go with his estranged wife.

I normally despise Phoebe but there are some occasions where I quite like her.  I am quite enjoying the stuff with her and Justin.  Whilst I don't like her wanting to stick her nose in other people's business this time I do think she had a right to know what happening given that Spike threatened her.  It's funny because after she let Justin talk her out of going to the police and she was helping to find his dad's book when he asked her why she was helping him my immediate thought was because he's good in the sack.  But objectively I do think she see's him as possible boyfriend material.

Chris really is such a low IQ buffoon.  The whole stuff with trying to prove that Brody copied the Chris burger just made my blood boil.  Whilst I don't like Brody (I think he's an arrogant jerk) I definitely found myself on his side so was glad when he threw Chris out of Salt and wasn't happy when he went round to the diner to welcome him back.  Although Chris being as stupid as he is took that as a victory even though it was nothing of the sort and John had to point out Brody was simply offering an olive branch.  It's reached the point where it's hard to stomach any scene he's in and I just end up getting annoyed.

Speaking of another person who's a bellend...Mason.  He's one of those characters I just find so annoying I'm not sure why he just bugs me.  The only positive thing I can say about him is at least he's not as bad a Chris.  I suspected something would happen with him and Evelyn so I was kind of hoping that Matt would try it on with her just to prevent her getting together with Mason.  He and Chris together ruined Tuesday's episode for me.  And I'm not happy that Evie wants to continue seeing him.  Although this is another friends with benefits sort of thing.  Didn't like the fact that rather than focusing on her uni work (even though she admitted to Leah she was behind) she'd rather help Mason do his job.  I'm assuming these research files have confidential data.  Are they even allowed to take them home?

I really enjoyed the way Matt was teasing Leah about being a Grandmother. It was obvious he was joking but the way she stared at him and stormed off afterwards was brilliant.  Had me in stitches.  Fair play to him for redeeming himself later on by flattering her.  I even liked VJs comment about him hitting on his mum.  Can't believe Billie had the gall the call Matt insensitive.  Because it's not like what she's doing isn't insensitive.  When the truth comes out about her deceiving VJ Leah and other people the only thing Leah will be thankful for is the fact she won't have the any bad Grandma jokes but given that she bought a T-shirt which mentions it in Greek she's clearly happy at owning it now.

More cringe with Nate and Tori.  The warning signs were there when he approached her by the peer and she wanted to avoid talking about him turning up drunk at hers and telling her how amazing she was previously.  And then he went round to her place afterwards to try again.  I do think it's reached the point where he's coming across as slightly desperate.  She's now made it clear that she doesn't want to get involved in anything with him and whilst I think she still likes him this is her right.  So unfortunately I do think he should leave it and just keep their relationship strictly professional for now.

Once again really enjoyed Alf having a go at Duncan.  If he's recovering from having a heart attack/stroke he really should be trying to keep calm as that will only serve to elevate his blood pressure but hopefully the writers will ignore that.  Alf did have a point i.e. if Duncan is splashing out for Tori's 30th then why can't he give more money to his kid?  I going to reserve judgment until I find out more about the situation.

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