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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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ETA: My favourite part of all of it - the Tilly/Tony-ness. Finally they're interacting as more of a father/daughter!

I totally agree!! Tony is sooo good at supporting Mattie and also Kit, I'm still waiting for the day when either Kit or Mattie call Tony, 'dad' :wub:...that would be so sweet! :D

I agree, they are fab together. I don't think Kit will ever call Tony 'dad', as she worshipped her real dad (after all, his death was the reason she became an alcoholic). But I can see it happening with Matilda, especially

after Beth dies

. She was very young when Jack died so she and Henry probably don't remember him as well as the others. I really hope they build on this relationship, and on Kit and Tony's as well. Maybe we could see Kit struggling with her developing closeness to her step-dad, as she feels guilty about her real dad?

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Overall the trial was very dissappointing and rushed.

Seeing Johnny again was great and his "yeah" when asked to swear oath :wub:

Matilda was the one that stood out, brilliant acting from Indiana...and I really loved her interaction with Tony.

I still can't believe that Lucas wasn't there - even Belle, Drew and Colleen were there, so where was Luc? :blink:

I would have assumed that Peter/Ash would have been called to give evidence seeing as this is their case?!?!?!? In real life they would have, but then again in real life a murder trial takes much longer to come to court and takes more than 25 minutes.

The person I was most disappointed with was Morag! She didn't even seem that bothered about her case...she was more "passionate" in court for Robbie's trial and she lost that...so I don't understand why she was shocked that she lost this one. When she was making her closing speech, she didn't really seem like she was addressing the jury.

At the end, Mattie seemed more emotional/upset than Sally, about Ric being found guilty and taken away.

It was a real let down, which is a shame really, cause it could have been a really great episode. :(

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I agree that it was too rushed, but I still thought there were some very good aspects to it. I was a bit puzzled as to how it came to trial so quickly - he was only charged last week! Does that really happen in Oz? Over here it would take months to come to trial (which in soap world translates to at least a few weeks). The constant back and forth between the court and SB house was a bit annoying as well. I think it would have been better to have the first day of the trial and the aftermath as one ep, then the verdict in the next ep. Still, there were some brilliant scenes. Loving Johnny - please, scriptwriters, let him stay! :( Or at least bring him back from time to time...

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I agree with most of what has been said, except that Sally wasn't *that* upset. Obviously they were focusing on Matilda, but if you look at the inbetween-ey shots at the end when he was sentenced, you can see Sally is close to tears and like clutches at her head with her hands. I thought her disbelief and sadness was very well played xxx

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