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Yes i don't think she's completely selfish ... when she was talking to Tony on the beach when he found out about her whole deception of Drew thing... she really showed emotion that felt genuine! I guess with Jazz nothing is black and white... definitely grey areas though!

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Feisty Irene is back yay, she is truly at her best when she is fighting to protect her kids.

I agree, it's fantastic to have her back in a more central role! Irene cannot be confined to the Diner anymore! :angry: We've seen some great stuff from Lynne over the last few episodes and it's been such a refreshing change to have Irene actually doing something other than serving burgers!

As for the whole Jazz thing, I feel sorry for her in one way, she's lost Drew's trust, the money etc. but to be honest, she's pretty much brought that on herself. BUT in her defence she seems incredibly guilty and I do believe that she's genuinely sorry for the hurt she's caused. Even so, she's like Amanda...conniving :P.

Rewinding back to yesterdays (Five) episode, I thought it was very OTT. I can understand Martha and Irene wanting to raise awareness about Jonah/Michael (I have to think of a joint name for him...:lol:), but a town meeting?... :blink:. Apart from that seeming a bit stupid, Martha then goes and sprays ''evil'' all over his van and THEN the scene with Martha running away from Jonah, or whatever his name is, was in slow motion...it all seemed a bit naff to me. But that's just my opinion :P. You've got to take the good with the bad sometimes!

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Rewinding back to yesterdays (Five) episode, I thought it was very OTT. I can understand Martha and Irene wanting to raise awareness about Jonah/Michael (I have to think of a joint name for him...:lol:), but a town meeting?... :blink:. Apart from that seeming a bit stupid, Martha then goes and sprays ''evil'' all over his van and THEN the scene with Martha running away from Jonah, or whatever his name is, was in slow motion...it all seemed a bit naff to me. But that's just my opinion :P. You've got to take the good with the bad sometimes!

Totally agree. The whole mineshaft thing is ridiculous. Surely they could have thought of a better way to have Martha and Jonah/Michael stuck together? Have they never heard of a lift?! When they did this storyline with the Sutherlands it was stretching plausibility but they just about pulled it off, whereas this time it just seems like a pantomime. Sure, she wanted to get away from Jonah, but even Martha isn't daft enough to run straight through a 'no entry' sign!

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Sure, she wanted to get away from Jonah, but even Martha isn't daft enough to run straight through a 'no entry' sign!

Also, Jonah was shouting out ''Don't go in there, it's dangerous'' and still she went in there! He wouldn't be shouting that out for the sake of it! Even in a situation like that, I think you'd still see the 'no entry' sign. Like you say, I think it's all a bit panto :lol:. Tonights Five Life episode was good though. But that still doesn't make up for the implausibility of Martha running straight through the 'no entry' sign, and into the mineshaft. Oh, and I forgot to mention that it's extremly annoying to see Martha in yet ANOTHER storyline. When will the poor girl have a break? And by that, I mean both Jodi, as an actress, and Martha as a character who has had too much to do this year. If underused characters (we all know who they are, so I won't name them) were given more storylines, maybe I wouldn't be so cheesed off but seeing as they don't, I think it's reasonable for me to be annoyed at the favouritism of certain characters.

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I agree, lets face it you couldn't exactly miss the no entry sign like that, not even in a blind panic. I just feel like Martha's storylines are becoming more OTT by the minute, she is just pushed from one storyline to the next without a break. Its just too much sometimes and it leaves other characters neglected.

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^ I thought you'd stopped watching :lol:.

Back to last nights episode...the sign was bright red and it was right next to the entrance of the mineshaft...how could she miss it?! Okay, so she was being chased and everything, but even still I just can't see how anyone could miss it. However naff last nights episode was, the episode that was on Five Life tonight was very good. That kind of made up for the panto-filled episode we had yesterday! Irene going off at Bruce in the Surf Club was the highlight of the episode, I thought, as it was the only part that seemed even remotely realistic. I very rarely dislike huge chunks of an episode, but yesterday was really bad. The writers do a fantastic job and I love them all to bits, but sometimes specific episodes and the storylines within them can go way OTT.

Sorry writers, we love you most of the time but we weren't too keen on last nights episode :P.

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Oh, and I forgot to mention that it's extremly annoying to see Martha in yet ANOTHER storyline. When will the poor girl have a break? And by that, I mean both Jodi, as an actress, and Martha as a character who has had too much to do this year. If underused characters (we all know who they are, so I won't name them) were given more storylines, maybe I wouldn't be so cheesed off but seeing as they don't, I think it's reasonable for me to be annoyed at the favouritism of certain characters.

I was going to say that. Ok, so I make no secret of the fact that Martha isn't my favourite character, but I don't think I'm being biased against her when I say that she has far far far too much screen time. I was a huge KK fan in their day, but I can still admit that they hogged the limelight and deprived other characters of storylines (however much I loved it :lol:). I actually feel sorry for Jodi - with everything she's had to deal with in her personal life, a role as overly-demanding as this surely isn't fair on her. If they're not careful she'll burn out and have to take a break from the show, or even leave altogether.

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