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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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It'll do us good to have a break. I bet I'll forget all about Home and Away over Christmas and then happily rediscover it afterwards :) I must admit that today when Lucas and Geoff started arguing AGAIN, I did think 'I'm fed up with the same old stuff'! And dragging up that old cult storyline again... I think I am in need of time away from the bay :wink:

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I seemed to recognize reverand Hall, is it the same guy who plays Nelson in All Saints?

Yep, although he looks a bit different as a priest :P. He's played by Paul Tassone...

Thanks :) I thought it was him, i agree he's changed a bit though and i'm not sure about the facial hair :lol:

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I'm so mad at Tony right now :angry: I usually quite like him but recently he's just being so mean to Lucas. Lucas was completely right with what he said -'When Geoff plays footie it's dedication, but when I right it's obsession' (or something like that). Tony had no right at all to treat him like that, sure he could have voiced his disapproval about Lucas not being at Jack's engagement party but to make him go like like that was out of order. It was also pretty insensitive to treat his writing a novel almost like a nuissence, I might be completely wrong but isn't it inspired by his grief over Lisa? If so Tony is being one insensitive un-father like father at the minute.

On a happier note I think I'm really going to like Tam :) but did anyone else think Jack was out of line breaking into her car like that? I mean fair enough she stole his stuff and he thought it was her car, but he may have been completely wrong, and as a 'cop' isn't he supposed to know that breaking into someone's car is against the law? It might not have even been her car and he had no hard evidence that it was her that stole from him and even if he did wouldn't it still be aginst the law to break into someone else's car and help yourself to their bag :huh: ?

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I'm so mad at Tony right now :angry: I usually quite like him but recently he's just being so mean to Lucas. Lucas was completely right with what he said -'When Geoff plays footie it's dedication, but when I right it's obsession' (or something like that). Tony had no right at all to treat him like that, sure he could have voiced his disapproval about Lucas not being at Jack's engagement party but to make him go like like that was out of order. It was also pretty insensitive to treat his writing a novel almost like a nuissence, I might be completely wrong but isn't it inspired by his grief over Lisa? If so Tony is being one insensitive un-father like father at the minute.

I do agree! Tony is really annoying at the moment. I couldn't believe that he forced Lucas to go to the party while he was writing. Everyone seems to have forgotten about poor old Lisa and that Lucas is still upset about her death. I know people forget about deaths quickly in soaps :lol: but it shouldn't be like that. What Tony should do is take Lucas on a trip/ day out just as a father and son bonding thing, and leave Geoff at home and not talk about football at all. I think the problem is that there's too much testosterone in Tony's house and he, Lucas and Geoff all need girlfriends to add some caring-ness and balance to the place. Nice girlfriends I mean, not like that Jazz woman.

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Yes Irene is back but lets hope it's not just a temporary thing and we don't loose her again to serving coffee and muffins in the diner!

As for Drew/Jazz thing... atlast the right thing has happened and Drew has got the money... but i'm guessing having your mother treat you like that is going to affect you for a long while! Hopefully there will be no more underhand moves from Jazz anymore!

I quite liked Jazz when she came and her and Hotdad's pairing was quite nice... i think she may have a bit of a heart somewhere... her intentions are never that bad she's just a bit too selfish!

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