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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Noooo Rachel, you silly, silly girl. :( I really felt like shouting at the screen when she let Hugh leave without her. I guess that means it was good tv though, so you could say that every cloud has a silver lining (although not much of one, I must admit). Hugh has really been the saving grace for this storyline. Now that he's gone it can only go downhill again... *sniffs*

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I think this weeks episodes have been great. The love quadrangle is really reaching it's climax which is interesting to watch. I had to chuckle when Kit said that she had to be selfish and do it for herself. She's been pretty selfish throughout if you ask me :rolleyes:. I think the storyline has worked particulary well as it has focused on all of them and how they are feeling, which has enabled the viewers to see all sides.

Jazz is great isn't she?! At first, I couldn't decide if I liked her or not but I've come around and i'm now loving her character! It made me laugh when Drew in one episode called Jazz an 'evil toxic parasite' :lol:. He said those words in three different sentences but I found it pretty funny!

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I can't help wondering what on earth the writers were thinking, taking a character as well-loved as Kit and completely pulling her to bits. This storyline could have been done so much better if they'd been true to her character. As it stands, I just can't help hating her when she actively tries to steal someone else's husband and seems to delight in tearing a marriage apart. The look of glee on her face everytime Kim sticks up for her over Rachel is just horrible. I loved it when she and Hugh were alone in the hospital room and he said 'I hope you know what you're doing' - you tell her Hugh!

Oh dear, now I've remembered how great Hugh was again... :(

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She seems to change too often.....one minute she's crying her eyes out and very confused, the next she's brimming with confidence.

Other than that, I do like the whole Hugh/Rachel/Kim/Kit storyline. I think it's been well-paced and a lot better played out than other storylines such as the Hayley/Scott/Kim farce.

I've liked how the writers have built up the romances slowly and while everyone knew what was coming, it wasn't slap-your-leg-in-exasperation obvious, but more subtle and well acted.

It'd be interesting to see how this finishes, as Kim and Rachel are pretty much in tatters.

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