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Disagree with you Angelica. I think all last week's episodes were exciting with the plane crash and rescue, although I would have like to have seen some things done differently. It is a soap show after all, so we get a few weird things happening. Biggest thing to take seriously was Leah and especially Billie being able to get out and away from the plane before it exploded. 

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Forgot to mention in my last post that I loved the way Tori shouted "BRODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when she saw him lying there.

Even though I was against Tori, Nate and Duncan leaving the others by the crashed plane and searching for Brody it does look like it may have been his best chance.  Having two Doctors attend to him after he fell from the cliff seems absolutely crucial as they both knew what they were doing and it may have been harder if it has just been one of them having to provide instructions to someone with a non medical background.  There's also the issue of being able to carry him several kilometers.  All four of them were required for that and even then they found it difficult (Didn't you just loved the way they all able to abseil down the cliff before that without any problems?).  When Justin got in the drivers seat I did think briefly that the car wouldn't start.  Did have to laugh at Nate being the one to climb down from the cliff to get to Brody first, also despite the fact that Tori is Nate's boss and obviously is experienced he had to be the one to talk her through what needed to be done because she wasn't able to cope (I would assume something similar happened to when she saw the gunshot victim which reminded her of her parents).  And despite the fact that Nate's had a grueling couple of days he was still able to scrub up and assist the surgeon on duty because he thought she was struggling.

I continue to be frustrated at Evelyn spending time with Mason but I guess that's probably not going to change anytime soon so I'm going to have to suck it up for now.  I'm not sure what to make of her believing that Oscar saved her.  It's either false hope or a coping mechanism.

I'm assuming Ellie's going to be trouble.  Why else would May give her up to Matt so easily despite the fact she indirectly suggested that her main reason for putting up with her was because of the income she was getting from fostering?

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Brody's rescue was more realistic imo than the plane crash. Nate and Tori had to act fast to put Brody's knee back in place to get the blood flow going again, I can see why Nate was in control it was her brother she was attending to and would have been more emotionally involved. Did they really drive all the way back to the bay and just pitch up at the hospital.  Yes funny that Nate had recovered enough to help in the op after all he'd been through. It's got to hit him soon though.   Typical Alf saying to Duncan that it took it him long enough to get back and just shook his hand where Roo gave him a hug.

I've no problem with Evelyn being with Mason and has for her believing Oscar was looking out for her was understandable even if their twin connection she mentioned did seem to come and go at times. If I recall she didn't have any 'sense' he'd been killed at the Fund Raiser whereas when he went missing she had the 'feeling' he was OK. Her believe could get her into trouble though thinking she is safe whatever she does.

Good to get a mention of Ellie's age - 13 - I was wondering. If only part of what she said about Aunty May is true, you don't tell a teenager they are a waste of space, they have enough to contend with at that age. Bad slip of that by Aunty May mentioning the money she got for looking after her, she could be right though that Matt may not realise what he is taking on.  It did alarm me when Ellie took the money from Matt's wallet but she just used it to buy groceries for their dinner. They are going to have make different sleeping arrangements though Matt can't share the same bedroom with her, she's not a little girl.

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Duncan probably abseiled down like the others, I'm guessing they found another route back rate than up the cliff. I wish they would develop the story more rather than rush through it at 100mph, it could have been a lot better than it was. The trailers are annoying in how much they give away, I don't think they understand about suspense. Oh, well it will all be forgotten by Friday.

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I don't see why you object to Mason and Evie being together, Slade. They seem to go well together, both serious uni students and I wonder if the "friends with benefits" will continue once Evie has got over her ordeal. I imagine that Mason will still be keen, once he forgets Evie's curious attachment to her late brother..

An interesting development with Matt and Ellie. At least it gives a storyline for Matt, who was looking lost. Why isn't he working at the garage any more? - he loved that job. Will Ellie's aunt still keep getting the government grant without looking after her. Can Matt apply for it, otherwise how is he going to pay for her lodgings and food|?    

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15 hours ago, Brian said:

I don't see why you object to Mason and Evie being together, Slade. They seem to go well together, both serious uni students and I wonder if the "friends with benefits" will continue once Evie has got over her ordeal. I imagine that Mason will still be keen, once he forgets Evie's curious attachment to her late brother..

Because I don't like Mason.  He annoys me and I think the character offers very little.  I do actually quite like Evelyn so would prefer if she was spending more time with a character I like or at least didn't think it was pretty much pointless.

I'm not going to lie, sadistically I'm enjoying the fear Billie has right now.  Her fear of doing the ultrasound because of the possibility that her offspring might be male.  But more importantly that she will spawn a third generation rapist.  I think she's actually more worried about that at the moment than the truth coming out.  It's kind of a shame she's decided to find out the sex of the baby after all as I was hoping for a surprise.  Perhaps like the scene in V where Robin gives birth to what appears to be a beautiful new born, the lullaby music is playing and all of a sudden the baby sticks out it's demonic lizard tongue and Robin screams in horror.

Not really much of a surprise they were able to save Brody and his leg or should I say Nate was able to save Brody and his leg.  When Justin fessed up to being used by Decker I was at least expecting Mason to get annoyed at him for lying again but I'm glad they didn't blame him this time.  I don't have an issue with Decker for using Justin as bait as there were plenty of cops around and I understand he needed to catch Spike as perhaps he felt that would draw him closer to the syndicate.  I don't blame Justin for confronting Decker afterwards.  He fobbed Justin off when he told him last week that Spike threatened them and his relatives were all very lucky to survive the plane crash.  I'm not even sure they will be enough evidence to charge Spike and any accomplices with attempted murder.  One thing that annoyed me slightly was when Tori lied to Duncan about what caused the accident.  Duncan thinks it's his fault when it clearly wasn't so no doubt his confidence is affected.

Not sure what to make of the last scene with Phoebe.  I didn't like the way she shouted at Justin after he confronted Decker and I normally would have been pleased at Justin telling her to mind her own and that she wasn't his girlfriend but I do actually like their scenes so I'll just wait and see what happens.

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Duncan wouldn't had anybody to feed the guide rope through so I think he did find another way down.

Justin was used by Decker even if he didn't know it at the time so the rest of the family had no reason to blame him.  Decker did say Spike had no connection to  The Syndicate. I  knew the lie Justin felt he had to tell would backfire, Duncan would have known if there was something wrong with one of the engines, the investigation team will soon back up his and the others true account. Note in true male Stewart fashion he didn't say anything  about finding the letter Alf had written him, just changed his mind about staying in town.

I can perfectly understand Billie's fear that if her child is a boy he could turn out like his father and grandfather, Irene believes in nurture against nature and who knows how he would have turned out if she had been allowed to keep him. I bet she is relieved it is a girl.  Leah did overreact when she found out Billie and VJ knew the sex of the baby, it was their choice to want to know, some parents do, some don't. VJ was a couple of years out though when he said when Leah was expecting him was 'last century'!  Time to back off Leah and rein in those desires to go buying pink baby clothes.  We know why Billie was reluctant for VJ to tell Irene about the baby's sex, but of course no-one else does ......yet. 

True Phoebe isn't Justin's girlfriend but he was very harsh when he told her so, she's stuck by him through all this and gently urged him to tell his family about what had been going on, then left him to it.  His attempt to make it up was quite funny and although Phoebe said they were better apart I wonder how long it will last.  Ditto Kat's resolution not to get re-involved with Ash, be interesting to see how their double date with the accountants goes.

I did have a giggle when Hunter called Tabby a psychopath, even if he is right, takes one to know one, but he really is innocent this time.  I was sure it was Olivia's score she changed, wonder if she knew he had written totals?   Tabby's big mistake was to question Zac's impartiality and his ability to separate his professional life from his private. It must be awkward for any teacher/principal if one of your pupils is also your child. Gina had the same sort of problem as did Leah.  Tabby played the sympathy card again about her sister being in hospital and that is why she was at the school picking up some books, it wasn't a school day as Zac mentioned when he asked her why she was there, I think he called it a pupil free day whatever that means.

I think Ash let Matt go from the garage because he thought the garage would be closing.  By rights Aunt May should let DoCs know of Ellie's change of circumstances and address, Matt would also need to let them know she'll be living with him and Roo.



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5 hours ago, H&Alover said:

Decker did say Spike had no connection to  The Syndicate.

Yes Decker said spike had no connection to the syndicate but did he actually know that at the time he used Justin as bait?  Spike told Justin when he was looking for the book that he wanted to get back into the syndicate but there's no way Decker could have know that for sure.  Presumably after he arrested Spike and interviewed him he would have had to question if he was part of the syndicate just to be sure and to see if there was any information that would lead him closer to them.  He wouldn't have been doing his job properly otherwise.

OK so Tabitha was a little bit smarter.  It never occurred to me that she gave Hunter a better mark so he would get in so much trouble, that there was a possibility he could be expelled.  My jaw almost dropped when he called her a psychopath.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  Even if you dismiss the stuff with the fire and how he was acting towards Leah and VJ before it hasn't even been 3 months since he stabbed Andy with a pair of scissors - Which was why I was laughing when Leah said he had a massive turnaround although I don't know if it is out of character for him to cheat as isn't this the first time he's actually done exams.

I'm shaking my head at Leah's excitement at being a grandmother.  She's being so nice to Billie and not only seems to have accepted her and the baby wholeheartedly but she's genuinely very happy for Billie and VJ too.  VJ is going out of his way to support Billie.  This really is all going to end in tears.  VJ was right about Irene though she is family so I guess it was only right she found out the sex of the baby first.  So I guess Billie can breathe a sigh of relief that the sex of the baby is a girl.  Now the worst thing she can worry about is keeping up the lie.  But I actually think it's gone past that.  She's been doing it long enough that it's actually quite natural now.  Almost like she's convinced herself that Leah and VJ really are the baby's family and she's effectively dismissed Irene.

Looks as though I may have underestimated how much Phoebe likes Justin.  She actually looked really hurt when he went round to see her to apologise.  And she was disappointed at the lack of effort he put into the actual apology.  I guess I add her and Kat to the list of people silly enough to take dating advice from Chris.  Although I didn't like the way Ash tried to pressurise Chris into telling him about setting them up on a double date.

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I think Decker did know Spike didn't have any connection to The Syndicate, he told Justin that much when they rescued them from the other guy who did. 

Tabby got it wrong when she said to Olivia Hunter had turned her against her, yes he had warned Olivia again about Tabby's bad influence but she found the proof about Tabby filming Zac all by her herself when she flicked through Tabby's phone and saw what she had done. Tabby must have realised something was in the air when Olivia didn't want her to stay overnight which she invited herself to btw without asking first and deleted it when she got home. She's shot her bolt now so I wonder what her revenge will be. It doesn't of course help Hunter as it's Olivia's word against Tabby's. puts Zac in a tricky situation. 

Hope Zac and Leah work it out, he does have more responsibility now he is actual Principal but he ought to find a balance between work and his home life.

You could be right about Billie convincing herself Leah and VJ are the babies family, it's a lot better than the real truth.

That blind double date may have worked out OK if Ash hadn't turned up and Kat felt she had to find everything Derek (or was it the other guy) said was hilariously funny, her false laugh was so unrealistic, not the first time I've heard her 'laugh' like that.  They certainly turned out to be an odd pair, loved both Kat and Phoebe shout 'out' to them.:D Then both admitting the next day they missed Ash and Justin. I think Phoebe was more disappointed that Justin didn't put up more of a fight when she said they should stop being 'a couple'.  

Felt sad for Chris, he didn't mind the light hearted flirting with the lovely (Sands restaurant) lady but when she went to kiss him he naturally felt guilty about betraying Hannah. I've  a feeling we may see her again.  I'm glad he was able to talk to John about it as of course he went through the same thing over Gina when he started dating Marilyn and he gave good advice that Chris would know when he is ready to move on.



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