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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I was wondering about Brodie too cos I thought she left with him.

I agree about the outdoor birth, been done before too many times, remember Scott delivering Hayley's baby in tht middle of nowhere? And the usual thing of someone pretending to be cool and calm (Kit) and later on breaking down. It was a good episode but they need some new directions!

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It really is about time they recast Henry. For Robbie and Scott not to return (at least to the bay - I'm assuming they'll go to the funeral in Adelaide) is understandable as they live abroad, but Henry is only at boarding school for goodness' sake. The fact that he was ever forgotten about in the first place, let alone at a time when his mother has died, is appalling continuity. Ok, so Tobi didn't work out, but there are plenty of other young actors out there who could do the role justice. Surely Matilda wants and needs her twin brother right now?

ETA: Another great ep today. Usually I'd question that the focus is on Tony rather than Matilda (who is arguably suffering the most), but Jon Sivewright is so underused and is obviously more than capable of handling emotional storylines, so I'm pleased that we're seeing so much of him. Actually, it would be really interesting to see Henry's relationship with him...another reason why he needs to be recast! :wink:

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^Yeah I think Jon Sivewright has played it well, just his face when he saw her made me want to cry! I wondered how they'd deal with the boys not coming back for the funeral, so i guess we won't see it at all?

They're having the funeral off-screen to get over the problem of the rest of the family not returning, but they're going to have a memorial service back in the bay as well.

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Rundown of how I feel about characters at the moment.

Ric - Perfect boyfriend.

Matilda - Give the girl a hug ( and the actress an award :o ).

Jules - Urgh.

Lily - Thicker than a plank of wood.

Cassie - Misunderstood.

Okay and don't hurt me but has anyone been seeing the chemistry between Cassie & Dan? :ph34r:

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