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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Shame about the xmas break but then it is only a week which isn't too bad at all!! We will catch up otherwise, I'm sure they will start taking it off more soon as we will see the 2007 final episode on 27th February and the return episode on 28th February - that's just 6 weeks & 4 days behind Aus! :rolleyes:

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Shame about the xmas break but then it is only a week which isn't too bad at all!! We will catch up otherwise, I'm sure they will start taking it off more soon as we will see the 2007 final episode on 27th February and the return episode on 28th February - that's just 6 weeks & 4 days behind Aus! :rolleyes:

We will probabaly have longer breaks next year as if we dont we will catch up completely by 2009 I think.

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I just can't believe how horrible Brad was to Annie in today's episode, she was so excited that she had finally tackled a piece of work without any help from Lucas and she was so proud of herself, so what does Brad do he fails her. I know he is going through a hard time at the moment but he shouldn't be taking his anger out on everyone else, especially being a teacher he should know how to act professionally.

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I think that was my favourite ever episode of recent times. It was so funny to see poor old Lucas getting cross when he was trying to write his novel and constantly being interrupted and distracted- I know exactly how he feels! I think if Geoff had broken my CD, I'd have thrown his football into the sea- or I'd probably have thrown him into the sea :angry::lol:

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I just can't believe how horrible Brad was to Annie in today's episode, she was so excited that she had finally tackled a piece of work without any help from Lucas and she was so proud of herself, so what does Brad do he fails her. I know he is going through a hard time at the moment but he shouldn't be taking his anger out on everyone else, especially being a teacher he should know how to act professionally.

Brad definately shouldn't have taken his anger out on the students. I can understand why he did it though. Even so, it still shouldn't of happened. He's going through a rough time, yes, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he shouldn't have gone off at Lucas and Annie the way he did. Bad Brad :P.

I think if Geoff had broken my CD, I'd have thrown his football into the sea- or I'd probably have thrown him into the sea :angry::lol:

I couldn't stand it when Lucas started to get annoyed at Geoff. It wasn't his fault, he didn't physically break the CD. Geoff didn't even know the CD was in Annie's project folder! Lucas should have tried to control himself a bit better. Agreed, if I had just lost the only copy of a chapter i'd written, i'd be pretty cheesed off too..., but poor Geoff was blamed for something he didn't even do. Then Lucas says, ''Stuff your stupid game''...:angry:. As you can tell, i'm not a fan of Luc at the moment <_<.

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I agree with you about the way Luc was blaming Geoff,but then I changed my mind and sided with Luc when Geoff said it wasnt his problem..He is partly to blame for it..He may not have known he had it,but he still took it and in his care got it broken and then not to care about something that is important to Luc,I dont blame Luc for not caring about his game at that split second.

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Its funny but I just watched the latest episode, and did actually feel a bit sorry for Geoff when he was in hospital :lol: Although I understand Lucas better, Geoff impressed me by being sensible about the injury. I thought he'd have hysterics and have a big argument with Lucas again etc. etc. like they used to.

I can't believe nobody [brad, Geoff, Annie] didn't realise there was a CD in that work folder though! They must have felt it was in there!

But Tony annoyed me most. Lucas is his SON and he is never satisfied with whatever he does. Its all 'Geoff this, Geoff that'. So what if Luc doesn't want to play football? Tony should be proud of him whatever he does! :angry:

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