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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I don't like Martha's character at the moment,she went from leaving Jack without even trying to save her marrage to another cop..And her whole problem with Jack and their marrage was that he was a cop and was working long hours..Did she expect different from another cop..Then going on to be 'the other woman' and not really caring about the wife ands kids..After all that and getting rid of her baby,you would think she wouldn't go into another relationship and push away all her friends and family..I don't like Cam's character either,but I think he is playing it very well and I can't wait until Martha finds everything out about how Cam is using her.

I don't like Kelli either,she is really boring me and it has been going on for along time now,sooner it is over,the better..And what mother would choose to save herself over her own child..She took money and ran,allowing her daughter,who she had let down long before by getting rid of Belle as a baby and allowing Amanda to think that she had died..now she lets her other daughter destroy her sisters life..Some mother that is.

And I have never liked Kim,always hated him,but I am really annoyed with him now,the way he is pushing around James and trying to take control of his life..And has he forgotten that he has a drug past? So bad that he nearly died..Thats one of the things that is annoying me most,acting like he is above it all,pushing James down because he is smoking,yet forgetting that he took harder drugs..Not going to talk about Five Lifes episode,because its a spoiler..But that was even worse with Kim.

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Kim has always had his head up his own backside. When he got together with Rachel he finally started to become likeable and seemed to realise that he couldn't always have everything his own way, but now he's reverted back to his old, arrogant self. He's hypocritical beyond belief with James, not to mention treating Kit as if she's his own personal baby incubator, and Rachel as if she's some sort of 'little woman'. Grrr. :angry:

See, you shouldn't get me started on these things. :P

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Im glad to see more hatred for Kim :P

And you're right,even though that I no longer like Kit either,he is treating her like some baby incubator and I always hated how he treated Rachel..

He was the one that pressured her into a relationship,causing her to lose her career and now he treats her like dirt now that Kit has come along with his baby.

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He was the one that pressured her into a relationship,causing her to lose her career and now he treats her like dirt now that Kit has come along with his baby.

Exactly! Starting a relationship, moving in together, getting married, it was all Kim's idea. And now he treats her as if she's some kind of burden!

I meant to say, did anyone notice that last Friday they played the song that Kirsty sang at KK's recommitment ceremony? I think it was when Sally went to see Martha at the diner after they found out about her pole dancing. It was nice to hear it again. :)

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I think I heard that song a couple of times since the weddding,but never for too long.

I liked James acting today,I thought he was great throughout,although I would of liked to have seen him go over the edge before now,just a little moment where he gets paranoid,so its not out of no-where like it was.

Im still hating Kim,its like he has just forgotten he had a serious drug problem and nearly died from it,but of course that was Kim and whatever Kim does isnt Kims fault and should be forgotten straight away..After all it is Kim and Kim is right about everything and what he says and does is right. :P

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I agree that it is getting tiring. I fear that when she finally realises what an idiot she has been we are going to have to sit through MORE of her going off the rails. Grrr, get it together girly! What happened to the headstrong young woman we used to see??!!!! It must be a thing with all the girls at the moment. They are all being walked over or used in pointless storylines. The only one I like at the moment is Belle, and I didnt warm to her at all when she first hit the bay

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^ Matilda has been good recently too, although she hasn't been at the centre of things. I see what you mean though - Kit, Rachel, Amanda and Martha are all being pathetic and out of character at the moment, Cassie's storyline is rubbish, and Leah, Sally and Irene aren't being used at all. Loved the bowls thing with Colleen though! :lol:

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