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2 hours ago, Psychic Wombat said:

I thought they might be in the desert for a couple of nights but they couldn't wait to use the hospital set again. It is a miracle they are all alive, in a couple of days it will like the crash never happened, no one will even need counselling. But I still watch it dammit! I need to know where Brody is :-)

Agreed much like others create a story and then its forgotten

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It may be unusual but sometimes in a big crash like that there is always someone who escapes with not a scratch on them. I can see why Tori had to have someone with her to go and find Brody, but why both Duncan and Nate?   It did however, as  Brian said, give Mason a chance to shine and he did, kept his cool and kept Billie calm but was honest with her when she asked what was wrong and told her what she could maybe expect. Good team work by all, building the shelter, getting Billie into the plane out of the heat. Sadly that went pear shaped just as Billie was about to confess to Leah and yes I believe she would have gone through with it if she hadn't been rudely interrupted. It did stretch my credulity when she managed to squeeze out of the cockpit window when moments before she was struggling to walk. Quick thinking by Evelyn chucking sand on the fire to dampen it. The explosion did turn out to be lucky for them as it drew the attention of the rescue team and quick as that they are all back at ND Hospital, getting patched up.  Oh and there was another doctor after all, it can survive without Nate and Tori!!  They were found pretty quick they had only been out there one night. Apart from Mason and Billie having to stay in everyone else got off very lightly, especially Evelyn as mentioned before, maybe Oscar was looking after her. Of course after the initial jubilation of knowing they were safe (the look on Alf's face was lovely to see)  there is now the worry of what has happened to Tori, Duncan, Nate and Brody, at least those at  the hospital had an idea of which way the first three went.  It must have made Alf feel both proud and guilty when Irene praised Duncan for essentially saving their lives. Twice Phoebe was asked why she didn't stop Justin going off to look for them, what was she supposed to do, knock him out and tie him up!!!!!:rolleyes:  Talking of Justin and his 'I saw smoke coming from one of the engines' is soon going to be disproved if not at least Duncan would have soon spotted it and landed or even aborted the flight and everyone saying the same thing, they were gassed, nothing mechanical at all. He,as only we know the real reason he tried to stop it. Of course now it's made it difficult for Billie to confess, so relieved when they found the baby's heartbeat.

I know I've said about Leah being a jinx on bay outings can anyone cast their minds back to the cruise most of the bay took on a luxury yacht, it was to celebrate the Bay's centenary. It resulted in Kane saving Kirsty and Shelleys lives, Leah didn't happen to be among the guests did she?:wink:

I see Maz was on sandwich making duty but still no Chris?

I thought a long time ago Justin and Ash would be buddies after their initial macho posturing. They are similar in character.

OK I know there will be some saying Hunter was taking advantage of Irene being missing to get back onside with Olivia  and it did come across that way when he and Tabby run into each other in The Diner but he knows how much Irene means to Olivia than Tabby does. Also no disputing the fact Olivia did ignore Tabby's call which if they really are BFFF she wouldn't have done. Be interesting to see what her reaction will be, looked like she was going to do something with Hunter's record/score in the trials. Crap security again at the school, even if it was a school day (?) just being able to walk into Zac's office like she did.


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I really loved the scene where they all found out that the plane had been found, it felt very old school with phone calls or people passing it on verbally, rather than like some of the more recent disasters where everyone got a text.

Leah wasn't on the Mirigini as the Diner was catering the party at the Surf Club. Her & Alex were working behind the kiosk.

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So at least there was one trip Leah wasn't on!

Good to catch up with Nate, Duncan and Tori even if they are not getting anywhere with the search for Brody.  I can see both sides Nate wanting to return to the crash site and Tori wanting to keep searching, Duncan torn between the two because as he said if it was  a member of his family he'd want to keep looking.  Then what do you know they pass right by him lying there just out of sight of them!  We saw from the trailer Jason finds them or they find him, then we see Brody acting really strangely, suffering from delirium as Nate said. He has been out there for three days now without food or drink.

Must be worrying for all back at the bay, especially Alf, wondering if he'll get  a chance to make it up with Duncan.

Tabby's true colours are beginning to show, lies to Liv that she was going into hospital because her sister's symptoms have retuned, then having to wriggle out of it by saying she didn't go to ND but another hospital.  Then Liv finds that photo of her and Hunter in Tabby's locker which I note she kept hidden from her.  Olivia didn't have to explain to her why she turned to Hunter, he did just happen to be on the scene and Tabby wasn't. So Tabby did doctor Olivia's score, changing it to 97% may have been pushing it though.

So what brings Ellie back to town, it must be something really serious, hope Matt does find out what it is.  Before that happened I did like Matt's quip that maybe Roo had been sleep drinking. 

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the second week running.Roo was also in all five for the second week running, Justin was in four.(Things went a bit crazy for the Olympic return:Monday featured every main character bar Chris and Matt.)

It's only when the week starts that I realise what a bizarre decision it is to have the big disaster happen not in the Olympic Cliffhanger but just before the ad break of the return, meaning that the episode Channel 5 gave the made-up promotional title Crash Landing to (now immortalised on IMDb for some reason) is actually the episode before something crash lands.A lot of people seemed to take idiot pills and once again the promos keep telling us everyone's okay.It took everyone an awfully long time to twig that a blazing fire next to leaking petrol is a bad idea, then Evelyn goes for the "If something isn't working, keep trying anyway" approach instead of trying something else like taking wood off the fire and throwing it away.Leah telling Billie to move after the explosion when they've just been trying to get her to keep still was a bit daft.As has been pointed out, sending both doctors on the away mission so Mason is the most qualified person to look after the rest of the party seemed a poor division of resources.I get that Tori's the one with the personal connection to Brody but with Nate to handle the medical stuff and Duncan to handle navigation she didn't really contribute anything to the search that Leah or Evelyn couldn't have done, so her staying behind might have been sensible.As it turns out, they're all pretty rubbish at searching, managing to go within a few yards of Brody twice without noticing.Justin's another one with rocks in his head: He fumbles a feeble story to the local police instead of calling Decker who'd take him seriously, then lies to Mason even though he knows all about Spike.(Has he learned nothing about keeping things from his family for no reason?)I loved VJ supporting Billie at the ultrasound but come on, I know Tessa's good at it but Billie's guilty looks whenever Leah talks about the baby are getting old.Move things on already.Also love that no-one really seems to care that Nate's still missing, even Chris is pretty much "Yay, Irene's safe, nothing of importance has been lost!"Re the Morgans' old names, I'd be surprised if they reverted to them.Phoebe thinking it's cute to call Justin Jack aside, they use their new names in private conversations, suggesting that's how they think of themselves now.

Hunter continues to be my main obstacle to truly enjoying the show, he's thoroughly unlikable and yet it feels like we're meant to be on his side, as the show increasingly pushes Tabitha to extreme behaviour to stop us noticing that her assessment of Hunter is spot-on.While it just seemed to be a blip and she was a good friend to her afterwards, I really didn't like Olivia ignoring her call and giving Hunter a look as if to say "Yeah, as if I'd want to talk to her", giving Hunter the opening to bully Tabby about Olivia only spending time with her "real friends".Not 100% sure if Tabitha was lying about going back to hospital or not, it seemed to be implied but her story wasn't completely implausible.

And the reappearance of Ellie, which could be a good move since Matt has been a bit directionless since...well, always really.Kudos to the show for getting back the same actress from two years ago and I'm glad they're not doing anything melodramatic, it's just that Ellie is unhappy and wants to be with Matt.Roo works out that Matt has a "young lady" in his bedroom but comes up with completely the wrong reason...

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6 minutes ago, Psychic Wombat said:

Judging from the trailer it looks like the dehydrated, heat stroked Brody survives the 50 foot drop, now that would equal Evie's miracle escape from the exploding aircraft if it's true!

Reality sometimes forgotten for the story.

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It's disappointing that Justin lied to Mason about his role in helping Decker given that was what caused a major fallout with his family in the first place but I did like Tori's relief when Justin found her, Duncan and Nate in the bush and the way she embraced him.

Still enjoying Tabitha's scheming.  It's not the best as Olivia's figured her out pretty quickly - It's Tabitha's own fault for partly being too clingy and making stuff up on the spot which allowed her to be caught out.  It has reached the point where she is totally obsessed and judging by her behaviour I would say she's a pathological liar.  I am looking forward to finding out what she achieved by changing Hunter's trial exam result.

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Not sure taking wood off the fire would have been a good idea, it would have been on the hot side and she'd have got burnt.  You have to allow the TPTB to have their dramatic licence, even if sometimes it does stretch our belief to breaking point. Odd that it took Nate, Tori, Duncan and Justin walking back to the crash site to find Brody's discarded shoe and clothes and missing him by inches!   How did Nate get elected to be the first one to climb down the cliff, doesn't he remember what happened the last time he did that? I'm going on the assumption he survived the fall because he was relaxed due to him being delirious and hey he has two doctors looking after him!   Mason did earn his stripes back at the plane, it's not something most student doctors have to go through, a real emergency situation with no medical backup, no equipment, just what's there, he handled himself very well.

So all we saw of Chris was the back of his head and Olivia telling him to go away when she thought it was him knocking on her bedroom door.

Maz really showed what a good and caring friend she is with both Roo and Alf, although both protested they were, to use that oft used phrase OK, she knew them both better than that and without nagging got them to actually talk to each other and admit how they were really feeling.  As is true to life you may talk to a relative as Roo said she did with Duncan but you never tell them you love them because you reckon they know and it  feels silly to keep saying it, also 'there's always another time' plus they are all Stewarts and it's not something they do. I liked the voiceover of Alf's letter to Duncan, beautifully done over the scenes of Tori, Duncan, Nate and Justin looking for Brody.

Time enough for Justin to admit for Justin to own up about Decker, there were more important things to think about, it comes out this week anyway.

Oh Tabby was lying about the hospital appointment, I guess at some point we will meet her folks and sister.  Olivia obviously has doubts why else hide that photo she found in Tabby's locker and not tackle her about it? From what I could make out she seems to be shifting the blame of Olivia's new score onto Hunter and accusing Zac of covering up because he's his son. 

Still feel there is more to Ellie's story than she did 'something, not really bad, but Aunty May would think so'. She may be young but she has her head screwed on, had it all covered Aunty May thinks she's at camp and the camp thanks to her letter saying she wasn't going on the trip thinks she's at home. Not sure Roo will be as easy to talk round as Matt has been.  If Ellie does get the OK to stay it'd be a nice little family unit, Roo's been missing having someone to look after.

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This crash storyline is possibly the worst disaster story we have had in H&A. I honestly haven't felt a moment of excitement since it started - especially as the promos made it clear that Leah and Irene were OK from the beginning. And so much is now revolving around characters I don't give 2 hoots about. I would rather everyone had left Brody for dead. It maddened me that Tori and Nate left their group with no doctors especially as it included 2 relatively vulnerable people (Billie due to pregnancy, Irene due to her age). Thanks to the promos that keep spoiling the outcome for us, there is no suspense whatsoever. I have actually taken to fast forwarding all these scenes. And don't get me started on Justin's endless stream of pointless lies that are so obviously going to blow up in his face.

I am loving Tabitha even if she will eventually be sacrificed on the altar to bring Olivia and Hunter back together. I only wish she were smarter at her deviousness so she wasn't so easily caught out.

While I couldn't care less about Ellie, I do love being reminded of this sweet side of Matt (Matt realising that he couldn't give Ellie what she needed when she was last in the show was probably the moment that I first properly started to love his character). However, it also shows how much he has developed as a character, in that he probably could provide her what she needs now.

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