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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Martha really annoyed me today when she chucked Henk out- at that point she didn't know about him and Rachel and was going on him being with Cassie. I mean Cassie's 18 and Martha can't be more than a couple of years older than her and she wanted Henk herself! Plus she went out with Cam who I assume was quite a bit older than her too, then there was that fling with Jesse and an affair with a mrried man, she hardly has the right to be judging people. I think she was just plain jealous :huh: .

Yep, yet another annoying Martha moment. What did she have to be angry about, exactly? Yes, Cassie is fairly young, but she's over 18 and technically an adult. I can understand Martha not wanting them to be doing it in her flat, but it would have been much more reasonable if she'd simply asked them to go somewhere else, rather than flying off the handle. The most irritating thing is that Martha is the most immature 20/21 year old in the world, yet she speaks about 18 year old Cassie as if she's 'just a kid'. Hypocrite much?

At least Martha and Jack didn't dominate the wedding, which I thought was very well done...except for the one thing. If I wasn't a long-time viewer of the show I'd have had no qualms about it, but with Sally's history I just can't get my head around her jilting Brad. I know Kieran didn't exactly jilt her, but it was a similar situation - she knows what it's like to be let down on your wedding day, and considering how devastated she was when it happened to her (it affected her so much it led to her OCD remember) I just don't think she'd have the heart to do it to someone else. If she was having doubts about getting married, which she clearly was all along, it would have been much more in character for her to sit down with Brad and admit that she wasn't ready for it.

Other than that, fab stuff. :D

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How dare she speak like that to her I know she's his sister and she has every right to be angry,hurt and sympathetic for her brother. But,to speak of Flynn like that,has marked Rachel forever for me.

Sally did wrong but Rachel was out of order as well I agree. Flynn is much more than just a ghost.

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I was with Rachel until she mentioned Flynn...I think that was going a bit too far. But the way she reacted was understandable - much as I love Sally, she's been a complete idiot over this. She admitted that she didn't want to get married all along, so the fact that she left it to the wedding day to pull out is unforgivable. As I said before, I think her leaving Brad at the altar was very out of character. It's been a great storyline, though, and I am glad that they didn't get hitched...what a disaster that would have been!

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Wow, what an episode!!!

Im really pleased with how the storyline turned out. I was a huge, huge Flynn supporter so didnt understand how the writers could have Sally marrying again, and still do justice to his memory. I like Brad and Sally as a couple, but they never had what Sally and Flynn did and I think Sally was 100% right in saying what she did, how she couldnt marry anyone but him. I feel for Brad though, noone should go through that, but Sally genuinly didnt want to hurt him. As for Rachel- shes gone waaay down on my list of characters now, how dare she call Flynn just a ghost!!!

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^^^My thoughts exactly. I don't think I could have beared watching Sally marry Brad, he comes no where near Flynn :unsure: . I did feel for him though, Sally should have told him earlier but I think she genuinely believed she could go through with it and didn't want to hurt him. I can understand why Rachel would be angry but what she said about Flynn was inexcusable, she barely knew him and I'm pretty sure she doesn't understand how much Sally loved him and he her. She used to be one off my favourites but I think that's changed now :huh: .

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I can't believe Rachel said what she did to Sally, obviously she was angry because her brother had been hurt but there was no excuse for what she said about flynn, it was well out of order :angry:

Did feel a bit sorry for Brad though i mean she really could have told him beforehand, but i think she was just so confused and genuinely thought she could go through with it.

Very powerful episode though and very well acted.

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