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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I still find myself very annoyed with Roo and I absolutely hated the sanctimonious way she took the moral highground and threatened Caroline into telling Duncan the truth about her illness.  Again even though Duncan is unaware of Caroline's condition I didn't like the way he demanded full custody (without even trying to discuss the issue with Caroline first) so I was glad when Caroline left with Bryce if only to annoy Roo and make her realise she shouldn't have presurrised Caroline like that.  However in saying that Roo has a very valid point.  Caroline has been extremely selfish and dishonest.  I had no idea she knew she had Huntingtons before she got married.  This means the whole marriage was based on a lie.  That is not the worst thing.  As Roo mentioned Caroline has been extremely irresponsible having a child when there's a chance Bryce too could have the condition.  And her response "I'll just have to hope for the best" had me shaking my head.  This is even more selfish than living a marriage on a lie.  She probably never should have had Bryce with the information that she had previously.

It was initially a bit cringeworthy when Justin was playing the guitar and singing but I couldn't stop smiling when he and Phoebe were doing the duet live at Salt.  Can't really understand why she was doing her best to avoid getting close to Justin.  She was afraid they would end up together but didn't want to get involved in anything because of the Syndicate.  Presumably once Hope and Raffy moved in she is already involved as they are Decker's nieces.  Speaking of the Syndicate did Brody not think exposure was even a possibility when the food critic came regardless of how good his food actually is?  Although at least I'm enjoying the scenes with him and Evelyn still.  Much better than Mason and Evelyn.

Really not enjoying the Olivia/Hunter stuff.  Find it quite dull.  So Irene is Olivia's guardian now and presumably the 200 grand mentioned is her trust fund that will be used to fund her and Hunter if presumably he's talked her into taking a year out and going traveling.

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Although I agree with Roo being annoyed with Caroline and the fact she has always known she has Huntingdon's and never said anything to Duncan and is insisting never will, I do sympathise with Caroline wanting a 'normal' life, wonder if that is why she is estranged from her parents as they didn't approve. She did say that in time honoured soap tradition she got pregnant by accident and nearly had an abortion. Roo is naturally more concerned probably about Bryce, he is her nephew after all, though there is a 50-50 chance he doesn't have it. Caroline should have trusted in Duncan being able to accept her illness, though they were young when they met and married. If she hadn't got pregnant what excuse would she had given Duncan for not wanting children. Her symptoms are from what Duncan has said about her always being into health seem to be just showing. Roo made the wrong move in threatening her, odds on Caroline would do a runner after telling Duncan she wouldn't fight his custody order. Only natural Duncan would be very concerned about her taking drugs, though of course he doesn't know why yet.  it is a controversial topic with arguments on both sides.  Back in the States she was able to keep the symptoms under control.  It will all depend on how Duncan handles the truth when it does come out, as it will, first item on the agenda would be to get Bryce tested. 

I thought Justin had quite a good voice and his plan with Brody's help worked to win back Phoebe.  One thing putting up Hope and Raffy but getting involved with Justin is on a more personal level.

The food critic bloke turning up was out of the blue and it has put Brody in an impossible position, a good review would put Salt on the map but also draw attention to him and the other Morgan's. Either way he was snookered.  Like the way Evie took charge when Brody was dithering over which dish to serve him.

Nice talk between John and Hunter when he confessed he was only doing the psyhio course to be close to Olivia, like that would have worked because he would have just been going through the motions and ended up not doing any work and dropping out and incurring the wrath of Olivia for not trying. I don't recall if James made any mention of Kirk and her accusation, I like to believe he believed her which is one reason he has agreed Irene becomes her guardian. I can't see Irene agreeing to let her have all the cash, maybe a small advance to get them started. I don't think Hunter has ever been into money, that was his mum's thing and look where that got her.

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While I do feel for Brody, I did think he should have considered the potential publicity which might come with opening a restaurant in a culture where chefs can be a celebrity in themselves. In the same way, it seemed odd for Tori to become a director of medicine - another position that would put her in the spotlight. The WP storyline has become convoluted and dull - I hope for a quick unrealistic resolution so we can move forward with the Morgans. I also feel we could do with a break from their storyline.

Though Caroline was selfish to hide her diagnosis for so long, knowing that Bryce could have the disease - I still feel for her. What a horrible thing to go through to know that was always hanging over her. She should have told Duncan early on, so he could have made a decision on whether to marry and start a family with her. That being said, I thought Roo was unbearably interfering and judgemental through all this. Also, there was no need for her to bring up Ash being the supplier of the weed to Kat. 

The Hunter/Olivia storyline is dull. It is frustrating that all Olivia's issues have disappeared and that she has no qualms about trusting Hunter after everything that has happened and planning to travel the world with him instead. 

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I found myself annoyed again with Roo's interfering especially wanting to get Morag and the police involved and also when she told Kat about Ash supplying Caroline the drugs.  Why would she do that?  I have thought more about Caroline's situation and I do sympathise with her and can't imagine knowing that you're a teenager and you're going to deteriorate and die over a long period of time so I can understand her falling in love, not telling Duncan and marrying him because she was afraid she would lose him if he told the truth but I still think it was selfish and irresponsible of her to have Bryce.

I was in agreement with Kat in that there is nothing they could do to stop Caroline from taking Bryce back to the US and it annoyed me when Duncan showed her the drugs.  I would like to know how could Kat actually prove they were Caroline's.  All they have is Duncan's word to go on.  And if Kat believed Duncan why didn't she go and talk to Caroline herself when they went to the motel she was staying in when she missed her flight?  Why wait outside downstairs?  Once again even though Duncan's actions are understandable I almost saw red when he just took Bryce from the hotel room like that from Caroline.

I find Kat quite incredible now.  After the fuss she made about leaving the force, rejoining, arresting Ash because she suspected something illegal was going on between him and Simmo and despite the fact that McCarthy told her one of conditions for returning to the force is to have no contact with him, he admits to her that he obtains illegal drugs and supplies them to someone and she sleeps with him.  I give up.

The stuff with Justin and Phoebe feels like it's being dragged out.  I guess the question is not if they will get back together but how long before they will be together.

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Ash and Kat are obviously supposed to be the next Charlie and Brax, good girl cop compromises everything for love with the "bad boy".  Yawn, but the tweenies love that kind of garbage, could I hazard a guess that Lucy Addario is still producer? This has her fingerprints all over it


Also DAMN Home and Away is really going overboard on the old "You're in a good mood/sneaking around, so you must have had sex" cliche, they almost did it THREE times in one episode, is that the conclusion anybody jumps to in real life when someone seems a bit chipper? 

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10 hours ago, TheBoss said:

Ash and Kat are obviously supposed to be the next Charlie and Brax, good girl cop compromises everything for love with the "bad boy".  Yawn, but the tweenies love that kind of garbage, could I hazard a guess that Lucy Addario is still producer? This has her fingerprints all over it


Also DAMN Home and Away is really going overboard on the old "You're in a good mood/sneaking around, so you must have had sex" cliche, they almost did it THREE times in one episode, is that the conclusion anybody jumps to in real life when someone seems a bit chipper? 

As I been told buy other fans its only a show. Its not surprising a show wants to recreate what worked in the past, Only time will tell if it does?

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Caroline did say the supply Ash gave was a lot stronger than she was used to so I'm guessing her dosage is diluted.

Ash is nothing like Brax, he is a good guy and his speech to Kat about how he did it to help Caroline as she was in pain and he'd do it again in a heartbeat as that is the type of guy he is echoed Billie's words to Kat a few weeks back. Roo could have kept quiet as to where Caroline got the drugs but then it wouldn't have lead to Kat confronting Ash and them getting  together again.  I thought Duncan contacted Morag ot stop Caroline leaving and him having full custody?  Kat was absolutely right in saying Caroline had every right to eave as she was a US citizen and Bryce was her son.  Don't forget Duncan didn't know why Caroline was taking weed and Kat would have been derelict in her duty not to stop her after that news.   Roo found the drugs and the packet would have had Caroline's prints on it. It was strange she didn't go to Caroline's room and left it to Duncan.  After she blurted the news out to Duncan he did seem to take it pretty well, relief I guess finding out she wasn't a junkie.  She told him she had known since she was a teenager, perhaps the condition isn't able to be confirmed until the person hits puberty? Going by the look on Alf's face when they all got back home, I got the impression Roo had filled him in.

Another time honoured soap cliché/tradition 'it mustn't/won't happen again' between Kat and Ash so of course it does!!!  Kat does have a pretty open face so was bloody obvious she'd been with 'someone' I did like Phoebe admitting her biggest fault (which we have known for yonks) is interfering by quizzing Kat the next day, didn't take long for Kat to cave in though.  Phoebe did make a good point about had she (Kat) impressed on Ash he has to keep him mouth shut. Phoebe can keep a secret when necessary, this'll make three.  Apart from Billie guessing anyway he would have, he's not stupid. They both have to try and act as normal as they can around each other, avoiding each other would only make people suspicious. 

I think Brody was thinking how much publicity would running a restaurant in a small sea side town bring, ditto Tori, unless she performed some fantastic life saving surgery she'd just do her job quietly. Brody managed to dissuade the critic by saying his partners didn't want to take it further. When he was telling Phoebe about it being his dream she could emphasis as she went through the same thing when  she had her music career snatched away from her thanks to that slimy toad of an agent.

I'm not sure how ethical Nate is being threatening Billie like he is, I know it's partly because he is friends with Leah, Zac and VJ and is a difficult position, but hardly professional behaviour. So like Zac having a print out of the exam results, Dr. Hanson (?) had a print out of Billie's conception date, so could tell it had ben altered, fortnights difference, but hardly conclusive as first babies don't always come when they should so if she delivered a fortnight early no-one would think anything was off. I know some on here think she should get all she deserves but she's got herself in such a deep hole and convinced herself it's VJ's until Nate's proof it can't be. Nate couldn't tell anyone, it breaches everything a doctor stands for.

Talking of sneaking around, just what is Zac up to, I'm pretty sure it's not an affair, do blokes usually dress up in a suit and carry a briefcase/bag around with them if they are playing away?  He's covering well, saying he's having meetings with parents/teachers.

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Forgot to mention re Tuesday's episode when Alf looked at Caroline I thought he was going to bite her head off again and I think she did too.  Really not sure how I feel about her telling Duncan.  His attitude towards her now should be interesting.

I don't understand why Kat sneaked in to her house after she got home from sleeping with Ash.  Couldn't she have just entered the house normally, if Phoebe then asked she could have said she got delayed with work.  I thought Phoebe was hilarious when she got suspicious.  The expression on her face was really funny.  Even though she was pestering what I also found funny was when she said "Let's start at the beginning of the alphabet shall we?  Who do we know whose name begins with 'a'?  Andy, no he left town. Alf?" knowing full well it was Ash.  Kat really can't resist Ash to the point where despite claiming their "one off" could never happen again was back at his place getting her clothes off again.  I didn't understand why apparently her career was suddenly less important until she used the L-word although at least she's temporarily put Phoebe off the scent.

It's quite sad how much VJ loves Billie.  Look at the effort he went to to do up the room for the baby.  And Phoebe's "You've got a good one there" only means that this really will all end in tears.  I absolutely loved Nate's anger when after talking with Billie's original doctor realised that Billie tampered with her own medical records.  The scene where he turned up on the bike, went up to her room and confronted her was absolutely wonderful.  It's so good to finally see someone call her out about her lies and deception.  I do think Nate forgave Billie for what she tried to do to him before but I can't help thinking this has brought back some bad feelings to the point where subconsciously this is also some form of payback.  And TBH I don't blame him.  I would probably be the same.  I am also wondering whether he thinks she's lying about being raped which is another reason why he's so annoyed i.e. from his perspective she hasn't changed.  I loved seeing her helpless and panicking and I'm hoping that he will expose her.  H&Alover I agree that Nate is being unethical and unprofessional although if she reports him he can always tell the authorities she hacked into his colleague's computer which is illegal.

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