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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I like Sam. It isn't always easy to identify with her, but that's what makes her a realistic character. People react differently to stress and it's obvious that she doesn't know what she's doing. She doesn't mean to be irrational, she's just terrified of losing her fiance. I also agree with Amii that she's too good for this awful storyline. I used to think she and Jack made such a great couple, but I hate the way they've brought her back just to play second fiddle to Martha. IMO it trivializes the relationship Jack and Sam had the first time round when they suggest that Jack's heart has been with Martha all along. Plus I hate what they're doing to Jack's character as an individual - he used to be a decent, sensible, hard working guy, and now he's become a pathetic, corrupt cop who's one sandwich short of a picnic and makes a hobby out of stringing women along. :angry:

I completely agree with this, Sam doesnt deserve what the writers are doing to her. She is a perfectly sane woman considering every ounce of pain and heartache she has been through. She is remarkable and its a shame she was brought in to be a pawn in JM's relationship while they 'rediscover' their feelings for each other.

It is pathetic :)

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Brad and Sally closing the door on their relationship together, it touched me :)

Kate and Chris were excellent...

I totally agree - I especially liked the line where Brad said something like "we're both still too young to lead half a life" - it was really touching.

I'm just not sure what to make of Ric/Mattie/Viv. The thought of them getting together is really horrible, however, the way that Viv has made Ric start to realise that his ambitions shouldn't totally centre around Mattie could be good in the long run for their relationship.

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Loving the Leah/Dan and Brad/Sally stuff. I'm really glad the writers have been realistic about Brad and Sally - yes, it would have been sweet to see them reunited and some fans would have been very happy, but the majority of viewers seemed to realise that the chemistry just wasn't strong enough for them to last long-term.

I'm also very pleased with the way it was handled. The scene where they came to the conclusion that they were better off as friends was very well acted by both Kate and Chris...a really good scene, I thought :D.

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I really wish that Jack and Martha would go off together into the sunset and never be seen again :angry:

I think Sam would be more suitable for Tony in a way- she has had a hell of a life and seems to be more his age than Jack's [in a nice way I mean, I'm not saying she is an old crone :lol:].

I also can't think why Ric is going off with Viv. He has a pretty young girlfriend, why would he like an older woman? There have been so many of these storylines lately- Drew/Amanda; Lucas/Naomi; Jules/Jazz. Is it a rite of passage for these lads to have an affair with an older woman?

I laughed when Dom reminded Belle that Drew had had an affair with her mother, so wasn't a suitable boyfriend for Belle. Even tho Dom is a madman, he talks sense sometimes

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^^^I agree with you about J/M - if they were to spontaneously combust I for one would not complain :wink: .

I've never thought of a Sam/Tony pairing but it may be interesting come to think of it- although I would love to see Tony/Racel, Sam does deserve better than Jack though.

With the Viv/Ric thing I guess he just likes not having to be the one looking after someone- with Mattie he always seems to be there for her and looking after her but she doesn't seem to do the same for him. Personally I really like Viv/Ric together :P .

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I noticed something recently to do with the whole Jack and Martha thing

This is the 3rd time Jack's been seriously injured and in hospital and they've all been at pivotal times in his relationship with Martha

1. On they're wedding day, Jack gets seriously injured by the bomb that blew up the wedding barn dance.

2. Beaten up by gangsters who were after Drew to get to Peter (Who's liver Jack supposedly got in a transplant) and Martha was the only one in town with the blood type to save him, all while their marriage was falling apart.

3. The day he's supposed to sign the divorce papers, he gets shot.

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This is the 3rd time Jack's been seriously injured and in hospital and they've all been at pivotal times in his relationship with Martha

Yes, I'm starting to think Jack is immortal :lol: He had to re-learn how to walk one of these times didn't he?

That is a good point about the liver- who's liver did Jack get if Peter wasn't dead after all? :unsure: Strange.

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