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So many young lads are like that tho... Luckily many are not. Is Aden messing about with Tam to annoy Geoff? :unsure:

You could be on to something there - Aden really doesn't like Geoff after he took his place on the football team - or maybe he was trying to annoy Brad? :unsure: I feel really sorry for Tam though, she obviously really liked him :angry:

Perhaps it's a bit of both. Tam and Geoff weren't going out together, but Aiden knew Tam liked him. And he certainly would have known it would upset Brad. Perhaps Geoff will take Tam to the Formal :)

How close is Ric going to get to Viv, he's playing a dangerous game now he knows what Neil is like. I don't think Matty will understand that he just being nice to her. I can see Neil being the type to drop all sorts of hints to Matty.

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I think Aden is just basically horrible. I've never liked him, he is weird looking [perhaps a bit harsh there :lol:] and creepy.

I tend to agree, the way he treated Tam the next day showed he felt no remorse. Also the way he spoke to Brad and Sally was totally out of order, they are his teachers and he should show some respect :angry:

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I'm feeling the need to rant about the Ric and Matilda storyline. I can't believe that a couple I spent so long wanting to get together have been ruined so badly. They had such enormous potential - how on earth did the writers manage to get it so wrong? I don't feel that either of them has behaved characteristically and it's got to the point where I don't like either of them individually very much, let alone the two of them as a couple. And as for Viv... *shudders* ...what an awful woman.

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I'm feeling the need to rant about the Ric and Matilda storyline. I can't believe that a couple I spent so long wanting to get together have been ruined so badly. They had such enormous potential - how on earth did the writers manage to get it so wrong? I don't feel that either of them has behaved characteristically and it's got to the point where I don't like either of them individually very much, let alone the two of them as a couple. And as for Viv... *shudders* ...what an awful woman.

I suppose the writers feel the need to shake things up a bit in case it gets too cosy. I don't think there's been one couple in the Bay that hasn't had problems at one time or another. I do wish Ric would do something with his hair, it looks so messy.

And could Tango Girl (Cassie) please stop interfering :angry: , Ric was right she can't talk about cheating on someone. Even though it was wrong that Ric went straight round to Viv's after Matty told him it was over. I think though it was more of a knee jerk reaction on his part.

So Rachel is pregnant, though you think she would have realised that being a doctor :huh: How is Lewis going to react - not well, I'm thinking.

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I have always hated Cassie.. Why have they made the character like that.. She is always judging people, putting herself into other people's business.. Not just in the currently episodes, but I was rewatching older episodes from last year and she was doing the same then.. She just feels like she can judge everyone, even if she has made the same mistake before.

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More Jack and Martha :angry: , anyone else feel sorry for Sam? I mean is Jack really that stupid, does he really expect that after finding out that his ex wife told him he shouldn't marry Sam that Sam would be ok with it all? Or am I missing something and does he not know that Sam knows? He's just so weak either he loves Sam and wants to marry her- in which case he should see how uncomfortable she is with Martha being around all the time or he should admit that he doesn't want to marry her and be done with it.

"Me and Martha planned our wedding in a week" "Yeah and it lasted all of four months" :lol: has a truer word ever been spoken on HAA? And funny how Jack's already up and about and ready to go back to being one of the most useless cops in the history of Summerbay... to think it was only a couple of weeks ago we were all wondering whether he would even wake up.

I absolutely hate the way Jack and Martha are presented as some kind of fairytale couple forced to be apart, it's quite tragic and pretty cringeworthy at times, she left him because he was a cop and shock horror actually had to work hours other than 9-5, what's more is she left him while he was in hospital and slept with is best mate then proceeded to begin a relationship with him (even though he himself was a cop, not exactly the brightest crayon in the box Martha , it didn't even matter that he had a wife and kids tucked away- so lesson to be learnt- it's ok if you're a lying cheating sleazebag just as long as you don't work too much :wink: ). Even if the Ash stuff never happened Martha stilly said she fell out of love with Jack, that isn't (in my book) some all-conquering great love that it is constantly made out to be.

As for trying on Sam's wedding dress- who does that , seriously who would try on someone else's wedding dress without their permission, especially being that person's fiance's ex wife and knowing that the women doesn't exactly like you, plus being sweaty and dirty from working on the farm all day- it's just beyond pathetic and way beyond the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.I really wouldn't blame Sam if she wanted to throttle Martha, in fact I'd encourage her to and while she's at it maybe she could do the same to Jack...pretty please?

Oh and poor scruffy :( ... another reason to hate Jack.

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I actually feel really sorry for Sam again, i just wonder how it must make her feel when Jack does nothing but talk about Martha all the time, it can't exactly be doing much for her self esteem.

I also can't believe the way Lewis acted when Rachel told him that she was pregnant, what a coward. I felt so sad for her when she miscarried, having a baby was her dream and she would be a brilliant mum. I just hope she has the sense to get rid of Lewis, i'm sure there is someone perfect for her out there :)

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As for trying on Sam's wedding dress- who does that , seriously who would try on someone else's wedding dress without their permission, especially being that person's fiance's ex wife and knowing that the women doesn't exactly like you, plus being sweaty and dirty from working on the farm all day- it's just beyond pathetic and way beyond the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.

Very true - who would do that? No one would - it's just such a terrible thing to do, especially out in the open where you are quite likely to be caught by somone! Poor Sam - as if it wasn't enough that Jack was clearly uninterested in their wedding plans and only wanted to discuss whether Martha was coming to the wedding - now her fiances ex-wife has worn her wedding dress! I don't know how she can stand any more - she needs to tell him to get lost!

I really liked Jack and Martha as a couple and still want them to get back together, but I'm getting increasingly annoyed by this constant will they/won't they and abuse of poor Sam :angry:

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I don't even like Sam but Jesus, Martha! What the hell is wrong with her? Am I meant to care about her and Jack? Am I meant to give a damn whether they get back together or not?

Jack is a spineless idiot who has absolutely no conception of what is acceptable behaviour (as if catching your ex in your bride's dress is something that can be brushed over) and Martha is an obsessed fool. Horrible, unlikeable mess of a character.

Glad to have go that off my chest. :cool:

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