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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I meant to say ages ago that I thought the attacker might be Aden- he's nasty enough, but I couldn't think of a reason for him to attack women at the hospital.

I was also thinking about the 'having kids' situation for Tony and Rachel- she's obviously dying to have them, but Tony's been there before. I don't know if he would want to go through all the sleepless nights etc. again, having brought up his older kids already. I suppose it wouldn't be him going through all the worst stuff though, he'd just have to support Rachel through it. Its like the Monica/Richard situation in Friends.

If its anything like the Lucas/Naomi/Tony situation, Lucas might just jump into bed with Rachel :whistle:

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I think something has to happen between Tony and Rachel. I thought he was swooning over her rather a lot when she got back from hospital :lol: I can't imagine what Jack and Lucas would think though if she became their stepmother :lol:

I think they'd be quite pleased for their dad. Jack and Rachel are friends so that might be a bit awkward, but I think they'd see the funny side. There aren't really many reasons for them to object to the relationship - Rachel isn't that much younger than Tony and they know she's a lovely person and wouldn't deliberately hurt him. The only issue is babies, as Sarah said. But Tony is only in his early 40s and plenty of men father children at that age, so who knows? A mini Tachel would be very cute!

A mini Tachel? Ha! Im liking it! :P I think if they had a child I can imagine it being a little boy and him having incredibly curly hair like Rachel only blonde, quite longish but not too long, similar to Dan's sons Ryan's hair in terms of length but major curly and he's gonna have blue eyes.

Okay, am I going too far imagining what their child would look like? Heh :P

As for Aden... There's something about that character that I dont like. Obviously I already hate how he's a bully but the whole thing with Tam where he tried to take advantage of her whilst his friends filmed it... I thought that was really creepy considering Tam was like 14 and he's like what...18? It wasnt so much the age gap it was just how he tried to take advantage you know?

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hehe...you are moving kinda fast but it's cool, it's nice to see vivid imaginations at work, lol! but i think they should have a little girl, all the little kids in home & away seem to be boys at the minute, apart from pippa, (i think i'm right) so they need to balance it out a bit. besides, tony's had two boys, i think it's time he got blessed with a daughter! she could still have curly blond hair and blue eyes!

oh, and in reply to someone wondering about jack & lucas' reaction to a much younger sibling, i hope it causes jack to have a stroke and never recover (you would be right to think i'm in-hate with jack at the minute since the jerk messed things up for my beloved michael :( don't see myself ever forgiving him for that!) as for lucas, i don't know, i've always been indifferent to him...he's never made me care about what happens to him!

on a serious note, i do wonder whether tony will go for the idea of becoming a father again when he thinks that part of his life is over, BUT with all the men in rachel's life disappointing her on the baby front, i don't think they'll do it again a third time, let's just hope that it comes up before things get too serious!

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I had typed a reply before, then my sysyem went down, so I've got to do it all again! :angry:

It would be nice to see Tony and Rachel together, she hasn't had much luck with men in the past. As for a baby, well we will just have to wait and see. Kim was too young (although he seemed to come round to the idea once Kit has his baby). Leiwis didn't want any and as for Hugh, we'll never know.

What about Belle visiting Dom? So it was a coma he was in, nobody ever mentioned it, did they? Do you think she is protesting a bit too much when she says she doesn't like him?

Sally definitely feels a connection with the tramp, has he mentioned a name yet? Is this the beginning of the storyline where Kate Ritchie leaves?

Geoff was sorely tempted to hit Aiden, but in the end it was Aiden who walked (or rather limped) off. How come the police were not involved in the vandalism of the church?

On another totally unrelated subject, how come none of the people in the Bay have a pet - no budgies, goldfish, nothing!

I know there was Scruffy, but he was a working dog.

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Todays: Henk may not be a good character but damn, the actor is quite hot!

No Musie, don't go over to the dark side! Ok, too late... :P Have to admit Cassie and Henk were quite sweet today, although I'm not a fan of there being yet another teen pregnancy/marriage in the show. Seriously, who gets married at 18 these days? Aside from everyone in Summer Bay that is! Surely they can think of more innovative storylines for the younger cast members than that?

Oh my word, Rachel and Tony are getting more adorable by the day. :wub: The scene at the gym where Tony was so obviously jealous of Roman made my heart melt.

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I really enjoyed the scenes between Cassie and Henk in tonights episode, they are obviously very much in love. In fact you could almost find yourself warming to henk :o I said "almost" :P

I loved Tony's face when Roman was chatting to Rachel, he almost turned green with jealousy :lol: soooo cute :wub:

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I really enjoyed the scenes between Cassie and Henk in tonights episode, they are obviously very much in love. In fact you could almost find yourself warming to henk :o I said "almost" :P

I loved Tony's face when Roman was chatting to Rachel, he almost turned green with jealousy :lol: soooo cute :wub:

The hotdad is looking hotter by the day to me... he seems so cute and i think he would make such a sweet couple with Rachel! Tony sure didn't like Roman muscling in on his territory! :lol:

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Oh so obvious (to us) anyway that Tony fancies Rachel :wink: He was trying so hard to be friendly when he (Roman) and Rachel were chatting. He looked 'overjoyed' when he found out he staying in the Bay. Irene is warming to him too, but he probably has a secret. Nearly everyone who comes to the Bay does.

There is some really shocking news next week regarding Cassie :o It could be related to the call that Henck got.

Definitely not a good idea for Geoff to loosen Rev. Hall's bindings. You just know something bad is going to come of it. He used Geoff because he knows Geoff still looks up to him.

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