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Quite a dramatic scene today - well played by everyone. How will they keep warm tonight, with the steep drop in temperature in such a climate and the open bush? Back in the plane (before it blows up???) or share bodily warmth? I expected to see Mason all over Evie, comforting her, but family obviously comes first. He will be the only medic, now that the doctors have gone searching.., to look after the others. Will Billie's baby be alright? I agree; I expected them to be more seriously injured.

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I don't understand why you would take a pregnant woman on a trip to a winery except to ensure that she is injured in the crash. Which means that the only thing I am certain of is that Billie's baby is unlikely to survive this. It is amazing that so far they all seem relatively unscathed considering. It does feel like the crash happened too soon after the explosion to really care. And it doesn't help that most of the characters there are relatively new so hard to care either way what happens to them. It is unlikely they will kill of the Morgans so soon after introducing them. 

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56 minutes ago, Angelica said:

I don't understand why you would take a pregnant woman on a trip to a winery except to ensure that she is injured in the crash. Which means that the only thing I am certain of is that Billie's baby is unlikely to survive this. It is amazing that so far they all seem relatively unscathed considering. It does feel like the crash happened too soon after the explosion to really care. And it doesn't help that most of the characters there are relatively new so hard to care either way what happens to them. It is unlikely they will kill of the Morgans so soon after introducing them. 

And an alcoholic! I assume that there weren't any real injuries among the passengers to justify BOTH doctors leaving them to go off into the bush. I'd have thought it made more sense for Mason to go with Duncan & Nate and Tori to stay behind, but then we wouldn't have the love triangle aspect of any eventual story we get on screen.

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6 hours ago, H&Alover said:

I think the percentage of the trial result counts towards the real thing and 20% is not to be dismissed.

Then why call it a trial?  When I did A-levels which are presumably the equivalent of the HSC we did mock exams.  None of those counted.  Having a trial that counts is an oxymoron.

6 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Nate does have a mind of his own so didn't have to take Marilyn's advice

No he didn't.  But whether he took her advice or not is largely irrelevant with regards to Marilyn being a pain in the backside.  She's a know-it-all who often likes to eavesdrop and involves herself in other people's affairs and that's why she frequently gets on my nerves!

I really enjoyed that episode. I thought it was dramatic, exciting and in parts quite amusing.

Evelyn said it.  Regardless of what has happened to Brody they were all very lucky to survive that and yes even luckier for none of them to survive with any serious injuries.  I wasn't entirely sure if it was sensible Tori, Nate and Duncan all going to search for Brody.  They don't know what lies out there.  They've got no idea where they are or where he is although you'd thought he can't be very far i.e. within a few square miles at most.  As Nate and Tori are both Doctors then surely one of them should have stayed.  Also three people searching for one person all of them putting themselves at risk with no guarantee that they will even find him.  Then there's also the issue of supplies.  I'm not sure how much they brought but they are depriving all the people they left behind.  Irene obviously a bit older than the rest of them and Billie being pregnant.  None of their phones have a signal out there so realistically they're waiting for someone to find them.  I'd be interested to know how far this winery place is from Yabbie Creak and how long they were flying for.  They should be able to estimate from the time of take off, to when Justin lost contact with them and how fast the plane was going some idea of where they are.  So it's not a case of flight MH370.

Quite enjoyed seeing the reactions of the other characters.  I wonder if VJ was more worried about Leah or Billie.  And funny how Hunter couldn't wait to tell Olivia.  The cynic in me says whilst he's probably worried about the people on the plane he saw that as a perfect opportunity to get back into her good books.  I liked the way Kat was with Ash being there for him and comforting him.  Although Ash was really getting on my nerves even though his impatience and persistence are perfectly understandable.  And I have to agree with John, Ash and Justin forming their own search mission is not bright either.  What is it with these characters playing the have a go hero?  Was surprised to see Alf crying like that but what I really liked was when VJ started to blame Duncan and Alf defended him.  So quite like that he's prepared to lay into Duncan when necessary but stick up for him when other people do it.  Found it really funny when everybody started bickering and then Alf put his foot down.  Again liked the stuff with Phoebe and Justin.  Even though I don't like here sticking her nose into other people's business I like that he feels he can tell her stuff.  And rather than getting on her high horse she's actually been very reasonable during the whole business with spike.

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On 8/11/2016 at 8:04 PM, Red Ranger 1 said:

I make it 7: I was surprised it was that many when I had a think and realised just how long you'd have to have been on the show to remember Angelo.Phoebe's pretty much a veteran by Home and Away standards, Zac is a veteran by Home and Away standards and Angelo was gone long before he turned up.

Oh yes 7! I think I forgot VJ originally. I was just sad that they dissed Angelo so badly! He put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into opening Angelo's. Those episodes were so interesting and brilliant for character development and the characters now were just like "I don't know and I don't care who Angelo was". Whatever. He had waaaaaaaaaaaay more depth to him than they'll ever have imo.

Uh huh how long has the lovely Zac been around for? It was about 10 years ago or so tht we last saw Angiepants™ I reckon. :cryingsmiley:

Aaanyway moving on I wanted to mention some things from Friday's ep. and yesterday's too - 

I thought so called "Jack" was really sloooooow on Friday. I mean he should've just called the police when "Myrtle" as I sometimes refer to her now wasn't answering her phone. Or better yet he should've asked to borrow Nate's phone when he was talking to Nate! ;) Ey Justin? Anyway the whole thing with this plane crash has been executed well and I think it's gonna be a great week long sl!

LOOOOVE Zac sooooo much!!! Leah did have a pretty big over reaction and I knew there was gonna be a rational explanation but she just jumped in with both feet all angry. Zac came by so she didn't leave on an argument. Thank goodness ey? :wub:

I wish Ash'd gone on the plane. Seriously he neeeeeeeeever gets it. He really doesn't like authority does he? ALWAYS buts in. He's such an idiot!!!! :angry: He's just sooooo repetative and boring and heeeeeeecka annoying and I just wish TPTB'd hurry the heck up and kill him off already!!! :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry2: :angry2:

Yesterday Jack finally came up trumps by using the radio to get in touch with Duncan, who by the way I thought was being a bit irresponsible by still flying the plane when he was clearly so unwell. He probably wasn't properly in control of his faculties right? 

Spike must've been really quick to cut the pipe right? Odd no one saw him there while they were loading... maybe whoever did it did so before anyone arrived and Duncan was not in fact as thorough as he should've been with his checks... :o It's kinda like the thing with Roo all over again maybe except this well and truly is Duncan's fault 100%!

Ooooh Nate, Tori and Duncan are going off to look for Brody! Fun times, "fun times" ahead methinks! I would like Tori and Nate to get together!! I've kinda always shipped them! They have waaaaay better chemistry than Duncan and Tori do!! Time will tell!

I think this is gonna be a good week!! As I was telling a friend of mine earlier on "Home and Away do the BIG drama really well!!" 

Gonna go watch ep. 2 of "Plane Crash Disaster Week" now!!

ETA: Oh yeah Billie! Well she could still enjoy the flight and looking around the winery I guess! Still enjoy the no doubt beautiful scenery!

Oh yeah where they landed was surprising! The Outback must be! I was thinking of the film "Australia" - 'UH OH!! They've landed in the Never Never!!' :o :o :o:o I never knew Aus was so desert-y! Actually remembering "Australia" it is in places! :o Then again like is Summer Bay really that close to the Outback? I mean they can't have flown that far already right? Hhhhmmm... Anyway I'm offski!

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Where they reminded crashed me of Mad Max Beyond The Thunderdome!  They were lucky to have just escaped with cuts, bruises and bumps, unless of course someone has internal bleeding.  Duncan was desperately trying to keep control of the plane and land somewhere safer than the bush which as someone said would surely have killed them. There are two reasons, to me anyway, why Brody isn't there, he did go off for help or was disoriented when he came round and just wandered off. Never mind Billie being on a winery trip what about Irene who as c120701 pointed out is a recovering alcoholic but perhaps like Billie she could still enjoy the visit without sampling any of the products. All Duncan would have been concerned with would be that all the instruments were working and no-one had any reason to check behind the seats.  As for Spike being able to do what he did without anyone seeing well when Justin turned up at the air field the place was deserted so I guess that's that question answered. Amazing how he knew how to operate the radio to get in touch with Duncan, him doing that did at least give Duncan a chance to divert. As for both Nate and Tori going to look for Brody I thought  I heard her say Mason was injured in some way, his shoulder? They are going to need to find shelter because temperatures do plummet at night, I suppose from what we saw the plane is going to be a no-no. It did look like shelter amongst the greenery we saw but then distance can be deceptive so may be further away than it looked.

Back at home people reacted the way they always react when a disaster has happened yelling at those in charge demanding to know why they aren't out there looking for them.   Well as the guy in charge explained once they have a good idea where they could be they will. I really felt for Alf he must be going through agony knowing how volatile  his last conversation with Duncan was and that he may not get the chance to  make up.  I liked how he stood up for Duncan when it was questioned why he was off the flight path.  Of course it was a pure macho act by Justin and Ash deciding to go and look for them when they had no idea where they were, but then there are always guys, mostly, who have to do something!    I thought Zac handled VJ very well, wasn't all doom and gloom but was honest with him and at least he didn't come out with the usual cliché "Everything's going to be OK"   I thought it was fitting that it was Hunter who told Olivia about Irene, he didn't try and push it, was just there for her.  Tabby will not be happy! 

As a total aside normally when something like this happens Irene and Leah supply food and drinks for the rescue teams but as they are both on the missing list will Chris be stepping up to the plate?  Sorry no pun intended.

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I have to admit I totally missed that fact Psychic Wombat as I was too busy thinking 'Oooh Nate, Duncan and Tori!!! Fuuuuun!!!' Well Mason's there! He has doctor training. Plus you know; it's a soap opera y'all!! The scenarios that happen are gonna be the ones with the biggest dramatic potential. Especially in an sl as big as this involving as many characters as this! :wink:


I enjoyed the montage in today's ep!! The part with John and Marilyn in particular! :wub: 

I did think VJ should've given Zac a hug in their kitchen scene! Zac was trying to stay so strong for Veej but he just had to take a moment. :( 

Oh speaking of Mason I thought he handled the whole thing with Billie really well! With professionalism and knowledge!

Oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh at the explosion!!!!! :o:o:o:o:o:o

Oooooooohhhh also that Billie was gonna tell Leah the truth!! But then gosh darnit she got stopped. :o 

The team work trying to prevent the explosion was very good and desperate!!

Alf was starting to feel the pressure and the realisation hit him yesterday and today! :cryingsmiley: :cryingsmiley: 

It has been a veeeery good start to the week H&A keep it up everyone!!!

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