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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Agree about Macca. He looks gorgeous lately. I think it must be the new haircut and the smart suit. I love how he's been welcomed into the fold, but I don't like how things are going between him and Cassie. Bad script writers! :angry:

Martha is a complete cow and an idiot to boot. But I have to admit the scene with Morag was fab. She went a bit OTT, but it was worth it to see Morag's reaction.

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1. Have the writers forgotten that Macca & Martha are supposed to be related? She would rather see her brother kicked out than Ash, even though Ash had no right to be there? :huh:

2. Can Martha leave and Macca stay, along with Cassie?

3. *waves the Macca/Ric flag*

4. Alf & Morag are my heroes. Martha can go to hell.

5. Is it me or is Tony turning into the Fonz? Heeeeyyyy.

That is all.

P.S I want Johnny < /Little Britain Andy >

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I think Martha needs to stop being such a cow and put herself in the shoes of Rhianna and see how she likes it. What's worse is that the wife doesn't even know.

Better yet - before she asks for Jack's support again she should imagine how she would have felt if Jack had cheated on her when they were married.

I'm really hating how she makes everything about her. At Rachel's hen night she had to 'kill the mood' by bringing up her failed marriage - a marriage that failed mainly due to her than anything or anyone else and now it's Sally's homecomming and she turns the party into her twisted little game of getting one over on Morag and Alf and acting like she's a victim in all of this.

Ok so she wants to be the the mistress and a home wrecker - but in a small town like Summer Bay she is going to have to put up with the comments from the likes of Colleen etc - and yes she should try to justify her actions (to herself more than anyone) but now it's just got to that point where she should shut up and get on with (wrecking) her life (and that of others).

*rant over*

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