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What the hell was Martha thinking of by trying on Sam's dress!! :o I'd liked to have throttled her. To think Sam went out there to try and make friends (again). I know I don't like Sam (bit too clingy) but even she didn't deserve that. Now she is going to find out Jack went back there (again) when the other cop could have gone. BTW when he (the other cop) called Michael Abraham was he being sarcastic? I must admit though Martha did look good in the dress it fitted her very well which lead me to wonder if it fitted her so well how was it going to look on Sam? They are different heights and build. Sam is certainly going to let Jack have it with both barrels (no pun intended) when she sees him.

Poor Scruffy, hope he is O.K.

Poor Rachel, I know she wasn't that far along in the pregnacy, but it still must have been a awful shock. I know Lewis didn't act well at all, but he was honest about not being ready to be a dad, even though it was all academic. He didn't pretend that all was going to fine and then let her down later. I wonder how Rachel would have managed if she hadn't lost the baby, she would have been a single mum with a very demanding job. I know she wouldn't be the first or the last and lots of single mums manage fine, but this is soap land.

BTW this is a much better forum than the one on5, it got too bogged down with personal messages. You had to wade through pages and pages before you got to anything to do with H&A. :D

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It just dawned on me [when I saw the dream type sequence with Martha in Sam's dress] that the reason Martha is constantly in every episode is that one [or all] of the writers is in love with her. They love the character so much that they want to write about her all the time.

I also thought about what someone wrote about why Lucas wasn't at the Formal [although I know why he wasn't there, having read future episode guides]. If he had gone along, Tam could have gone with him, which would have been better than going with her big brother. Two partner-less people together... aw...

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I was watching todays episode and Jack is the one I feel sorry for. Martha shouldnt have put the dress on, I will admit that but Sam had to make Jack lose all happiness of getting married. I am glad Sam feels insecure. She is bringing it on herself. Martha even said she would back off, I dont understand Sam.

She gets what she wants namely Jack and she still isnt happy. Get over it!!

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I was watching todays episode and Jack is the one I feel sorry for. Martha shouldnt have put the dress on, I will admit that but Sam had to make Jack lose all happiness of getting married. I am glad Sam feels insecure. She is bringing it on herself. Martha even said she would back off, I dont understand Sam.

She gets what she wants namely Jack and she still isnt happy. Get over it!!

I can see how people view Sam as controlling/annoying/clinging, but I just feel really sorry for her. It's obvious that Jack isn't really sold on the idea of marriage (she was the one to propose in the first place, after all) and that he still has strong feelings for his ex wife, so it's pretty much impossible for Sam to be happy even if she seems to have got what she wanted. Who wants to be with somebody who blatantly loves someone else? :blink: Ok, so Jack hasn't actually done much wrong, but it's more what he hasn't done. He hasn't shown Sam that he loves her 100% (because he obviously doesn't!) so it's no surprise she's insecure. He seems to take Martha's side in everything, even when she borrows his fiance's wedding dress without permission - either that or he just doesn't express an opinion at all. 'Spineless' is the word that springs to mind. In fact, Jack's personality has taken such a turn for the worse recently that I actually preferred it when he was in a coma.

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Martha backed off, Jack hasnt.

Sam just cant face the idea that Jack maybe doesnt want her and thats a scary thought.

Well yeah, it is a scary thought that your fiance might be in love with someone else. Isn't it understandable that she doesn't want to confront the issue? She spent years on the run from her crazy ex husband and thought she'd finally found happiness and security with Jack, so the prospect of losing that must be awful. I do agree that Martha has tried to be sensible, but they ruined it by having her try on the dress. All four of them are coming across quite badly at the moment, but at least with Sam I know that I would actually like her if she wasn't involved in the whole JM mess. The other three I just can't stand.

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