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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I can see why Chris is having a meltdown about Brody allegedly stealing his recipe, it is affecting the Diners business after all.  I do think the taste test is a great idea, as long as it's a blind one so the tasters don't know who cooked what.

Matt did take his teasing a bit far but he did have the good grace to admit he had by taking the flowers round, he is very fond of Leah, had to laugh when VJ thought he was hitting on her. I wondered what it said on her T-shirt.  As I'm not a Billie basher I found it rather poignant when Irene was extolling the virtues of being a granny when she, Billie, and us know the truth.

Evelyn was very lucky she didn't get a mouthful from Alf over her remark about Alisa and while yes she's not a kid anymore she should still respect the house rules about rolling in any old time she likes. At least now she seems to have got the partying out of her system, she's normally, apart from her time with Tank, a straight type. I wondered about her helping Mason when she admitted she's behind in her own studies. Mason must have got the OK from his bosses to take the files home, they wouldn't have known he was going to get help. The morning after the night before was funny, her burbling away to Tori about how she and Mason had watched a film and she fell asleep on the sofa obviously didn't fool her at all not with the big grin Mason had on his face. Be interesting to see how this friends with benefits works out. Nice to see Matt is also looking out for her.

Phoebe goes up and down in my estimation, she can be a good and loyal friend, then can be really, really annoying though I suspect done with the best of intentions. She has been used to dealing with criminal types as in the Braxtons so not a surprise she is willing to help Justin.  Going by the trailers it looks like there is this huge storage container with just this little book lying on the middle of the floor!:rolleyes:

Oh Nate just as you had sorted it with Tori you had to go and spoil it by slagging off Duncan, who admittedly does come with his own baggage. I do feel there is more to his problems with Caroline and the fact he is not paying full whack of child support for Brian,  Alf did say to Roo he'd stay out of it but once again he's pushing Duncan which is only going to make him close down even more. 

I was pleased to see after her initial anger at Ash interfering Kat was able to talk about it calmly with him.

TPTB keep banging on about the DRAMA that is coming, wish they would get on with it!


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I couldn't really disagree with him there. Even Though Duncan was an arse for most of 1999 (homemade bomb that got Alf, planting Meat Cleaver in the guest room where Joey slept) and 2001 (Yet another Bomb for that kid who dared to even breathe the same air as Jade, Smashing Nick's Console, etc)

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Alf was the same after Roo's mum died, she rebelled as well, caused him no end of trouble, obviously lessons weren't learnt.  Alf really shouldn't have interfered  by sending Caroline money as Duncan said he doesn't know the full story.

At last Hunter got to ask Olivia about what it was he was supposed to have done and part of her must have had doubts about what Tabby had said because she listened and believed him.  Tabby did have the good grace not to say he wasn't lying and had to some serious grovelling.  Then later she had to go and start poisoning Olivia's mind again when Olivia said she missed Hunter. 

It seemed to have taken Justin/Jack(?) and Phoebe an age to get to that storage unit where that guy was quite right about not just handing over the key to it plus they weren't very observant not to realise Spike was following them.  Still unsure as to his families real name - Lee/Harris.  Justin may have told Phoebe he is going to hand over the book to Spike but is he really, he seemed very keen to get Tori out of the way.  Now you would have thought seeing as they aren't in the clear yet Tori would have locked the back door when she went out but no as per she left it open so Spike could just walk in and see the air tickets lying on the table.:rolleyes:  Btw where was Buddy, never there when you need him.

I wasn't able to read the email message Leah saw about Zac's job but it appeared he wasn't being entirely truthful about when he had to start as Principal so what is he playing at?


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40 minutes ago, H&Alover said:

Still unsure as to his families real name - Lee/Harris.

Yes it's Jack Lee, Harris was his mum's maiden name.

If you want a miniscule spoiler (it's first mention comes next week in the UK) then you'll also find Brody's real name in his character profile on our site. Of course everything else in the profile is non-spoiler.

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1 hour ago, Psychic Wombat said:

Spike - must be the most unlikely name ever, he looks like a Colin if ever there was to me :-)

Bad boys often have to a nickname on H&A... Spike, Tank, Hammer, Gunno, Brax... the list goes on.

Though the best of all was 'Killer' :rolleyes:

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I'm gonna go on record and say Crash Landing (ep title) could have done without all the other crap (School scenes). If they concentrated on the main plot throughout would have been a lot more powerful. They used to be able to cover one theme in a whole ep w/o being constricted/claustrophobic.

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