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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Totally agree, it does seem like Tony cares more about Geoff's welfare than his own sons. Its almost like he is ashamed that Lucas doesn't care about football, he should be pleased that Lucas is doing something that he is passionate about and i have to say if i had a son who was about to become a puiblished author i'd be very proud.

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Generally speaking, Tony does kiss Geoff's backside, but in this case I think his reaction was understandable. Lucas lost something important, Geoff got hit by a car - I know who I'd be more worried about. I think Tony just finds it easier to relate to Geoff because they have a common interest, whereas he knows nothing about writing and can't really share that with Lucas.

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Loved the scene tonight with Sally and Colleen both crying and hugging each other, it was so moving. Normal you associate colleen with funny scenes but you forget how good she is at the serious emotional stuff, like the time she read the poem at flynns funeral and her voice totally changed from high pitched to smooth and calm. It makes you realise how under rated she is sometimes and what an asset she is to the show.

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I think Tony just finds it easier to relate to Geoff because they have a common interest, whereas he knows nothing about writing and can't really share that with Lucas.

I think that's definately got something to do with it. I have to say though, i'm not a fan of how Tony is treating Lucas at the moment. Even if you don't share someone's interest in something, you should at least show a bit of respect towards them. At the moment, it does seem as though Tony is more interested in Geoff than Lucas. But when Tony does something, he tends to focus very much on the task in hand. I'm usually one of the last people to say anything bad against HotDad, but at the moment, he's not in my good books when it comes to how he's treating Luc :(.

Loved the scene tonight with Sally and Colleen both crying and hugging each other, it was so moving. Normal you associate colleen with funny scenes but you forget how good she is at the serious emotional stuff, like the time she read the poem at flynns funeral and her voice totally changed from high pitched to smooth and calm. It makes you realise how under rated she is sometimes and what an asset she is to the show.

That's why it's so annoying that Colleen and some of the other characters are so underused. They are all great actors and when they are given the storyline material, they really pull it off. But when they're not given anything to do, how are they supposed to show what they are made of?

I have officially stopped watching :( I'd start watching again if they gave Leah or Irene a storyline, I'm so fed up of seeing Drew and Belle constantly.

Drew and Belle do have alot of storylines, I agree, but I i'm sorry to hear that you have stopped watching because of them, and the fact that Leah, Irene, etc. don't have any storylines going at the moment. Leah will have a really good storyline next year though!

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Received news today that H&A will be taking a slightly longer break than originally stated - however an upside to this means that the days that episodes air on in the UK will finally correspond once again with the Aus dates i.e. a Friday cliffhanger episode will air on a Friday in the UK :wink:

Revised schedule is on the main site

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