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I still find it hard to believe that James would have let Kirk get away with his nonsense. Okay he was laid back but once you pushed his buttons (i.e. Didn't follow his advice, Interfered in his love life, ), duck for cover. But as Olivia said Shephard operated in the dark...

Didn't take a genius to work out who was behind this. Total Bitch move. I have a feeling if Tabitha was a guy, she'd be in a DEEPER trouble and be on remand in Yabbie Creek Youth Offenders that same night night.

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So less than two weeks on the show and Hope and Raffy are already donning the bikinis.  After they bumped into the Morgans at the hospital Brody annoyed me the way he was questioning them to get information about Decker.  He doesn't know them so doesn't have any obligation to them but it's was obvious that he didn't care that they were worried about their uncle.  Whilst I don't particularly like Hope I do have to admit I did like the way she was blatantly coming onto Justin in front of Phoebe and as I expected that clearly would Phoebe up  - Wasn't sure when I saw the preview last week whether Hope would do it purely to annoy her but it does seem as though she genuinely likes Justin.  I do agree with what Kat said.  Hope does come across as intense.  And the way she was pursuing Justin texting him and then going to Salt to meet him she does come across as slightly desperate.  I did find the scene when she looked in the mirror interesting.  Almost like she's damaged goods.  I actually didn't think Phoebe was obsessing over Justin.  She just really likes him although Justin has no obligation to tell her whether or not he and Hope are an item.  Phoebe was the one who decided that she didn't want to be with him.

Couldn't believe what I was seeing in that episode.  Olivia, Irene and Hunter going round to Kat's rather than simply going straight to the police station to make a statement about Kirk.  I get that they wanted advice but to me it felt like that was done just to show how sympathetic Kat was and how suitable she would be back at the force.  Then we have McCarthy interviewing Olivia and whilst he wasn't cold it felt like he was deliberately portrayed as lacking in sympathy just asking questions.  So when Olivia stormed out it annoyed me when Kat had a go at him. And then when she asked for her old job back I was shaking my head.  So all the times when she wrestling with her conscience about keeping quiet about Josh killing Charlotte and the business she has her money in that was saved from Andy working on stolen cars before he and Josh skipped bail doesn't matter now.  I knew this would happen.  It's barely been a couple of months.  It also annoyed me when Ash stormed round to the police station and had a go at McCarthy.  He was absolutely right to reject Kat's application to rejoin the force and I don't like the way he was made to be the bad guy.  McCarthy should have stuck to his guns and not allowed himself to be guilt-tripped or pressurised.  Is he meant to take at face value that Ash and Kat are no longer going out?  Judging by the way Kat thanked Ash at the garage after she got her badge back it will only be a matter of time before they are back together where she will be compromised once more.  Then the icing on the cake, Kat talks to Olivia on the beach and Olivia is now confident enough to tell everything.  So she succeeded where McCarthy failed.  All a shame as I actually preferred Kat as a civilian.

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4 hours ago, Slade said:

So less than two weeks on the show and Hope and Raffy are already donning the bikinis.  After they bumped into the Morgans at the hospital Brody annoyed me the way he was questioning them to get information about Decker.  He doesn't know them so doesn't have any obligation to them but it's was obvious that he didn't care that they were worried about their uncle.  Whilst I don't particularly like Hope I do have to admit I did like the way she was blatantly coming onto Justin in front of Phoebe and as I expected that clearly would Phoebe up  - Wasn't sure when I saw the preview last week whether Hope would do it purely to annoy her but it does seem as though she genuinely likes Justin.  I do agree with what Kat said.  Hope does come across as intense.  And the way she was pursuing Justin texting him and then going to Salt to meet him she does come across as slightly desperate.  I did find the scene when she looked in the mirror interesting.  Almost like she's damaged goods.  I actually didn't think Phoebe was obsessing over Justin.  She just really likes him although Justin has no obligation to tell her whether or not he and Hope are an item.  Phoebe was the one who decided that she didn't want to be with him.

Couldn't believe what I was seeing in that episode.  Olivia, Irene and Hunter going round to Kat's rather than simply going straight to the police station to make a statement about Kirk.  I get that they wanted advice but to me it felt like that was done just to show how sympathetic Kat was and how suitable she would be back at the force.  Then we have McCarthy interviewing Olivia and whilst he wasn't cold it felt like he was deliberately portrayed as lacking in sympathy just asking questions.  So when Olivia stormed out it annoyed me when Kat had a go at him. And then when she asked for her old job back I was shaking my head.  So all the times when she wrestling with her conscience about keeping quiet about Josh killing Charlotte and the business she has her money in that was saved from Andy working on stolen cars before he and Josh skipped bail doesn't matter now.  I knew this would happen.  It's barely been a couple of months.  It also annoyed me when Ash stormed round to the police station and had a go at McCarthy.  He was absolutely right to reject Kat's application to rejoin the force and I don't like the way he was made to be the bad guy.  McCarthy should have stuck to his guns and not allowed himself to be guilt-tripped or pressurised.  Is he meant to take at face value that Ash and Kat are no longer going out?  Judging by the way Kat thanked Ash at the garage after she got her badge back it will only be a matter of time before they are back together where she will be compromised once more.  Then the icing on the cake, Kat talks to Olivia on the beach and Olivia is now confident enough to tell everything.  So she succeeded where McCarthy failed.  All a shame as I actually preferred Kat as a civilian.

Yes Your going to see Hotties in Bikinis in Summer bay as thats the Norm not only on the show yet in real life as a mate does parties and thats the image I have of Sydney now.

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I thought last nights episode was very well done as regards Olivia.  I guess her, Irene and Hunter going to see Kat was to get her advice as how to proceed and she gave good advice as to what to expect.  McCarthy did his best but Olivia probably didn't feel that comfortable talking to a male officer. Maybe sexist but in cases like this it is better to talk to a female officer.  From what Olivia was saying about Kirk it seemed to me he was well practised, making sure they were alone, starting off by just touching her cheek, hand on her arm, leg then more.  She was only young, 14/15, at the time so of course she would have been too scared to say anything, because not only was he an, I'm guessing, a respected doctor he was/is her uncles friend and as with other cases where a 'respected' person is involved she would thought she wouldn't be believed. He doubtless would have told James she was making it up as she had a crush on him and he had rejected her.  Also we don't know that Kirk didn't tell Olivia 'it was their secret' and no-one would believe her. At that age as well she, again, as before would think she was the only one it was happening to and she'd brought it on herself somehow.  It was Kat telling her about how she let Dylan back into her life and he started back on his old mind games but she had had enough and got control of her life back, in other words by Olivia backing off that is exactly what she is letting Kirk do, control her life.  McCarthy wouldn't, through no fault of his own, couldn't understand what that is like. Bit of a stretch of the imagination that Kat got her job back so quickly, once again Ash did his riding to the rescue job but it is true he and Kat are no longer an item. Kat made some bad decisions but she was a good cop, good instincts.  She will need to get uninvolved with the garage though. Seeing the flashback it was clear why Hunter was suspicious, it was Tabby's remark that she was sorry about his and Olivia's date, big slip there Tabby, there was no way she could have known about it.

Hope is definitely iffy, and as Kat said she is on the intense side, exactly what Irene said about Tabby.  She seemed to be in stalking mode, flirting with Justin at Salt, blatantly ignoring Phoebe,  keep ringing and texting him, turning up at Salt again.  Justin may be totally unaware of her intentions but Phoebe isn't, never mind they aren't an item, she was jealous. Stepping up the 'borrowing' of things that don't belong to her, Phoebe's lippy, which is a big no-no, unless you've been given the OK and from what Kat said other things as well. She doesn't seem to have much purpose in life, wondering why Raffy is bothering with her school work and to me she didn't seem that concerned about Decker.  What we saw in the trailer makes it seem she is some sort of hustler. One mystery solved, sort of, sparrow is Raffy's nickname.

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13 hours ago, Jeremai said:

OK, figured out what's different in Salt today. The formerly blue wall behind the bar is now brown! I've had a look back and it changed in episode 6503.

Thanks Jeremai - that probably explains why I thought the counter looked darker - it was the wall behind!

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I like Raffy, she's a sweet girl.  Just a shame she put her foot in it with Ellie although I'm sure they can make up again as they did seem like a good pairing. I do think Hope made a good point in her conversation to Raffy.  They still have a house and all their stuff so practically it would make more sense for them to go back home, especially if Hope still has a job and owes money.  Whilst I don't mind watching scenes with Hope in at the moment it's hard to find anything to like about her.  The incident where she tried to scam John out of $300 was a prime example.  I'm glad he didn't fall for it.  Justin must really like Phoebe as he easily could have slept with Hope if he wanted to.  Although judging by his face when she came onto him I'm not sure if he would have gone there even if Phoebe wasn't in the picture.  Although I did like the way he stuck up for Hope and told Phoebe to back off near the end.  I said yesterday Phoebe wasn't obsessive but she seemed more so in that episode.  Going to the garage and pretending to look at the books just as an excuse to talk to him and of course her jealousy even though Hope and Justin are just friends.

Thought Olivia was well within her rights to lay into Tabitha like that.  Even when Tabitha was gathering the rest of her stuff from her locker she didn't seem the least bit sorry for what she did.  Although that's not how I would have expected things to play out given that Olivia got hold of Tabitha's address last week and I expected her to try and have a proper conversation about what happened.  Whilst I'm not happy about it, I can't really argue with the expulsion.  Don't really think Zac had any choice.  Although my preference would be for her to stay at the school, face up to what's she's done and deal with the flack and fallout and hopefully this will make her see the error of her ways.  Didn't really know what to make of the scene in the Diner.  Why wait until now before showing Tabitha's sick sister right before she's about to be shipped off to boarding school?  I did like the fact that Olivia didn't have another go at Tabitha and for the sake of her sick sister pretended to still be friends.  I did also like the part when Hunter offered to pay for lunch saying it was a going away present and Tabitha's sister said that was very kind of him completely oblivious to what was going on.  I do think it's a shame it's come to this as I did actually quite like the friendship and if Tabitha hadn't got all obsessive I felt they could have really worked as friends although as I mentioned before there's always the drawback of one person with problems being friends with another person with problems.  I don't think Tabitha going to boarding school is going to do her any good.  All it's going to prove to her is that her parents have given up on her and it's going to just reaffirm her belief that she doesn't really mean anything to her and they never really cared about her.  So she will probably end up being even more jealous and bitter although interestingly she doesn't appear to show any resentment towards her sick sister.

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