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If only Tony hadn't interfered the whole situation could have been resolved by now! I know he was only looking out for his son and wants him to be happy but I think by trying to keep Jack and Martha apart he's just made the situation worse - drawing out the pain for everyone involved.

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If only Tony hadn't interfered the whole situation could have been resolved by now! I know he was only looking out for his son and wants him to be happy but I think by trying to keep Jack and Martha apart he's just made the situation worse - drawing out the pain for everyone involved.

Maybe it would have been better if Tony had let Jack make his own mistakes, but you can understand why he interfered. If someone you loved was about to cheat on their fiance, you'd tell them not to, right? Plus Jack is so fickle that he'd probably change his mind again five minutes later, in which case he'd have been hurting more people for no reason. Personally I think Tony should have given him a good slap.

Today's episode was really great. Ric and Matilda are such a good couple, as well as being strong characters individually, so it's lovely to see them get more screen time. Although I'm by no means a fan of the Viv storyline, Mark and Indiana definitely did it justice.

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Was Viv's 'oh I thought you knew' genuine or not? Matty could have had the row with Ric somewhere more private than in front of Aiden and his mates though.

What is the fall out going to be after the accident? Tango girl over the limit, car overloaded. More headaches for Sally. Why didn't she or Matty use their mobiles to ring someone to come and get them? They must have had them with them.

What was Drew thinking of selling drinks to a minor - letting money overrulehis common sense. Perhaps he is more like Jazz that he would like to admit.

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I think it was nice to see Ric acting like a normal person for once, and not Saint Ric who solves everyone's problems. He was acting irresponsibly, getting drunk, fighting- its about time! He seems to have been so calm for so long, looking after Mattie, Sally, and all his friends. Go on Ric, stop bottling it all up :)

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I think it was nice to see Ric acting like a normal person for once, and not Saint Ric who solves everyone's problems. He was acting irresponsibly, getting drunk, fighting- its about time! He seems to have been so calm for so long, looking after Mattie, Sally, and all his friends. Go on Ric, stop bottling it all up :)

Totally agree, its great to see Ric letting his hair down (no pun intended) for a change. I think he has had so many responsibility's that he has had to grow up too quickly. It was nice to see him relaxed and letting go :D

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Totally agree, its great to see Ric letting his hair down (no pun intended) for a change.

:lol: That made me laugh.

I think most of the recent episodes have been really good. There's been some fantastic one-liners, there's been loads of great acting and there has been bucket loads of drama. However, I am not a fan of all of the recent Sam/Jack/Martha stuff. It's been going on way too long. The storyline is being strung out to it's death and I am bored, sick and tired of it all. I'm also not a fan of the way it's changed the characters. I used to like Martha and Jack (as individual characters, I must add), but this storyline has turned them into completely different characters. I can't exactly explain how, but they have definitely changed and for the worst. Please bring back the Jack and Martha from early 06! :(

Anyway, onto the positives. Roman...:wub:. He's finally arrived! Wooo hoo. And how fantastic has it been to see Irene and Leah have a bit of screentime. Scruffy has had more screentime this year than those to put together! It's well overdue, but at least there's some storyline material for them now.

Mark and Indiana. Wow. They have to win a logie, right?! Their performances lately have been incredible. The scene in the patio was so well done. They brought just the right amount of emotion to the scene and you could really feel the pain that they were both going through.

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^ I agree about Roman, he seems really nice and i guess he's not bad to look at either :P

Its so good watching Leah and Irene together, they have such a great partnership (in the business sense you understand) its such a great pity Leah is off to America, I will really miss her, and Dan for that matter :(

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