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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I disliked Kit during her alcoholic phase, but grew to really like her when she got herself together. Now, however, they're ruining her again. It started when she came back last time to try and get Kim back (something I feel Kit would never do) and it's just getting worse now. Kit is not the sort of character who would turn up days after her exes wedding and tell him that she's having his baby. She must be, what, six months pregnant? She's had months to drop the bombshell, and it's totally out of character that she would pick the time when it would hurt everyone concerned the most.

Martha is ridiculously stupid, although if the writers are trying to portray her as a mixed up young woman they're doing a good job. She doesn't seem to know what the hell she wants, and it's blatantly obvious that she should never have got married so young. I can accept that she's still growing up and having a hard time 'finding herself', but what I don't like is the way she goes around scowling and generally being a cow to everyone she's supposed to care about (except Ash, ironically).

As for Belle and Lucas, I still can't get used to them being together. They aren't as bad as, say, Seb and Jade, but they are mismatched. I prefer Belle and Drew, although he is acting like a prat. I hope she makes him suffer before she takes him back!

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I'm not sure what to think of Martha - I don't think she knows what she wants or what it is that makes her happy. It wasn't Jack and it sure isn't going to be Ash. I feel sorry for Morag in all of this. The woman obviously cares about Martha and is only trying to look out for her but Martha just bites her head of every single time.

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Martha is totally mixed up and I don't think she knows what she's doing, and I wonder what Jack is going to make of the Ash stuff when he finds out. I also feel a bit sorry for Morag cause she is only trying to look out for Martha but she is a bit of a know-it-all and she is going to end up pushing Martha further away.

I have never really seen the attraction between Lucas and Belle, they just don't mesh well. I much prefere Drew and Belle as a couple (even though I dislike Drew) they just seem to have much more in common and a better physical attraction.

I still really like Kit, I think she has done the right thing telling Kim. She is only about 3-4months I think. She didn't find out for a month and then she would have heard about Kim and Rachels wedding plans and wouldn't have wanted to ruin it. There was never going to be a right time to tell him but at least she is being honest which is more than Kim has had in the past. I hope they prove that there friendship can work, but I still think they hold a torch for one another, so this could spell trouble for the future for Kim and Rachel.

Thats enough from me now xxx

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